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Saturday 6 th of May 2017 and the driver called me 5 minutes before 3 o'clock. I was already outside the elevator with my bags and boxes. We were soon on our way towards Suvarnabhumi in light Saturday traffic. But suddenly BOOM and it came to a stop. I think it was an accident. But we were soon on our way again and we arrived to Suvarnabhumi at 4 o'clock, or just before 4.

On the way to Suvarnabhumi International with AOT Limousine Service
It started to rain just when I left my apartment

On the way to Suvarnabhumi International with AOT Limousine Service
Light Saturday traffic on the tool way

On the way to Suvarnabhumi International with AOT Limousine Service
Light Saturday traffic on the tool way

On the way to Suvarnabhumi International with AOT Limousine Service
Almost there

Not much people and I had checked-in, passed security and immigration in a few minutes. I went straight down to Thai Airways Lounge where I will have to spend about 2 hours before it is time toThai Airways Lounge at Suvarnabhumi Internationalboard Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai/ Bombay.

I started by grabbing some snacks as I was hungry and after that I called Mumbai Travellers. Now for two or three weeks, no confirmation about my bird watching or car. I had called them when I was back home from the birding.

I was not impressed by their service. Actualy, I was angry, itb was 20 minutes before it is time for me to leave and they have still not come up with anything. I was in the AOT car going to Suvarnabhumi when I got the below e-mail.

Dear Sir,

We have not received confirmation about boating permit for this weekend yet from Forest Department.

This is the reason that we have been not able to confirm anything yet.

We are trying our best and still hopeful that we can get permit issue by 4 pm. If that works out then we will approach you for your update.

But maybe now things start to happen as there was the below addition in the e-mail

Btw Miss XXX is not keeping well so she will not be able to revert emails.

Very sorry for any inconvinience caused.

Is not keeping well, what does that mean? I guess that you can swap it for anything “she is xxxxx” Well, I called Mumbai Travellers from the lounge and they are trying to get a permission from the forestMumbai Travellersdepartment for tomorrow morning.

Anyway, there will be a car at the hotel at 06:30. I have booked a car and driver for 2 full days, tomorrow and next Saturday, so there willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be some birding for me in Mumbai/ Bombay.

Time turned quickly and it was soon time to leave for Gate C7 and Thai Airways flight TG 317.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Walking to gate C7

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Walking to gate C7

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Walking to gate C7

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Our aircraft at gate C7

Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Our aircraft at gate C7

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
And as no surprise, she have to tell then that it is not their turn to board

I was up at the door with a group flying Y class. For sure not their turn to board. Never mind, I had a chat with them about India, birding and tiger safaris. I was standing 20 to 30 cm from the AC. Nice and cool

Suddenly BOOM, one of their children ran in to my 2kg wrist watch trying to run between me and the AC. It was a loud BOOM when he hit my wrist watch. Of course, they have to keep track of their children, but needless to say, it was my fault and no more talk about tiger safaris

Seriously, how can this be my fault? I'm standing still, should I have to keep my eye out forYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.strunning children? I don't think so! Never mind, it was time to board.

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
It was nice to be on board

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
I walk around taking pictures with my phone to send on line


Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
Always time to Line

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
Always time to Line

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
Dinner in the sky

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
They bring sweets

Thai Airways flight TG 317 to Mumbai
My IT Centre is up and running

Good dinner and work on my lap top and time passed very quickly and it was soon time to land. 4 hours disappeared like nothing and we were soon approaching Mumbai. We landed on time and I was soon in the Chhatrapati Shivavaji International Airport Terminal 2.

I was limping along, it is quite a distance to walk to the immigration so I was pleasantly surprised when one of those electric trucks stopped and asked me to get on board. Now we were flying past all the other passengers and I reached immigration in a jiff.

If they would not have stopped I would still be walking from the gate to the immigration. Darn! ItYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas a long ride. But was really fun riding the Lard-mobile. We plunged down Chhatrapati Shivavaji International Airport Terminal 2 on the Lard-mobile.

We passed a convoy of people in wheel chairs. They must have been several hundred years old, soold I though it must be a World War I convention in town. We hissed past the struggling old timers in their wheel chairs and I was soon in the immigration.

4 people ahead of me and I expected to be in the baggage claim area in a few minutes. I have been through the Indian immigration a few times and it have never been any problems. A stamp in my pass port and a “Have a good time!”

Seriously, it is the same every time I check-in, buy a ticket or passing the immigration. I do it in 2 minutes but the people in front of me can stretch the simplest of things for hours. This guy had some serious problem and then they took him away to some other office. There were gone for a few minutes before they came back.

They opened a new desk and I was soon through immigration. I got my luggage and my driver was waiting outside and I was soon in my room. It was 11 o'clock in the evening and I had asked for a wake-up call at 5 thirty. Mumbai Travellers had obviously given up. I got an e-mail when I arrived here that they had not heard from me.

I spoke with them in Bangkok and I confirmed that I wanted the car before boarding. I also informed him that I was going to board now. Well, idiots, luckily enough Holiday Inn arranged a car for me. We will go to Sanjay Gandhi National Park to look for some bird watching tomorrow morning. Click HERE to find out how this turns out.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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