Singapore Airlines flight SQ983 to Singapore

Thursday 9 th of September 2017 and I went down to the parking lot quarter to 5 and my taxi was there already. I brought down my packing and we were soon stuck in heavy traffic on Sukhumvit.

Du Thoomaas, då e d dags igen

5 o'clock and it was a gridlock. The original plan was to have left at 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the Thai Airways afternoon flight. But by the time we should by the ticket it was too late and we had to buy a ticket with the Singapore Airlines night flight. So there are a few setbacks, arrival after midnight and the afternoon traffic in Bangkok.

Arriving a wee bit late to be able to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to go look for birds. The traffic at Sukhumvit was at a full stop and, well, I was not worried, 4 hours to departure. But I wouldn't have mind the traffic to move. As soon as we were on the Toll way the traffic moved again. For 200 meters and then it was stop again

Bangkok traffic
We're not moving very fast

Bangkok traffic
Bumper to bumper on the toll way

Bangkok traffic
Light traffic and we're hauling arse

Bangkok traffic
At Suvarnabhumi International

We were soon out of the traffic jam, I suspect most of the traffic is to the suburbs north of Bangkok. We made it to Suvarnabhumi in less than 90 minutes. Still much longer than normal, but not bad. Check in was almost empty so it went pretty quick. Immigration and security was passed quite quickly.

And that is even though I let a family with two small children go ahead of me. I was aiming for the queue with 3 people and I was approaching when the family decided to change line. They stepped back when they saw me plunging down the terminal aiming for that line. I stopped and let them go ahead. It was a little bit of the normal nonsense
- No, you go
- NO NO!
- Yeah, go ahead

But they were carrying two small babies and I could imagine that they wanted to come through so they could relax, so I insisted. I took their line as there were less people now. The Immigration Officer in my line was so slow the family was long gone before I was at the immigration officer. Darn, I should have picket their line even if there were more people. I was hungry and lucky to fly with Singapore Airlines. Gate D7 just at immigration and their lounge is just next to the gate.

Du Thoomaas, en massa “omkring” arbete för att få med sig MAXISARNA

Security at Suvarnabhumi International
Security and not much people

Silverkris Lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
I reach the lounge

Last time I was at the SilverKris lounge I had some delicious spaghetti and meat sauce, this made me even hungrier, just to think about it. Well, today it was spaghetti and mushroom sauce, yes, running straight in to a disappointment. But the food at the SilverKris Lounge at Suvarnabhumi is good so I was full by the time I left for gate D7 and Singapore Airlines flight SQ983 to Singapore.

I asked the staff if they had a seat available with an empty seat next to me. They found a seat and they printed a new boarding pass and after a few minutes the boarding started. The plane looked nice, even in the “caddle” part of the plane. Of course, the same small seats so I wa slucky to have a empty seat next to me. And maybe I was lucky that they had swapped the meat sauce for mushroom sauce in the SilverKris Lounge or it might have been necessary with two empty seat next to me.

But I had a lady in the same row. She was hawking and spitting in the barf bag. Yes, Chinese and after a while I lost it. She was hawking things up and it was not very pleasant.
- You are not home on the farm, I said.
- What?
- You are not home on the farm hawking and spitting!

She stopped and I could relax. I had soon a terrible restless right leg. I asked for a pain killer and the restless leg had soon changed to the left leg.

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Killing the boredom sending Line messages waiting for take-off

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Killing the boredom sending Line messages waiting for take-off

Killing the boredom sending stupid Line videos waiting for take-off

Killing the boredom sending stupid Line videos waiting for take-off

Strange what the boredom makes to you. But time passed quickly and we were soon airborne bound for Singapore. This flight was soon turning in to a very bad flight. My restless leg was not any fun. But it helped me to stand up and I stood up during most of the flight. It was a nice crew and time kind of turned quickly even though I had the restless leg to think about.

Of course, approaching Singapore and we hit some turbulence and I had to go sit down in my seat again. Not much of a turbulence but it was a wee bit tricky to get back to my seat. But it was not long to go and it was soon time for touch down.

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Time for food, but I was full from eating in the lounge

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Time for food, but I was full from eating in the lounge

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Soon in Singapore

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Arriving to Singapore

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 983 to Singapore
Arriving to Singapore

Jaha, äntligen framme, allt väl

We arrived late as departure had been delayed. No one to pick me up and I took a taxi to my hotel. At 2 thirty they called and asked where I had been. They had been there waiting for me on the airport. I just said good night and I hanged up. I had asked them in the reception to call me at 8 o'clock, the original plan was to get up for birding at 5 o'clock.

But I need sleep so I will go to the Botanical Garden later. Click HERE to find out if I see any birds at the Botanical Garden tomorrow afternoon.

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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