OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

8 April 2022


My friend will join me for a bird watching trip to Kanchanaburi. And as I suspected, there was much less birding than expected, but it was a really nice trip.


I did not use any guide for this trip

Land transportation

I rented a taxi for 3 days. Very convenient and not much more expensive than to rent a car. Of course, you have to pay hotel for the driver. But for me it is worth it, I can be in the back looking for birds while enjoying the landscape. No need to worry about anything, and I really don't like to drive.


Canon 5D Mk. III + Canon 5D Mk. IV
Canon EF 28-300/3,5-5,6 L IS USM
Canon EF 70-200/2,8L IS II USM
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens
Canon Speedlite 600EXII-RT flash
Canon PowerShot G7X Mark II
Panasonic HC-W585 video camera

Sound recorder
ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder

Steiner Skyhawk 8x32 (Since May 2020)

Trip Report

8 April 2022 and my alarm went off at 4 thirty. My friend and his granddaughter have been sleeping in my guestroom as we will leave very early. My friend started to make breakfast for us and we enjoyed the food with a few cups of tea.

Luggage ready and the driver called us 20 minutes before 6 and told us that he would be here at 6.

We left 10 minutes after 6 o'clock and we were soon across the Chao Phraya River in light traffic. We will drive on road # 4 until we reach road #323 that will take us to Kanchanaburi and all the way up to the Mon Bridge tomorrow.

We will start by visiting วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum and then we will go to วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram. Both temples is known because หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม. After this is we will go to the hotel and as we cannot go by car we need to take a boat. Then we will go back to drive around to look for birds.

Road trip to Kanchanaburi

Road trip to Kanchanaburi

Icame up with the idea to stay at the hotel and to rent a boat to go look for bird along the river instead of going back ashore. Need some rest as well. We reach Wat Nong Prachum and I start the eBird app at 08:59. I see one Roller, and that will turn out to be the only exciting bird we will see here.

Not many birds around and we did not see any people. And we are here to look for Thai Buddha amulet, พระเครื่อง so we need to meet some of the monks for this.

My friend went to have a look at some holy stuff and I walked around looking for birds. I did not find any birds but my friend found a Ganesha, or in Thai พระพิฆเนศ. So I went to check it out.

Indochinese Roller, Burmese roller, Coracias affinis, นกตะขาบทุ่ง
Indochinese Roller / นกตะขาบทุ่ง

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Enjoying the views

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Ganesha, or in Thai พระพิฆเนศ

We went back to the car and we drove to the other side of the road and we parked the car. We went out and a monk appeared from a flimsy looking dwelling. He invited us and my friend asked about Thai Buddha amulet, พระเครื่อง. He brought out some original 125-year-old หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulets.

Now my friend got really exciting as he really love this monk. And all the people coming on board at Bongkot were all interesting in these amulets.

My friend had seven original around his neck and he showed them for the monk. He show less than 0 (ZERO) % interest in his amulets. But he caught sight of my original amulet and the monk turned very enthusiastic. Jumping up and down asking if he could have a look.

He was holding my amulet in his hand during our stay and my friend did not look so happy. And of course, I pestered him suggesting that it was better he kept his amulets in his pocket.

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Monk holding my original amulet and my friend looks sullen

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
My friend try with his amulets again, the monk still holding on to my amulet

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
I bought some amulets and some “holy” cloths

I bought one original 125-year-old หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulet and I asked if he had some new amulets and I brought 6 more amulets, also souvenir for my friend back in Bangkok. I also bought two, the last two he had at the temple, holy cloths,

I asked if the monk could write some holy monk language on the coins and he went to get his equipment.

I was happy that my friend was with me to assist as he knows everything about amulets and holy stuff. So he made sure that everything was done correctly. He lined up the coins and the cloths.

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
My friend keeps an eye on things

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
My friend keeps an eye on things

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Keeping track of the sales. The money will be used for a new temple

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Keeping track of the sales. The money will be used for a new temple

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
My friend assisting

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Certified holiness

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Certified holiness

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Making holy language on the coins

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Making holy language on the coins

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Pictures have to be taken

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Pictures have to be taken

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Pictures have to be taken

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Pictures have to be taken

Everything is ready and we are ready to leave when the monk want me to come sit for a few pictures. We will drive to theLINEnext temple and we said thanks to the monk and we left walking towards the car.

The monk followed us and he wanted to have another few pictures before we left. He had given my friend his LINE ID so my friend was sending all the pictures to him via LINE.

We said thank you again and we got in to the car and we left the temple. The birding had been a disappointment, but we had been very lucky with the amulets. And we had been very lucky to meet the monk and I had really enjoyed it.

And my friend was very happy to have met the monk, at least until I reminded him about his amulets. This is his number ONE interest and he had really enjoyed the visit and I could see on him that he was very happy with the visit.

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Last pictures before we leave

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Last pictures before we leave

We leave for the next temple and we have to cross the river to reach the temple. We are getting hungry so we checked the internet for any restaurants in the area. And we find a restaurant close to where we stopped to search for a place to eat.

The Bridge Bar & Bistro, just a couple of minutes away and the best thing, it looked like a very good restaurant. At least the hotel was expensive so the restaurant must be good, at least I hope so. We found the place and we parked the car.

The place looked nice, at least they had AC. We took a table and the menu seemed to be OK and we ordered food and tea.

The Bridge Bar & Bistro
The Bridge Bar & Bistro

The Bridge Bar & Bistro
The Bridge Bar & Bistro

The food was very good, I had meat only to keep my blood sugar low and 2 pots of tea to go with it. Good service so we were very happy. The monk from วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum called my friend on LINE. He asked if he could take some pictures of me and my amulet so he could promote the temple.

My friend was very happy to help. Well, we asked for the bill and it was time to take off to the next temple. We said good bye and we left The Bridge Bar & Bistro.

The Bridge Bar & Bistro
The monk want a picture

We cross the bridge over River Kwae Noi and we have some fields on our left-hand side. I spot a bird and I ask the driver to make a U-turn. We make a U-turn and we are taking off the road driving out on the fields on a dirt road.

The first bird we see is a Chinese Pond Heron and a little further up the dirt road we see one Red-wattled Lapwing. There is also a lot of Drongos in the fields.

We drove for long as we could. The dirt road turned in to a very bad track and we turned around. Now at least I have done some bird watching in Kanchanaburi.

Chinese Pond Heron, Ardeola bacchus, นกยางกรอกพันธุ์จีน

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus
Red-wattled Lapwing / นกกระแตแต้แว้ด

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Black Drongo

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Bronzed Drongo

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Black Drongo

Paddyfield Pipit, Oriental Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Paddyfield Pipit, Oriental Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก
Paddyfield Pipit / นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Paddyfield Pipit, Oriental Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก
Paddyfield Pipit / นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Paddyfield Pipit, Oriental Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก
Paddyfield Pipit / นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Plain-backed Sparrow


eBird Report

Tambon Ko Samrong, Chang Wat Kanchanaburi, TH (13.914, 99.483), Kanchanaburi, TH
08 Apr 2022 12:37 - 13:15
Protocol: Traveling
1.58 kilometer(s)
12 species

Red Collared Dove 2
Red-wattled Lapwing 4
Oriental Pratincole 3
Cattle Egret 5
Chinese Pond Heron 1
Black Drongo 3
Bronzed Drongo 2
Barn Swallow 18
Asian Pied Starling 3
Great Myna 4
Plain-backed Sparrow 3
Paddyfield Pipit 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106504957

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Today's track in the fields

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Buying lottery tickets

Bird watching in Kanchanaburi
Buying lottery tickets

We reached the temple and it took us less than a few seconds to realize that we were at the wrong temple. My friend asked the monks and they directed us to the correct temple. We left the temple and we were soon stopping so I could buy some refreshments. When I came out my friend had found a lottery seller and he bought 6 tickets.

We continued to the temple and I started the eBird app when we arrived.

This was for nothing as there wa snot really any birds to see in the area. But my friend found the prayer area with statues of หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม / Luang Pu Tao Smile. There were also some statues where people put leaf gold. My friend put some money in the boxes for the temple.

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram
There are boxes to put money everywhere

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram
There are boxes to put money everywhere

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram

The amulet shop was closed and we decided to pass here on the way back to Bangkok to see if we could find any amulets. Next stop is the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) for the boat to River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี) We're getting tired and we will not bother to come back ashore any more today. I will ask about renting a boat to cruise along the river to look for birds.

We had to wait for a few minutes for our boat. There was one boat when we arrived but this was bound for another hotel.

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Walking down to the boat at the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Waiting for our boat

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Waiting for our boat

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Boat taking off

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Sitting in our boat

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Sitting in our boat

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
My room

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
My room

Took about 18 minutes to reach River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี) and of course, they did not have my booking. Asking for the voucher. Who the duck print vouchers and e-tickets today? I had to fire up my computer to show the email and we could get our rooms.

I booked a boat to leave around quarter past 4 for an hour of bird watching along the river. We put the luggage in our room that did not look anything like the pictures on the internet. On the internet the rooms had been very light, but the room was very dark. And it was next to impossible to see anything in the bathroom.

No electricity so it will be hot to sleep with no AC. We booked our rooms and then we decided to book a second night. Then I discovered a “Including in the room” and they mentioned a Kerosene Lamp. I had some alarms going off and I checked our hotel more carefully and I discovered that there was no electricity.

We went to the bridge and the boat was waiting for us. We took our seat and I started my eBird app. I really enjoyed the trip on Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย and after 30 minutes I asked the Captain to put one hour extra for us.

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cruising down Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย looking for birds

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cruising down Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย looking for birds

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cruising down Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย looking for birds

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cruising down Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย looking for birds

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cruising down Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย looking for birds

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
A beautiful afternoon on Khwae Noi River

There was not so many birds to be seen along the river, but there were many White-throated and Black-capped Kingfishers but it was not easy to get pictures from the boat. But we spotted a couple of birds and it was a very nice cruise down the Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย.

We had been running for about an hour when we were not allowed to go any further south. The boat was not allowed to continue, I don't know why, but we had to turn around.

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
A beautiful afternoon on Khwae Noi River

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Black-capped Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Black-capped Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-breasted Waterhen

We passed one bird on the rock side and I thought it was a Great Myna, but back home checking my pictures I discover that it was a Blue Whistling-Thrush (Yellow-billed)

We also had a Tree Sparrow landing, first I saw the bird landing on top of the canvas covering the boat. Then the bird landed in the boat and I could take a picture. Driving back and the sun was soon coming down behind the mountain so the light condition was not the best for pictures.

We did not meet many boats during our trip, maybe 2 totally. So the river is quite quiet. We started to get hungry and we were looking forward to coming back to the hotel. And I think my friend lost interest for the bird watching a long time ago. Maybe already at our first stop, because it was there that I realized that there would not be much of any “serious” bird watching in Kanchanaburi.

But we have a really good time and it was very funny. As I use to say, without my friend on board Roy Maersk it would have been very boring to work here.

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Blue Whistling-Thrush (Yellow-billed)

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Tree Sparrow

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Tree Sparrow

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Tree Sparrow

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Pond Heron

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
No more light for photography

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Back at the hotel


eBird Report

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel boat, Kanchanaburi, TH
08 Apr 2022 16:24 - 18:21
Protocol: Traveling
19.64 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Renting boat per hour at River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel to go bird watching along River Kwae Noi
9 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 4
Asian Koel 1 Heard only
White-breasted Waterhen 1
Cattle Egret 2
pond heron sp. 1 Winter plumage so no proper ID
White-throated Kingfisher 6
Black-capped Kingfisher 2
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1 Male
Blue Whistling-Thrush (Yellow-billed) 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 1 Landing in the boat

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106509362

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Today's track on Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย

We are back at the hotel 2 hours later at 18:21 and it is about to be served dinner. We took a seat in the restaurant and I asked for the menu. They told me it was a set menu with 5 Thai dishes and it is included in the price. I was disappointed as I had expected a menu with food that would not be included in the price.

We will be served 5 different Thai dishes of which one is one of my favourites. But as I have to think about my blood sugar I would like to have meat only. They arranged fried chicken and omelette for me so that was good.

And they had a pot of tea, but no milk so I had to use powder creamer. It was OK and I finished two pots of tea.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
View from our table at the restaurant

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Food coming to our table

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
My friend and his granddaughter do not need to think about sugar

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
It turned out to be a very nice evening

It turned out to be a very nice evening, the food was good and the tea was also OK and we enjoyed ourself by talking away the evening. Especially fun was to pester my friend about the monk and his “very special” amulets.

In bed at 9 o'clock and I was surprised that I managed to fall asleep instantly. It was hot and late night it became cold, but I was sleeping.

Saturday 9 th of April 2022
and I woke up at 7 and the first thing I heard was my friend talking outside. The last thing I heard when I felt asleep was him speaking and that is even though there is one room between us where the Taxi Driver lives.

A gorgeous morning stepping right out on the river outside the door. I had been sleeping like a log and waking up having my shower there was a White-throated Kingfisher calling outside the window. It would have been a real 5-star experience if there had been hot water in the shower.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Outside my door

We will drive to the Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ today, it is about 150 km north following road #323. But first of all, we need breakfast and we went to take the same table we had been sitting at for dinner yesterday. A gorgeous morning!!! This would have been a 5 or even a 6-star experience with hot water in the shower and AC when going to bed.

Fantastic to see the sun coming up over the mountain while enjoying a pot of tea. And for breakfast they have fresh milk for the tea. But not in the evening, strange!

I hear one White-throated Kingfisher calling from across the river. I asked two girls if they could be so kind to try to be quiet for 20 seconds while I recorded the bird. Of course, I could not get the river to be quiet.

Listen to the White-throated Kingfisher
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder, High Pass filter applied with audacity

Recorded at breakfast, I asked 2 girls if they could be quiet for 20 seconds while I recorded the bird sitting across the river.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
We can see the sun coming up over the mountain

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Boat arriving to the hotel

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Waiting for the boat

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Getting in to the boat

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Taking off

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Leaving the hotel behind

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steering towards the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) where the car is parked

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steering towards the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) where the car is parked

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steering towards the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) where the car is parked

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steering towards the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) where the car is parked

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Black-capped Kingfisher

Now he see birds everywhere

We are alone in the boat and the Captain knows that I am looking for birds so he keep his eye out for birds along the river. And he is a good spotter and we saw a lot of birds because of him. We arrived to the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) about 15 minutes later and we went to the taxi, and God! Was I looking forward to the AC in the taxi?

We left Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) getting up on road #323 and we drove north towards the Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ. We left the road at Tha Kha-nun to have a look for birds. We passed one Asian Barred Owlet sitting on a branch at eye level height 3 meters from the car.

I asked the driver to put the car in reverse, of course when we stopped the owlet took off before I could get any pictures.

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Keeping an eye out for birds

We did not leave road #323 to look for birds until we reached the outskirts of Nong Lu. Not many birds to be seen. When we were back on road #323 I stopped my eBird app and I discovered an eBird hotspot: just a couple of minutes away.

I started my eBird app at the eBird hotspot: Liwo--PTT gas station on Hwy. 323at 11:51 and that is 4 minutes after stopping the app at the previous place.

The first bird we spotted was a male Plain-backed Sparrow in the tree above the car. Then I spotted a female Plain-backed Sparrow under a parked motorcycle. My friend came back from the minimart with water. He left again to buy some coffee and I discovered some birds in the tree outside the Cafe.

I walked over to the Cafe and I discovered a male and female Plain-backed Sparrow. My friend come out from the Cafe and we walk behind the Cafe where there is some water, but no birds cooling down in the water

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Oriental Magpie Robin

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Coming back with water

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Male Plain-backed Sparrow

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Female Plain-backed Sparrow

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Sooty-headed Bulbul (Red vented)


eBird Report

Liwo--PTT gas station on Hwy. 323, Kanchanaburi, TH
09 Apr 2022 11:51 - 12:23
Protocol: Traveling
0.67 kilometer(s)
6 species

Feral Pigeon 1
Asian Koel 1 Heard only
Sooty-headed Bulbul 2 Red vented
Common Myna 3
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1
Plain-backed Sparrow 5

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106577378

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( onmouseover="whistle.playclip()" onclick="clicksound.playclip()"https://ebird.org/home)

Kanchanaburi Road trip
Today's track at the PTT station

We leave the PTT station to drive in to the town and the Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ. We are getting hungry and by the look of it, it will be very hard to find any “FINE DINING” in town. My friend have been talking about Tom Yum soup with fresh water fish since before we left Bangkok. Not been easy to find and my friend is disappointed.

We stopped to ask for the fresh water fish Tom Yum soup but no luck. We decide to go have a look at the Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ, tourist area so there should be plenty restaurants.

We parked the car and we walked down to the bridge and we had no luck with any restaurants. Nothing, only one restaurant and it was closed.

Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ
Walking down to the Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ

Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ
Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ and it don't get more exciting than this

The bridge was, well, now we have seen it and no need to come back. We drove in to town to look for a restaurant and we are very lucky at the first stop. They have the fresh water fish soup and we take a table. I have no intention to eat any soup but I was very happy for my friend.

I will only have fried meat. The food arrived and my friend was really enjoying his soup and we can get back to Bangkok with our “mission completed”
1) Go to the temple to buy amulets
2) Tom Yum soup with fresh water fish

Mon Bridge / สะพานมอญ

Back in the taxi and now we were going to drive NON-STOP back to Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) for the boat ride up the Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย to River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี) We are in a wee bit of a hurry as my friend's granddaughter want to swim in the river.

Of course, my friend is talking non-stop and I don't know why, but now suddenly our driver is very interested in the หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulet and they are talking about this the whole trip. I ask my friend to call the Monk at วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum and tell him that we will come back tomorrow to buy the white หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulet if the price is right.

My friend is now very happy to get to come back a second time, he is so enthusiastic and the only time he looks a wee bit sullen is when I ask him to hide his amulets this time.

We are back at the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) around 16 thirty and the parking is now almost full, we get the last space. Lucky, Saturday and many people come to stay overnight to get a weekend away from Bangkok.

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
One full boat leaving to one of the hotels

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Passing one floating hotel

We are back at the hotel and my friend and his gran daughter go to change for swimming. There is some kind of bathing platform at the north end of the hotel. And there was quite a few people jumping in to the river floating to the south end in the flowing water.

Children were swimming between the hotel and the shore as the water flow was not so strong and the water was only 20 cm deep. So the children came here to swim, of course under parents supervison. Ar as in the case with my friend, under grandfathers supervision.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Many people come for a swim

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
A refreshing bath

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Waiting for dinner time outside our rooms

We had our dinner and they asked if we wanted to buy ticket to a Mon Dance Showthat would start at 8 o'clock. Well, I don't know about you, but I have suffered my time through dance shows to last me for a life time.

I had omelette for dinner with fried chicken with a pot of tea. We killed time on “deck” after dinner having a chat for an hour or so and I left to go for my sleep at 9 o'clock. Of course, today it was not so easy to fall asleep.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Spending the evening on deck

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Spending the evening on deck

Sunday 10 th of April 2022
and my alarm went off at 6 and I went to have my cold shower. I had prepared my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder for the shower as I expected the Kingfisher to call today again. But nothing from the Kingfisher today. But it was yet another gorgeous morning anyway.

My friend's granddaughter came rushing in to my room. There was a bird on the beach behind my room. I went to open the door to my balcony behind the room and there was a Pond Heron fishing on the beach.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Pond Heron

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Pond Heron

We went to have breakfast at 7 and the plan is to go for an hour of bird watching north of the hotel. I had already booked the boat and I asked if we could go straight to the Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) after our exploring trip north of the hotel. This was no problem so we brought our luggage with us.

We left the hotel around 07:49, at least this is the time I started my eBird app.

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Last breakfast

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel (เเพจังเกิลราฟท์ รีสอร์ทลอยน้ำ กาญจนบุรี)
Last breakfast

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Going north in the river

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Going north in the river

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Going north in the river

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Going north in the river

Lesser Coucal, Centropus bengalensis, นกกระปูดเล็ก

Lesser Coucal, Centropus bengalensis, นกกระปูดเล็ก
Lesser Coucal / นกกระปูดเล็ก

Chinese Pond Heron, Ardeola bacchus, นกยางกรอกพันธุ์จีน

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Drongo in the tree

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Crested Honey-buzzard (Northern)

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Crested Honey-buzzard (Northern)

I remember back in the days before one of the best things that ever happened to Thailand, the TAXI METER. If it would not have been for the TAXI METER I would not have been able to find my way even around the corner. Back in the days there was the TUK TUK option and the canvas blocked my view so I could only see the knees and below on people we passed so no clue where I was.

The boat has a canvas top and I cannot look out as I sit on a wooden box in the back and cannot really not see much. The others are on the floor so they have a good look and help me spot the birds.

We stopped and the Captain pointed up and I could not see duck all. I was hanging out of the boat looking up in the trees when I spotted the bird. Not so easy to get pictures in this position but I got a couple that I can use for ID as I had no clue what bird it was.

I was sure that I would need to consult birdforum to get a proper ID. But I managed to ID the bird by myself when I was back home with my books and internet, I got the ID to a Crested Honey-buzzard (Northern) And this is a new bird for me.

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Pond Heron

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
White-throated Kingfisher

We turn around after 30 minutes or so and we start to go south again. I had seen much more birds than expected and I was especially happy to have seen the Crested Honey-buzzard and the Lesser Coucal. We pass the hotel again and it was a clever idea to bring the luggage so no need for us to stop.

We just continue down the river towards the pier and the taxi. Previous trips between the hotel and the pier and we have seen plenty kingfishers. North of the hotel and I only spotted one kingfisher.

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steaming south again

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steaming south again

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
We have the luggage with us in the boat

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Steaming south again

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Black-capped Kingfisher

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Cattle Egrets in the tree

We passed a tree with an Cattle Egret and I ask the Captain to turn around. Approaching the tree and I discover 10 Cattle Egrets in the same tree. A little too dark for any good pictures as I had to use a crazy ISO speed.

We were soon on our way again and we got off the boat at Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน) just after 9 o'clock. I spotted two Common Ioras when we arrived to the pier. There was also Stripe-throated Bulbuls in the tree. We see birds in the tree every day and there are some fruits the birds like to eat.

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Arriving to the pier

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Stripe-throated Bulbul

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Common Iora


eBird Report

River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel boat, Kanchanaburi, TH
10 Apr 2022 07:49 - 09:19
Protocol: Traveling
17.06 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Renting boat per hour at River Kwai Jungle Rafts Floating Hotel to go bird watching along River Kwae Noi
14 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 4
Lesser Coucal 1
Asian Koel 1
Cattle Egret 10 In the same tree
Chinese Pond Heron 1
pond heron sp. 3 Winter plumage so no proper ID
Crested Honey-buzzard (Northern) 1 Sitting high up in a tree next to River Kwae Noi
White-throated Kingfisher 2
Black-capped Kingfisher 1
Common Iora 2
Black Drongo 1
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 3
Stripe-throated Bulbul 5
Streak-eared Bulbul 1
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106665605

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย
Today's track on Khwae Noi River / แม่น้ำแควน้อย

Putakien Pier (ท่าเรือพุตะเคียน)
Ready to leave

It was nice to get in to the AC in the taxi and we took off. Back to Bangkok but first two stops, first at วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram to see if the amulet shop is open today. Then we will go to วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum to buy the white amulet we had called about yesterday.

We arrived to วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram and the amulet shop was closed. But my friend found a monk and he called the shop keeper that came to open up shop.

I bought two different amulets and a holy handkerchief, and I bought some for my friend in Bangkok as well. I asked the monk if he could write something holy on the hanky. He called a young monk to do the job.

วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram
วัดศรีอุปลาราม / Wat Si Upalaram
Writing some holy language

We left and I realised that I had forgotten my glasses. Now, of course, the amulet shop was closed and the monks had left to another temple to eat. There was a very helpful lady and she took my address and they will send the glasses to me with express and I will transfer money to them.

We took off to the next temple, our favourite temple with the very nice monk that we visited first thing when we came here on Friday morning. And my friend was really happy to meet the monk again.

We reach the temple and we park the car. My friend dash off to look for the monk. The monk see us and he looks really happy to see us again. He invite us and we take off our shoes and we walk up the small wood stairs to his home.

My friend ask for the white amulet and the monk goes to get it. He also bring back two small amulets for my friend and the taxi driver. They pay 1000 baht each for their amulets.

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
My friend go to see if he can find the monk

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Our new friend go to get the white amulet

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม
หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulet

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม
หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulet

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม
หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม amulet

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม
Taxi driver and my friend with the monk

The monk put “magic” in their amulets

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม
I think the monk liked me the most

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum - พระเครื่อง หลวงปู่เฒ่ายิ้ม

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Our new friend follow me to the car

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Our new friend follow me to the car

วัดหนองประชุม / Wat Nong Prachum
Time to say Good Bye

We leave the monk and the temple, maybe the best thing happening here in Kanchanaburi. It have been very nice and I liked the monk. My friend also said that this was the best thing of the trip.

Now it was non-stop going south on road #323 until we reach road #4 and straight in to Bangkok. We will not stop as we have decided to make food when coming back to my apartment.

And we are getting very hungry so we were lucky, it was very light traffic and we were hauling arse going back home.

Kanchanaburi road trip
My friend looking at “magic” online

Kanchanaburi road trip
We are running in to a protest in Bangkok

Kanchanaburi road trip
Dinner, Swedish Kålpudding

Well, 2 more days before the Thai New Year so it will be the gym for two days before they close for the holiday. I will have time to go visit two temples in Bangkok with my friend during the holiday. And I have plans to visit a couple of the eBird hotspots around Bangkok. Just click HERE to find out how it turns out.


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