OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

August 2023

Thursday 3 rd of August 2023 and I booked a car for 6 thirty yesterday. I booked it for 8 but I realised my mistake and I changed it to 6 thirty. I had mistaken boarding time for check-in time. Well, I realised the mistake in time, so should not be any problem.

I booked a two-way ticket With Air Asia departing from Don Mueang at 10:10 and it will be fun to fly from Don Mueang, well, I don't know if fun is the word I am looking for here.

But it is a very long time ago since I was on Don Mueang. My last flight from there must have been 20 years ago when I was flying to Rainbow Warrior in Singapore.

I will arrive to Siem Reap 10 minutes past 11 and I have booked a hotel close to the BotanicalPandora Suite D’AngkorGarden so I hope to be able to do some birding there in the afternoon. I am booked at the Pandora Suite D’Angkor hotel close to the garden.

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ) is about 500 meters from the Pandora Suite D’Angkor hotel so it should be a couple of minutes to walk.

Omelette and tea and I was a little worried about the car, first time I prebook a GRAB car. Will the car show up at 6 thirty? Let's hope so!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Bangkok Taxi
Pepsi MAX and cheese

I bring down my luggage 20 past six to be ready for the taxi. I was carrying mostly MAX and cheese. Breakfast and lunch included in the birding tour, but I can imagine what kind of lunch that will be offered so I brought cheese and MAX.

And this will be very good for my blood sugar levels. GRAB did not show up for 6 thirty, I tried to call the driver but no answers and I cancelled the trip. I booked a Lineman and as it is early morning I was on my way after 10 minutes.

We got up on the toll way at Sukhumvit Soi 1, just as I was used to some 20 years ago when Don Mueang was the only airport in Bangkok. 50฿ toll and when we reach the elevated highway it is an additional 80฿ and we're flying over all the traffic and we make it to Don Mueang in a jiff.

Taxi to Don Mueang International Airport
Hauling arse on the elevated highway

We reached Don Mueang International in about 30 minutes and I had checked in 10 minutes later. I really don't remember how it looked here 20 ++ years ago, but everything looked fresh and new in the check-in area.

I had checked-in online and I got a QR code to scan for my luggage tag. I asked one of the girls where I did this and she told me to go to the check-in. They gave me a new boarding pass and I had to take my luggage to the drop desk.

Don Mueang International Airport
Don Mueang International Airport

Don Mueang International Airport
Don Mueang International Airport

Don Mueang International Airport
Not many passengers at the check-in

I had cleared immigration and security about an hour after having left home in the taxi and I had two hours to kill waiting for the boarding time at 09:30. The shops in the departure hall looks to be upgraded to the lates looks.

But I recognised the departure hall, of course, I think they have changed the wall-to-wall carpet but it looked exactly like I remembered the departure hall.

Air Asia flight FD 610 departs from Gate 4 so I walk towards the north end of Don Mueang International. I pass a shop and I buy a bottle of water to enjoy while waiting.

Don Mueang International Airport
Just out from the security

Don Mueang International Airport
This is exactly how I remembers it from 20 years ago

Don Mueang International Airport
This house I recognise from back in the days

Don Mueang International Airport

Don Mueang International Airport
Walking towards Gate 4

Don Mueang International Airport
I find a seat with a view over the tarmac

Don Mueang International Airport
I find a seat with a view over the tarmac

I discover that gate 1 to 7 is on the ground floor, so I know that we will have to take a bus to the plane. There are a couple of seats close to the escalator to the ground floor and there is a view over the tarmac.

So, I have a little to look at while killing two hours. And time passed quite quickly and I took the escalator down to the bottom floor 20 minutes after 9. There were some fast-food places and I passed a fridge and they had MAX.

So, I stop to buy a can that I can enjoy on the very short flight to Siem Reap.

Don Mueang International Airport
Departure Hall on the bottom floor

Don Mueang International Airport
Bus to Air Asia flight FD610

Don Mueang International Airport
I get a seat on the bus

Don Mueang International Airport
The bus is full when we take off

I take my fizz drink and I go to gate 4 and I just have to wait for a couple of minutes before the boarding opens. I am number 4 to get on board the bus and the bus is full by the time we leave the gate behind.

It takes us a couple of minutes to reach the plane parked on the tarmac. I am in row 23 so I willAir Asia flight FD610be in the middle of the plane and I was almost last to climb the ladder to the plane.

I entered the plane and I asked the Stewardess for an extension belt and she would bring on to my seat.

Of course, she will forget it, but I will ask one of the other Stewardesses for one when boarding is completed.

I find my seat and I was lucky to have lost 50 kg as the seat did not give much room to move. Leg room was non existing.

But it is only one hour so I will survive. But this is LOW COST so nothing else was expected, but imagine sitting like this for a couple of hours.

Air Asia flight FD 610
Arriving to our plane

Air Asia flight FD 610

Air Asia flight FD 610

Air Asia flight FD 610'

Air Asia flight FD 610

Air Asia flight FD 610

Air Asia flight FD 610

Air Asia flight FD 610
My refreshment

We taxi out to the runway as per schedule and we land in Siem Reap 40 minutes later. I just had time to fill up my immigration card and to finish my refreshment and we started to descend down to Siem Reap International.

I was surprised, suddenly we bounced along the runway in Siem Reap and not long after that we could get off the plane walking to the immigration on the tarmac. More opportunity for me to get pictures of the Air Asia plane.

It was gloom and grey for long as I could see and it looks to be rain. But I am stillYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopeful to get to look for some birds at Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)

Air Asia flight FD 610 in Siem Reap
Arrived to Siem Reap

Siem Reap International
Siem Reap International

Siem Reap International
Siem Reap International

Siem Reap International
Walking to the immigration

Siem Reap International

I was applying for e-visa online but they needed 3 days to issue the visa so I will have to buy a visa on arrival. And I was surprised to discover that most of the passengers were lining up to the VISA ON ARRIVAL.

And as I had stopped to take pictures, I was almost last in line. But it moved on quite quickly and I paid 1400฿ for the visa. The Immigration Officer asked how I was going to my hotel. His brother had a taxi and he could take me for 500฿
- What car does he have?
- Land Rover
- OK

He was waiting for me after the custom clearance and it was a big and comfy car, so even thoughSiem Reap Taxi500฿ was an overprice I was happy. I could have gone for 200฿ but then it would have been a wreck. And of course, not so comfy.

Siem Reap Taxi
On the way to the hotel

I agree with the driver for a pick-up on Monday morning and I said good bye. I checked in to Pandora Suite D’Angkor and the hotel arranged for a bottle of milk for me so I can have tea in my room in the mornings and evenings.

Pandora Suite D’Angkor
Survival kit

I sat up my IT center and I discover that my mouse is not working. So I went to the reception, they had a mouse that I could borrow, but I decided to go buy a mouse and a speaker.

She called a TUK TUK and he will take me to a shop and then he will take me to the Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ) so I can look for some birds

They are very service minded on this hotel and the girl in the reception helped me to explain for the TUKTUK driver so he knew where to go. We took off and the TUK TUK was very comfy.

Cambodian TUK TUK
Survival kit

Cambodian TUK TUK
Survival kit

We stop at one shop close to the hotel, but they don't have Logitech so we decide to drive in to the city center. We leave the shop and the sky opens up and it start to pour down.

The driver covers the TUK TUK by help of some canvas and we can take off and I can stay relatively dry. Never mind me, but I would like to keep the camera dry.

My friend impressed by the taxi in Cambodia

I get my stuff and I wait for my driver. He took off to deliver another passenger and he would be back in a few minutes. I wait and wait and I decide to take another TUK TUK. Just as I am about to take off my driver come back and he is sorry to be late.

I get back in his TUK TUK and we drive pass Pandora Suite D’Angkor on the way to Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ) so I can drop my new mouse and loudspeaker at the reception.

The driver drops me at the Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ) quarter to three and he will come to pick me up at 4 o'clock.

I enter the botanical garden and it looks to be a well maintained garden.

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
Entrance to the Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง
Lesser Whistling Duck / เป็ดแดง

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง
Lesser Whistling Duck / เป็ดแดง

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง
Lesser Whistling Duck / เป็ดแดง

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง
Lesser Whistling Duck / เป็ดแดง

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง
Lesser Whistling Duck / เป็ดแดง

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง
Lesser Whistling Duck / เป็ดแดง

The white Whistling Duck was discussed on www.birdforum.new

Forum thread HERE


Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
The pond

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
The staff offers me a shelter from the rain

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
Waiting for the rain to stop

I am soon reaching a pond and I see a group of Lesser Whistling Duck and there is one white bird among them and I think that it might be a Cotton Pygmy Goose but it looks exactly like the ducks, except for the colour. So, I post a question at www.birdforum.net.

There are a few birds to be seen when I walk around but it is starting to rain and I dashed for cover. I could not find any shelter but I had passed a shed and when I came there, I was invited by the staff to sit down.

I spent 20 minutes under the roof and I was eager to get on with the bird watching so when the rain turned in to a drizzle I said “Thanks, and good bye”

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ) is one of the most beautiful botanical gardens I have ever visited. Just a shame that it is raining so not many birds.

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
I continue through the botanical garden

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
I continue through the botanical garden

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
I continue through the botanical garden

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
I continue through the botanical garden

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)
I reach the restaurant

I reach a restaurant without having seen one single bird. I get up on the terrace and I can hear a lot of birds and I am lucky, I discover a table and two chairs under a parasol. So, the chairs are dry. Well, a wee bit moist but OK to sit.

I take a seat and I sit still and there are soon a sunbird landing next to me. But it take off very quickly. There is another Sunbird landing on one of the flowers at the other end of the terrace.

There were quite a few sunbirds and now they are all moulting in to winter plumage.

Moult (US molt)

verb [no OBJ.] (of an animal) shed old feathers, hair, or skin, or an old shell, to make way for a new growth: the adult birds were already moulting into their winter shades of grey | [with OBJ.] the snake moults its skin.

• (of hair or feathers) fall out to make way for new growth: the last of his juvenile plumage had moulted.

noun a loss of plumage, skin, or hair, especially as a regular feature of an animal's life cycle.

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Olive-backed Sunbird / นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Olive-backed Sunbird / นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Olive-backed Sunbird / นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Olive-backed Sunbird / นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

Angkor Botanical Garden (សួនរុក្ខជាតិអង្គរ)

I get back to the gate to look for my ride. It starts to pour down when I reached the gate so I could cover my camera. My driver had taken shelter under a tree with the TUK TUK. We were soon on our way back to the hotel and I had a cup of tea before going to bed.

I will be up at 4 tomorrow morning and my Bird Guide will pick me up at 5 thirty.

Friday 4 th of August 2023
and my alarm goes off at 4 and my tea is ready at 5 when they bring my omelette. I finish my tea and I am in the reception a few minutes before 5 thirty. We will visit a couple of eBird hotspots at Angkor Wat today.

So we need to buy a ticket to enter the temple area and we ed up at the ticket office. The ticket office looks more like a casino. There were no tourists so I had the ticket in a couple of minutes and it set me back by 37$

Angkor Wat
Ticket office

Angkor Wat
Ticket office

We arrive to the eBird hotspot: Angkor Wat and I start my eBird app 05:53 We start at the East side of Angkor Wat and the driver will pick us up on the west side. We had showed my ticket two times before we could start to look for birds.

We could hear a lot of birds and we could see a couple of fly overs. But the only picture I got was of an Common Myna. But I got a good constitutional out of it.

Angkor Wat
Second time they ask for the ticket

Angkor Wat
Looking for birds

Angkor Wat
Gate to Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat
My Birding Guide

Angkor Wat
My Birding Guide

Angkor Wat
Common Myna - The only bird picture I got at Angkor Wat


eBird Report

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, KH
Aug 4, 2023 05:53 - 07:26
Protocol: Traveling
3.37 kilometer(s)
11 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 11
Greater Coucal 1   Heard only
Germain's Swiftlet 5   Germain's and Asian Palm Swifts flying together
Asian Palm Swift 5   Germain's and Asian Palm Swifts flying together
cormorant sp. 1   Fly over, too far for ID
Asian Barred Owlet 1   Heard only
Lineated Barbet 1   Heard only
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 1   Also heard all over the area
Common Tailorbird 1
Streak-eared Bulbul 1
Common Myna 6
Great Myna 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146378881

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Angkor Wat
Today's track at Angkor Wat

Next stop is the eBird hotspot: Angkor Thom--South Gate and I started my eBird app 7 minutes after we had left Angkor Wat. We can hear the White-crested Laughingthrush in the forest and it is very loud so I decide to try to record the bird.

We also try to play the bird call to get the bird to come closer and we had two of them coming but it was not possible to get any pictures of the birds in the foliage.

Listen to the White-crested Laughingthrush
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

We could hear them all over the area. Very loud and I tried to get a recording. We tried to lure the birds to come so we could get pictures. Two birds came but no pictures

Hair-crested Drongo
Hair-crested Drongo

We spotted one Hair-crested Drongo in top of a tree, but it took off before we were close enough for any pictures. We drove through the Angkor Thom--South Gate and I was soon changing to the hotspot “Angkor Thom” in my eBird app.

We left the paved road and we got in to the forest following a dirt track. It was a narrow track and the we were surrounded by forest and we could hear a lot of birds. We stopped and I got two bird recordings.

Listen to the Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Heard in the forest next to the dirt road

Listen to the Lineated Barbet
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Heard in the forest next to the dirt road. We can also hear a frog

Bird watching at Angkor Thom
Old ruin in the forest

Bird watching at Angkor Thom
Driving through the forest

Bird watching at Angkor Thom
Driving through the forest

Listen to the Pin-striped Tit-Babbler
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

In the bushes next to the dirt road

I have got a total of three bird recordings when we come out from the forest. So I was happy, but I have not got any bird pictures and I told my Guide to go to a place where we have a chance to get pictures.

We decide to get to rice paddies south of Siem Reap, but first a stop at Preah Kahn. And yet again, anther stop without any pictures. And no bird recordings either, but I got a 1, 5 kilometre constitutional and this is good for my diet.


eBird Report

Preah Kahn, Siem Reap, KH
Aug 4, 2023 09:17 - 09:59
Protocol: Traveling
1.48 kilometer(s)
7 species

Greater Coucal 1   Heard only
Oriental Darter 2   Fly over
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 1   Fly over
Dark-necked Tailorbird 1   Heard only
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler 1
White-rumped Shama 1
Olive-backed Sunbird 1   Heard only

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146386006

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Preah Kahn
Today's track at Preah Kahn

We leave and we get up on one last dirt track taking us to the Ta Nei Temple. When we arrived, we were alone, except for a guy checking my ticket. We could hear a couple of birds that I reported in my eBird app.

But no birds to be seen and we were soon leaving. Walking back towards the car and we ran in to a group of tourists coming to check out the Ta Nei Temple.

Nice to be back in the car as the mosquitos was terrible so I was happy when we left the Angkor Wat area. A beautiful area, but the bird pictures had been a disappointment.

Ta Nei Temple
Ta Nei Temple

We drive through Siem Reap and I enjoy my lunch cheese in the back with one of my MAX. We are south of Siem Reap following some canal and not one single bird to be seen. We leave the paved road and we get up on a dirt track going south.

I start my eBird app but as it is not any hotspot the observation will be registered Unnamed Road, Russei Luk, Siem Reap . We are soon stopping as we see a bunch of sparrows sitting on the wire and I see a lizard on top of one of the poles.

My Guide spot one Glossy Ibis flying past us but I never see the bird so I cannot report the bird in eBird.

We spot an Great Myna sitting on a pole in the middle of the rice paddy.

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap
Great Myna

We continue and we spot two Black-winged Kites hunting over the paddies. One of the birds lands in a tree but it was too far away for any good pictures. And there was one Indochinese Roller landing next to the Black-winged Kites.

We continue and we have a gorgeous Cinamon Bittern fling across the road just in front of us. We spot one Plain Prinia and I try to take some pictures of the far away bird. We discover a Yellow-bellied Prinia next to the road.

We reach the end of the road and we have to make a U-turn. I had been hoping to reach the Chong Kneas eBird Hotspot. So we drive back to the paved road and I get a picture of one Blue-tailed Bee-eater

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap
Plain Prinia

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap
Yellow-bellied Prinia

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap
Yellow-bellied Prinia

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap
Yellow-bellied Prinia

Bird watching at Russei Luk, Siem Reap
Blue-tailed Bee-eater


eBird Report

Unnamed Road, Russei Luk, Siem Reap, KH
Aug 4, 2023 11:36 - 12:01
Protocol: Traveling
3.06 kilometer(s)
14 species

Red Collared Dove 1
Zebra Dove 1
Greater Coucal 1   Try to take chicken baby from a hen with babies next to the road, but the coucal takes off when we arrive
Cinnamon Bittern 1
Black-winged Kite 2
Blue-tailed Bee-eater 3
Indochinese Roller 1
Large-billed Crow 3
Yellow-bellied Prinia 1
Plain Prinia 1
Barn Swallow 24
Common Myna 1
Great Myna 2
House Sparrow 11

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146388785

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Russei Luk
Today's track at Russei Luk

We reached Chong Kneas and there is nothing but a couple of sparrows. We leave and next stop is my hotel and a cup of tea. I had a steak for room service and it was OK.

Saturday 5 th of August 2023
and I had a shower and I turned on the kettle 10 minutes before 5 o'clock to have it ready for 5 when my omelette arrives. There was no knock on the door at 5 and it seems like they have forgot the breakfast today, no problem, I had brought cheese.

Pandora Suite D’Angkor
Dark when I leave my room

I finished my breakfast and I went down to the reception and my Guide and Driver was waiting and we were soon on our way towards the Koh Ker. My Guide tell me that it is about two hours to drive to the Koh Ker.

The road is in a very poor condition but there is a new highway and my Guide tell me that it is for the new airport. They are building a new international airport for bigger airplanes. People coming to Cambodia needs to fly via Thailand, Singapore etc. to get here.

Now it will be possible to fly straight to Cambodia from Europe.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
The sun is coming up

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Looks to be a nice day

Koh Ker Tour

Day trip from Siem Reap to Koh Ker DDF forest for birdwatching and visit remote temples
- 5.30am CBGA bird guide and a driver in an air-conditioning vehicle will pick you up from your Siem Reap hotel. About 2 hours driving north to Koh Ker for our morning birding.

- Along the way, before reaching Koh Ker we will make some few stops when spotting good birds like White-rumped Pygmy Falcon, Collared Falconet and at the same time we will also enjoy our breakfast packs.

- We shall spend the whole morning birding and as well as visiting Koh Ker temples—Prasat Thom (the Pyramid temple), Prasat Pram, etc.

- Lunch is at a local restaurant in front of the temple.

- We do another afternoon birding for more bird species before travelling back to Siem Reap.

- On the way back, the group can have a chance to visit the jungle temple – Beng Mealea (Angkor Pass required) where we would spend about 1 hour exploring before arriving at your Siem Reap hotel by 5 pm.

We drive east along National Road #64 and when we have passed the village / town Svay Leu (ស្វាយលើ) we slowed down to look for birds along the road. Well, no need to slow down, the condition of the road did not alow for any high speed.

We drive along the “rocky” road and my Guide spot one White-throated Kingfisher sitting on a pole in the field. The bird was very far away but I tried to get a picture. The bird dive down in the field and I lose sight of it.

The bird come back and is sitting in a bush and I chance to get a picture. Looking at the picture and I discover that the bird have caught an insect.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
White-throated Kingfisher

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
White-throated Kingfisher


eBird Report

National Road 64, Siem Reap Province, Siem Reap, KH
Aug 5, 2023 07:49 - 08:16
Protocol: Traveling
5.02 kilometer(s)
8 species

Spotted Dove 1
White-throated Kingfisher 1
Indochinese Roller 1
Sooty-headed Bulbul 1
Stripe-throated Bulbul 3
Common Myna 1
Pied Bushchat 1
Plain-backed Sparrow 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146458393

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We leave road #64 and we get up on a dirt road just after having passed the boarder to Preah Vihear Province. We park the car after about 100 meters and we walk towards Prasat Pram. The first bird we see is an Olive-backed Sunbird. There was a group of Red-breasted Parakeets flying over us when we arrived.

I never saw the parakeets so I could not report them in my eBird app. We hear one Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker and I bring out my ZOOM H5 to make a recording. I cannot get a good view of the bird so I try to get a recording.

The bird turns quiet and starts preening on a branch so I stopped the recording. I tried to get some pictures of the bird while he was busy with the preening.


is a maintenance behaviour found in birds that involves the use of the bill to position feathers, interlock feather barbules that have become separated, clean plumage, and keep ectoparasites in check.

Though primarily an individual function, preening can also be a social activity involving two or more birds, which is known as allopreening.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Olive-backed Sunbird

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Olive-backed Sunbird

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
We have parked the car

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Exciting wildlife in our track

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Listen to the Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

3rd recording, male bird stopped singing when I had my recorder ready. But I was lucky and he started again when he was ready with the preening

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater

We turn around and we discover 3 Chestnut-headed Bee-eater in a top of a tree. Too far away for any good pictures. We continued towards Prasat Pram and we see one Common Flameback sitting on a trunk but the bird took off when we approached.

There were quite a few birds in the trees but it was hard to see them, and to get pictures was next to impossible to get any pictures.

We spot one Golden-fronted Leafbird and I tried to take some pictures but the birds stayed in the leafs all the time.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Golden-fronted Leafbird

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Golden-fronted Leafbird

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Golden-fronted Leafbird

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Large Cuckooshrike

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Large Cuckooshrike

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Large Cuckooshrike

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Large Cuckooshrike

We walk back to the car and we pass one Large Cuckooshrike. I try to sneak up on the bird to get some pictures. The bird was sitting between me and the sun so it was not so easy. But the bird was not scared and I could come quite close.

The bird had an insect in the bill. I left the bird behind and I was soon stopping to record one Common Tailorbird. And sometimes it gets busy in the field. I made the recording and a group of 15 Red-breasted Parakeet.

Listen to the Common Tailorbird
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

We can hear the temple in the background


eBird Report

Prasat Pram, Preah Vihear Province, Preah Vihear, KH
Aug 5, 2023 08:17 - 08:57
Protocol: Traveling
0.33 kilometer(s)
12 species

Greater Coucal 1   Heard only
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater 6
Common Flameback 1
Red-breasted Parakeet 15   Flying in one group
Large Cuckooshrike 1
Common Iora 1   Heard only
Common Tailorbird 1   Heard only
Black-headed Bulbul 1
Sooty-headed Bulbul 1
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 3
Olive-backed Sunbird 1   Molting
Golden-fronted Leafbird 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146460399

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Listen to the Olive-backed Sunbird
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

We stop to look for the Brown Prinia but I only get a sound recording of the sunbird. There was a Great Coucal calling during the recording but I cannot hear it on the recording

We leave Prasat Pram continue towards east and Koh Ker on National Road 64. We stop after a couple of minutes to look for the Brown Prinia. But the only thing I get out of it is a recording of one Olive-backed Sunbird.

We continue towards Koh Ker and we need to buy a ticket before we can enter the area. There is a temple called The Pram Temple and it is an eBird Hotspot: Koh Ker--Pram Temple and we make a stop to look for woodpeckers.

My Guide play the sound of the Black-headed Woodpecker and the bird is soon showing up. The bird is too far away and the bird is soon disappearing again. There is also a lot of noise from the road where they are cutting the vegetation next to the road.

We follow the bird trying to get closer to it but we never see the bird again. But we spot one Red-breasted Parakeet sitting in the top of a tree. The bird is calling and I get both a picture and a recording.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Black-headed Woodpecker

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Black-headed Woodpecker

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Red-breasted Parakeet

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Red-breasted Parakeet

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Red-breasted Parakeet

Listen to the Red-breasted Parakeet
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Sitting in a tree top. We can hear the Greater Coucal in the background

Listen to the Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

In a tree next to the car but impossible to see the bird inthe foliage

Listen to the Olive-backed Sunbird
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

We can hear the Lineated Barbet in the background

Listen to the Lineated Barbet
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Same bird that was in the background on recording XC820717

We walk up to the temple but we don't see any birds. We could hear several birds, and we had two Purple Sunbirds flying over us, but no picture.

We walk back to the car and we decide to hide in the car to give the Black-headed Woodpecker another try. We were not lucky with the woodpecker, but I got a flowerpecker and a barbet recording out of it.

I was very happy, the Black-headed Woodpecker is a new bird for me, never seen it before and I was excited to have a new bird under my belt.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Pram Temple

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Pram Temple

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Pram Temple


eBird Report

Koh Ker--Pram Temple, Preah Vihèar, KH
Aug 5, 2023 10:10 - 11:01
Protocol: Traveling
0.86 kilometer(s)
6 species

Greater Coucal 1   Heard only
Lineated Barbet 2   Heard only, 2 birds exchanging call
Black-headed Woodpecker 1
Red-breasted Parakeet 1
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 1   Heard only
Olive-backed Sunbird 1   Heard only

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146465093

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We continue toward the Koh Ker and we drive along a dirt road and my guide tells me that there are still many areas with landmines in Cambodia. It was many years ago there had been any injuries from the land mines.

But the forest is still full of them and as he said: It is protecting the forest and wildlife as no humans want to get out in the forest. But the Koh Ker Temple area is cleared from mines.

We make a couple of stops to try to spot any woodpeckers in the forest but we have no luck. We pass an area and we can hear many birds so we stop.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Driving along the dirt road

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Driving along the dirt road

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

There is a lot of birds in the area but it is impossible to get any pictures. But I get a couple of recordings. And I have more records than pictures from my birding trip to Cambodia.

Rain season and the vegetation is dense and it is very hard to see the birds. And they are moving around all the time so not many pictures, actually, almost no pictures at all.

But I have several recordings so I am happy, well, the reason to come here was to practice taking videos of the birds. And so far, there have been exactly zero bird videos.

Listen to the Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Greater Coucal and Black-headed Oriole in the background

I ID this bird as a Purple Sunbird, thanks to Bram Piot at xeno-canto for the correct ID

Listen to the Black-hooded Oriole
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Same Black-headed Oriole that was in the background on recording XC820722


eBird Report

Koh Ker, Preah Vihéar, KH
Aug 5, 2023 11:45 - 12:24
Protocol: Traveling
3.64 kilometer(s)
5 species

Greater Coucal 1   Heard only
Black-headed Woodpecker 2
Small Minivet 2
Black-hooded Oriole 1
Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146467642

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
The tractor is over taking us

I turn off my eBird app and I ask the Guide to get back to Siem Reap. 12 thirty and it took us 4 hours to get here, including the bird stop. Anyway, I don't want to arrive late evening.

We drive slowly to look for bird when we are passed by a typical Cambodian tractor. I tell the driver to hit the pedal to overtake the tractor. When we pass the tractor, I ask the Driver to stand on the brake.

I get out to stop the tractor and I give them all my Cambodia money and I ask if I can try to drive the tractor. Not only bird watching, even some experience tourist thing experience to bring back home from Cambodia.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
I negotiate with the tractor driver

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Of course, we need a picture

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
I am ready to take off on a new adventure

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
I am ready to take off on a new adventure

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
I am ready to take off on a new adventure

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
I am ready to take off on a new adventure

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Group picture before we leave

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
They leave us behind

I drive for 50 meters or so and we take a group picture and the tractor takes off leaving us behind. We continue towards Siem Reap and we keep an eye out for birds for a while before we speed up.

We are soon overtaking the tractor and I get a couple of pictures before we leave them behind. They looked happy as I had given them almost 40,000 Scooby Doo Dollars. I will not have any use for the cash anyway so they will find better use for them.

We drive along National Road 64 and we decided to go straight back to my hotel, Pandora Suite D’Angkor. No more birding and we hope to be back around 3 o'clock.

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

Koh Ker Tour with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Bye bye

I am half asleep in the back when the Guide shouts out. Stop the car and go back! He tells me to get my camera ready. We had passed a bird sitting on the wire along the road.

We put the car in position and there was a very small bird sitting on the wire. And the bird stays and I tried to get a couple of pictures. The bird is too far away and it is a very small bird.

I ask my Guide what bird it is and it is an Collared Falconet, a very small falcon. This is the first time I see this bird so it is the second new bird for me today.

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Collared Falconet

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Collared Falconet

We continue and we reach the new high way between Siem Reap and the new airport. The ramp was not closed so we got up on the new highway. They will open the highway in October officially.

My Guide had never been on the road before and it was almost empty, two tractors and a motorcycle. 2 or 3 cars came in the opposite direction. There were no signs or anything so they have a little bit more to do before the grand opening.

We drive along and the longer we got the less “ready” the road looked and our Driver got a little nervous. He decided to get of the road as we did not want to risk to have to make a U-turn.

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
New highway

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
We end up on a dirt road

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

We were back at the hotel just after 3 o'clock and I went to my room to make a cup of tea. I spend the evening in my room and I am in bed early with the alarm set to go off at 4.

Sunday 6 th of August 2023
and today we are leaving at 6 o'clock so I had a little extra time for tea and omelette before I left for the reception. We will drive north of Siem Reap to look for birds today. And first stop will be in a forest park.

We run in to a stop at an intersection. Traffic are closed and a man come running down the road. Then they opened for traffic again and my Guide told me that there was a marathon. There was some children lined up applaucing and I could not see any other runners.

One guy was coming up from one direction, but he was far away and I guess they close the road everytime there is a runner passing.

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

We turn off the road a little more than an hour after that we left the hotel. We are getting out in a forest and we follow a narrow dirt track. We are soon stopping and I make a recording of a Spotted Dove far away.

And while I record the dove there are two Large Cuckoshrike flying by and I get two birds on the recording. I split the recording in to two.

We continue and we stop and I make another recording. My Guide thought it was a White-browed Fantail but he was not sure. So I will post it on xeno-canto as unknown and someone might be able to help with the ID.

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
My Guide in action

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
We stop to look for woodpeckers

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
We stop to look for woodpeckers

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Black-headed Woodpecker

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Black-headed Woodpecker

Listen to the Spotted Dove
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Sitting in the top of a tree far away

Listen to the Large Cuckoshrike
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Flying by when I record the Spotted Dove, recording XC820799

Listen to the White-browed Fantail
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Bird next to the dirt road, not possible to see the bird

Thanks to Bram Piot at xeno-canto for the correct ID

Listen to the Rufous Treepie
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Sound starts at 00:13 Before that I think it is a Black-headed Woodpecker that I was taking pictures of, but far away. The strong sounding bird in the beginning, I think it is a Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker.

I will try to get the ID's confirmed on the forum

Listen to the Great Slaty Woodpecker
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Used a recording to try to get a picture of the bird. But never saw the bird

Listen to the Brown Prinia
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

Hear it next to the dirt road and I make an recording. I get out to take a picture but the bird hide in the bush. When I approach the bird take off


eBird Report

Kronhuong Forest Park, Siem Reap Province, Siem Reap, KH
Aug 6, 2023 07:23 - 10:18
Protocol: Traveling
4.83 kilometer(s)
11 species

Spotted Dove 1
Coppersmith Barbet 1   Heard only
Lineated Barbet 1
Black-headed Woodpecker 4   Look like 2 pairs
Great Slaty Woodpecker 1
Large Cuckooshrike 2   Flying by when I record the Spotted Dove
White-browed Fantail 1   Heard only. Thanks to Bram Piot at xeno-canto for the correct ID
Rufous Treepie 1
Brown Prinia 1
Common Myna 3
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146558669

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We leave the forest and we drive for a couple of minutes to the eBird Hotspot: Kbal Spean and ACCB Kbal Spean is a climb up the mountain that I was not very interesting, and the Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB)

But this turned out to be caged birds so I told the Guide that I wanted to leave for the next eBird Hotspot at Banteay Srei and there are quite a few birds, among them a beautiful Cinnamon Bittern but no pictures.

The only bird picture I got was of the Dark-necked Tailorbird. I also got two recordings and I was happy when we left. I had seen more birds than expected. At arrival there was no birds to be seen, but it picked up during our stay.

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Banteay Srei

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Dark-necked Tailorbird

Bird watching with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)
Dark-necked Tailorbird

Listen to the Dark-necked Tailorbird
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

I spotted 4 of them in the trees, I got a recording and pictures

Listen to the Pin-striped Tit-Babbler
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter Applied with Audacity

In the dense vegetation next to the walk path


eBird Report

Banteay Srei, Siem Reap, KH
Aug 6, 2023 10:59 - 11:45
Protocol: Traveling
0.89 kilometer(s)
12 species

Lesser Whistling-Duck 2
Cotton Pygmy-Goose 2
Little Grebe 1
Greater Coucal 1   Heard only
Green-billed Malkoha 1
Bronze-winged Jacana 1
Little Cormorant 1
Cinnamon Bittern 1
White-throated Kingfisher 1   Heard only
Common Tailorbird 1
Dark-necked Tailorbird 4
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S146561128

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We drive back towards Siem Reap and we stop at eBird hotspot: Phnom Bok but there was nothing to see so we drove back to the hotel. I made a cup of tea before ordering burgers without the bun and French Fries.

I checked the internet for any good BBQ restaurants in town, but I decided to stay and I had the burgers. My bag is packed and I will fly back home tomorrow and my bird watching in Cambodia have come to an end.

I have had a really good time with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA) and I will use them next time I come here.


eBird Trip Report

Since April 2023 eBird offer a new feature, to create Trip Reports. At least this is when I first heard of this feature and I have decided to make the eBird Trip Reports instead of my list of OBSERVED birds.

And of course, this also means that I will HAVE TO go back and do the same for my old birding adventures, WHEN I HAVE THE TIME!

Today's Trip Report: Bird Watching in Siem Reap, Cambodia - 3 to 6 August 2023 | Click HERE

Download | PDF

Icons for lifers used in the eBird trip reports

eBird Species lifer:First time that someone observes a species in their life

eBird Photo lifer:First time that someone photographs a species in their life

eBird Audio lifer:First time that someone audio records a species in their life

Exotic species
Exotic species flags differentiate locally introduced species from native species.

eBird Naturalized:Exotic population is self-sustaining, breeding in the wild, persisting for many years, and not maintained through ongoing releases (including vagrants from Naturalized populations). These count in official eBird totals and, where applicable, have been accepted by regional bird records committee(s).

eBird Provisional:Either: 1)member of exotic population that is breeding in the wild, self-propagating, and has persisted for multiple years, but not yet Naturalized; 2)rarity of uncertain provenance, with natural vagrancy or captive provenance both considered plausible.

When applicable, eBird generally defers to bird records committees for records formally considered to be of "uncertain provenance". Provisional species count in official eBird totals.

eBird Escapee:Exotic species known or suspected to be escaped or released, including those that have
bred but don't yet fulfill the criteria for Provisional. Escapee exotics do not count in official eBird totals.

Monday 7 th of August 2023
and I have breakfast at the roof top restaurant, omelette and bacon with a pot of tea. I see two big birds landing in the trees in the trees far away and I am pretty sure it was two Pied Hornbills.

I leave my table to try to see where they landed but I could not see them again. And as I am only 99.9% sure it was Pied Hornbills, I never recorded the sighting in eBird.

I went back to my room and I had an hour to wait before the car would come to pick me up for transportation to the airport. Time to leave Pandora Suite D’Angkor and I had had a good time at the hotel.

For this price, well, you cannot find anything better and I will come back on my next birding tour.

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Check-in to Air Asia flight FD 611

Check-in to Air Asia's flight FD 611 went quickly and so far, I have been very impressed. Everything works quite smoothly and I was soon on my way to immigration and security.

Immigration was done in a few minutes and I did not run in to any trouble until the security. I passed the security and when I picked up my things, they come to have a look in my tray.

I had started to pick up my things
- Do you have e-cigarettes?
I had them in my pocket already and I took up one to show her. She asked for the other two as well and she showed me a paper saying that it was forbidden to bring to Thailand.

She told me that I could bring them to any destination, but not to Thailand. I was not so happy and she refused to give back my e-cigarettes and I made a mental cancellation of my next trip to Siem Reap. Or I will fly with Singapore Airlines or Bangkok Airways.

The e-cigarette thing was only Air Asia as the security officer explained for me. I had some abstinence while waiting for the departure, but I had my snus so it was kind of OK even though I reached for my e-cigarette every now and then.

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)

I take a seat at Gate 4 and it is about one hour to kill before boarding. There is one Singapore Airline flight departing from the tarmac outside the window and I can soon see our Air Asia flight arriving to Siem Reap.

The monitor above the gate started to flash “boarding” and I went to line up in front of the desk. And we started to board before scheduled boarding time. Walking over the tarmac and I had an opportunity to get some pictures.

Reaching the ladder and I was asked for my seat row.
- 20
She pointed to the aft door and I went back to board the plane, a bonus adventure as I got a glimpse of the Cambodian airplane being pulled out on the runway.

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Our plane

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Our plane

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Our plane

Siem Reap International Airport (អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប)
Cambodian airliner leaving

I get on board and I have seat 20F, window seat. I only think “window” so I make a mistake and take my seat in 20 A. And suddenly I have a family looking at me and I realize my mistake and I move over. I was soon joined by a father and his son.

And they were shouting to the mother in seat 19A.

They asked if I was alone and they asked if I did mind to change the seat to 19A so they could sit together. Of course, I didn't mind and I moved for the second time.

We were on the runway before scheduled departure time and we arrived early to Don Mueang.

There were quite a few people at the immigration but it went quite quickly to pass the immigration. Taking the escalator down to the luggage clam and it was a back flash of arriving to Bangkok 20 years ago. I went to belt #6 to pick up my bag

Don Mueang International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง)

Don Mueang International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง)

Don Mueang International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง)
Looks almost the same as it did 20 years ago

Don Mueang International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง)
Looks almost the same as it did 20 years ago

Don Mueang International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง)
Looks almost the same as it did 20 years ago

Don Mueang International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง)
Going to pick up my bag

Don Mueang elevated highway
On the elevated highway going back home

I bought a bottle of Black Label in the tax free shop before I went to look for a taxi. There was a sign for taxi pointing to the south part of the terminal. I think it said at Gate 8 but there were only 7 gates.

I went out and there were so many taxis I had never seen so many together before. But it seems like they were out of service. But there was a taxi arriving and he let me in and we were soon on the way towards the lower Sukhumvit.

I stepped inside the door about 4 hours after I had left Pandora Suite D’Angkor in Siem Reap and I grabbed an e-cig first thing back home.

We will go to Suphan Buri for some BBQ and bird watching. My friend is renovating and painting his house and we will leave when he is ready.

You just need to click HERE to find out all about this adventure.


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