OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching on a bike in Thailand

Monday 12 th of February 2024 and I pack my Canon EOS R3 and my Canon RF 100-500mm IS USM under the saddle. I bring a towel but no recording equipment etc. I will do a “birding ”test run with my new scooter today and I will see how it works before bringing more equipment.

I get out on Sukhumvit and I drive towards Bang Pu (บางปู) and the Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู) I don't know how I missed the big crab but I drove past the Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

So I had to make a U-turn and I could start the eBird app 25 minutes or so after having left from home.

I put the towel in the basket in front of my bike and I put my Canon EOS R3 and my Canon RF 100-500mm IS USM on top of the towel and the equipment fits very well.

I enter the gate with my Honda Giorno + and the security waves me through.

Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)
At the entrance to Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove / นกเขาชวา

Great Egret, Ardea alba, นกยางโทนใหญ่
Great Egret/ นกยางโทนใหญ่

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
Black-capped Kingfisher/ นกกะเต็นหัวดำ

I stop just inside the gate to take a picture of one Zebra Dove (นกเขาชวา) sitting on the wire. I continue and I reach the mangroves west of the pier.

There is one Great Egret (นกยางโทนใหญ่ foraging in the mangrove and one Black-capped Kingfisher (นกกะเต็นหัวดำ) sitting in a dead tree above the egret.

I see several white egrets flying over the area, but they are too far away for any proper ID. I can hear the Collared Kingfishers (นกกินเปี้ยว) all over the mangroves.

I continue down to the western side and I stop to try to get some pictures of Black-winged Stilts (นกตีนเทียน) walking around in the water. High water so the mudflats north of the road is covered in water.

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt/ นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt/ นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt/ นกตีนเทียน

I drive out on the concrete pier on the west side of the Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู) and I spot a pond heron in one of the trees. Winter plumage so it was not possible to give a proper ID.

I was soon discovering two Collared Kingfishers (นกกินเปี้ยว) sitting in a tree west of the pier. I could hear several Collared Kingfishers (นกกินเปี้ยว) in the mangroves east of the pier

I had seen a lot of the Pink-necked Green-Pigeon (นกเปล้าคอสีม่วง) and now there were 4 of them sitting in a tree top. Far away but I tried to get a picture.

Pond Heron
Pone heron in winter plumage

Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, Treron vernans, นกเปล้าคอสีม่วง
Pink-necked Green-Pigeon/ นกเปล้าคอสีม่วง

Collared Kingfisher, White-collared Kingfisher, Mangrove Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher/ นกกินเปี้ยว

Collared Kingfisher, White-collared Kingfisher, Mangrove Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher/ นกกินเปี้ยว

Honda Giorno 125 - Bird watching edition
Honda Giorno 125 - Bird watching edition

I leave the pier and I go to check out the ponds. There is one Great Egret (นกยางโทนใหญ่) foraging and I spot a Little Cormorant (กกาน้ำเล็ก) and I take a picture. The bird is far away but, on the picture, I can see that the Little Cormorant have caught a giant shrimp.

I was surprised, I have seen many fish ponds in Thailand and the ponds at Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู) looks to be abandoned. So my guess is that it is a wild shrimp.

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก
Little Cormorant (นกกาน้ำเล็ก) with a shrimp

It was high water during my visit and I could see the water coming in, the street had water at some spots and I was almost falling with the scooter.

I drove along and suddenly I slipped and there were some algae in the water. But I quick reaction and I managed to strait up the scooter.

Anyway, the shrimp was most likely a wild one that had come in with the highwater as a baby. And we can see on the picture that it is a big shrimp.

Little Ringed Plover, Charadrius dubius, นกหัวโตเล็กขาเหลือง
Little Ringed Plover (นกหัวโตเล็กขาเหลือง)

Little Ringed Plover, Charadrius dubius, นกหัวโตเล็กขาเหลือง
Little Ringed Plover (นกหัวโตเล็กขาเหลือง)

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove / นกเขาชวา


eBird Report

Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Samut Prakan, TH Feb 12, 2024
08:35 - 09:50
Protocol: Traveling
7.95 kilometer(s)
19 species (+3 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 1
Zebra Dove 3
Pink-necked Green-Pigeon 13
Asian Koel X Heard only
Black-winged Stilt 7
Little Ringed Plover 3
Painted Stork 2
Little Cormorant 1
Little/Indian Cormorant 11 No proper ID
Little Egret 7
pond heron sp. 4 Winter plummage so no proper ID
Great White Egret 6
white egret sp. 11 Too far away for proper ID
Black-capped Kingfisher 1
Collared Kingfisher 7 Heard all over the area
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 4
Large-billed Crow 1 Fighting with raptor, most likely a Braiminy Kite
Barn Swallow 13
Common Myna 8
Great Myna 1
Oriental Magpie-Robin 4 Singing and flirting
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 9

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S161285618

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Tuesday 13 th of February 2024
and I leave at 7 thirty in the morning and I will start with a yoga session when I reach Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. I have told my yoga teacher that I will be thereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stat 9 o'clock.

I expect to reach Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym before 9 o'clock but I ran in to delays.

Stopping to fill gasoline and to buy a refreshment and when I left there was some kind of parade.

I had not seen them when I turned in to the petrol station but leaving and they were lined up on the side walk. One lane on the road blocked and police officers on the scene and I got off my scooter to see what was going on.

Bangkok Parade
All these people coming to give me luck for the upcoming lottery?

Bangkok Parade
All these people coming to give me luck for the upcoming lottery?

Bangkok Parade
All these people coming to give me luck for the upcoming lottery?

First, I noticed the girls in their beautiful traditional dresses and I took a few photos. I discovered a long line behind the girls and they were carrying offerings for the temple.

Someone started to shout and something was going on. More shouting and drumming and I started to make a video and the parade started to move.

The parade cleared the road entering a school, at least it looked like a school. I got on the scooter and I was soon on my way to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym.

I arrive to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym a few minutes after 9 o'clock and my yoga teacher was waiting for me. I called her to come sit on the scooter to try a ride.

Arriving to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
Arriving to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

We do a test run

Nice to do some yoga, was a while ago now. 10 rounds with The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) and I drove back home to plan tomorrow's bird watching.

There are several eBird hotspots not too far away from my room and I will start to check them out and I will skip the gym tomorrow to go visit some eBird hotspots.

eBird hotspots in Samut Prakan
eBird hotspots not too far away from my room

I will start with the below eBird hotspots. These are the hotspots that I found most interesting close to my room. The hotspots across the Chao Phraya River are 90 minutes away riding my scooter. And I need to use a ferry to cross the river.

• Bang Pu--Recreation Center

• Mueang Boran (The Ancient City)

• Mueang Boran fish ponds

• Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings

• Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds

• Bang Pla--Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

• Bang Pla--Moo 7 Village Headman Office vicinity

• Bang Pla--Suvarnabhumi drainage canal rd.

• Bang Pla--Hwy. 3064 aquaculture ponds

• Sap Patthana fish ponds (Sap Boon Chai 28 Alley)

On the other side of Chao Phraya River, require a ferry there are four hotspots that I want to explore with my scooter:

• Phee Seau Samut Fort

• Phra Chulachomklao Fort

• Khun Samut Chin

• Sa-khla aquaculture ponds

I had my lunch and I decided to go check out two eBird hotspots close to my room. The first one Sap Patthana fish ponds (Sap Boon Chai 28 Alley) and we drove past “MAMA GOD” I turned left one soi too early and we drove past her house.

We still remember the Ganesh eyes opening ceremony / พิธีเบิกเนตรคเณชา January last year. If not, you can refresh your memory by clicking HERE .

Mama God
We stop for a chat with Mama God

Mama God
We stop for a chat with Mama God

We leave Mama God and we continue towards Sap Patthana fish ponds (Sap Boon Chai 28 Alley) and we reached a big pond and I could see many Asian Openbills (นกปากห่าง) and Great Egrets (นกยางโทนใหญ่) sitting in the low trees.

I could start my eBird app at 13:51 and the first birds I reported was the Asian Openbills (นกปากห่าง) and Great Egrets (นกยางโทนใหญ่)

They were too far away for any good pictures but I gave it a try.

eBird hotspot: Sap Patthana fish ponds (Sap Boon Chai 28 Alley)
eBird hotspot: Sap Patthana fish ponds (Sap Boon Chai 28 Alley)

Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125
Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125

Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125
Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125

Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125
Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125

Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125
Birding on a scooter - Honda Giorno 125

Asian Openbills (นกปากห่าง) and Great Egrets (นกยางโทนใหญ่)
Asian Openbills (นกปากห่าง) and Great Egrets (นกยางโทนใหญ่)

Asian Openbills (นกปากห่าง) and Great Egrets (นกยางโทนใหญ่)
Asian Openbills (นกปากห่าง) and Great Egrets (นกยางโทนใหญ่)

We cross the road to buy some refreshments at 7 Eleven before we continue along the pond. We see terns but I cannot ID the terns.

We stop when we discover a weaver in the bushes next to the dirt path. I get a female and I ID the bird as a female Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง)

We were soon stopping again, I was trying to get some pictures of the terns. I need pictures to try to ID the birds when I am back home. My friend discovers one male Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง) on the other side.

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Female Asian Golden Weaver/ นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Female Asian Golden Weaver/ นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Male Asian Golden Weaver/ นกกระจาบทอง

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern/ นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern/ นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว



eBird Report

Sap Patthana fish ponds (Sap Boon Chai 28 Alley), Samut Prakan, TH
Feb 13, 2024 15:51 - 16:20
Protocol: Traveling
1.73 kilometer(s)
9 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 2
Zebra Dove 5
Asian Koel 1
Whiskered Tern 3
tern sp. 5 Not possible for me to ID
Asian Openbill 20
Great White Egret 19
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 2
Barn Swallow 30
Asian Golden Weaver 3 One male and two females

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S161380376

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We leave Sap Patthana fish ponds to go to explore the next eBird hotspot: Mueang Boran fish ponds about 15 minutes away with the scooter. But it turned out to be impossible to get to the hotspot Mueang Boran fish ponds .

One road was blocked by a man with a red flag so we continued. We drove through a factory area and when we reached the back it was full stop. Not possible to continue. One guy told us to try Soi 8 and we said thanks and left.

When we arrived to Soi 8 we discovered that this was the road blocked by the man with a red flag. We stopped to ask why they had closed the road. And it looks like they are building new factories in the area.

We gave up the bird watching and we returned home. Norden had been calling and they need an emergency reliever for Nord Superior in Japan. So, I will join in Japan, good, no need to spend 24 hours on a plane flying to America.

Wednesday 14 th of February 2024
and I left with my “Birding scooter” just after 7 o'clock. Breakfast and a bucket of tea and I was ready for a birding adventure. Driving east on Sukhumvit and I will start at the eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds

I was surprised to run in to heavy traffic going towards the East. But I passed a construction side and the traffic was flowing after that.

I miss to take off when passing Soi 119 and I had to make a U-turn to drive back. I get up on Soi 119 and I drive north until I reach the Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital and it is time to make a U-turn to go back south.

I am at least to say surprised when I reach the Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital. A huge building in the middle of nowhere.

It was unreal, like an ghost area. A 4-lane highway and suddenly traffic light and an intersection. A line of taxi cars waiting along the highway, otherwise no sign of any cars and people.

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

I stop to ask the taxi drivers if there is any 7 Eleven in the area and they point at the hospital.

I cross the highway and I stop at the hospital to look for a 7 Eleven. I buy a refreshment and I discover a “quick banking” machine and I do some banking business before I go back to my scooter.

I am back on the highway driving south and I stop to have a few pictures of the area before leaving the “ghost town” behind.

The Specials - Ghost Town

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Leaving Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Leaving Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Driving south leaving Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Looking north outside Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Looking north outside Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital
Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodin Hospital

I left the North Korean styled ghost town behind driving south for a kilometre before turning off the highway. I was suddenly in the middle of a beautiful area surrounded by fish ponds.

I started my eBird app and I was soon able to report my first birds. I have a few bird watching adventures on my scooter under my belt now. But it is not easy to drive and look for birds at the same time.

And then to take pictures, well, I need more practice.

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
I stop to start my eBird app

The first bird I stop for is one Grey Heron standing in one of the fish ponds. There are some Whiskered Terns sitting on the bamboo pools that I try to get as well.

Next stop is for two Pied Starlings and a Streak-eared Bulbul. And on the other side of the road, I have a Plain Prinia jumping around in the vegetation.

The trick is to try to balance the scooter while taking a picture. A scooter is like a car, the birds do not bother until you stop. Sometime they do not car if you stop slowly. If you walk, they take off immediately.

So, I need to balance the scooter using one leg, the leg away from the bird while taking pictures. This prinia did not bother about me and I could get pictures.

Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, นกกระสานวล
Grey Heron/ นกกระสานวล

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว,
Whiskered Tern/ นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Pied Myna, Gracupica contra, นกเอี้ยงด่าง, Asian Pied Starling
Pied Myna/ นกเอี้ยงด่าง

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds are a beautiful area

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds are a beautiful area

I cross a wood bridge and there is soon a lot of pond herons moulting in to breeding plumage. But stil too early for me to be able to get a proper ID. There was two Large-billed Crows (อีกา) sitting in the top of a tree and I tried to get pictures.

I drove along the dirt track between the fish ponds and it was really enjoyable even though it wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthot. Usually, it is very comfy driving the scooter with the wind. But this dirt track did not allow for any speed. So hot it was.

Large-billed Crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, อีกา
Large-billed Crow/ อีกา

Pond Heron
Pond Heron

I reach the end of the dirt track and there is some sheds and dwellings and I turn around and drive back towards the bridge. There are plenty dirt tracks to explore so I will be busy.

I stop to take pictures of a bird and it turns out to be a Paddyfield Pipit (นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก) and there is another bird and this is a wagtail. And birdforum.net confirmed my ID, Eastern Yellow Wagtail (นกเด้าลมเหลือง)

I continued and I stopped to try to get a picture of a Little Grebe/ นกเป็ดผีเล็ก and I was very close to one Whiskered Tern, but it took off when I tried to take pictures.

Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla tschutschensis, นกเด้าลมเหลือง
Eastern Yellow Wagtail/ นกเด้าลมเหลือง

Paddyfield Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก,
Paddyfield Pipit/ นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Driving back on the dirt road

Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis, นกเป็ดผีเล็ก
Little Grebe/ นกเป็ดผีเล็ก

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
My bird watching scooter always ready for adventure

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Our hero on his scooter

I drive back and I cross the bridge and I pass a fisher man on a pushbike and I turn around. I ask him if he can take a picture of me on my scooter and he is more than willing to help.

But I am not sure he had done it before, it took us many tries before I got the picture. I said thank you after a little chat about bird and the beautiful area and I took off.

I spotted on Large-billed Crow (อีกา) mobbing one Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง) but I never got any pictures worth saving.

I turned in to yet another dirt track and there was another fisherman and I stopped to have a chat. He warned me to continue as there were many dogs ahead. I had almost reached the end of the road so I turned around.

I could see some angry looking dogs ahead so better to turn around. He helped me with a couple of pictures before I disappeared in a cloud of dust and gravel.

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Our hero on his scooter

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Our hero on his scooter

Well, I can sense some upset feelings here, our hero is not using any helmet! Yes, he does, but looking for the birds and I drive very slowly. And I cannot take any pictures wearing the helmet.

I keep the camera stand-by in my custom-made basket in the front for easy access. This is made for my Canon EOS R3 and the Canon RF 100-500mm IS US to be easy reachable from behind the bar. The bar, otherwise known as the “Control Center”

When I am back on the paved road, I put the camera under the seat and I take on the helmet. The helmet is stored under the seat during the bird watching.

I leave the fisherman behind but I am soon to stop again, two Plain Prinias sitting next to the dirt road. I took a couple of pictures before I continued.

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Bird watching in Samut Prakan eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds are a beautiful area

Almost back at the start and I left to explore yet another dirt road. I ended up in rough terrain and I decided to go back. The area is full of swallows but not possible for me to ID when they are flying around.

But there was one sitting on a bamboo pool and I got a picture. The only swallow in my book fitting the picture was the Wire-tailed Swallow/ นกนางแอ่นหางลวด and they are not supposed to be here, only in the north of Thailand.

I will send the picture to birdforum.net and we will see what they have to say. click HERE to visit the thread on birdforum.

I also managed to get a picture of one Whiskered Tern (นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว) before I left.

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern (นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว)

Wire-tailed Swallow, Hirundo smithii, นกนางแอ่นหางลวด
Wire-tailed Swallow/ นกนางแอ่นหางลวด

Wire-tailed Swallow, Hirundo smithii, นกนางแอ่นหางลวด
eBird rare bird alert


eBird Report

Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds, Samut Prakan, TH
Feb 14, 2024 08:57 - 10:01
Protocol: Traveling
4.62 kilometer(s)
22 species (+4 other taxa)

Cotton Pygmy-Goose (Nettapus coromandelianus) 2 Pair
Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
14 Red Collared Dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica)
1 Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) 13
Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis) 1 Heard only
Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) 1 Several birds heard in the area, only one seen
Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
2 Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida)
29 Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans) 1
cormorant sp. (Phalacrocoracidae sp.) 3 Fly over and not possible to give proper ID
pond heron sp. (Ardeola sp.) 7 Moulting to breeding plumage, so not possible to give proper ID but my guess would be a Javan Pond Heron
Great White Egret (Ardea alba) 3
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) 1
Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) 1 Mobbed by crow
Malaysian Pied-Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
2 Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) 1
shrike sp. (Lanius sp.) 1 With a long tail
Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
3 Plain Prinia (Prinia inornata) 3
Wire-tailed Swallow (Hirundo smithii) 1 The only swallow in my book fitting the description.
See topic at birdforum at https://www.birdforum.net/threads/samut-prakan-bangkok-earlier-this-morning.452676/

swallow sp. (Hirundinidae sp.) 50 Many swallows flying in the area but not possible for me to ID
Streak-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus conradi)
1 Siamese Pied Starling (Gracupica floweri)
3 Great Myna (Acridotheres grandis) 1
Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Manchurian) (Motacilla tschutschensis macronyx) 1 Thanks to www.birdforum.net for help with ID
Paddyfield Pipit (Anthus rufulus) 9

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S161453130

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds
Today's track at Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds

I left Bang Pla--Sukhumvit 119 Alley fish ponds and I turned south when I reached the highway. Made a U-turn after a kilometre and I drove north passing the hospital and I was soon on the highway, south bound lane.

Crossing a bridge over the drainage canal between the north and south bound lanes and I drove north for several kilometres. I cross the bridge going over to the south bound lane and I start my eBird app using the eBird hotspot: Bang Pla--Suvarnabhumi drainage canal rd.

I drove south for a while and I stopped to turn off my eBird app. What a pointless hotspot this was. Standing next to the highway with trucks running past in supersonic speed.

This was not much of a birding hotspot


eBird Report

Bang Pla--Suvarnabhumi drainage canal rd., Samut Prakan, TH
Feb 14, 2024 10:20 - 10:29
Protocol: Traveling
2.18 kilometer(s)
5 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon (Columba livia (Feral Pigeon)) 1
Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) 1
Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida) 2
Little Cormorant (Microcarbo niger) 4
white egret sp. (Egretta/Bubulcus/Ardea sp.) 1 Saw the back only so no proper ID
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S161454322

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I continued south until I reached Sukhumvit and I turned to west and Samut Prakan. I left Sukhumvit driving down to the sea to check out another eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley

I do not drive long before I stop to take a picture of a cormorant. At the same time, I could hear a Collared Kingfisher and I spotted the bird flying chased by a small bird.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley
I stop to take a picture of a Little Cormorant/ นกกาน้ำเล็ก

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก
Little Cormorant/ นกกาน้ำเล็ก

I am soon at a dead end, a fishing pier and I drive out on the pier. But not before carefully having scanned the pier for other motor vehicles. And I spotted another motorcycle so it was safe for me to get out on the pier.

Soon making a stop to take a picture of one Little Egret. Seems to be quite a busy fishing harbour but only for small open boats. There were many Brown-headed Gull/ นกนางนวลธรรมดา sitting on the water and Whiskered Terns flying around.

Seems to be a small canal outlet and there were white egrets foraging, too far away for any ID.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley
The pier

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย
Little Egret/ นกยางเปีย

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Brown-headed Gull/ นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley
The pier

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley
The pier

Plain-backed Sparrow, Passer flaveolus, นกกระจอกตาล
Plain-backed Sparrow/ นกกระจอกตาล

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley
Time to drive back home

I turn around and the last picture I take before leaving the pier is a Plain-backed Sparrow/ นกกระจอกตาล taking cover in the shadow. Leaving the pier and I drive through the village towards Sukhumvit Road going back to Samut Prakan.

Nothing to see but Great Mynas and I turn off the eBird app.


eBird Report

Bang Pu--Khlong Sao Thong (Bang Pu 118) Alley, Samut Prakan, TH
Feb 14, 2024 10:49 - 11:06
Protocol: Traveling
1.44 kilometer(s)
9 species (+1 other taxa)

Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) 1
Brown-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus) 33
X Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida)
Little Cormorant (Microcarbo niger) 1
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) 1
white egret sp. (Egretta/Bubulcus/Ardea sp.) 7 Too far away for proper ID
Collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris) 1 Mobbed by one small bird that I could not ID
Great Myna (Acridotheres grandis) 3
Plain-backed Sparrow (Passer flaveolus) 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) 4

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S161455707

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I stop at the Honda shop, time to change oil, 1000 km. But they asked me to wait for 2 hours as they had plenty job. I told them that I would be back tomorrow and I drove back home.

I had ordered stuff from Lazada and I had made the mistake to put my old address. So I need to go to pick up a parcel. My friend had never been riding the sky train so I went to pick him up.

He is joining me to lower Sukhumvit and he was excited to try the train.

Bangkok Skytrain
Waiting for the train

Bangkok Skytrain
He gets a special seat

Bangkok Skytrain
He gets a special seat

Bangkok Skytrain
Waiting for the train

We pick up my parcel and we try to book a taxi to go have a pizza on Soi 11. But no taxi available and we had to walk to Asok. There it was a long wait for a taxi.

The pizza on Soi 11 was closed and we walked a bit struggling to find a taxi. Finally, a taxi and we asked him to take us to Little Italy on Soi 23. The traffic was at full stop so we got out of the taxi at Terminal 21.

We had a not very good meal at Terminal 21. Tony Romas have closed so there is not really any option for “fine” dining. After the meal it was a struggle to try to get a taxi. Sukhumvit was at a standstill and I was desperate to leave.

Feeling like a prisoner with nowhere to go. Finally, after having running up and down Sukhumvit between Robinsons and Terminal 21 we got a taxi. And when we reached the bridge over Klong Toy I was so relieved.

I decided never to move back and I will not go to visit lower Sukhumvit in a very long time. It was so nice to leave it behind and I was really missing my scooter and the freedom to be able to go where ever I wanted, WHEN EVER I WANTED!

I have felt like this the last couple of years, not been able to get out without any planning and to go to do the simplest things would require a full day. The scooter is the best thing happening to me in a very long time.

We get off at Robinsons to buy milk and soda water and walking back home was 2 minutes and I picked up a parcel that I had managed to order online with my new address.

Fairtex boxing gloves
Parcel waiting for me coming back home

Fairtex boxing gloves
My new gloves

Fairtex boxing gloves
I am ready for Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym and
The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์)

Fairtex boxing gloves
I am ready for Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym and
The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์)

Thursday 15 th of February 2024
and I drive straight to the Honda Shop from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. 1000km and I need to change the oil and they will have a look at my scooter.

They take it in straight away and it takes, well, not long time to do the job. All while I take some pictures. It set me back by 265 baht and I was soon on my way home, just across the Sukhumvit.

Honda Giorno 1000km service
My bird watching scooter

Honda Giorno 1000km service
My bird watching scooter

Honda Giorno 1000km service
My bird watching scooter

Shower and lunch and I was off to pick up my friend. We will go to explore Samut Prakan with the scooter. Maybe my last day with the scooter for a long time. I wait for the ticket to join the ship in Japan.

I will leave my scooter with the work shop for some work while I am gone. Extra brake light, foot supports and to paint the wheels.

We start at the Chinese temple we visited a couple of days ago. There are some festivities going on, but it will not kick off until after darkness. But we went to check it out and we were soon driving around the wilderness.

Thailand Tivoli
Attractions for the small ones

Thailand Tivoli
Attractions for the small ones

we drive along the Ancient City but there is no opening in the wall so we cannot get inside. We turn around and we drive among fishing ponds, no fish farms, but people pay to come fish hereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith a fishing rod.

Fishing is very poplar thing in Thailand, and you see people fishing everywhere. Weekends and people are driving around on their motorcycles with fishing rods to leave the city to go fishing.

We are soon finding ourself on Sukhumvit and we drive towards Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู) to see if there is any Brown-headed Gulls (นกนางนวลธรรมดา)

We drove down to the pier and we were told it was not allowed to park there and we were directed to the parking lot. We parked the scooter and we walked down to the pier.

We could see already before getting on the pier that there were many Brown-headed Gulls (นกนางนวลธรรมดา) and there were many people feeding them.

My friend bought some bird food (pork) and he had soon several new friends coming to eat from his hand. And there was alot of them, several hundred.

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Bang Pu Recreation Center, สถานตากอากาศบางปู - Feeding the Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา, Indian Black-headed Gull
Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Feeding the Brown-headed Gulls at the
Bang Pu Recreation Center (สถานตากอากาศบางปู)

Driving back home and I got a new ticket to Japan, leaving tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock in the morning. I had refussed two flights leaving around midnight.

I need several hours’ notice to get to the airport. I have already packed my bags, but international flights are not like taking the bus down at the corner.

Anyway, I am off to Japan tomorrow morning, you just need to click HERE to find out all about the Japanese adventure.

Nya Moderaterna


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