OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching on a scooter in Thailand

Sunday 7 th of July 2024 and it was a sunny morning and I can get away to explore the eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings I took the day off from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym and The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) to have a rest. Five days per week is enough for the gym.

I had planned to visit the eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings but there was heavy rain and I stayed in my room all day long.

I reach the Bang Pu Golf Course and I look for a place to rent a golf cart. But they were out of golf carts as there was a tournament going on. And of course, Sundays are popular days for playing golf. So, I might come back on a week day to have a look.

Never mind, the name of the hotspot is Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings and I started my eBird app and I kept on the ring road around Bang Pu Golf Course.

Black-necked Lapwing, Red-wattled Lapwing, Vanellus indicus, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด
Red-wattled Lapwing - นกกระแตแต้แว้ด

The first picture was of a Red-wattled Lapwing (นกกระแตแต้แว้ด), there were 3 of them next to the pond. There was one Great Egret (นกยางโทนใหญ่) foraging and one Javan Pond Heron (นกยางกรอกพันธุ์ชวา) flying over the pond.

I leave the club house area and I drive along the western side of the Bang Pu Golf Course and I will drive counter clockwise around the Bang Pu Golf Course.

There are small paths from the main road and I go in to have a look for birds. I make some recordings of the birds I could hear in the vegetations along the road.

Listen to the Olive-backed Sunbird
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

The recording starts with a bird and the bird come back at around 12 seconds again.

Anyone know if this is a Purple Sunnbird?

Thanks to Bram Piot at Xeno-canto for the ID

Ashy Woodswallow, Artamus fuscus, นกแอ่นพง
Ashy Woodswallow - นกแอ่นพง

Ashy Woodswallow, Artamus fuscus, นกแอ่นพง
Ashy Woodswallow - นกแอ่นพง

There were prinias and Ashy Woodswallow (นกแอ่นพง) sitting on the wires along the ring road along the Bang Pu Golf Course. There is a museum, the Garuda Museum (พิพิธภัณฑ์ครุฑ) in the SE corner of the golf course. But I have seen no cars on the road so it might be closed.

Thinking about it, there had been a road block covering half the road entering here. The area looked abandoned and there were huge villas that looked to fall apart. They looked to have been expensive so this might be the reason for them not having been sold.

There are paths going out on the golf court, for golf carts only and I did not want to drive out on the golf course to annoy the players.
Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings
Bang Pu Golf Course

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings
We can see Bang Pu Golf Course behind the reeds

But I got a view over the golf course at some places and it did not look very exciting so I might cancel my idea to come back to rent a golf cart.

Continuing on the ring road and I end up in the wilderness. I hear two Greater Coucals (นกกระปูดใหญ่) in the vegetation next to the road. Both of them are very close and it seems like they are talking with each other.

I can hear two other Greater Coucals (นกกระปูดใหญ่) but they are far away.

Back on the paved ring road and I am soon taking off again and I end up at what looks like a planned house site. Construction had never started but they had started to make a road with a roundabout that had felt in to decay.

I could see the player on the golf court and there were two small trees with five cormorants and one Asian Openbill (นกปากห่าง)

Indian Cormorant, Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, นกกาน้ำปากยาว and Asian Openbill (นกปากห่าง)
Indian Cormorant (นกกาน้ำปากยาว) and Asian Openbill (นกปากห่าง)

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings
Bang Pu Golf Course

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings
Bang Pu Golf Course

Listen to the Common Iora
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

I recorded this bird that I could not see. But it sounded like a Common Iora.

Thanks to Bram Piot at xeno-canto for help with ID

I managed to make a recording of a bird I thought sounded like a Common Iora. I sent the recording to the forum to see if anyone can confirm my ID.

Continuing towards the Garuda Museum (พิพิธภัณฑ์ครุฑ) and there were one bird sitting in the tree next to the road. Very close, but I could not see the bird. But I made a recording that I will send to Birdforum and Xeno-canto to see if I can get any help with the ID.

My Honda Giorno is really good for bird watching and I get better and better on manoeuvring and to look for birds at the same time.

And I have modified my Honda Giorno adding a basket and now I am getting used to have my Canon EOS R3 with the Canon RF 100-500mm IS USM lens in the basket in front of me.

Listen to the
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

I recorded this bird sitting next to me. Never heard this voice before. Same call all the time (I think it is the same bird) starting making a totally different noise at around 33 seconds in to the recording.

From Bram Piot at Xeno-canto:
There are many species here. I think you have Olive-backed (Ornate) and Brown-throated Sunbirds, as well as Yellow-bellied Prinia and Zebra Dove in the background, and the call after 0:33 might just be Common Tailorbird (else, Plain Prinia).

The Garuda Museum (พิพิธภัณฑ์ครุฑ) looked to be closed and I continued along the paved road. I stopped to get a picture of one Indochinese Roller. That was about the only bird I spotted before I reached a road block.

A fence across the road and I could not complete the ring road around the Bang Pu Golf Course and I had to turn around and go back again.

My plan is to drive back to the club house and continue until I reach the road block. Then I have completed the full circle around the golf course.

Indochinese Roller
Indochinese Roller

Driving back towards the club house and I kept on looking for birds. If I spot a bird that I have not seen coming here I can report it to the eBird.

If I see the same birds, I spotted coming here I cannot report them again. Only if I see more of them. If I have reported 2, I must see 3 to be able to report the new bird.

The Plain Prinia (นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ) was reported but I had not got any picture. So, I stopped to try to get a picture of the bird sitting on the wire along the road.

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia - นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ

Oriental Magpie-Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie-Robin - นกกางเขนบ้าน

But I could report the Oriental Magpie-Robin (นกกางเขนบ้าน) as I had not seen this bird before. And I managed to get a picture of the male Oriental Magpie-Robin as well.

Malaysian Pied-Fantail was another bird that I could report on my way back as well.

Reaching the club house and I continued on the ring road. There was a fee of 5 ฿ to pass the road block and I was soon reaching another road block. I handed over my ticket and I exited the area and I made a U-turn to get up on the ring road again.

Continuing for about 100 meters and I reached the fence over the ring road and I had completed the circle around the Bang Pu Golf Course

Back at the club house and I could hear on Common Iora calling from one of the trees. I walked over to have a look for the bird. Yellow bird so not so easy to see in the tree.

Common Iora, Aegithina tiphia, นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา
Common Iora - นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา

Common Iora, Aegithina tiphia, นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา
Common Iora - นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา

Recording the bird while looking for it, but I managed to delete the recording by mistake when IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas back home and I could never get it back, what a shame! I beautiful call that we will never have a chance to hear.

I got two pictures before the bird took off. I went back to my Honda Giorno and I turned off the eBird app and I drove back to Samut Prakan.


eBird Report

Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings, Samut Prakan, TH
Jul 7, 2024 08:59 - 10:20
Protocol: Traveling
12.96 kilometer(s)
22 species

Feral Pigeon 3
Red Collared Dove 1
Zebra Dove 13
Greater Coucal 4 Two heard next to the road calling each others
Asian Koel 1
Red-wattled Lapwing 10
Asian Openbill 6 2 adults and 2 young together
Indian Cormorant 5 ID by the blue eyes
Little Egret 1
Javan Pond Heron 3
Great White Egret 2
Indochinese Roller 1
Ashy Woodswallow 4
Common Iora 2
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 1
Common Tailorbird 1
Yellow-bellied Prinia 2
Plain Prinia 1
Common Myna 5
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1
Ornate Sunbird 1 Singing
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 7

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S185752538

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings
Today's track eBird hotspot: Bang Pu Golf Course surroundings

I had lunch with my friend and we called a carpenter that came to look at my bed room. He will build some shelves and it willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be ready when I come back home from Japan.

Time to renew my VISA so I will go to Japan and I will have a few days of bird watching as well.

Click HERE to find out if I make it to Japan with Thai Airways flight TG 676 tomorrow.



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