“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

July 2012 - Part 2

Monday 16 th of July 2012 and I was in the mess room 10 minutes before 8 o'clock for my morning tea and black bread. I was in my office at 8 o'clock for our “Good morning PEP” meeting.
- Assholes and motherfoockers!!
- Good morning Boss
We will have a safety meeting at 10 thirty so I asked our Pump Man to prepare to change the valve on our #2 foam monitor and he will be assisted by our Bosun (Trainee Pump man) to change the valve after lunch.

Our Painters continued with the chipping and the rest of our deck crew continued with their work. I kept one AB to test our high level alarms. Everyone knew what to do and the meeting was over.
- So foock off out of here. She is red like a fox!

I went to prepare for the high level alarm test and I expected the crew to get out on deck.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaBut the crew was screaming

Yeah, I forgot about the group hug and when we were finished the crew foocked off out of my office and I started to test the high level alarms with the duty AB.

Several alarms not working and our Electrician started to work with the high level alarms when we finished the test. I was at my desk listening to some FUNKY music and the Electrician was working with the high level alarms.
The high level alarm box is in my office/ CCR so he could enjoysome good music as well.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Almost all the crew after the safety meeting

And yes, I like to stay only one time on a ship. Second time coming back is OK, but I'm ready to jump overboard the third time. Changing ship all the time and time really turns quick while learning how things are working onboard. Everyday I'm picked up in my office, either by our 2nd Engineeror our Captain.
- Time for lunch
- Time for dinner
And today I was almost missing our safety meeting, I thought the clock was 9 thirty butAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe clock was 10 thirty. It was almost 12 o'clock when we finished our safety meeting and I had a picture of the crew before returning to my office. And at 10 minutes past 12 Captain was in my office.
- Time for lunch.

And I was baffled, wasn't this the guy that had promised me to keep an eye on my diet? He is in my office everyday reminding me about lunch and dinner and when I finally make it to the mess room the first thing I see is a jar of n utella

We have ordered grease for deck and our 2nd Officer had a few questions on how much we needed so we decided to meet in my office with our Bosun at 13:00. Our Bosun and I had toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiago down to the engine room to find our 2nd Engineer, he had obviously forgot about our appointment. Never mind, we got a tour of the engine room, and we sorted out the grease business.

I returned to my office to continue with my requisitions and our Bosun returned to deck. I made a few requisitions before I went to check on our Pump man. I had expected him to spend a full day with the valve on the foam monitor thanks to the break for the safety meeting. But when I was on deck quarter to 2 he had already removed the valve and he was removing the bolts from the old valve.

So I was surprised, but our Pump man is very good, at least what I have seen so far and our 2ndAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaEngineer have worked with him before. And he is saying the same thing.
- A very good Pump man.

So I went to test the foam monitor, the old valve was leaking and it was spraying water from #2 foam monitor all the time. I opened the valve and when I closed the valve again there was no leaks.

The rest of the crew are busy cleaning deck, our ship is brown from the iron ore dustwe had all over the ship in Dampier and the ship needs a good scrub. And we had our best guys on the washing detail and the ship willhopefully look good before the crew knocks off tonight.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Crew busy washing

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Crew busy washing

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Crew busy washing

We have a leaking coupling on the fire line and when our pump man was ready with the foam monitor he started with the flexible pipe coupling. The rubber gasket was almost gone and we need toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiachange the gasket. When the old gasket was of we discovered that our new gasket was too small. 4 inch and we went to the engine room and we found a 6 inch rubber gasket to the flexible pipe coupling.

The 6 inch turned out to be too big and it turned out that the fire line is a 5 inch pipe. What theOur Pump man had to make a 5 inch rubber gasket for the fire line.

I went to check out how things turned out for our Bosun with the gratings on top of the drip trays while our Pump man continued with the fire line. Our Pump man was almost finished with the grating and our Painters areAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiabusy chipping and painting around the forward spring winch.

Our Pump man and Bosun will be ready with the important stuff before arrival tomorrow evening.

At least the important things for now, we have 3 or 4 days from Indonesia to Singapore and then we have plenty important things to do before the vetting inspection. But so far I have nothing but good things to say aboutAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe crew. Our Bosun is very good and so is our Pump man.

Our Bosun managed to finish the gratings and we had planned to lock down the ship today. Plenty of robberies in Indonesian waters. But we decided to do it tomorrow instead and our Bosun helped Pump Man with the flexible hose coupling.

We will not arrive until tomorrow evening so thereare plenty time and we will lock down the ship tomorrow afternoon instead. Well, the crew finished the deck before it was time to finish for today.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun are fixing our gratings

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun are fixing our gratings

Our Pump Man and Bosun worked with the flexible coupling and our Pump man said something I never
Diet Day 4

Breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for any snacks

Lunch: Fish and plenty salad
          No time for tea

Afternoon snack: I big cup of flax seeds

Dinner: Lamb, cauliflower, salad and some home fried
          potatoes. A sandwich with n utella and tea

          After all, it is Monday

heard in Maersk before.
- I stay on deck until this is ready.
- That's the spirit!
They finished the coupling and we put pressure on the lineand no signs of any leaks. He had to take care of some gas oil before he could go for dinner and our Bosun returned the tools.

I was in my office and my phone rang.
- Time for dinner baby
- What the
I was having lamb and cauliflower/ beans and some home fried potato for dinner. The home fried potato is very good, as good as my first breakfast at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant. Second time at New Cowboy and everything was soaked in fat and it was impossible to eat. Well, anyway, our Cook is very good and I had a second helping with salad and lamb

I was in the day room enjoying a mug of tea when I decided to have a sandwich with n utella . I really can't wait for us to run out of n utella . But it have been pretty good, way over expectations, no Milo and if I have a n utella sandwich or two per week it is never mind.

Tuesday 17 th of July 2012
and I was out of bed at 7 thirty to turn off my alarm clock. I was in the mess room 10 minutes before 8. The mess room was empty except for our 3rd officer. He wasAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiahaving his breakfast before going on watch at 8 o'clock.

And he was eating n utella like there was no tomorrow. Good, we willhopefully soon be out of n utella and if I'm lucky they will not order any new.

I had my tea and black bread with cheese and when it was time to leave for my office I got disappointed with myself. I grabbed a freshly baked bun. This willhopefully never happen again. All crew except the guys sleeping was in my office when I stepped in. - Assholes and motherfoockers!!
- Good morning Boss
We discussed the day’s work and I could see the ABs stand-by jumping in to a group hug. Full of expectations and I could see how disappointed they got when I disappeared. But they were smiling when I came back with Maersk caps for them. They got one each and we had the group hug.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Good morning PEP hug

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Good morning PEP hug

- OK, enough of the hugging, now foock off out of here!
The guys disappeared out on deck and I started to do a work permit for our Pump man to clean theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaflame screen in the mast riser after lunch. He was busy preparing deck for loading. The rest of the crew was painting and our Bosun (Trainee pump Man) was purging our cargo pumps.

There are stencils to be painted on deck and some old signs that we will remove so the crew had enough to do. 2 guys were finishing the washing they had started yesterday. We have ETA to Santan at 18:00 tonight, but it is day light mooring only so we will have to wait until tomorrow morning before we can get to the buoy and start loading theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaNaphtha. Well, now it is changed from Naphtha to Condensate. But it is pretty much the same thing.

Our 2nd Engineer came to my office and he asked if I needed anything in Singapore. We need a valve and some bolts so our Pump man and I went on deck to takemeasurements. I took notes and I went back in and I took the elevator to the ECR.

No 2nd Engineer in the ECR so I went out to the engine room to look for him. I found him and one of the other Engineers working with something and when theyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawere ready we went back to the ECR.

Our 2nd Engineer got the required information and we willhopefully get the stuff in Singapore.

I discovered our Electrician and Chief Engineer in the kitchen discussing tea with our Cook when I came to get something to drink. God forbid that I was coming for a snack. Both our Electrician and Chief Engineer are tea drinkers and they were complaining about the Lipton Yellow label and the wanted our Cook to order some real tea in Singapore.
- But they always send the Yellow label when I order tea
- Yes, but you have to specify what tea you want
The moved in to the office and the computer. I saw and heard that they were busy ordering tea and it will be exciting to see what kind of tea they will deliver in Singapore.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Our painters busy chipping on deck

Our Bosun and I were walking around the ship in the afternoon to lock all the doors. Indonesia isAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawell known for the thieves coming onboard stealing things. So we're better off locking all the doors.

And we took the opportunity to check the crew painting while walking around the ship. We have covered the oldAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaEMERGENCY SHOWER stencils and they are painting new stencils.

So the marking looks much better now. Our extra painters are making good progress on tank deck. They will go home in August so I really hope they get us a long voyage after this so they will have time to finish our deck.

Yet another day was about to come to an end. I just had to finish my cargo plan, but I was running in to much extra work and I didn't completed the work until 7 thirty. I had
Diet Day 5

Breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: Some freshly baked buns

Lunch: 2 bowls of broccoli soup with rice
          No time for tea

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: 2 bowls of broccoli soup with mashed
          potato. Not a good day, but I will have to shape
          up. No salad today and several of our Cook's
          freshly baked buns

have a quick break for some broccoli soup for dinner.

Well, 4 bowls of broccoli soup during the day, not bad, if it would not have been for the added rice at lunch and the added mashed potato for dinner.

EOSP & NOR at 18:12 but no news about the anchorage. So we were drifting of Santan Oil Terminal and at 8 thirty we got news that we could drop our anchor, and according to the latest news we will get our Pilot at 6 thirty tomorrow morning. Yeah, a perfect time!

I don't have a clue with what rate they are going to give us, but we will be here for 1 or 2 days and then we have 4 days to Singapore. And they are working on a Jet Fuel cargo for us. And it would be very very nice if we would discharge the Jet Fuel in Thailand, or Australia.

Wednesday 18 th of July 2012
and I was surprised that I could sleep until my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I had expected to be called before 7 thirty as we were told that our Pilot would comeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaonboard at 6 thirty. I had a shower and I went for a slice of black bread and tea in the mess room.

No Pilot and I was told that the pilot would come around 8 thirty. Perfect, I have time for tea and some pre arrival test and checks. But something was going on and there wasn't very much people at our “Good morning PEP” meeting. It was only our Pump man, Bosun and I so the group hug was pretty pathetic. But never the less, the guys have grown used to the tradition to start the day with a group hug.

Our anchor was up at 08:36 and at the same time the Pilot/ Loading Master came onboard. He brought the Surveyor, Mooring gang and immigration. We will load from a SBM so the she haveAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiamooring gang to tie us up to the Buoy and to connect the cargo hose. There are 3 hoses floating on the water. We will only load from 1 hose and they will keep the other 2 on our deck.
Our Surveyor and I finished our paper work and tank inspection while we were approaching the SBM and when we had all fast the Pilot came down from the bridge.

Now he was the Loading Master and we did the last paper work while they were connecting the cargo hose to our manifold #1.

We started the loading 12 minutes before 1 o'clock. We had had time for lunch and our SurveyorAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaand Loading Master was joining us for lunch. They will stay onboard during the loading operation so no need to give any notice to them when we're ready.

Well, it will be a shore stop at 262500 bbls so it is up to the Terminal to have the people here when we're ready. Our Surveyor wanted to take foot samples so we didn't asked for full rate until the clock was almost 2 thirty. Our Surveyor told me that theyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawould keep a rate of 1300 to 1400m³/h and our Loading Master told me that they would keep 2380m³/h.

And when we were at full rate it looked like 2000m³/h and that means that we will be ready around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.Good, no need to get out of bed in the middle of the night.

Loading Jet Fuel in Singapore for Australia after the discharging and I was busy with cargo calculations in the afternoon. And just before dinner we got new enquiries about the next cargo. So I had a quick dinner before returning to my office. Dinner was broccoli and home fried potato, and I had 2 sandwiches with n utella . And I was disappointed with our Captain, I had expected him to stop me from stuffingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiamyself with n utella .

Yes, 2 plates of broccoli and home fried potato was bad enough, and then the n utella on top of that.

My daily “Diet Box” was meant to inspire me to eat next to nothing and it would be fun to fill it up before bed time and I would have it black on white how little I
have been eating during the day and thus inspiring me to grand achievement.

But now it is more like a series of “Diet Boxes” showing how it turned in to a disaster and a utter failure. Well, tomorrow... I was thinking about this during the dinner. What do I have to fill up today, my Diet Day 6?
- Hmm, not any fresh buns

Of course, thinking of the freshly made buns
Diet Day 6

Breakfast: 1 slices of black bread with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for any snacks

Lunch: Meat and macaroni, 2 plates
          No time for tea

Afternoon snack: I big cup of flax seeds

Dinner: 2 plate of broccoli and home fried potato, 2
          sandwiches with n utella
          3, or was it 4 buns? MOTHERFOOCKER!!
          Well, I will start all over again tomorrow.

made me go to the bread basket to see if there was any buns left. Of course there was and I took the remaining buns. Yes, on top of my 2 sandwiches with n utella I stuffed myself with the last 3 buns. DARN!

Our Captain and I went to my office to make a few cargo plans. Now they want us to load 150,000Bbls gas oil in Singapore. We will discharge the gas oil in Singapore and we will load the Jet Fuel for Australia. They asked for a few different options and we were busy in my office until 9 o'clock in the evening.

If we will do all these operations it will almost be time forme to sign off when we're back in Singapore after Australia. And I might stay in Singapore for a few days before going back home to FUNKY TOWN.

And a few days of partyat Club Street and Duxton Hills in Singapore is never boring.

Thursday 19 th of July 2012
and I got out of bed 10 minutes before 10. I had asked our 3rd officer for a wakeup call at 10 o'clock. I had a shower and I stepped in to the CCR just when ourAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia3rd officer was about to call me. I had been up during the night and it was 5 o'clock before I went to bed so I was a wee bit tired, but I was full of vim after a cup of tea and a bun with cheese.

We completed loading 12:18 and we did the paper work and at 2 o'clock we left the buoy. We were leaving the buoy and we would wait for the cargo documents at the anchorage, about 2 hours to our Loading Master. I was in my office doing the last paper work with the Surveyor when it was time to leave. Our pilot/ Loading Master would leave as soon as we wereclear of the SBM and I had a protest for him to sign. So I went to the bridge for his signature and I took the opportunity to get a few pictures of the departure adventure.

Our Captain was happy when I asked him for a picture. He started to pose and I told him that I wanted a picture with the tug boat in the back.
- I thought I was the important thing with the picture!
Well, I got my picture and I took a few when we left the buoy and I returned to the CCR and my office for the last paper work with the Surveyor. Our Loading Master didn't had his stamps on the bridge so when he came down from the bridge he stamped the protest and the Loading Master/ Pilot, Surveyor and mooring gang left our ship at 14 thirty.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Leaving Santan Oil Terminal SBM

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Leaving Santan Oil Terminal SBM

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Leaving Santan Oil Terminal SBM

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Leaving Santan Oil Terminal SBM

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Leaving Santan Oil Terminal SBM

We dropped our anchor and we expected our Agent to be onboard within an hour or so with the cargo documents. But there were no sign off him and I finished all my paper work in my office. 5Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiao'clock and still no sign of the cargo documents. And I was told that they had to be here before 6, it was low water at 6 and then the boat was stuck in the river with our cargo documents.

6 o'clock and still no cargo documents, we went for dinner and I was impressed with myself. Fish and cauliflower and 2 plates of salad. This might turn out to be the best day with my diet since I joined the ship in Dampier. Fish for lunch and fish for dinner.

Our Cook had made some chocolate cream pastries and Captain was having one, but I skipped the chocolate cream pastry.
- A remarkable change to your diet comparing to Maersk Cassandra, he said.

Yes, my diet onboard Maersk Cassandra was very bad and I feel much better now eating all theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiasalad and flax seeds. I only wait for our diet drinks in Singapore, I’m drinking too much juice and that is not any good for my diet. But the mango juice is very good and one glass is never enough.

Our cargo documents, I would not be surprised if we would have to wait at the anchorage until tomorrow for the cargo documents. Well, it is better than in the middle of the night.

I had been having a cup of tea in the day room watching the guys playing TV game and when I left for my cabin I saw that Captain's daughter was having her dinner. And she was only having vegetables on her plate. Otherwise she wants n utella and ice cream. But I had spent the afternoon reading stories for her.

She brought all her books to me, Beauty & the Beast, Gingerbread boy, something with dogAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiabiting bad people and other stories. Of course, I changed the stories and it was always the Carrot Man beating the n utella Man.

I showed her the pictures of the dogs biting the bad people.
- Look at the dogs! They are angry at the people only eating chocolate

I was afraid that she would start to cry, but she said “Chocolate is no good”
- Correct, Our heroes the Carrot Man and the Broccoli Mannever eat chocolate

It is a very cute kid and she is very funny. She has been afraid of me since I came onboard. Every time she saw me she turned around starting to run so she felt overeverything in her way. But today she refused to leave me alone, bringing me books and crayons and stuff. I had to escape from Captain's cabin in order
Diet Day 7

Breakfast: 2 freshly made buns with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: I didn't get out of bed until 10

Lunch: Fish only
          No time for tea

Afternoon snack: An apple, I was just about to grab a fist           full of buns, but I changed my mind and I had an           apple instead

Dinner: Fish and cauliflower
          2 big plates of salad, Ok, there were a few boiled           potatos falling on the plate. But it was a very good           day. And I skipped our Cook's chocolate cream           pastries. A VERY GOOD DAY!!
to have time to do some important work in my office. There are always cubic tones of work to do.

Well, they are obviously not coming with the documents and I returned to my cabin after my dinner. And I was very pleased with my day, regarding my diet. If I can keep up this work I will soon ask Captain's wife for her scale.

And it seems like the jet fuel cargo for Australia is booked. And with the discharging, tank cleaning and then loading and discharging gas oil in Singapore before loading the jet fuel in Singapore it will almost be time for me to go home when we're back from Australia.

I was enjoying myself in my cabin when they called at 9 o'clock in the evening
- Documents onboard
- I'll be down in a jiff
We completed the paperwork and when we discovered that the service boat had forgotten our Agent and left. So we had to wait for yet another hour before they boat was coming back to pick up the Agent. Well, I'm in no hurry anywhere and I was off to bed.

Friday 20 th of July 2012
and I was out of bed at 7 thirty when my alarm went off, first day after departing from Santan. we were back to our routines with the “Good morning PEP” meeting inAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiamy office. I stepped in to my office.
- Assholes and Motherfoockers! - GOOD MORNING BOSS!!!

The crew started to scream “GROUP HUG” as soon as we were ready with the “Good morning PEP” meeting.

Well, I wish wewould have the time hanging around my office hugging all day long. But we DON'T have the time. Our Pump man have to purge our cargo pumps and our Bosun are making a indicator for ourAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiadeck crane. Our extra painters are busy chipping and painting and the rest of the deck crew will grease our winches. So no time for hanging around hugging all day long.
- Get your arses out on deck! SCHOO!

We were busy and before I knew it it was time for lunch. Yes, I did not even have time for my “snacks” at 10 o'clock. Well, I can have my flaxseeds n the afternoon.

Lunch and I only had broccoli and meat and I was in a very good mood when I returned toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiamy office. Yes, coming late for lunch andthere is only time for a quick meal before I return to my important work.

But I really enjoy myself, good music blasting high on the Richter scaleand as Captain wrote in his e-mail: Now I don't want a Aladdin with no FUNKY CORNER.

We have plenty to do and I'm really looking forward to our trip to Australia,hopefully to Sydney and we will have 14 days at sea. And the crew will for sure not be short of work.

Our Bosun and I was throwing garbage after the coffee break in the afternoon. Strange, people are demanding higher salary, but they can't see the foockingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiadifference between plastic and paper. I even had all crew to feel the difference between paper and plastic on a ship I was on. No names mentioned.

We had a safety meeting, all crew met in the ship's office and when we were finished and the crew were ready to leave I stopped them.
- Hey! Don't leave!
I could see the crew thinking “What does Porky want now? Why can't we just return to our duties?” when I asked them to stay behind. I walked around with a piece of paper and a piece of plastic. I stopped in front one each of them, handing them the piece of paper
- What is that?
- Paper
I handed him the piece of plastic.
- What is that?
- Plastic
When I had asked everyone I asked them if we could throw plastic overboard.
- NO!
- So why the foock do we find plastic in the paper waste?

I mean, how foocking hard can it be. Everyone likes to do dome fishing, but they don't understand why the fish is disappearing. Well, one thing is for sure, we will have to change our lifestyle. 100% sure, we can't go on like this, everyone knows it but no one does anything. Like a smoker thatAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaknows that the smoke is killing him. If we change our lifestyle now, of our own free will it will be easier. But the day we're forced ( 10 to 15 more years)to change our lifestyle there will be a hug problem.

Riots in Hong Kong and Indonesia because of a rise of the gasoline price. Imagine the horror when we're out of clean water, 35 years if we continue like we're living today.

Of course, this is the governments that will have to change the legislation, not much we can do. Of course, we don't need to buy a new mobile phone every day. But if we don't buy a new mobile everyday we will soon have politicians on the TV and radio being worried about the economical growth we need to maintain to be able to keep up with our destructivelifestyle.

And why on earth are we allowed to import stuff to Europe from countries like China and other Asian and South American countries we're they make stuff with no regards to the environment?

Open a factory in Europe and they will have to spend billions to clean up their waste. In these “low cost” countries the cost is exactly ZIP to clean up their waste. Just dump it in the river. No salaries forAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe workers and of course, all the American and European brands move their factories to these countries.

In Europe, 0 growth and we see what good all this have done to EU right now.

Well, I have soon spentmy time allowance on this earth. I feel sorry for the children that will have to take over this mess.

And I find it strangethat people want to have children (like puppies) “Look how cute our baby is”and they just continue with their destructive lifestyle thinking that nothing we do have any impact on this very big globe.
If, and I say IF God created the human being it must for sure be the biggest failure, fiasco ever. I flop of biblical proportions that will be impossible to beat never mind what clot they send to try. Impossible to foock up like that again.

Well, anyway, I have to make sure “no” bad things goes overboard. Our Bosun and I discharged theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiagarbage in the afternoon and we collected all the plastic we found in the paper and metal bin in a blue plastic bag that will be sentashore in Singapore.

It looks like we will be busy the next few days, loading jet fuel in Singapore for Australia. So we need to do hot water wash and we have planned to test out steam pipes and water heter on deck tomorrow. Our Pump man has prepared the steam lines on deck with blinds where needed and he have drained the line. And we willhopefully be able to get the system up and running.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

On Sunday or Monday we will make a test run of our IG system and we will arrive to Singapore onAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaTuesday and from there on it will pretty much be action 24/7 until we're leaving for Australia.

But I really like our Bosun and pump man and they get plenty work done on deck and almost everything I put up on my whiteboard is crossed out on a daily basis. We have a few big jobs that will take us a few days. But I see the progress everyday and I'm very pleased to work with these guys.

And damn! The time turns quick. I was in my office listening to music completing my discharge plan. Yes, I'm better off having this one ready, who knows what we will run in tomorrow when we start trying the steam delivery to deck.

Suddenly, 10 minutes past 6, our Captainand his daughter came in to my office.
- Time for dinner baby!
- What time is it?
- 10 past
- OK, I will be right with you, I'm only going to finish this.

I finished my “Step by Step” discharge plan a few minutes later and I went to our mess room forAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiadinner. Lamb chops and salad, and way too much home fried potatoes. But it is Friday and I have had a very good day with my diet.

Actually, I had 2 plates of lamb chops and home fried potatoes, and plenty salad on top of that. Our Chief Engineer finished his dinner quickly as usually.

So it was our 2nd Engineer, Captain and his daughter with me at the table. And I could see that Captain's daughter did her best eating her carrots. But she had caught sight of our Cook's freshly made almond cake.

Every time I was coming too close to the cake she screamed.
Diet Day 8

Breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for any snacks

Lunch: Meat and plenty salad
          Of course, a big mug of tea

Afternoon snack: I big cup of flax seeds

Dinner: Lamb chops and home fried potatoes, plenty
          salad. A very good day even if I had 8 pieces of
          our Cook's almond cake.
          (The smallest pieces I had ever seen)

All in all a very good da... Well I was pretty pleased anyway. And we're out of n utella YIPEEE!! But Captain's daughter is blaming me for having finished the n utella
- Eat your carrots!!

I had to hide the cake while eating it. But it didn't take her long to figure out what I was up to. I took the last 2 pieces when the others had moved in to the day room and I was leftalone in the mess room. But at least we finished the darn cake so no more temptations.

Imagine my disappointment when I discovered a whole foocking “mountain” of almond cake when I was back in the mess room 10 minutes later (to see what was going on)
- What the

And this time the almond cake had some filling so I just had to try it. I returned to my cabin and I decided to give some of our Maersk t-shirts and baseball caps to our 2nd Engineer so he can hand them out to the engine crew. My cabin is full of boxes with caps and t-shirts and I can use the space for something else.

We were running around on C-deck in the evening and I discovered a store room full of FIZZ drinks and lo and behold, there were diet drinks and I brought a case to my cabin immediately. And it didn't take many seconds before I had popped open the first diet drink.

Well, I hopethe diet drink(s) don't affect my ability to fall asleep tonight. Tomorrow is a new day and I need to be full of vim. I actually look forward to each day filled with work. Everything is new and there is a lot of stuff to organise for me. Time is quick, of course, it will most likely be a different story after 2 or 3 months onboard when everything is arranged as I like to have it.

OK, I can sense that this page will be blown out of proportions. So in order to save us some downloading time I will turn the month of July in the year of our Lord 2012 in to 3 parts. This is end of part to so click the link and you will find yourself in the middle of Aladdin's adventure onboard Maersk Claudia July 2012 - part 3 in a jiff.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

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Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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