OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Sunday 1 st of December 2013 and we were anchored at Visakhapatnam anchorage when I woke up at 7 o’clock. 76% of the erasing was completed and 6 hours 33 minutes to go (lapsed time 21h) before I can try to install windows again. There was an e-mail from my friend. Toshiba was obviously shit, he had had a broken hard drive after a few days of use. Well, why do I get all these information AFTER buying the Toshiba? Never again!

Breakfast and the Christmas carols were blasting high in the kitchen, someone is obviously desperate for the Christmas spirit. And Christmas spirit on a ship, impossible so they really must be desperate in the kitchen

But I was a wee bit relieved coming back to my cabin at 10 thirty, the erase hard drive had reached 87% so we’re past the 84%. But the LAPSED TIME had started from 0 again

Aladdin's adventure with Toshiba Qoismo on board M/T Roy Maersk
22 hours and still going strong

Aladdin's adventure with Toshiba Qoismo on board M/T Roy Maersk
At 84% the timer rested itself

Aladdin's adventure with Toshiba Qoismo on board M/T Roy Maersk
Here we go again

They gave us 1 hour notice just in time for dinner and all information we had received stated that the port was closing at 16:00 for dredging. Well, no one was surprised. We were on deck doing the pre arrival tests and the guys were on the fo’c’s’le starting to heave up the anchor when they cancelled the pilot. For how long? No one knows.

They called me just after 11 o’clock and we were approaching Visakhapatnam, or Visak as the British called it. Pilot on board and we entered the port and a small channel in to the inner harbour. Looked interesting with temples and stuff and I wished we had passed during the day light. I interrogated our Pilot about 5 star hotels and nice restaurants
- There are plenty restaurants
- And 5 star hotels
- There are on the Beach Road. We have Novotel
- Novotel is not a 5 star hotel, 4 star at best, I said

Never mind, Novotel is good and I will try to get ashore for a nice dinner and it looks like we will have the time. 3 days loading.

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Visakhapatnam - Entering inner harbour from outer harbour

Monday 2 nd of December 2013
and we had all fast at 01:00 and we started to load at 04:18 and I was in bed just before 6. I woke up in time for lunch, but a headache, most likely because ofAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersklack of sleep. Almost 24 hours without sleep. We sounded the berth and we found that we had about 9,2 meters instead on 10,7 as they had told us. Easy to understand what would happen if we load to 10,06 meters draft.

And more problem, our ballast water intake is above the jetty so if we discharge 10,000 tons of ballast over the jetty we will flush away the jetty and everything on the jetty. Well, it looked like everything was washed away already. And I don't think it was the hurricane they had here a few days ago. It looked like the jetty had been like this for the last decade.

But my Windows 8 was up and running, but everything is slow and trying to install my Windows 7 failed and the whole computer was down on the knees and I had to start all over again with theAladdin's adventure with Toshiba Qoismo on board M/T Roy Maerskinstalment of Windows 8. Well, one thing is for sure, my piece of shit Toshiba will be sent ashore in Singapore.

We were going to take soundings around the ship at 19:00 and then I was going ashore with the C/E for some dinner. They have a Gateway hotel here, same as the Taj Mahal in Bombay so the food should be good. But we learned that we were only allowed ashore between 0800 and 2000 so we had to change our plans. An late “AFTER DINNER” movie and when we finished our movie I turned around looking at the 2nd Engineer
- Now your reliever is in the hotel having a good time

I just finished the sentence when the door to the TV room opened and our new 2nd Engineer stepped inside the TV room. He had been stuck in the immigration for 4 hours so he was late.

Tuesday 3 rd of December 2013
and they called me at 9 thirty and I was sleeping, sleeping good when they called. The garbage collectors were on board. I needed to make a certificate that our old wooden pallets were garbage or the custom would have stopped them in the gate. But theyAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskmanaged to get everything ashore and I was quite happy when they were gone with the garbage.

Time for lunch and we had two 2nd Engineers at the table. Our new 2nd Engineer got the seat next to me and I asked what he had done to deserve the seat next to me on the first day.
- Usually takes a while!

I’m also happy that we can pump out the ballast from the bottom of the ship, or we would not have been able to discharge the ballast without flushing away the jetty and all the rubbish lying around on the jetty.

But we can only discharge one side at the time while loading at the same side, but it works. The only problem is to eject the tanks, then we need to use the overboard valve. But we have a pallet covering the ballast discharge so there are only splashes on the jetty. Well, as we missed theAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskopportunity to go ashore yesterday we decided to go ashore this very afternoon. And I will look for a new computer.

Today the new 2nd Engineer was in my cabin after lunch. I have been working with him on board Maersk Claudia so we know each other. HeAladdin's adventure with Toshiba Qoismo on board M/T Roy Maersklooked at my crashed Toshiba.

- Toshiba!!??? I had one of those and it also crashed on me
What the foock? Everyone seems to have had problem with their Toshiba computers and I only learn about it after I spent 2400 US dollars on my Toshiba. Well, I will look for a new computer today, but not a Toshiba! It will be Dell or SAMSUNG.

We sounded the depth around the ship and I went for a shower. We had ordered the taxi for 15:00 and of course, at 3 o'clock they called and they told us that the taxi was 30 minutes late. Our Chief Engineer and the Cadets had the same experience when they left after lunch. Our 2nd Engineer and I thought that we would have better luck.

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our jetty in Visakhapatnam

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our 2nd Engineer

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our 2nd Engineer

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Passing the fire station on the way to the gate

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Passing the fire station on the way to the gate

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
People waiting for business opportunities outside the gate

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
The guard scrutinise our 2nd Engineer's documents before we can leave

They called us and they told us that the taxi was waiting. Our 2nd Engineer and I left, but I spotted our 2nd Engineer's sandals halfway to the gangway.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- HEY! Maybe better to change shoes if we're going to eat at a 5 star hotel
He turned around and he was soon back with real shoes and we left Roy Maersk behind. We were soon to discover that it was quite a constitutionalto reach the gate.

Our taxi arrived when we came to the gate, and he was supposed to be waiting for us already. As soon as we had passed the gate we took off with smoking and screaming tyres. First stop GMTCentral, a heaven for electronics. At least according to our Surveyor. We passed what looked to be a new elevated high way and I got sea sick. I confirmed with the driver, yes, it was a new built road.

If you would have built something like this in Sweden the best thing that would happen to you wouldbe to get fired. You would most likely end up in jail. This was a poorly built stretch of road. Our 2nd Engineer suggested that they had been drunk whileYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbuilding the elevated highway.

I was about to threw up while we were rocking and rolling our way down the elevated high way. Visakhapatnam is a big city, about 2 million people living there. But most of the houses looked like they were about to fall apart.

So we were pleasantly surprised when we arrived to the GMT Central, a new building and we told the driver to wait for us. A heaven for electronic, well, we found one shop that had computers. I asked for a DELL or SAMSUNG.

I decided to buy a SAMSUNG and I asked for Windows 7 but they only had them with Windows 8. But they told me that they could install Windows 7 in a Apple computer. No Apple and I told themDELLthat I would like to buy the SAMSUNG. Never mind Windows 7. They started to take down the computer and I told them that I wanted a new computer. Not a computer that millions of people had tried.

The suggested an Apple and I asked for DELL but they didn't had any model that I liked. Now they suggested an Apple computer for the 50th time.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- IF YOU SAY APPLE ONE MORE TIME WE'RE LEAVING

OK, I decided to buy the SAMSUNG.
- Bag included?
- Yes
- OK, give me the drivers on a DVD and I will install my own Windows 7
There were 4 of them starting to open the box and I told them that I didn't needed the box.
- I will carry it in the bag
- OK

These 4 guys were like tied together and our 2nd Engineer and I, always Chief Officer and used toefficiency. If me or the 2nd Engineer would see 4 people doing one man's job on board there would have been a forceful reaction. Same here and I started to give directions
- HEY! You go get the bag and you can make the DVD with the drivers. One man is enough to get the computer ready!

But they didn't understand that we were in a hurry and they just looked at us. Well, I don't thinkYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthey were paid very much so 4 people doing one man's job was obviously something normal. We told them that we would be back in 20 minutes and we went to look for ice cream. They promised that the computer would be ready when we came back.

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
I asked for a strawberry shake

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
2nd Engineer have a hard time deciding

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
She is making a bucket of strawberry shake

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
She is making a bucket of strawberry shake

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
She is making a bucket of strawberry shake

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
I think this is the biggest milkshake she had ever done

Aladdin's adventure at Baskin Robbins in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
A bucket of strawberry shake

We had passed a Baskin Robbins on the ground floor and we went there to see if they had ice cream. I asked for milkshake.
- Yes we have
- How much?
She hold up a pathetic cup and I told her that I wanted a big size. She held up a wee bit less pathetic cup. So I pointed at a bucket.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- This one!!??
- Yes
We didn't had any Indian Rupees so I needed to know the cost so I could go to the ATM around the corner. It was 500 something and I went to get cash. Our 2nd Engineer bought a small ice cream. My milkshake disappeared like an Aspirin, but when 2nd Engineer was ready with his ice cream we returned to the computer shop.

The bag turned out to be a SAMSUNG back pack and I sent them to look for a proper bag. They were soon returning with the back pack.
- We only have the back pack
They threw in a pack of loudspeakers and I accepted the back pack even though I will look stupid in the back pack.

We left for the taxi and a 5 star hotel for our dinner and we ran in to our Chief Engineer and the Cadets at the entrance. They asked where we were going to eat. We asked the driver for a 5 star hotel and he said Novotel. I asked about the Taj Mahal Gateway with all the movie stars.

No, Novotel was new and this was the best and our Chief Engineer asked him. Now he started to talk about drinking from coconuts and stuff so we decided to go to Novotel. We would meet there as soon as they had had a look around the GMT Central.

We arrived to Novotel and we saw the Gateway hotel across the street. We had time so we went to check it out, looked like a 2 or 3 star hotel and the restaurant wasn't impressive so we returned to Novotel. A pot of tea and a Pepsi Light while waiting for the other guys.

Aladdin's adventure at Novotel, Varun Beach in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
At Novotel - Varun Beach

Aladdin's adventure at Novotel, Varun Beach in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
At Novotel - Varun Beach

We waited and waited and we decided to order our food at 6 o'clock. We need to be back at 8 o'clock and it took them 20 minutes to bring the tea and a can of Diet Pepsi. In India it is Diet Pepsi, not Pepsi Light. The food took even longer and when we got our FIRST meal just before 7 they other arrived. I finished my “BUFFALO” burger my spaghetti Carbonara arrived. 2nd Engineer finished his Coq du Vine and he asked for a “BUFFALO” burger as well.

And what made me order the burger was the potato pancake, they didn't served the burgerAladdin's adventure at Novotel, Varun Beach in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maerskwith bread, the bread was changed for the potato pancake. Almost like a Raggmunk, yummy!

Our dessert was arriving, 2 hot chocolate melted something. And I had asked for whipped cream. They brought two of the smallest bowls I had ever seen with whipped cream. Of course, the Waiter had to return to the kitchen for a real sized bow. It was very good, but the Chinese Mango pudding was left behind. Not very good.

I bought 24 cans of Diet Pepsi and our 2nd Engineer and I returned to the ship leaving the others behind. We were back at 20 thirty, just in time to make a new loading plan, now it was decided to load to 9 meters draft. Well, I was happy, 23 cans of Diet Pepsi and a very good dinner ashore.

Wednesday 4 th of December 2013
and I woke up at 9 thirty. I never turned on my alarm, I'm better off getting as much sleep as possible as we might have to spend all night with paper work. I expected us to be ready in the afternoon but I expect the paper work to be a killer. And on top of that they want to blame us for destroying their jetty.

P&I on board and they were inspecting the jetty. And God know how many million they would claim for their jetty if it wasn't for me. I was on the jetty around 3 thirty in the afternoon to check on the drafts. Walking back and forth on the jetty and suddenly the jetty disappeared under me.

The ground opened under me and I felt down a hole and now I can imagine how it would be in an earth quake area. I was in the hole, of course, lightning quick reaction and I managed to prevent myself from disappearing down the hole.

Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
Our hero down and out on the jetty in Visakhapatnam

Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
Our hero down and out on the jetty in Visakhapatnam

Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
Our hero down and out on the jetty in Visakhapatnam

Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
Our hero down and out on the jetty in Visakhapatnam

Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
The jetty disappeared under me

Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
Not risk free to check the draft in Visakhapatnam

I called Captain on the radio and I asked him to bring the camera. We got our pictures and we never heard about any claim for damaged jetty again.

Loading completed just before 4 in the afternoon and it was almost midnight when the paper work was ready. Pilot boarding time, maybe 2 o'clock in the morning.
Aladdin's adventure in Visakhapatnam with M/T Roy Maersk
Don't indulge in illegal activities
My last picture from Visakhapatnam

Thursday 5 th of December 2013
and I woke up at 9 thirty. We have a confirmed vetting inspection at arrival to Singapore so I need to get started with the preparations. But I can not start before 10 thirty or my rest hours will turn red. They were red when I went to bed and now we need toAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskget the red in to black.

And I had my “after lunch” constitutional, the first in a very long time and it was quite nice even though I had some pain in my right knee after yesterday adventure on the jetty in Visakhapatnam.

We got next voyage confirmed as well, loading for 8,45 meters draft in fresh water in Singapore to Chittagong, Bangladesh. Chittagong, not a dream destination. But I might get a chance to go to have a few pictures of the scrap yard for my friend's web page about ship scrapping. He is running the popular “1 stop only” for all information about scrapped ships, the MERSEY SHIPPING page.

Friday 6 th of December 2013
and I was dead tired when the alarm went off as we had advanced ship's time by an hour during the night. Well, I felt better after a hot shower and I went down toAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskan empty mess room for a slice of black bread and tea. The weather had turned gloomy and grey so no painting on deck today. But there is plenty to do preparing for the vetting inspection in Singapore.

We have planned for a fire drill after the 10 o'clock coffee break and when we started it had stopped to rain. The sky opened up just before the coffee break and we were worried for a short while.

We finished the drill just in time for lunch and I had a quick lunch before going back to my cabin to do a accident report for the mishap on the jetty back in Visakhapatnam. My plan was to have my constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen I was ready with the report. I finished my report, but no time for any constitutional.

Risk assessment and our Motorman got his finger caught so I had to act as a Doctor. We tested the Pirate buttons and when I finally had time to start with my test conditions it was almost 4 thirty and I only had time to do two conditions. Now I just wait to get time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos.

Can't remember the last time I watched the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos, and I can't remember reading my Thai books for a very long time. But when I finish for the day I just want to sit down relax with a Pepsi Light, or as they are finished I have to enjoy my tea.

Saturday 7 th of December 2013
and I started my day with fresh buns, yes it is Saturday and there wasn't any black bread when I came for breakfast. Our Cook had black bread in the ovenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand he asked if I wanted black bread instead.
- Well, for lunch, now I already having the white bread

And for lunch I had 2 slices of black bread and avocado, so I'm pretty pleased with myselfAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskdiscipline as I could have had plenty as it is Saturday.

We need to prepare for the vetting inspection, but as we're having high levels of H2S in the cargo tanks we have to purge. And then we can't have the crew on deck and I have to find work for them inside the accommodation.

I have been vexed by all the drums with cleaning chemicals etc on the floor in our rope store since I joined the ship.

So now it is a great opportunity to get this stuff in to order and I had my best guys on the job. And we were pretty satisfied with the result. I told them that it started to look like a Swedish ship. Now we only wait for the time to paint the area. I told the guys to enjoy the moment.
- You will most likely never work on a Swedish ship. But take this opportunity to have a little bit of the “Swedish ship” feeling!

Sunday 8 th of December 2013
and we took the cargo temp and checked the H2S content in the cargo tanks after the coffee break at 10. H2S levels were back at 1000ppm and we started to purge the tanks again and we will measure the tanks tonight again.

Monday 9 th of December 2013
and the H2S measurements were ready when I came in to my office at 8 o'clock. We stopped the purging at 19:00 yesterday and we want to know how much the H2SAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskhad raised during the night. Plenty and we resumed purging as soon as we had started the cargo heating and our Pump Man had taken the cargo temperatures.

Yes, an upcoming vetting inspection and we can't be on deck preparing as we purging H2S from the cargo tanks. And today is the 3rd day we're purging so we lose a lot of time. But the rope store looks nice.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
And they are sewing canvas for the mooring ropes, not exactly what I want to do before a vetting inspection. But better than nothing.

We have had Christmas music on full blast from the kitchen the last few days. Pretty sad, I meanChristmaswe're on a ship and there will never be any Christmas spirit and the ChristmasAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskcarols just show how desperate they are for the Christmas spirit.

They wanted to put up ChristmasChristmasdecoration already in November. But we had to slow them down a notch. We can wait at least until a few days before Christmas.

We got new Christmas tree and decoration in Singapore, but our Chief Engineer hide it in his cabin.But obviously, they had found an old Christmas tree because there was a Christmas tree in the mess room today. Well, didn't do much for the Christmas spirit.

Christmas spirit or not, there are work to do. We checked the H2S content at 2 o'clock and we had an pre bunker oil spill drill after the coffee break. We also got a list of previous remarks from the vetting Inspector coming on board that he made from other ships so I was busy and time turned quick.Of course, these remarks won't be found on board Roy Maersk, well, there are the remarks we can't do anything about.

Tuesday 10 th of December 2013
and we passed Port Klang during the morning and Britta Maersk was just ahead of us bound for Port Klang. We were not starting any purging today and I had all my guys on deck as we have plenty maintenance job that had turned red after 4 days in Visakhapatnam and 3 days of purging cargo tanks.

And of course, maintenance job turning red will be like hitting the vetting Inspector on the nose so I want to finish as many job as possible before we have the vetting inspection. And of course, itAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskwould be nice to have some time to prepare for the vetting.

We got good news, expected berthing on the 13th or 14th of December so that means 1 or 2 days at the anchorage. That gives us some extra time and we canYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get rid of the garbage and take bunker before going alongside.

I really hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthey bring the stores, snus and Pepsi Light?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAnd I will send ashore my Toshiba Qoismo forAladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maerskservice. Now I regret that I bought this Toshiba, I bought the 14” SAMSUNG in Visakhapatnam and as I'm getting used to the small screen I decided to buy a small screen lap top next time.

And my SAMSUNG Series 5 is very light so it will be a dream to carry it around.

Well good news were followed by bad news and we started to purge the cargo tanks after lunch and all crew had to goYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stinside. I had 2 guys to continue with the work doing canvas cover for our mooring ropes.Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy MaerskAnd 2 of my top guns wereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsent to help them in the engine room. And we had to stop preparing for the vetting inspection yet again. Well, by now I just take it as it comes.

One of our ABs had to do a security course and they needed the resultChristmasbefore the 11th of December as they have the Christmas holiday coming up. So he got started with this as soon as heYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcame on his watch at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Strait from bed to the school desk. Never too old to learn.

Yet another day is coming to an end and we finished the day, well, there will be more excitements coming up. But the last thing we did before dinner was to measure the H2S in the tanks. We will measure them again at 8 o'clock tonight. So there is really no end to the excitements.

Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
Aladdin's adventure with Pepsi Light on board M/T Roy Maersk
ISPS training

Latest news is that we will come along side tomorrow afternoon. Shit, bunker not available until the 12th and I had really hopped that we would have completed bunkering before coming along side. There are still hopes for the stores (snus, Pepsi Light?) and to send ashore the garbage (including my Toshiba) Well, anyway, time to split the month of December 2013 in to a second part .

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