OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Friday 1 st of November 2013 and I was in the shower waiting for my alarm to go off. Not a sound,so I guess I was lucky to wake up before my alarm was supposed to go off. Getting old, well, there is nothing fun with it.

And it seems like old motherfoocker's doesn't need much sleep. If someone had suggested that it was possible to wake up before the alarm clock when I was 20 IAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskwould have thought they were crazy. Back then I could sleep 24 foocking seven. Well, imagine in 10 years from now, then it might be enough with 3 hours of sleep.

And I only had one slice of black bread for breakfast so I will save the other slice with cheese for lunch.

I'm only allowed cheese on 2 slices per day or it will cost me 1000US$. So a slice of black bread with cheese is nothing I threw away. Now I can indulge in some luxury with cheese on a slice of black bread for lunch. We started the day with our group hug and work permit and risk assessments.
We will complete the wires to the mast on the fo'c's'le today. Well, Saturday if we include the painting in the estimate.

We held a management meeting after to coffee break at 10 o'clock and we decided to launch our life boat. We lowered the life boat to the sea with the davit. We sent the 2nd Engineer to the life boat with the MOB boat so we have launched both our boats in this month.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Lowering the life boat in to the water

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Watching the life boat going down

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Launching the MOB boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Testing the sprinkler on the life boat

We were 10 minutes late for lunch, but both our boats were secured by then. I had the slice of black bread with cheese with my tea @ 10 o'clock. So no cheese for lunch, but I only had one slice of the black bread instead of 2. Not bad!

A service launch was ordered for 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I asked our Chief Engineer to get me some loud speakers. He has a pair of JBL and I asked him to look for a pair like that. I asked our 3rd Officer and Pump Man to look out for a pair of pink or red Converse as my constitutional shoes is far from new condition. The sole on the right shoe is hanging lose and they are not good for many more turns around the superstructure.

And of course, all crew going ashore ar eon the lookout for Diet Pepsi, NOT COKE! I don't havemuch hope, but I would be very happy for a few diet drinks and I'm looking forward for them to come back.

Clock turned 3 and the clock turned 3 thirty and no sign off the service boat. We called the Agent to ask where the boat was.
- You cannot pre book!
- Why didn't you tell us that when we booked the boat for 3?

He would send a boat ASAP and it was 4 thirty before the crew could get ashore. I returned to Shipnet on my computer in the office, there are some inventories to be made and I keep myself busy with this.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Chief Engineer waiting for the service launch

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Chief Engineer waiting for the service launch

Not many people for dinner and it looks like our 2nd Engineer and I will be alone for the after dinner movie. Never mind, the big question is if I can enjoy a Diet Pepsi while watching the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos tonight.

Saturday 2 nd of November 2013
and I was in my shower when my alarm went off. I had taken my vitamins with theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink. I turned cartwheels down the stairs to the mess room for my breakfast. I was delirious with anticipation. They guys had been ashore yesterday, did they manage to get any Diet Pepsi? I hope so, our Chief Engineer managedAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskto arrange the JBL charge loudspeaker for me ashore.

A small loudspeaker but the music is blasting high on the Richter scale. 200 US, but what a difference from the 20 Dollar speakers I bought in Australia.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI was still turning cartwheels when I entered my office. I was in an excellent mood expecting topop open a diet drink first thing.
- Motherfoockers!!!
- So, what did you find?

I was alarmed coming in to my office, I had expected the desk to be full of soda cans. There was no sign of anything but disappointments on my desk. I don't know how many of these disappointments I can manage to put on top of each other before turning really crazy.
I turned to the crew that was gathered around the table in the office.
- Where are the diet drinks?
They had found Pepsi Twist and Pepsi Light.
- GREAT!! Where is the Pepsi Light?
- We never bought any Pepsi Light!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stCome here you little...
- But you said ONLY Pepsi MAX or Diet Pepsi!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stCome here you little...
- They only had Pepsi Twist and Pepsi Light
- What's the motherfoocking difference between Pepsi Light and Diet Pepsi?

Well, this is what I call a start of a day, is it possible to come back after a start like this? I don't know, but we will do our best. We will finish the painting of the fittings for the new wiresAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskand I made a work permit and risk assessment so they could climb up the mast to paint.

Our Pump Man and one of the ABs started to with the yearly change of oil in the mooring winches and I was called for more serious thing, one guy had lost almost 600 US so I was busy with this until 10 o'clock.

And after the coffee break we will have an ISPS drill, attempt hijacking and piracy. We sounded the alarm and our hero got dressed for combat. Looking like a regular action man and our 2nd EngineerAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskstarted to scream aboutYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpictures. So I had to get in to my Kevlar west or whatever they call it to get my camera out of my shirt pocket where I always keep it “easy” accessible.

I went for lunch 5 minutes past 12 and by then I thought I had finished allYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe paper work regarding the drill, but I realized that I had forgot one document. Well, good, I can keep myself busy after lunch. Yeah, there is always a cubic ton or two of paper work to do. Paper work, just bring it on, I have my new loud speaker, the fantastic JBL charge so the music is blasting high while I'm writing the reports.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Bring it on

One of our ABs managed to save the day, a shitty start and a very good end. It started with the EPIC Pepsi disappointment and lunch was not much better. Saturday and I was looking forward to lunch. The 1000US$ bet only allows me to eat on Saturday and after the week I'm really looking forward to Saturday. A week of feasts, every day and non-stop. From Sunday and everyday there have been desserts, cakes, excellent food and I have been drooling while chewing my black bread waiting for Saturday.

Well, coming in to the mess room at lunch and I could not believe my eyes. What the foock is he serving today. Fried green stuff and meatloaf. Fish and something else that looked very boring. I skipped the food, a few buns and tea and I was out of there.

We were on the fo'c's'le to put the last layer of paint in the mast. 15 minutes before shower and dinner time, and I was actually in a pretty good mood after the lunch. If my diet continues like this I will soon have my V-shaped torso. But what saved the day was the AB. He looked at me.
- When you came on board I could not hug you
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Not exactly what you neither expect nor want to hear, at least not from a guy.
- But now you have lost a lot of weight and I can hug you!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Not exactly what you neither expect nor want to hear, at least not from a guy.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
- When you came on board I could not hug you

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
- But now it is OK

Never the less, it pepped me and I was in a good mood when we returned to the accommodation for dinner. Steak, but I only had smoked salmon and pasta. I don't know where they bought the smoked salmon but it is a very good one and I had a few plates. And finally, something that madeJBL Chargeme appreciate the week day. Chocolate mousse with whipped cream and I had 2 plates and I felt bad when I left the table. I was lucky that it is only Saturday one day per week.

I was soon in my cabin listening to Pepe Deluxe on full volume and I'm amazed by the loudspeaker, there is enough sound recourses to upset the neighbours and this will be my new travel companion from now on.Hmm, or maybe not. How many times have I returned to my hotel room wee tipsy falling asleep with the music on full blast? Too many, but of course, that was way back when I was young. Now I'm old and I enjoy my San Miguel Light responsibly.

Sunday 3 rd of November 2013
and there was nothing much happening during the whole day.

Monday 4 th of November 2013
and a new week starts here at the anchorage. Well, at least we have nice weather and the crew can paint and chip on deck. But it is getting boring. But it seemsAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersklike we're never getting bored with the good morning group hug.

It was a gorgeous morning and the crew continued with the chipping and painting. Our Pump Man continued to change gear oil on our mooring winches with one of the ABs. And I started to take inventory of our medicines. We have not used any medicines, but I need to request new medicine so I check the expiry date for 6 months in to the future. Everything expires before June 2014 will be ordered, always up to date. Or as we say in Sweden: Ship shape

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
They started to chip and paint our hydraulic pipes today

And as usually the sky opened up after the coffee break and they had to stop with the painting. Well, we will have to continue tomorrow but our 3 extra Painters will go home tomorrow so the chipping and painting will almost come to a full stop.

Tuesday 5 th of November 2013
and we're still anchored when my alarm went off. We have a wee bit of a list to starboard as they have been bunkering 175m³ of FW during the night.

And yet again, I only had one slice of black bread with cheese for breakfast, and I will save the second slice until the tea at the coffee break. I stepped in to my office at 8 o'clock and the crewAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskwas waiting for me.
- Ass holes and Motherfoockers!!!

A sunny morning and the crew continued with the painting. I kept 3 guys for some special tasks, greasing the cranes and fixing the accommodation ladder. And our Pump Man was busy with some other important stuff.

I sent them on deck as soon as we had completed our “Good morning PEP” meeting and i started to take out some ballast from STB side to get us upright. Cannot lie around here looking like a PanamaGreek ship.

There will be a service launch to pick up our extra Painters at 1 o'clock and I was not happy about it. I had expected them to be here until the 21st of November to finish the flanges on the cargoAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskpipes. This job will come to a full stop now. Our Cook was going ashore to the Dentist and I asked him to bring back a case of Pepsi light.

I was on deck for my “after lunch” constitutionalwhen the service boat arrived. Our Cook was on deck and I gave him the internationally recognized sign for “BUY AS MANY PEPSI LIGHT YOU CAN CARRY”

I had just finished my “before dinner” constitutionaland I was in my office, just leaving for the mess room and dinner. I heard a horn and it sounded like a service boat. I went out to see if it was our Cook returning from the Dentist, and yes, it was.

I did the internationally recognised for “DID YOU FIND ANY PEPSI LIGHT?” and our Cook gave me the equally internationally recognised sign for YES.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our Cook is back from the Dentist

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our AB is ready to heave up the Pepsi

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
First bags of Pepsi on board

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
The bags are on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
HOLD ON!!! There are more Pepsi light to be brought on board

I was in an excellent mood when I stepped in to the mess room for my dinner 15 minutes late. I took the opportunity to pester the guys that had been ashore the other day. They came up with exactly ZIP! What a disappointment!
- We didn't found any Diet Pepsi
- Yeah-yeah Blah-blah, I had to send my best guy and look what he came up with!

I had 2 cases of Pepsi Light and I could hardly wait to finish my dinner so I could go to my cabinAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskto rip one can open.

I had meatloaf and salad for diner and today I had NO black bread. So my diet is on the right track, way better than expected. So it was like a DOUBLEPepsi light in Singaporecelebration when I popped open my first can of Pepsi light.

I had lined up my evening with Thai books and of course, some time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos before our movie. But plan had changed, I had a shower and I enjoyed my Pepsi light watching “How I meet your mother” and suddenly it was time for our “after dinner” movie.

Wednesday 6 th of November 2013
and I ripped open a Pepsi Light as soon as I had finished my lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drinkYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand the vitamins. No one in the mess room when I came for breakfast. I went to check out the CCR and I ran in to our Chief Engineer. He came to look out the window.
- What's going on? I asked.
- Just checking why it is taking so long to heave up the anchor
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Are we heaving up the anchor? I asked.

I went back to the mess room for my tea and 1 (ONE) slice of bread only. Well, some cheese onAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersktop of the bread, but nothing mush and I'm kickin' ass with my “Best looking guy in town '13” diet

I was a few minutes late for our “Good morning PEP” meeting due to all the running around looking for people in the morning. We were only 4 people attending to the “Good morning PEP” meeting and the rest of the crew were busy with the anchoring business. But we had a PEP group hug and I sent our OS to paint.

Our Pump Man and one of the ABs started to grease our mooring winches, can as well take the opportunity when they have taken up the anchor and the power pack is running. So while the guys did their thing I completed the medicine and equipment inventory and the requisition forAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskthe medical stuff that we need for our hospital.

So if everyone manages to stay healthy and no accidentsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthere will not be any need to make any inventory and requisition until May 2014.

I was ready with my super important stuff at about the same time our Pump Man and AB completed the greasing. I told the AB to grease our emergency towing equipment on the poop deck. And he would call me when he was ready so I could inspect the stuff and to test the light.

And something funny happened after I had checked the light. We remember discharging with Rickard Maersk in Alexandria, Egypt. I'm falling on deck and I can'tYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stuse my right arm. I'm what we call an invalido.

So I will most likely go to see a Doctor when I'm back home, and maybe a massage. OurChief Engineer is only talking about massage allYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stday long. So I might POP by Healtland on Asoke road. But I don't like massage, it is only painful.

I remember last time at Healthland, I could notmove for a week after that visit.

And one thing is for sure, no acupuncture. My boxing Teacher is always recommending acupuncture. Youhave to look for worse mumbo jumbo and hokus pokus. What a waste of time and money that adventure turned out to be.

Well, my Teacher is only laughing. He was with us the last time and he agree, it waspretty pointless, but an experience.

Well, anyway, I'm an invalido so I asked our Pump Man and AB to turn the drum with the towing wire. It didn't move, not a mm. We called our Cadet to help.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Impossible to turn the drum

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Impossible to turn the drum

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
They need help from the Cadet
By now their chances to become ALPHA males are all down the drain

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
The drum refuse to move even one single mm
By now it is time for our hero, the invalido to step in

The drum didn't move a single mm and I decided to step in. My right arm is for nu use so left arm only. I pulled the darn messenger line and the whole drum started to turn and they were quiteAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskembarrassed when I left for my office.And I'm like 100 years old so they should be embarrassedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

It was lunch, some Hakkebøf with avocado salad and ONLY!!! a half slice of black bread. Of course, a pot of tea. Half a slice of black bread and this was only to have something to munch on while keeping the others company at the table.

So I was in an excellent mood when I went for my “after lunch” constitutional.I spent 30 minutes walking around the
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsuperstructure dreaming of how life will be when I have obtained my V-shaped torso.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Painting hydraulic pipes

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Painting hydraulic pipes

We dropped anchor around 3 o'clock at the OPL anchorage. It was starting to rain, but luckily it was only for a few minutes. Our OS have the chipping machine stand-by with him on deck. When the sun isAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskshinning he is painting and as soon as the rain starts he grab the chipping machine and he starts to chip on deck. That's the spirit we're looking for!

The chipping of the hydraulic lines continues and they put the last layer of paint on the first winch to be ready when I had my evening constitutional. So there is still some progress even though our extra painters are back home. And tomorrow I will send 2 of my top guns to help them in the engine room.

Dinner, just a half slice of black bread again. Hakkebøf from lunch and a pot of tea. And I had not 1 but 2 plates of the best cantaloupe I have ever had. I had to ask if they had added sugar in the kitchen. No, this was all natural and mixed with fresh pineapple.

I was in an excellent mood when I was back in my cabin, I ripped open a Pepsi Light and I turned on an episode of “ The big bang theory” A waste of time, nothing like Seinfeld, but if I can just get something as good as the human beat box again it is worth all the time wasted.

The Human Beat Box
If I can find something like this again every hour wasted on this stupid series are worth it!

I will read my Thai books after the “after dinner” movie, believe it or not. I have read my books the last two days and I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI will keep this up until I'm back home. There might be some time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos as well.

Thursday 7 th of November 2013
and we will start the day by changing the brake lining on the portAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskside anchor winch. But first, ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcourse, the good morning PEP group hug.

And today we were lucky, our Chief Engineer joined us at the “Good morning PEP” meeting. Good, now he can bring this experience to the engine department. BuildingGroup hugthe TEAM spirit first thing in the morning.

Yeah, what a way to start the day!

Our OS was not participating in the “Good morning PEP” meeting as he was in the engine room. They are going to clean the exhaustAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskboiler and they need 2 guys from deck to help them. One of our ABs will join the OS, but he will have to finish some painting on deck first.

I went forward with our AB and Pump Man and we were soon realising that we need the tri pod in order to lift the brake from the winch. It was almost coffee break when we were ready withYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe tri pod. Believe me, it was not any light thing to carry around.
But we managed and we had soon connected a chain block to the top half of the brake.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

It was not easy to remove the top part of the brake from the bottom part. I guess that the brake had not been removed since the ship was new, 8 years.

Our Pump Man went to get a hammer and he returned with the biggest sledge hammer I have ever seen. So we used chain block and the sledge hammer but this brake refused to come off. It was about to be time for the coffee break and our Chief Engineer went to get a hydraulic jack to remove the brake. It had started as a cool morning, but by the time it was coffee break it was darn hot and it was nice to get in to the AC for a quick cuppa.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Chief Engineer having a go with the sledge hammer

We had managed to remove the brake 20 minutes after the coffee break and our mood swung from low-spirited to good in a jiff. Our Chief Engineer asked if we had used the hydraulic jack. But weAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskhad only used the chain block and sledge hammer.

We brought back the top part of the brake to the poop deck and the bolts holding the old brake lining was removed just in time for lunch. Well, we had a few bolts remaining but one of the ABs removed them while we had our lunch. Chipping the brake and we started to but on the new brake lining.

But before we did that we had to chip the brake to remove some of the rust. It was closing in on dinner time andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stas yesterday, we had rain approaching. Will we make it in time? One thing is for sure, I don't have time for my constitutional today.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Pump Man drilling holes in the new brake lining

We were lucky, we made it in time and we put the brake on the cart and we brought it back to theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskfo'c's'le. And we will take the bottom part of the brake tomorrow. For sure something we look forward to!

I was late for dinner and we had got our voyage orders so I went to my office after dinner for some cargo calculations. Looks like we will leave the OPL anchorage on Monday evening.

Will be nice with some cargo action again. It is almost 1 month since we left Japan so some cargo action is more than welcome. A full day in the sun and I think I'm too tired to time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos and my books. Tomorrow....

Friday 8 th of November 2013
and there wasn't many people at our “Good morning PEP” meeting.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskThe engine department had asked for some assistant with the cleaning of the exhaust boiler. I had expected them to be ready yesterday, well, maybe today.

But I had 3 of my top guns in my office. One for chipping the brake drum on the anchor winch and 2 to remove the bottom half of the brake.

We will be ready with the brake today and that will be nice. I have millions of other “important” stuff that needs to be done.

And I was surprised when I learnt that it was Friday today, where theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdid this week disappear? Time is really quick hereAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskon Roy Maersk. Well, I guess we have fun. Are we allowed to have fun?

We had our TEAM building group hug and we went forward to the fo'c's'le to remove the bottom half of the brake. Our Pump Man got right on with the task and it didn't take long for us to have removed the last part of the anchor winch brake.

The clock had not yet turned 9 and we had the darn brake on the cart. We're several hours ahead of yesterday so it looks like we will complete this job today and I was in an excellent mood when we dropped the brake on the poop deck at 9 o'clock.

Removing the old brake lining and then we have to chip the brake to remove all the rust before putting on the new brake lining. Well, no need for me to hang around here in the sun. We have got our voyage orders and I went to my office to start preparing the loading papers.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Bottom half of the brake are on the way up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Bottom half of the brake are on the way up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Bottom half of the brake on the way to the poop deck

Air condition and good music in my office so I enjoyed myself while doing the preparation for the loading. If no changes I will complete the loading plan tomorrow or on Monday. And I will mostAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersklikely finish the discharge plan as well. Melaka to Singapore is just a few hours so there is not much time between the ports. Well, as we call it in Sweden: ONE STEP AHEAD!

And I sleep better when I know I have finished everything I can finish. Well, lunch time and I finished my meal, meat and avocado with 1 slice of black bread. I was just making a quick stop in my cabin before the “after lunch” constitutional.

It was almost 2 o'clock before I came on deck for my constitutional, I got stuck with the SSP review and the time just disappeared. They had started to put back the brake when I came on deck and the work went very well, of course, with our A** kicking Pump Man. Nothing is impossible.

I went to check out how the work in the exhaust boiler went and it was 4 o'clock when I returned to the SSP review in my cabin. Would be nice to finish the review today and I can do something as important tomorrow. Of course, all this important stuff has to be done inside with music and AC.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our OS in the exhaust boiler

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our Cadet watching outside the manhole to the boiler
Is he lucky or what? The man hole is too small for him

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our OS kicking behinds in the boiler

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
They have to clean every pipe in the boiler

The SSP review was completed at 17:10 and I went to the fo'c's'le to see how things turned out with the brake. One bolt to go and I told the Pump Man and AB to go for dinner.
- We finish this tomorrow!
They looked happy, of course, after a full day in the sun shine it is nice to come inside.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- Hmm, I almost forgot!
I had a shirt that was too small when I joined the ship. I could wear it with no problem, but it wasn't very comfortable to wear. It was fitting me like a skin fits a sausage. Well, anyway, I wore it during our “after dinner” movie. And if it wasn't too big it was at least very comfortable to wear.

Saturday 9 th of November 2013
and our Chief Engineer was in my office for the “Good morning PEP” meeting. He needed two of our best guys for the exhaust boiler.

He asked if he could borrow my TOP GUNS and I was a wee bit surprised, I thought they were ready with the exhaust boiler.
- 2 of your best guys!
- Aren't you ready with the boiler already?
- No
- It is the third day and you said one day!

Well, no problem, there are 400 tubes to be cleaned and this takes time, and as our ChiefAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskEngineer said “They are very thorough doing the cleaning”

OK, let's get started then so we can finish the exhaust boiler today. We had 3 of our TEAM building group hugs before I was satisfied with the picture. Our Pump Man and one of the ABs went forward to finish the break. And I had to fill up yet another ISPS report.

When I was ready with the ISPS report I took on our 3rd Officer, time to calibrate gas detectors and he need to learn this in order to complete his TOPS training. But we had to stop at the coffee break, we will have a management meeting after the coffee break and then we will adjust the brake on the anchorAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskwinch. And it was way passed lunch time when we were ready on the fo'c's'le so we will have to continue with the gas detectors after lunch.

And come Saturday, lunch, I don't know what the foock itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas. I was told that one of the ABs had caught squid yesterday evening.

I could not help myself and I asked why I had to eat that. IT IS SATURDAY!!! What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis going on? SABOTAGE?

Monday, there were fresh bread and pastries for as long as I could see. Pasta and potato gratain
Tuesday, a cubic ton of all kind of good stuff
Wednesday was a foocking feast!
Thursday, and we, well, they had macaroni something that looked so good I could kill for a bite
Friday, and our Cook had made world's biggest Glace au Four. He had made bread that was sparkling when you cut it. I was drooling every time someone was cutting a slice. Will we have this tomorrow when it is Saturday. I was foocking hoping so.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully

Comes Saturday and it is squid and something that looked like wood, well, this is SABOTAGE for sure. Not any pastries for the whole day and I can as well amend my “diet bet” to be valid for 7 days per week. Dinner, and our Cook had made Cake, I'm not allowed to eat cake.

So, well, cake should be round and this was a rectangle.Hmm, it was 2 rectangles. I was in theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stkitchen when our Cook was baking
- What are you doing?
- Making cakes
- Cake should have the form of a circle! So let's call it pastry!
- Why?
- I'm not allowed to eat cake because of my bet, but pasties are OK
- Pastry it is!
I saw our Cook making something in a giant blender and he was whipping something in the hugemachine. Bread dough?
- I'm whipping cream
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- Do you want some?
- Save some so I can put some extra topping on the chocolate “pastry”

Well, I didn't feel good after leaving the dinner, smoked salmon, steak, fries, pizza and a cubic ton of chocolate “pastry” and whipped cream. Not feeling for any Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. But it is weekend so it is time to relax, on Monday....

Sunday 10 th of November 2013
and we started the day with a movie. “ H2S, the killer gas ” kicked off at 10:20 and when this thriller had came to an end we held a safety meeting on the bridge. Otherwise there wasn't much happening and it will be very nice to leave the anchorage tomorrow afternoon. But we will only change from Singapore OPL anchorage to Melaka anchorage where we will wait for the terminal to be ready.

Monday 11 th of November 2013
and we started the day with the usual good morning group hug in my office. The spirit was instantly on top and the guys disappeared out on deck. Pump Man and oneAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskof the ABs went to take down the wires to the aft mast on monkey island. 2 guys got started with the painting and our TOP GUN took care of my TV chair.

The chair had a nasty listYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand it was not possible to sit in the darn thing anymore. So he disappeared with my chair to the work shop.

Some heavy duty weldingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stare required to save the TV chair and I'm looking forward to our “after dinner” movie tonight. It have been very uncomfortable to sit in the chair the lastAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskfew days.

I had made a work aloft work permit for Pump Man and the AB and now I needed an enclosed space entry permit so we could go down to adjust the gas sensors in the pump room. We were also going to test the ODME so we needed to open some valves in the pump room. So we took the opportunity to do both things while down there.

Work permit means gas measurement, risk assessment and stuff before we can enter the pump room and it was almost 9 thirty before weAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskentered the pump room.

We have 2 sensors just at the entrance and we started by zero calibrating these sensors. The other sensors are at the bottom of the pump room and they are located a little strange.

Well, we have our 3rd Officer with us and he is small so no problem for him to reach them between the pipe lines. We need to take off the cover and then we have to ZERO adjust by a screw until we read 40mV on our volt meter.

Not an easy job and it require two man, one to do the adjustment and one to hold the volt meter. But we managed and we passedAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskthe ODME on our way back up on deck and we opened the valves preparing the test of the ODME.

By now we were late for the coffee break and my slice of black bread with cheese and tea. I only have one slice for breakfast so I can have one slice at the coffee break.

We were soon back in the CCR to test the ODME and we did the over ride test. That is to over ride the ODME and we can open the overboard valve even though it is not allowed. We also tested the 30 litres per nautical mile limit.

Maximum allowed discharge rate is 30 litres of oil per nautical mile if the concentration is less than 1000ppm. Last test was the total discharge volume. We are allowed to discharge 1/30000 of previous cargo. So if we had 30000m³ of cargo we can discharge 1m³ of oil in to the sea.

And when we reach this amount or we reach 30 litres per nautical mile the ODME gives an alarm and the overboard valve are closing. Everything worked as it should and we completed the tests 10Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskminutes before lunch time.

I was hold up by some other tests and it was 13 thirty before I got out in the track for my “before lunch” constitutional.

Even though we're not leaving the anchorage tomorrow as planned I did my loading plan in the afternoon. Now they loading date is changed from 13 to 15th of November and if they keep on like this I will sign off before we have time to do many more cargo operations. I started to do the discharge plan when I was ready with the loading plan and the afternoon disappeared in a jiff andit was time for dinner.

I was really looking forward to our “after dinner” movie so I could try my NEW chair. We decided to watch Sinister and it was good for about 45 minutes and then the whole story capsized. What a waste of time! I wish I had read my Thai books instead, but I was happy with my chair.

Well, I think it is about time to split the month of November in to a second part. And I was going to wait until arrival to Melaka, but now they changed the date from 13 to 15 so I can as well do it today. So hang on ! Let's see when we're arriving to Melaka, Malaysia

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