“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

Tuesday 1 st of April 2014 and the Pilot came on board 1 minute after midnight and we were secured to the SBM at 01:30. They delivered the tools for hose connection and we could startAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskthe paper work.

We didn't start loading until 06:06. And we started to load about 40m3 water to push their hoses after completion of loading. The water and blowing the lines took almost an hour and we got started with the cargo just before 7 o'clock in the morning.

Now I had been awake for almost 24 hours and it was nice to get to bed. But now I was heading for another sleeping problem. I woke up 3 o'clock in the afternoon and now it will not be easy to fall asleep in the evening. Well, I was still tired at 3 o'clock so I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can fall asleep tonight.

We were lucky, completed loading at 23:54 and Pilot at 04:00. So no need to sleep and I will hopefully be tired when we're leaving and I can fall asleep.

Wednesday 2 nd of April 2014
and it was almost 4 thirty before we started to let go the chain to the SBM. I slept until 11 o'clock and that was 15 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I was so tired, but I didn't want to sleep all day long because it would be impossible to fall asleep during the night. And there are plenty work to be done.

Thursday 3 rd of April 2014
and we were anchored at Tanjung Pelapas and we were now waiting for M/T United Journey to be ready for the STS operation. She was moored to Amity Star when we arrived and now they had changed our STS to M/T United Journey instead of Amity Star.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Approaching M/T United Journey

But no other information so we didn't know when it is time to go along side. I was doing paperAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwork, and that turned out to be a waste of time. Well, maybe, I might find some use for it depending on the next voyage orders. I had done a loading plan for Melaka 10 hours from here. So I prepared the loading plan in order to be able to do other more important stuff over to our load port.

We got berthing information before lunch. They will put the fenders on M/T Unity Journey around 2 o'clock in the afternoon and then we will go alongside her to discharge. So we had time to start with some of the pre arrival/ discharge tests before it was time for the mooring operation.

We had all fast around 20 minutes past 3 in the afternoon and now the paper work and all the other work start.

Mooring Master was already on board so we only had two Surveyors and a representative for theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskcargo receivers coming on board.

He will watch the Surveyors taking sample and as it is closed sample this will take a few hours.

We had completed our check lists at 18:15.

We started discharging at 18:36 and I went for a cup of tea and a shower. And it was nice to leave the CCR, someone, no names mentioned to protect the innocent. It was not anyone from the ship, I can say that much.
- Do you have a calculator?
He got a calculator and after 10 minutes he was back.
- There is no % button
- What is that for? I asked
- I need to calculate %
- Are you serious?
- All other ships have a % button on their calculators
- Well, I know how to calculate %
- All other ships have a % button on their calculators
- If you don't know how to calculate % you should bring the equipment you need to do your job
- All other ships have a % button on their calculators

I left for my tea and shower. % button, seriously. 1 is 2% of 50
1/50= 0.02
1/50 push % button = 2
So we need a button to convert decimal to %. Well, believe me, I'm happy I was in school inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stSweden when they were still providing good education. Now they are dead last,Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwell, Albania is dead last. Good use of our tax money.

It is more likethere isn't any tax money anymore, Swedes are too expensive and there are soon no one left to pay tax.

They have the solution and the will improve things buy doing it cheaper. Everything will be so much better and cheaper, and a % button on the calculator don't cost very much. Cheaper is not better but this is what everyone wants us to think now a day.

Sampling completed just before 8 o'clock and I told our Pump Man and OS to go for somerest They were drinking water like there was no tomorrow as they had been in the sun working all day long. I was off to bed at 22 thirty trying to get rested for a new exciting day tomorrow.

Friday 4 th of April 2014
and we completed discharge 6 minutes after 10 o'clock. We had expectedAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskto leave around 12 or 1 o'clock but things are not moving fast around here.

We were waiting for them to gauge the tanks on board M/T United Journey. The disconnected one of the cargo hoses, but we had to keep one hose until the gauging was completed.

Time passed by quite quickly and our 2nd Officer went for lunch. I had my lunch at 12 o'clock and it was a quick lunch as we got the figures from M/T United Journey. There was a big difference and the Surveyor went to dip our cargo tanks, something he should have had done already when we completed loading. But he was hoping for good figures and he would not have to go to dip the tanks. Better to stay inside in the AC.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Finally, the cargo hoses are disconnected

It was way past 4 when we could finally leave Tanjung Pelepas and M/T United Journey behindAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbound for Melaka. No berthing prospects and I really hope we will stay anchored over the weekend as we have stuff to do on board.

And there is exactly zero time for these jobs when we're in and out of ports all the time. It was almost 5 o'clock when I was back in my cabin for a shower.

We haven't had the time for a evening movie in a long time so it was nice to watch a movie after dinner. And that's even though I was falling asleep a few times. My rest hours was red when I started this morning and they we red when I finished for today. So sleep is needed.
But I don't want to go to bed too early risking waking up in the middle of the night.

Saturday 5 th of April 2014
and we were anchored when I woke up. YES!!!

We have stuff to do on deck so I appreciate every day at the anchorage. We will start the day inAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskthe pump room and then our Pump Man have some weldingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stjobs to do in the work shop. Yes, I'm really happy for this Pump Man. I worked with him on Rickard Maersk, first time I saw him he seemed little strange.

He walked around blah-blah-bla. But if you want to haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsome arses kicked this is the guy to call.

And guys that can weld are worth millions on a ship. I usually recommend the company to send the good guys for a welding course, but well, yeah you know. But sometimes we're lucky and we have a guy that can weld. I was in the CCR blowing lines when our Cadet came by and he looked good today so I took his picture. And well, I realiseAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskthat this can be misunderstood so just to clarify, he is NOT usually looking bad.

We would get the Agent and the Authorities on board in the afternoon. The guys prepared the plot ladder when I was on deck to take pictures of the SWL markings on our gangways.

No news or berthing prospects and I hope we stay here for a day or two and our Pump Man will haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttime to finish the last welding work on deck. Well, welding FOR deck IN the work shop in the engine room.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon at Melaka anchorage and the crew were busy workingAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskon deck. We had a real shower before lunch andthe next shower can pass by anytime so we're in ahurry to get things ready. But there are also jobs to be done indoors.

And from here we will go to Singapore so as soon as we leave the anchorage there won't be any time for jobs expect for the loading and discharging operations. And I wouldn't mind to get the load orders so I can do my cargo plan before coming alongside. This will take an hour or two and I really hate it when they start screaming about start loading. I usually have to tell them to leave me alone as we're not allowed to start the operation before this is ready.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our OS busy greasing dresser couplings on deck

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our OS busy greasing dresser couplings on deck

What a disappointment the dinner turned out to be. I told our Cadet to add pancakes to me “Diet Bet” last Saturday. He had failed in this mission and as pancakes wasn't mentioned I had to eat two plates (6 pancakes on each) Well, it is called crepes as pancake is something American and it is like a fried sponge cake, nothing you want to eat. Bt 12 crepes and a cubic ton of whipped cream made me decide to add the pancakes to the “Diet Bet” by myself. Well, back in my cabin I realised that I had forget to make the amendment. ButYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully before next Saturday.

Bangkok Post - Red Shirt Rally

Reading Bangkok Post and there is no end to the problems in Thailand. I got stuck on the internet and it was a long time ago I had the time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. Not to talk about my Thai books, they have not been open for quite some time now.

Sunday 6 th of April 2014
and I woke up at 9 o'clock. I started the day with aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink and my vitamins. I was tired but it would be very hard to fall asleep tonight if I went back to bed. So a shower and a cup of tea.

And finally at lunch, our CAdet could amned my “diet bet” to include pancakes.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Cadet are going to eat ice cream and no worries about my “diet bet”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
I had to remind him about my “diet bet”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Finally, 1 week late

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
No more pancakes for me

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pump Man makes new steps for deck

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pump Man assisted by our OS makes new steps for deck

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Looks like new

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pump Man assisted by our OS makes new steps for deck

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pump Man makes new steps for deck

Monday 7 th of April 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up. I had my lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink with myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvitamins before I went for my shower. My tea water wasAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskready when I came out from the shower and I enjoyed a quick cuppa before going to my office.

Our Pump Man and OS started in the work shop as we have 2 more steps to do for our ladder from the cat walk. One AB is greasing and one repairing thresholds. We don't know when we're going alongside so we can't start any of the bigger jobs.

In the afternoon we got news, we will stay anchored until 12th of April or something like that.
Well, we will wait until tomorrow, but I had 2 guys to paint the yellow stripes marking the NON SLIP area on port side. And they willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully finish chipping on bridge deck tomorrow.

Tuesday 8 th of April 2014
and I discovered that I didn't take any pictures during the day when I was back in my cabin in the evening. I always check today’s picture while enjoying a quick cuppa when I'm finished for the day. Yes, the day had passed by quickly as we have been busy and I had not been taking any pictures. The most important is that the time pass quickly.

Wednesday 9 th of April 2014
and we start our Safety Awareness Week today, well, 3 days and we will have 2 sessions per day. So the guys have some hours in the morning and after lunch for painting. Back in my cabin and I read Bangkok Post before dinner while enjoying my tea. Seems like they have put of what Bangkok Post calls a Rambo's' training camp. A mass learning Thai boxing from a Teacher on the stage. How will this end?

Rambo's' training camp

Thursday 10 th of April 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up. AYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink with my vitamins and I turned on the kettle so I will have hot water whenAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskI'm out from the shower. There will be time for a quick cuppa before going to the CCR.

We will continue the Safety Awareness Week after the coffee break and we need to finish some important painting works before that. Work permits and risk assessment had to be done before I sent the crew on deck

I had an e-learning course to do, need to be done once a year and I can't remember ever doing this course and I gotYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststarted with this as soon as the crew was on deck. Of course, I did the wrong course, I discovered it half way through the course. So I ended up doing 2 courses at theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersksame time. And I didn't manage to complete the last one before it was time for our Safety Awareness Week to kick off.

But I managed to complete the last course before lunch, well, I was late for lunch and it was a quick lunch. Thegarbage barge arrived in the middle of the lunch and I had to make a garbage receipt for them to sign on the barge.

No receipt and they will think that we have dumpedthe garbage in the sea, and dumping garbage is nothing I want to be associated with. Well, I just finished the receipt when it was time to take off to the engine room. 2nd Engineer will inspect the crank house and I need to measure gas before entry.
But I'm used by now with the QUICK lunches and no coffee breaks. Yes, we're kicking arse.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our 2nd Engineer in front of the crank casing or as I call it crank house

My friend got married last weekend of March and of course, he was disappointed that I could not make it to the party. But seriously, haven’t we have had enough of Aladdin making a tit out of himself at parties. Well, I have given up alcohol anyway and sitting at a party sober, then I can as well sit on board Roy Maersk.
Hmm, maybe I could have gone to the party drinking 2 beers ONLY.

Thai wedding
So it is time to get married

Thai wedding
So it is time to get married

Thai wedding
So it is time to get married

Thai wedding
So it is time to get married

Thai wedding
So it is time to get married

And yes, I can imagine how he has been suffering going through this photo session. For sure nothing I would have wanted to go through. And the amount of pictures, suits, Japanese Harakiri suits, Thai traditional dress and all kinds of stuff.

Friday 11 th of April 2014
and we stopped work after lunch as we expect to come alongside at midnight. And I was lucky, I managed to fall asleep around 2 o'clock and I woke up just in time for dinner. Of course, berthing prospect changed and now it looks like the pilot will come on board around 21:00. I had my sleep and I'm ready for them.

Saturday 12 th of April 2014
and we were ready with the paper work quarter past midnight. NowAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwe had to start waiting for the Terminal to be ready to start loading, and it didn't look like it would be anytime soon.

And as we only have a few hours from here to Singapore I took this opportunity to make the discharging plan. We might back load in Singapore but we don't have any information so I can't make any loading plan.

But they told us on the phone that the next cargo will most likely be for Thailand. 2 weeks too early, 2 weeks more and I couldYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthave signed off in Thailand. Just a taxi ride back home and I would never have had to see any airport or airplane.

We started to load 6 minutes past 3 o'clock and I was back in my cabin just after 4 o'clock. Hard to fall asleep and when I finally did they called me. So I knew that my rest hours would be red inAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskthe afternoon. My alarm went off at 10:15Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbut I went to bed again and I woke up 30 minutes later.

I was tired, but we were soon going to complete the loading so I justYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stenjoyed a quick cuppa before I went to the CCR and we completed loading at 12:24. Now we're going to have a 1100m³ line clearance and we expect to be ready with this around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

I prepared for the discharging in Singapore and finally at 14:18 we completed loading soYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwe could measure the tanks and calculate how much cargo we have on board before we can leave.

We were ready with calculations minutes before 4 o'clock and all documents were signed at 5 o'clock. Now we only wait for the Terminal Representative for the last documents and we're readyAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskto foock off out of here.

Pilot was booked for 20:00 and I was in the TV room with our 2nd Officer watching a movie when we left Melaka. Latest news is that we won't come alongside until Monday, perfect, I can have me boys to finish some of the painting at the anchorage tomorrow. And it would be nice to get our stores tomorrow so we don't have to be busy with this when busy with cargo operations

And of course, it would be nice with some sleep. My rest hours are red so I would appreciate it if I could sleep until late tomorrow. Well, we will see, I have prepared everything I can for discharging so I will be ready for action in a jiff, may it be early or late.

Sunday 13 th of April 2014
and we dropped anchor at Sudong Bunkering A in Singapore about 20 minutes after 10. Looks like we will get a day on the anchorage, good, we need almost a day to clean all the equipment. Our OS had time to put the last paint on our cargo hatches and the support for the deck crane. So now this is ready.

We had an Surveyor coming for sampling 20 minutes before 2 in the afternoon so we don't need to do this tomorrow at the jetty. So all in all it was a good day. We also got a new 3rd Engineer and 2nd Officer and the off signers will leave us after discharging. So what about our movie nights now? Well, I will have more time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. And of course, for my books. Have not been opened for quite a while now.

Monday 14 th of April 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up. We expect Pilot at 8 o'clock so I had a quick cuppa before I went down to the CCR for our pre arrival tests. 8 o'clock and obviously no Pilot. Changed to 13 thirty and later on to 17:15. Well, we had finished everything on deck and I knocked off the crew at lunch so we're full of vim at arrival tonight.

Our 2nd Officer and 3rd Engineer left us just before 3 o'clock. They used the same boat as ourAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk3rd officer returned with. He had been at the Doctor and I had hope that he would have brought back a Samsung S4 for me.

But the Agent would try to fix a phone for me and he told me they had a S5 now. Well, I'm only going to use it as a WIFI hotspot.

I have a USB GPRS modem, but the phone is better as I can have the phone in the window and use the internet with WIFI. The USB modem must be attached to the computer, back in the daysI had an USB extension cord. But that is a long time ago. So a new phone it is.

Our 2nd Officer gave me his SIM cards before he left so if I can get my SAMSUNG I will have csome KICK ASS internet in my cabin.

Pilot was on board 6 minutes past 6 o'clock and we had all fast at ESSO #5 at 20:45. Loading Master and Surveyor was onboard 5 minutes past 9 and the Surveyor left at23:30. All paper work ready and now we wait to start loading.

I enjoyed myself in my cabin for a few minutes and of course, I took the opportunity to update the web page. I wish I had taken the time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos but I read a little news from Thailand on the internet.

Tuesday 15 th of April 2014
and it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning before we started to discharge. We stopped for line displacement at 03:24 and we resumed at 04:06 and by then myrest hours were red. I adjusted the time a wee bit so I stayed out of the red zone.

I was in bed just before 5 and I woke up quarter past 1 in the afternoon. And I stayed inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmy cabin until 2 o'clock in order to get my 10 hours of rest and now I won't be red until 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Now it is only the problem of being hungry, IAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskcan't go down to eat a sandwich as that would trigger my diet bet. Thousands of Dollars would be lost and I will have to wait until dinner at 17:30.

Looks like we will be ready around 7 o'clock in the evening, and Pilot will be on board at 22:00 as it looks now. So thatAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskmeans that we will have yet another night without sleep.

We will go back to the anchorage and we will get our stores and provisions there. And no news about the SAMSUNG. Seriously, what is this? I didn't ask the Agent, he was the one asking me if he should arrange the phone.

Our new 2nd Officer spent the afternoon preparing the charts for the leg between the jetty and the anchorage. So we're ready to put ESSO in Singapore behind us. Now we see how many days we have to wait at the anchorage before the loading from FSU Fortune Star at Tanjung Pelapas STS area.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
In the CCR

We completed discharging at 19:24 and the last people left the ship just before 10 o'clock in the evening. We expect Pilot to be on board at 10 o'clock so we can go to the anchorage to take our stores. And yes, I really want some fresh salad after a week or so without fresh vegetables.

I was enjoying myself in the cabin for a second before going to the bridge.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Surveyor on board
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What does he want
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- He need you to sign a paper
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm coming
We completed the paper work and now we learnt that the Pilot was delayed until 23:45. Yeah, a full night of job and no sleep again, this is getting the normal by now.

Wednesday 16 th of April 2014
and the clock was almost midnight thirty when we left ESSO 5 behind. We expect an hour to the anchorage and the barge with our stores. It was way past 3 inURGENT SHIP SPARES IN TRANSITthe morning when we could start taking on board stores. 2nd sling and there was a box marked in red and yellow URGENT SHIP SPARES IN TRANSIT

And right they are, it was my snus and this is really URGENT things. I paid 195 Singapore Dollars for 3 rolls of General snus to Wrist's representative.

The Agent and his SAMSUNG purchase had been nothing but a disappointment. The representative from Wrist told me that he could get a SAMSUNG S5 for me. But we won’t have any more launches coming out to us so no way of deliver. But we were not satisfied with the fire hoses they had delivered and new hoses were ordered. If they can find the right hoses they will come back to deliver.

When he left I realised that it was a total waste of money, my 20 Dollars SAMSUNG phone isAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskgood enough. No WIFI hotspot though, but I can survive. Well, we will see if he can get the fire hoses and the SAMSUNG S5. I was back in bed at 5 thirty, all stores on board.

But the best thing was that we had managed to send ashore all the garbage with the barge. Cubic meters of garbage from the store/ provision delivery. Wrappings, boxes and wooden pallets. This would have filled up our garbage room, but now the garbage room was empty fromAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskgarbage. And of course, we took the opportunity to get rid of the other garbage aswell. A clean ship Swedish style!

I had my alarm to go off at 11:15 and I was dead tired, but I forced myself out of bed and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to fall asleep tonight. The rest of the crew is resting as well or we will all turn red on the rest hours.

I discovered that there were a launch going ashore at 17:00 and I have my chance to go ashore to buy the SAMSUNG S5. But I have not received any news from Wrist and if things turn bad I can end up with two SAMSUNG S5. This is SAMSUNG's last chance.

If I don't get any news from Wrist I won't buy any phone ashore. And if Wrist can’t deliver I will give up the whole project. My 20 dollars SAMSUNG phone is good enough. One SAMSUNG S5 is the same as a good night out drinking beer having a good time.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

We had a drill session in the afternoon, fire, oil spill (pre bunkering drill) and an STS drill (including heavy weather) Before we started I called Wrist and no news about my SAMSUNG S5and I told them to cancel the whole thing. I as I had changed my mind about my 20$ SAMSUNG I gave 1000 Dollars to our Deck Cadet so he can buy a SAMSUNG S5 for me.

I also gave him 157 Singapore dollars so he can buy a bag of mixed diet drinks for me.
- NO foocking Coca Cola!!!
- I understand
- I'm serious! Don't bring any of that foocking shit back on board
- That's the spirit! Impress me, your future in the shipping depends on it!

I was dead tired after having beeing up since 11 in the morning, and it was way past 6 before I got to bed. But I decided to stay up and wait for my Diet MAX . The guys came on board around 23 thirty and I was delerious with anticipation when it knocked on my door a few minutes later. I opend the door and our Cadet handed me the SAMSUNG S5.
- Where is the Diet MAX ?
- Didn't found any Diet MAX
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stare you saying? The simpliest task...

The phone was almost 1200 Singapore dollars, about 1000 US and for what? No manual and thereSAMSUNG S5 - Skåne Stylewere a lot of things I didn't needed. I managed to get the WIFI hotspot to work in a few seconds. But no internet! I also got the musicSAMSUNG S5 - Roffe Ruffplayer to work with my JBL Charge loudspeakers via Bluethoot

That was the important things, the music and even though I didn't had any manual it only took me a few seconds. And Bluetooth, so I can buy a pair of KICK ASS Bluetooth headphones. Otherwise it was a 1000$ down the drain experience. I manage with my 20$ SAMSUNG I have back home.

I was off to bed and my phone rang.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Alco test on the bridge
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm coming
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- You will have to take some anchor watch on the bridge
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Bring it on!

I pretty much knew what was going on. I had a shower and I brought my tea cup to the bridge and I asked the AB to bring milk and tea bags to the bridge and I was prepared for 6 hours of anchor watch. 2nd Officer and 3rd officer will leave us here as soon as possible and I will split their duties with our remaining 3rd Officer.

Thursday 17 th of April 2014
and I sent down 3rd Officer from the bridge, not once but 4 or 5 times before he left the bridge
- Go to sleep, you need a rest
- Just a sec, I just finish this...
- You need the sleep, soon time to kick arse again
- Yeah, give me a minute
- Hang on, just this paper
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- GO TO SLEEP!!!
- Just a sec, I'm soon rea.....
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - NOW!!!!

Enough to have Captain and me up all night long, it was almost 5 when Captain left and I was offAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskto bed at 6. Well, time had passed pretty quickly and I was very tired when I was back in my cabin.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIt was almost 7 before I was a sleep and my alarm went off quarter past 7. DARN!

I felt asleep again and I was called for 10 minutes before 12. A quick shower and a even quicker lunch before I went to relieve our 3rdAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskOfficer on the bridge.

I enjoyed my tea on the bridge while keeping the anchor watch. I confirmed Pilot boarding time at 15:00, 2 hours before. We had all ready for 17:00 but no sign of any pilot. Well, it was way past 7 when he came on board. By then I was in bed, we expect to come along side at midnight and I realy need some sleep.

Friday 18 th of April 2014
and our new 2nd officer and I was spending the night in the CCR. Yes, Andrey, now we have a new favourite on the 12 to 4 watch! Paper work and it was 12 minutes pastAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk3 before we started to load.

We topped up our slop tanks and it was almost 5 thirty when I could leave for my bed. We expect to be ready tomorrow afternoon and I need a few hours of sleep.

I was out of bed for lunch and our Cadet left us in the afternoon, but we got 3 new Danish Cadets on board + one Repair Man from Denmark.

We completed loading at 16:24 and we left just after midnight. We have to drop the anchor waiting for the cargo documents as they only work during office hours. Good or bad news? We have to see what this does for our arriving time to Kapar. No anchorage and it would have been 3 o'clock in the morning. So it cannot be any worse and it willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be in the afternoon now.

Saturday 19 th of April 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up. Still looks like we can makeAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskit to 4 o'clock in the morning, but one or two hours of waiting...

As we had to send ashore two Deck Officers in Singapore I'm on the 4 to 8 watch. I relieved 2nd Officer at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and we tried his SIM card in my phone. The WIFI hotspot worked perfect so something wrong with my SIM card.

Good to know that it works, but now I have to launch an investigation of my M1 SIM card. 4 hours passed very quickly on the bridge and I was soon off to my cabin to try to get some sleep.

They will call me at 03:40 and sleep is needed. I got out of bed around midnight, impossible to sleep and I will have to try to stay awake until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Quiet night at the anchorage

Well, we were still anchored 8 o'clock in the evening and there is no news or any prospects. I was in bed trying to sleep when I heard them starting the engine around 11 o'clock in the evening.

Sunday 20 th of April 2014
and I was on the bridge with my tea cup at 03:30. Can as well go have a chat with our new 2nd Officer as I cannot sleep. He left at 5 o'clock and time passed surprisingly quickly and it was soon 8 o'clock and time for breakfast. Now I had not had anything to eat for 14 hours and no sleep for almost 24 hours. So a quick breakfast and then off to bed.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Sunrise over Malacca Strait

It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up and I was still tired. But I cannot lolling around inAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbed all day long. I was on the bridge at 4 o'clock to relieve our 2nd Officer and we had Pilot on board already.

Pilot had boarded us at 15:30 but we were soon changing Pilot again for the last hour up to Kapar power plant.

I took a picture of our 2nd Officer and suddenly our Pilot sneaked up next to him. He would appreciate if he could be on a picture as well. Who am I to say no?

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pilot and 2nd Officer

We changed pilot at 16 thirty and from there it is about an hour to the jetty at Kapar power plant. So it will be in the middle of the dinner again, and I was hungry. I had not been eating since 8 o'clock this morning and that wasn't much. But it is god for my diet.

Our mooring men were flexing their muscles on the jetty when we arrived along side. Rolling upAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersktheir sleeves on theirYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stT-shirts!

At first I thought it was the circus that had come to town, but they wanted to show us that they were ready for our mooring lines.

We sent our springs and there were the three of them. It was pathetic, they could not get the lines up from the water. This is something I usually do all by lonesome.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThey had to call the 3 mooring men attending the forward mooring lines to help them. Captain and Pilot were on the bridge wing pissing their pants laughing.

We had all fast at 18:18 and I went for my dinner. It was a quick dinner and I was offAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskto my office for paper work and the preparations for discharging. Kapar Power Station and the pre discharging paper work was a refreshing experience. Like in Europe, one Surveyor and one Loading Master. They were nice and it was easy to work with them and everything went very smooth.

They told me that there was a big Shopping Mall not far away and I might go there tomorrow to buy a micro card for my SAMSUNG S5. If I can find a 128GB card I can transfer my music from my iPod and I will start to use my SAMSUNG S5 as a MP3 player. The S5 is waterproof so this comes in handy while walking around Bangkok in the rain. So let's hope they have 128Gb cards,Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbut the crew I have asked think 64GB is the maximum.

We were soon ready for discharging and I sent Pump Man and our OS to bed. Our Loading Master had his phone and a power pack attached to it. 3 times bigger than the phone so he has to carry two devices to make a phone call.

We started discharging at 21:48 and I was in my cabin just before midnight. Now I hope I can sleep so I'm full of VIM for tomorrow's adventure at the shopping mall. And I reallyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthope we can find some Diet MAX

Monday 21 st of April 2014
and I woke up at 10 o'clock plus and I had a shower before going to our hospital to sort out our new medicines. Taxi booked for 12:45 and I will have a quick tour down theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskshopping mall to see if I can find a micro card for my S5. And of course, the most important, Diet MAX . Our 2nd Officer wants a prepaid SIM card and I will have a look for that, maybe one for me self. I have down loaded the manual for the SAMSUNG S5 and there were several pleasant surprises. Water tight and there is also a GPS. This can come in handy at times.

Well, the crew told me that there was a GPS in all phones
- Not in my phone?
- What phone do you have

The taxi was booked for 12:45 but it was almost 2 o'clock when the taxi arrived. By then I was back on board busy in the CCR. Well, we arrived to the shopping mall and we started by buying SIM cards. Then we looked for a SD micro card.

64 GB was the biggest available, but I guess they will have a 128GB in a few months time. I paid 229 Ringits at the SAMSUNG store. I was also looking for Bluetooth headphones but I didn't found any I like so I saved that money

I spent 500 Ringits on Grape Seed OPC tablets and by then I grew bored. Our Pump Man and OS wanted to spend 2 hours at the shopping mall so I had to wait for the car to come pick us up.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Roy Maersk discharging at Kapar Power Station

We looked for Diet Pepsi at the Supermarket, the shelves were full of soft drinks. There must have been a million different sodas. But no Diet Pepsi, I decided to give it a last try and I went to look in the fridge with sodas. They had 12 cans of Diet Pepsi and I asked a guy if they had 3 cases in the store room. They guy was soon back, and he brought bad news.

Well, turned out that I was lucky, the Diet Pepsi wasn't all that good. And I was reminded about Penang, Malaysia. I had been looking high and low for Diet MAX and when I finally found the Diet MAX it turned out to taste like shit.

We were back on board @ 16:45 and I was soon having my WIFI hotspot up and running. Listening to Swedish radio and I was quite happy with my SAMSUNG S5. Not a total waste of money. And Ifound a program, after a HOT tip in the SAMSUNG store.

Kies and I can manage all the music and stuff from my computer like I can with iTunes. At least this is what they told me. No need to arrange music on the small phone screen with my sausage fingers.

And of course, when having my new KICK ASS internet I can check the internet for the latest news. And Chinese tourists are making headlines again.

Coconuts Bangkok

Coconuts Bangkok

Tuesday 22 nd of April 2014
and I was called for quarter past 6 in the morning. I had managed to sleep foock all during the night. One morning you go to bed at 6 and the next morning it is time toAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwake up at 6, this can't be good for your health. We completed discharging and Pilot will be on board at 11 thirty and I'm off to bed and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to get some sleep before my watch at 16:00.

We had the same mooring men at departure, but now it was no flexing of any muscles. Just smiling and waving. It was like a MrUniverse contest on the jetty when we arrived with the guys posing while flexing their muscles. Well, Kapar was a nice place and it was nice people, and not hundreds of people coming on board for nothing except to beg. A Surveyor and Loading Master, and that's enough.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Departure from Kapar, Malaysia

Our Deck Cadet was at the wheel when we departed from Kapar and we left around 11:35. And I was in a good mood, I can go to bed and I also found aAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskprogram on internet for syncing my SAMSUNG S5 with the iTunes. The Kies was good for foock all, but there is a program called “double Twist” and it works beautiful.

So now I have the same playlist on my phone as on my iPod and iTunes.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Yeah, what a winner this program turned out to be.

I managed to get some sleep in the afternoon and I woke up when 2nd Officer called me at 15 thirty. I was surprised, I was not as tired as I hadAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskexpected. Will I be able to fall asleep tonight?

We were steaming on a course towards SE and the anchorage at Tanjung Pelepas when I came on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It was a gorgeous afternoon and we had ships overtaking us on the right and the left. We're only doing slow speed towards the anchorage and thus all the ships overtook us.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Sunset over Malacca Strait

Time was passed very quickly and it was soon 8 o'clock and I went to bed, impossible to fall asleep. Of course, I woke up at 3 thirty so it is not possible to sleep at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Wednesday 23 rd of April 2014
and we were SE bound in Malacca Strait when I came on the bridge at 3 thirty in the morning. I could not sleep as I had been sleeping in the afternoon. So I went for a chat with our 2nd Officer on the bridge before relieving him. At 8 o'clock we changed course to cross the TSS to steer towards our anchorage at Tanjung Piai.

My Malaysian SIM card kicked in and I had good internet in my cabin via SAMSUNG's WIFI hotspot. Thos 40 Ringits for the SIM card was a good investment.

Thursday 24 th of April 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up at 7 thirty. 15 minutes after my alarm was set to go off. Well, this alarm is way passed expiry date by now and I will use my phone from now on. Lucky that I woke up, I had just felt asleep.

We moved from the anchorage in the afternoon. Our 3rd officer needed to go see the Doctor and we moved to Singapore anchorage and we had a launch coming to pick him up

Friday 25 th of April 2014
and I woke up just before 4 o'clock, of course, now when I had been used to 4 o'clock it was changed. As our 3rd officer is at the hospital I will relieve 2nd Officer on the bridge at 06:00 for 6 hours of bridge watch.

Our 3rd Officer had come back 1 o'clock in the morning and there were no need for him to sign off as we had feared. So this was good, but he needed some rest.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Sun rising over Singapore anchorage

It was a beautiful morning on the anchorage and I enjoyed the sunrise while enjoying my tea. We launched our lifeboat after lunch and I was off to my cabin for some rest. I was back on the bridge at 6 and I relieved the 2nd Officer.

The plan was for me to have the evening off, but now I had prepared myself with sleep during theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stafternoon so I could as well stay on the bridge until midnight. Our 3rd officer is bored senseless staying in his cabin “resting”

But as I said, you're bettor of relaxing a wee bit so you're ready for some cargo handling extravaganza on Sunday. Yeah, it looks like we will come alongside early Sunday morning.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
A gloomy and grey evening at Singapore anchorage

Our Chief Engineers and Cadets had left the ship before lunch. They were going for some shoppingAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskso I was delirious with expectations during my night watch on the bridge. Will they bring back Diet Pepsi?

I don't know what time they were back, maybe around 10 o'clock and the Cadet brought a bag of 1, 5 litres bottles of Diet Pepsi to the bridge. I called my watchman on the radio.
- Can you please see if you can find a wine glass for me?

He was soon on the bridge with a wine glass for me and I willDiet Pepsienjoy a glass of Diet Pepsi when I'm off my watch at midnight. A treasure like this should be enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere and not on the bridge with people screaming on the VHF all the time. The noise drives you crazy.

Our Cadet had managed to find Diet Pepsi so there is still hope for him

Saturday 26 th of April 2014
and I was lucky that my discarded alarm clock went off at 07:15. My SAMSUNG was quiet and it turned out that I had forgotten to set the alarm. I stepped in to theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbridge and I turned on the kettle first thing. We're still anchored but we will get our Pilot at midnight. So it will be a long night again, but we will only have a few drills after lunch and then I send the crew to bed. I will do some preparations and I'm off to bed as well.

We started the drill with a lifeboat muster, we had the boat in the sea yesterday and we only needed a muster today. Then we had a life raft davit and emergency towing drill.

Then we had what everyone had been looking forward to, THE ISPS DRILL! Bomb threat and bomb search. I had one of the Cadets togo to the CCR while I had the crew in my office and we simulated a bomb threat call. I showed them how we followed the “bomb threat list” and then we went through different bomb search techniques. And it is not that easy to find a bomb on a big ship.Bomb

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
It is not all that easy to find the bomb

I managed to get an hour of sleep in the afternoon, and unlucky as I was I woke up just in time for dinner. Double unlucky, I woke up to destroy my diet and I never managed to fall asleep again.

Sunday 27 th of April 2014
and I was on the bridge just after 1 o'clock in the morning. We were approaching our jetty and we had all fast @ 03:00. We were ready to start load at 5 o'clock but as there was a thunder storm passing the terminal postponed the operation.

We started to load at 06:36 and I was in bed just before 8 o'clock in the morning. I woke up at 2Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersko'clock in the afternoon and I tried to get some bonus sleep in the evening as we expect to be up all night long again. I was called for at 22:30.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- We will be ready in about 2 hours
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, I'm coming

I had a shower, a glass of Diet Pepsi or two and a quick fag before going down to the CCR.

Our new 2nd Officer and Cadet were loading and as we were loading to maximum draft I sent 2nd Officer to check the draft from the jetty to compare with our computer. I will be on the jetty when we complete the loading, but it is good to know the difference between the real draft and the calculated draft. And of course, soon time to stop the loading and communication with the terminal is essential. Our Cadet changed the battery in the shore radio ad we're ready to go.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Making sure we have a fresh battery in the radio

Monday 28 th of April 2014
and we completed loading at 01:00 and I was in bed at 7 o'clock, well, it was almost 8 and I woke up at 2 thirty. Pilot is booked for 19:00 tonight and it was 10 minutes' before 8 when we finally left Mobile #7 in Singapore.

3 hours to the NIPAH anchorage in Indonesia. Eagle Phoenix first ETA to NIPHA STS area was 23:00 on the 29th of April. Then it was 08:00 on the 30th and this was later on changed to 18:00. So nothing is for sure. And Eagle Phoenix arrived here when we left so it is possible for more delays. But now it was very nice to leave for the anchorage.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Finally, time to leave Singapore

Tuesday 29 th of April 2014
and we were anchored at NIPAH anchorage when I woke up. Latest ETA for Eagle Phoenix is 8 o'clock in the morning of the 1st of May. So there are delays every day. Well, looks like my reliever is coming in Kapar and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully make it to Sweden in time for my fire fighting courses.
I really don't want to miss the courses even though I don't feel like going to Sweden.

Wednesday 30 th of April 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up. No updates about EagleAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskPhoenix or the STS so we have to assume she will be here tomorrow morning at 8. It was soon updated to midnight and we got a message that they would bring the fenders at 22:00

So it looks like we will have full night again. I had the crew to stop work at 3 o'clock in the afternoon so they could get some rest if the fenders would show up at 10. Rest, don't mean sleep. That's the beauty of the rest hour regulation, you can be up and about for 48 hours and still rested according to the regulations. As long as you don't work.

I have not had much sleep the last few weeks. Start work 08:00 and then the next day you finish work at 08:00. Start work at 18:00 and then the next day you finish work at 18:00. But the rest hours looks good.

I was lucky, I managed to get 3 hours of sleep after dinner and I woke up around 22 o'clock, but no sign off any fenders or the Loading Master.

We have an extra Fitter on board. We have a lot of extra people on board, 3 Cadets from Denmark and one Cadet from Rumania so the mess rooms are full. Today one of the Cadets was putting up blinds for the windows on our doors. This is to keep the ship dark in pirate waters.
- But you're running with navigation lights!

Yes, but the beauty with this is that the ship will be dark when they come on board. They walk around in the dark. Imagine coming on board a pitch dark ship, and then on top of that we can give him a quick blast with the ALDIS lamp and he won't find his way around the ship.

I was extremely lucky and I managed to fall asleep for 3 hours after diner. I woke up 10 minutes past 10 in the evening. No word about the fenders and at midnight I went to the bridge to see if there was any new information. Well, this is the end of April '14 and we swing right over to the month of May '14 for some STS extravaganza.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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