OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk

Sunday 17 th of April 2016 and we were anchored outside Map Ta Phut when I was waking up at 10 o'clock. And as no surprise we were going inside at 13:00 and my “long” sleep was turning from agood idea to a bad idea very quickly. I had expected us to come alongside tonight and aAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærskfull night of work.

When I went to bed it was berthing in the evening and a few hours later it is berthing in just a few hours.

I was in the CCR at 11 o'clock and we got going with the pre arrival tests and checks. Pilot is expected at 1 o'clock so we have time enough. I also made a few changes in my prepared paper work.

I had time for a quick lunch with our 3rd Officer before the Pilot boarded us at 13:00. We were 3 sister ship at the anchorage, Rita Mærsk, Ras Mærsk and our ship. Ras Mærsk was still anchored but Rita had her anchorage up just before our anchor was up and she was berthing at jetty #2 when we approached jetty #1.

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Rita Mærsk going to jetty #2 when we approach

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Rita Mærsk going to jetty #2 when we approach

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Rita Mærsk going to jetty #2 when we approach

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Rita Mærsk going to jetty #2 when we approach

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Rita Mærsk going to jetty #2 when we approach

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Rita Mærsk going to jetty #2 when we approach

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Alongside jetty #1

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Alongside jetty #1

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
Alongside jetty #1

We had our first line ashore at jetty #1 at 13:52 and we had all fast at 14:18 and I was soon down in the CCR to do paper work with the Loading Master and Surveyors. When the LoadingAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy MærskMaster came on board 10 minutes past 3 in the afternoon he didn't know when we were going to start.

He didn't know if we were going to start with the crude oil or the condensate. So we could not make very much of the paper work. We had got instructions to start with the crude oil.

I had planned for us to start with the crude oil as we had been instructed yesterday. But the Loading Master was soon getting updated orders and we wouldAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærskstart with the crude oil. And they expected us to start around 7 o'clock.

The Loading Master left us 20 minutes before 5 o'clock and I could attend to the Surveyors ullage and temperatures. And the figures looked good and everyone was happy. Now we had some time to kill waiting for the terminal to be ready to receive our cargo.

I went to my cabin to call our e-cigarette guy to see if he had the stuff we needed. He didn't had any juice and he would not get it until Wednesday. I asked him to deliver the e-cigarettes and coils and we can take the juice when we are coming back to Thailand.

Smokey the E-cigarette

I had time for a very quick dinner before I went to the CCR. I asked them to call me when they wanted us to start the discharging. It didn't take long before they called me and we started toAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærskdischarge the crude oil at 18:54. Slow start by taking down the tanks ONE BY ONE until 94% before we could go up to full speed.

We have a guy from Maersk on board and he is doing a MIRE inspection and as soon as we were discharging with full speed we started to go through the paper work in the CCR.

We were sitting at the table when the 3rd Officer told us that Captain was coming back. Finally! Did he manage to get Pepsi MAX?

He stepped inside and he handed me a bottle of Pepsi MAX and I ripped open the darn thing. I had 2 quick bottles and I regretted that I had asked for 4 cases, well, 100 bottles.

I would have been better off continue with the tea and club soda. I have been drinking nothing but water and tea since I joined the ship in Singapore and I have felt good, very good. But after 2 bottles of Pepsi MAX I didn't feel so good. And I was reallyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthoping that they wouldAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsknot find 100 bottles of Pepsi MAX.

Well, I can always give away a few bottles at our good morning tool box meetings. I started by giving one bottle to our 3rd Officer and he didn't seemed to feel any bad drinking the Pepsi MAX.

Of course, one bottle is the normal consumption and not 3 or 4 in one go! But 100 bottles and one per day, I will have to stay on board for a very long time. OK, this will be my last Pepsi MAX, soda water and tea only from now on!

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
He is enjoying a Pepsi MAX

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
He is enjoying a Pepsi MAX

Monday 18 th of April 2016
and I was back in my cabin at 3 thirty in the morning. We had completed the crude oil parcel. We will start to discharge the Condensate when Rita Mærsk are ready. The expected Rita Mærsk to be ready around 8 o'clock in the morning.

I was called for quarter past 8 and I went down in the CCR to assist duty officer to start up the discharging. 1000m3 line displacement and we didn't discharged with full rate until 12 o'clock. I was soon in the mess room and I discovered that our 3rd Officer had his right sleeve on his t-shirt was rolled up a few cm. I discovered that he had made a tattoo when he was ashore yesterday. Always the one sleeve only rolled up on the t-shirt that gives away a tattoo

We got our new voyage confirmed, we will load crude oil in Gresik, Indonesia and that is 5 to 8 days depending on what speed we will make. Well, there will be several evenings to kill and as we spent all the time at the anchorage I finished two TV series. One of them Luther, a waste of time. Well, except for a minute that was quite funny.

Well, I'm pretty sure that we will be busy on deck so never mind the Luther, and I can always come back here to see the only fun thing in the series. We expected to be ready around 8 thirtyAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærskin the evening so I went to my cabin for a cup of tea after dinner.

They called me at 8 o'clock and I had a quick shower and I was in the CCR quarter past 8 and they were busy stripping CT 3. Only 500m3 remaining in CT 4 and we will be ready.

Pilot will board us 2 hours after completion and he was ordered for 23:00. When CT 3 was empty we blew the lines to #4

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk

We completed discharging at 20:54 and now we could start with the cargo documents. Surveyor and Pump Man was on deck dipping the tanks. The crew were blowing the cargo arm ashore and IAladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærskwas pumping ballast to get the ship upright. And the last people left the ship just before 11 o'clock. Now we just have to wait for the pilot so we can leave this place behind us.

Pilot came on board and as soon as we had connected the tug boats we started to let go our mooring ropes. We were soon on our way to Gresik in Indonesia. It was time for me to go to my cabin and it was almost midnight. I had told Pump Man that we would not start to work until 10Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsko'clock tomorrow morning. We will met in my office for good morning gymnastics and tool box meeting at 10.

We need some sleep, as usual there is not much time for the Chief Officer to sleep.

I watched an episode of a stupid series before I was going to be with my alarm setto go off at 9 o'clock. Planning ahead, sleep too long and it will be hard to fall asleep tomorrow night.

Aladdin's adventure in Map Ta Phut with M/T Roy Mærsk
And yes, we got our e-cigarette stuff
And yes, I managed to cancel the Pepsi MAX order in the nick of ducking time

Tuesday 19 th of April 2016
and I had a mug of tea in my cabin before I went down to my officeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand the waiting crew. We have not had any good morning gymnastics for a few days now and by now they were delirious by anticipation.

“Good morning PEP” meeting

We kicked off the day with gymnastics and then we went straight to the tool box meeting. And I sent the painters on deck when we had been through the safety discussion about the painting, chipping and general work on deck. I had the crew to stay behind. As we have planned to changesome of the gratings on deck I needed to have an extra tool box meeting about changing the gratings.

I had to change the toner in my printer during the work with the cargo paper last night. So I had an empty box on the floor in my office. I asked the OS to hand it to me.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - AY AY SIR!! ON THE MOTHERDUCKING DOUBLE!!!

He jumped out of his chair and he grabbed the empty paper box
- EH EH, it is 500 KG
He called a guy to help him and they grabbed the box
- EH EH, it is 500 KG
They called in an additional 2 gays and they lifted the box. Now I needed the box at the sink. They were walking through my office with the box while looking out for holes and obstructions inM/T Roy Mærsktheir way.

They managed to navigate their way to the end destination for the box with out any “mishaps” When we were ready we had a Ballast Management training and the crew were ready to get on deck.

We had plenty to do so the time passed really quickly and we were soon having the day behind us.

And tomorrow will not get any less exciting, ballast tank inspections and I don't know what. But it will be fun and I'm looking forward to it! But first I will enjoy a few buckets of evening tea in my cabin happy that I managed to cancel 100 50cl bottles of Pepsi MAX. I might arrange a few bottles next time in Thailand.

Wednesday 20 th of April 2016
and I was out of bed 20 minutes before 8 o'clock, the second time my alarm went off. A shower and I was off to make a bucket of tea before going to my office toM/T Roy Mærskmeet the crew. Our 3rd Officer was in the mess room having a huge plate off sausages for breakfast and he askedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout the good morning gymnastics.

I went to the office where the crew was waiting. I checked all their fingers and eyes and we have had no injuries since our last tool box meeting.

When we had checked for the injuries we got right on with the good morning “PEP” gymnastics. And I had expected more from an ex Commando Glasnost. Well, we decided that I will take over tomorrow. Of course, he is more than welcome to participate. We finished the gymnastics and we got on with the safety and tool box part of the good morning “PEP” meeting.

The Painters and the OS was the first to leave for deck and I continued with the Pump Man and one of the ABs as we're going down a ballast tank for inspection.

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our Commando is kicking off the morning gymnastics

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
He get a hug when he is ready with the gymnastics

Thursday 21 st of April 2016
and we kicked off the day with our gymnastics. The painters will spend the day chipping and painting. I will start the day by inspecting 3P ballast tank with our Pump Man. And as we found some rust we had to send down one guy for a little chipping and painting in the ballast tank.

We tested/ Inspected/ greased our life boat davit after lunch together with the Chief Engineer and, well, time passed quickly and it was soon time to go for a cup of tea and a shower. One thing is for sure, it is nice that we don't have to go down in any ballast tank tomorrow.

Well, the AB have to go down and paint two layers and 2 more layers on Saturday and the tank is ready. But no inspection and crawling around in the mud. We have 2 more tanks to do, but this will be on the way back to Thailand when the tanks are empty

Friday 22 nd of April 2016
and it was nice not to have to go down any ballast tank after our good morning gymnastic. One of the ABs was down for 10 minutes to paint the second layer of primer. Third layer will be painted in the afternoon.

Well, it was afternoon before we knew it as we were very busy on deck. Of course, enclosed space entry procedures and then wire inspection. Inspection of all our mooring ropes, that we never finished as it was time for dinner. But we have 7 more ropes to do tomorrow. And we found two ropes to store on the pipe lines until we can take them ashore for garbage.

I put new markings on all the ropes and I arranged our mooring rope log so it is as nice as we had it on Romø Mærsk.

Saturday 23 rd of April 2016
and we had a few enclosed space entries to do today so I was quiteYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbusy with paper works and checks after the good morning gymnastics and the tool box meeting. Never even a second over to sit down relax.

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our, by now compolsory good morning gymnastics

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our, by now compolsory good morning gymnastics

We will see some safety videos in the afternoon so we will have to finish all the painting on deck before that. We will also have to complete the mooring rope inspection. The inspection is the quick part of the job. Moving around the rope is taking way longer time. But we managed to get all the ropes in position. 4 ropes for garbage and we had 3 new ropes on deck that we moved to the stores. So it was a good day.

Sunday 24 th of April 2016
and I had a new e-mail regarding my Koala and Kangaroo adventure in Australia. I have decided to give up on Ticket. They have not send me an itinerary and theyKoala adventure in Australiacannot send it until I have a departure date. So I'm in contact with Söderhavsresor, a Swedish travel agent.

They sent me an itinerary and I decided to go on this trip. Well, I will not be able to get on my way on the 3rd of July. ButYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully onKangaroo adventure in Australiathe 10th of July. I will add a few extra days so I have time to relax a little, and of course, whale watching in Sydney.

I plan for one day extra in Melbourne for some rest, and also, there are a penguin tour. Adelaide, I might take a night extra as I found out that they do the Great White shark cage diving. Can be fun, and I have Cape Town to compare with. So it looks to be 3 weeks of adventure and fun.

They sent me the below itinerary and I was satisfied, just a few small additions and I think I have a winner. Most important is to see the Koalas and Kangaroos. The reason for me to go there.

• 03 July: Arrival Cairns from Sydney. 3 nights at Pacific Hotel
• 04 July: Cruise at the Great Barrier Reef with snorkelling Small chance to see Minke Whales. Lunch included
• 05 July: ”Wait A While Rainforest Tour” – A tour to the rain forest to look for birds and animals. Dinner included
• 06 July: Flight Cairns to Darwin
• 06 July: 1 night at Palms City Resort
• 07 July: 3 days camping safari with 4WD ”Dragonfly Dreaming Top End”, small group with guide, all meals inclusive.
• 09 July: 1 night at Palms City Resort
• 10 July: Flight from Darwin to Alice Springs
• 10 July: 1 night at Aurora Alice Springs
• 11 July: Buss from Alice Springs to Ayers Rock
• 11 July: 1 night at Outback Pioneer, standard room
• 11 July: Afternoon tour to The Olgas/Kata Tjuta
• 12 July: Morning tour to Ayers Rock, picnic breakfast included
• 12 July: Flight from Ayers Rock to Melbourne
• 12 July: 1 night at Vibe Savoy Melbourne
• 13 July: 3 day tour with guide in a small group along Great Ocean Road, looking for koalas, Kangaroos and other animals and birds
• 15 July: 1 night at Vibe Savoy Melbourne
• 16 July: Flight from Melbourne to Adelaide
• 16 July: 1 night at Adelaide hotel
• 17 July: 2 day/ 2 nights with Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours, nature 4WD
• 19 July: 1 nights at Adelaide hotel
• 20 July: Transfer to Victor Harbor + Whale watching (seals, sea lions, dolphins and whales)
• 21 July: Flying from Adelaide to Sydney

Monday 25 th of April 2016
and we kicked off the day by some good morning exercises. And today it was our Pump Man in charge of the gymnastics. I have come up with a new idea, we take rotation to lead the gymnastics. Everyone get a feeling of involvement and, well, talk about TEAM building! The spirit is high and the crew is really looking forward to the gymnastics.

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Pump Man leading our good morning gymnastics

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Pump Man leading our good morning gymnastics

We finished the good morning gymnastics and we got right on with the tool box meeting. Painting and chipping so it is the ordinary risk assessments for the Painters. Our Pump Man and I will test our cargo valves by checking the opening and closing times.

We use to have a small drill/ exercise in the morning, safety harness, lifting etc. And today I will have some training/ information about the “dust” filters. Just to make sure so there won't be any mistake regarding the use. Dust filters are only for dust and not paint/ thinner vapours.

Dust filters on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Dust filters on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Dust filters on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Dust filter, NOT FOR PAINTING!!

Dust filters on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Dust filters on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Dust filter, NOT FOR PAINTING!!

When they were ready they went on deck. Pump Man and one other AB had to trace leaks in our hydraulic pipes after lunch, so that was yet another risk assessment and tool box meeting. I was pretty happy with the day when it was time to return to the cabin for a cup of tea before the dinner. One of the perks by being busy, time is passing quickly.

We dropped anchor 10 minutes before 7 in the evening and we expect to wait here until the 28 in the morning. So we will have two days here at the anchorage and I can keep the crew busy with the painting and chipping on deck while waiting.

Tuesday 26 th of April 2016
and we kicked off today's “Good morning PEP” meeting as usually, with the good morning gymnastics. And today we had one of the ABs to lead us through the stretching exercises. Huffin’ and puffin for a few minutes makes wonders for the enthusiasm at the tool box meeting. And I'm to modest to say that this is a great way to build a TEAM spirit

Morning exercises on board M/T Roy Mærsk
What we all have been waiting for

Morning exercises on board M/T Roy Mærsk
What we all have been waiting for

Morning exercises on board M/T Roy Mærsk
What we all have been waiting for

Morning exercises on board M/T Roy Mærsk
What we all have been waiting for

We got right on with the tool box meeting when we finished the good morning gymnastics. The guys are chipping U-bolts and flanges on deck. That means that they will stay onM/T Roy Mærsktop of the cargo pipes. So we need a WORK ALOFT work permit and we went throughYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe risk assessment for working aloft.

But before that we had to have some safety harness training. Just to be remember that we need to stay connected to a strong point at ALL THE TIME. What good is it to wear a safety harness if we're not connected to any strong point to stop our fall?

One of the ABs went to get three safety harnesses for us and we were soon having three volunteers donning the safety harness and when they were ready I asked them to get to the kitchen.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OFF YOU GO!!! ON THE DOUBLE!!!! DON'T FORGET, CONNECTED ALL THE TIME!!

Off they went and they reached almost all the way to the kitchen. I asked what they should doM/T Roy Mærsknow. One of them disconnected his safety hook. Exactly what you're not supposed to do!

Our OS suggested that we should go back. The correct answer and so we did. Back in my office we continued with the tool box meeting and the paper work. Two WORK ALOFT permits as one of the ABs were going up in the aft mast for greasing.

Pump Man stayed behind and we did some requisitions and when we were ready I finished my cargo plan. Well, almost finished, our 2nd Engineer came. He asked if I could measure some gas in the engine room as they were going in to the main engine.

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk

He asked if I could come at 11 o'clock and as this was no problem I calibrated and tested the gas detectors. I went down to the CCR where our Chief Engineer was enjoying himself. We went down to the top of the main engine and I measured the gas. No dangerous gases and 20.9% oxygen. So our 2nd Engineer could go inside to check what ever he was going to check. He was inside for a few minutes before we could see him coming out again.

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Chief Engineer and 2nd Engineer

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk
2nd Engineer enter the engine

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk
2nd Engineer enter the engine

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk
2nd Engineer inside the engine

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Coming out again

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Coming out again

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Engine on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Time for me to leave

Engine room on board M/T Roy Mærsk

And as time was passing very quickly (busy busy) it was soon time to go to my cabin for a cup of tea before dinner. Yet another day I'm happy with and we're looking forward to a new exciting day tomorrow full of adventures. The evening will be spent drinking Club Soda with the Captain.

And yes, as expected, my adventure in Australia is soon blown out of all proportions. As with my previous adventures, there are a lot of additional. I have added a flight to Port Lincoln for a 2 days Ultimate Ocean Safari.

Day 1: Sea Lions & Great White Shark

Day 2: Cage dive with the Great White Sharks, Swim with the Dolphins & View the Whales

So this promise to be fun. Cage diving with the Great White Shark, whale watching (Blue and Hump Back Whales, up-close and personal!) and swimming with the Dolphins and Sea Lions (puppy dogs of the sea) Puppy dogs and I cannot help but thinking about Luther.

Wednesday 27 th of April 2016
and today it was one of our ABs leading the good morning gymnastics. And as soon as we were ready the 3rd Officer went for his breakfast. We decided that our OS will lead the good morning gymnastics tomorrow. That is if we're still here, according to the schedule we will come along side early tomorrow morning.

Morning exercises on board M/T Roy Mærsk
What we all have been waiting for

Morning exercises on board M/T Roy Mærsk
What we all have been waiting for

We continued with a tool box meeting and the crew went on deck when we were ready. I told them to be in the duty mess after the coffee break as we will have a security info meeting and an exercise. I finished the last paper work for the loading and we will do the pre-arrival checks and tests in the afternoon if we don't get any updates about delays. Then we don't need to do the tests in the middle of the night.

We will have a meeting about closing and locking the doors on deck while in port. Important to keep the doors locked or there will be a remark if there is an inspection. And of course, peopleYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcan sneak in to the accommodation to steal something.

So we met in the duty mess and we talked about the crews duties during port stay. And it is not only the duty crew, people on the watch below need to close the door when they go in and out from the accommodation.

As we understand it would not be possible to have a guy standing and watching at every door. When we were ready the crew line up outside the duty mess for a final “close the door” exercise. And they were at least to say enthusiastic when we started.

M/T Roy Mærsk
M/T Roy Mærsk
Lining up for our door exercise

M/T Roy Mærsk
M/T Roy Mærsk

Everyone lined up and then we walked ONE BY ONE in to the duty mess. Open the door and to close and lock the door behind us. Every one passed the test with flying colours. Good, now we canM/T Roy Mærskreturn to our work.

I have to check the oxygen sensor on the vapour return line and I had Pump Man and one of the ABs to help me. One AB on the selector on the catwalk and our Pump Man was closing and opening valves. I was in the CCR checking the instrument.

And we were happy with the test just before lunch time. Well, I was 10 minutes late for lunch. Meatballs and salad. Seriously, I cannot remember the last time I had my daily allowance of black bread and cheese.

Latest news is that the Pilot will board us around 6 o'clock tomorrow morning so our Pump Man and I started with the test and checks in the afternoon.

Perfect would be if the pilot boarded us at 8 o'clock, then 24 hours on top of that and we will leave in a decent time on Friday. Well, let's see how this turns out. We will be back in Thailand around 5th of May.

Thursday 28 th of April 2016
and we were still anchored when my alarm went off. No one had called me so I guess there was some delays to our schedule to come along side. But they were justM/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesiaabout to start heaving up the anchor at 8 o'clock. So no morning gymnastics today.

2 of the Painter were sent to the engine room to help them out and I had our OS and one of the painters to finish the painting on deck. Pilot was on board just before 9 o'clock and we had all fast at Gresik jetty #1 @ 11 o'clock.

We had passed many ships coming in to our jetty. The anchorage was full outside and when we came in we discovered that the place was full of anchored ships. And it was a huge area.

Gresik is just a small village at the oil jetty. But according to the Pilot there are 15 million people living in the city named Surabaya

the capital of East Java, is a port on the northern shores of the island of Java at the mouth of the Kali Mas. It is the second largest city in Indonesia, after Jakarta.

A major seaport and one of the chief commercial and trading centres of Asia, Surabaya is the terminus of a railway and highway connecting it to other Javanese cities. The principal export is sugar. Other articles of trade include tobacco, coffee, maize, animal hides, and tapioca. Shipbuilding, the manufacture of machinery, textiles, glass and metal products, and the processing of food and petroleum are leading industries of Surabaya.

A large harbour is enclosed by breakwaters and contains floating docks and numerous quays, wharves, and warehouses. The harbour is protected by nearby Madura Island.

Airlangga University, Petra Christian University, and the Surabaya Institute of Technology are located in the city.

© 1988-2000 Microsoft and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved.

I was a wee bit sceptic so I checked my Encarta and according to Microsoft the population was 2,351,303 and 1997 Estimate. I doubt there are 15 million today, but it is a big city.

Anyway, I'm going to stay on board as I'm too old to go ashore letting my hair down. Perfect arrival time and we will hopefullyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthave started the loading before dinner so I can enjoy a soda water in my cabin tonight.

Anyway, it looked nice from a distance, but I knew, wise from experience, that when you come up close it is just garbage laying around. As in so many of the beautiful countries in the SE Asia. And if you can see all the garbage, you never have to be doubtful of where they drop the waste and toxic coming out from the factories! The worst is what you cannot see.

M/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesia
Arriving to our jetty in Gresik

M/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesia
Arriving to our jetty in Gresik

M/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesia
Arriving to our jetty in Gresik

We started to load the crude oil at 14:42 and we expect 16 to 17 hours of loading so we're looking forward to an early morning. We have 3 of the boys going ashore to have a look on the village and I gave them a shopping list, the smallest of shopping lists.

So now I'm delirious with anticipation and I hope they bring back some of the good stuff. I was in my cabin trying to rest when they came up with an inquiry. If we can load a second parcel inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stDumai on the way to Thailand. So I had to go down to the cargo computer to do some heavy duty night time calculations.

CCR action on board M/T Roy Mærsk
CCR action on board M/T Roy Mærsk

CCR action on board M/T Roy Mærsk
CCR action on board M/T Roy Mærsk

CCR action on board M/T Roy Mærsk
CCR action on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Friday 29 th of April 2016
and they called me just after 5 o'clock in the morning, about 1 hour to go before completion of the loading. A quick shower and I was down to the CCR. Well, I stopped on my way to make a cup of tea. I was soon on deck to check our draft.

And as we cannot put any gangway here I had to check the draft from the fo'c's'le. And on the poop deck I had to use a ullage tape with a homemade float (Empty Danish butter cookie jar)

M/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesia
Early morning in Gresik

Of course, this only gives a rough estimate of the draft as the float and tape was flying in the wind and in the current of the water. But when we were ready at 06:12 we had an draft of about 8,5 m even keel. We did the calculation and the figures looked very nice. Now we have to wait for the Loading Master and the cargo documents.

I took the opportunity to go check my e-mail. I had sent and inquiry to the Adventure BayAdventure Bay Charter in Port LincolnCharterers yesterday. And there was a reply, not the reply I had been hoping for. In July they only have the cage diving with the Great White Sharks and no 2 days Ocean Safari.

Well, cage diving with the Great White shark is better than nothing, and I save one night in Port Lincoln, and that means I can have an extra night somewhere else.

From: AdventureBayCharters . [mailto:info@adventurebaycharters.com.au]
Sent: 29 April 2016 07:23
To: Aladdin
Subject: Re: Ocean Safari

Hi Aladdin,
Thanks for your email.
Unfortunately we don't have any scheduled dates for the ocean safari and our Sea Lion tour doesn't operate in the winter months. Sorry for the inconvenience. However you can still do the Shark Cage Diving in July.

Shark Cage Diving is $395 per person.

The price does not include your Underwater Access for the Shark Tour. An upgrade of $125 can be paid by cash or card on the boat on the day of your tour which gives you unlimited access to both the cage and the Aqua Sub (an underwater glass viewing pod). This upgrade is only paid if you have had a good shark sighting, and includes the use of a wetsuit, mask, hood, gloves, booties and all the gear you need to get in the cage.

If you would like me to create a booking for you, please provide me with the following: Names of passenger(s)
Contact number
- Dietary requirements
- Accommodation (So I can arrange transfers to and from the boat)
I understand you don't want to stay in a dorm style accommodation so you could try the Port Lincoln Hotel.
We arrange complimentary transfers to and from the vessel from certain accommodations in Port Lincoln.

And for the payment:
- Card Number
- Expiry date

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Kind Regards,
Casey Grenfell
Sales & Administration Assistant
Adventure Bay Charter in Port LincolnAdventure Bay Charter in Port Lincoln

2 Jubilee Drive
Port Lincoln, SA, 5606
(08) 8682 2979

Adventure Bay Charter in Port LincolnAdventure Bay Charter in Port Lincoln

E: info@adventurebaycharters.com.au
W: adventurebaycharters.com.au

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 2:11 AM, Aladdin wrote:
Dear Madame / Sir

I will come to Australia in July. I have asked my tour company for a cage diving with the great white. So they came up with your company. I visited your page and I decided to go for the two day ocean safari, with cage diving, swimming with the sea puppy and the whale watching. So they have added this to my itinerary

My concerns are the cabins on the boat. Is it possible to do all this (I see you have many tours) and to stay overnight at a hotel in Port Lincoln?

When I was you I travelled India living in dormitories. I went around Australia living in these “Walk about” places or whatever they were called with 3 to 4 people in the room. But now I’m too old for this kind of living. I will come to your place but I would really prefer to stay in a hotel room. Of course, I will miss the sea life experience part of the trip, but I have had enough of that after living like that on board Rainbow Warrior for 3 months

By the way, I did cage diving with the great white in South Africa, they had the diving suit with a lot of Xs before the L. What about you? I guess it is too cold in the water for swimming without?

See you in July

Best regards

We managed to off load all our garbage + discarded mooring ropes and scrap. We got some fruit and coco nuts in exchange for the scrap. But most of all, I was happy to have got rid of the garbage, that set us back by 350 US$

Well, now I just wait to get out of here and Pilot is booked for 11 o'clock. Later on it was postponed to 12 thirty and then to 13:00. I went to my cabin and I was soon giving up waiting and I decided to go to bed instead of wasting time waiting.

M/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesia

M/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesia

I went to bed quarter past 1 and I was sleeping when they called me 15 minutes later. Pilot was on board and it was finally time to leave Gresik and Indonesia behind. And the official departure timeM/T Roy Mærsk in Gresik, Indonesiawas 13:48 and I was back in bed not long after that.

I had 45 minutes of sleep, I could easily had been sleeping longer but then it will be hard to fall asleep tonight. I enjoyed a cup of tea and a fist full of nuts when I was back out of bed again. Yes, yet another day we have put behind us, and I realised that it is Saturday tomorrow, AGAIN! Seems like yesterday when I was allowed to eat last time so time is flying by! Well, honestly, I'm not looking forward to it. OK, a wee bit, but I have got used to eating healthy now, and I don't want to make a tit out of myself with the Great White Sharks in Port Lincoln having to ask for a diver suit size XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX foocking L!

Saturday 30 th of April 2016
and it is time for Maersk's World Safety Day. But as this will not kick off until after lunch, of course, we would have had our “Good morning PEP” gymnastics anyway. But we had time for some important jobs before it was time to kick off the global safety day.

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

The good morning gymnastics, due to the cargo operation in Gresik we have had no time for our gymnastics and the crew had been missing it. So you can imagine the excitements when I came inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto my office. I swear to God, they were like Children on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa.
- Good morning a** holes!

We had to wait a few minutes for our 3rd Officer and the crew were at least to say impatient to get started. Our OS was stand-by on the leader position. I told him to hold on, impossible, theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcrew were already starting slowly and as soon as our 3rd Officer stepped in to my office it was full speed. And all crew were in good mood when we finished the gymnastics.

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Good morning gymnastics

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Good morning gymnastics

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Good morning gymnastics

Gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Good morning gymnastics

We held the tool box and the painters and our OS was off for painting. They have to finish before lunch as the afternoon will be spent with the Global Safety Day. Pump Man and one of the ABs stayed behind. We're going to inspect ballast tank 1 STB so we need to do quite a lot of paper work and safety preparation before we can start.

Before lunch I had have 3 different tool box meeting and we had made 3 work permits. We had been walking through a few risk assessments, STEP BY STEP style. Ballast tank inspection report and, well, time passed very quickly and it was soon time for lunch.

We kicked off the global safety day at 1 o'clock and we started by watching a video. Then we talked for an hour or so about safety tools. The rest of the time will be spent being creative. We split the crew in 4 different groups and they are going to come up with an art work about the safety tools. I was busy going around “documenting” Maersk's second global safety day.

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Opening the global safety day

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Global Safety Day on board M/T Roy Mærsk

The month of April in the year of our Lord 2016 ended with excitements, competition, fun and someoneYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully learnt something. So now I wonder what the month of May have to offer us, just click HERE and you will find yourself in the middle of a new adventure.


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