OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærsk

Sunday 20 th of March 2016 and we were on board at 8 o'clock and I had a few hours with the off signing Chief Officer before he left at 23:00. I kept myself busy until 1 o'clock in the morning with paper work and other interesting things.

Monday 21 st of March 2016
and I had a very hard time sleeping during the night so I was dead tired when my alarm went off. But there is plenty to do as we will most likely starting the STSAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærskoperation tonight discharging crude oil to another ship.

And busy I was, cargo plans, risk assessments and tool box meetings. No end to it, but the time passed very quickly.

They expect us to come alongside late tonight so I was hoping to get some sleep after dinner.

Our anchor was up around 11 o'clock in the evening and we started to approach m/t Diamond Eternity and our Loading Master told us that we would berth around midnight. I was lucky that I had managed to get a few hours of sleep during the evening.

Tuesday 22 nd of March 2016
and we had the first line on board m/t Diamond Eternity at 00:30 and we had all fast at 01:12. And when we were ready I went down to the CCR to start with theNipah STS Area - Diamond Eternity and Roy Mærskpaper work. And here we do minimal paper work as we don't have any Surveyor, only the Loading/ Mooring Master.

But even though it is easy paper work it take some time before everything is ready so we can start discharging. And there are of course some pre transfer checks that have to be done even though I had done most of them during the afternoon.

Everything was ready and we could start discharging at 04:18 and I was off to my cabin at 5 o'clock. Of course, by then myNipah STS Area - Diamond Eternity and Roy Mærskrest hours was red even though I wasn't tired, thanks to my power nap in the evening.

Took me some times to fall asleep, but I was soon called for again and I returned to the CCR at 10 thirty. We had trouble with a valve but it was back to satisfied condition and I went for my lunch.

I had 2 soda waters with Captain after lunch and we talked about the good ol' long gone good times in Broström before I went for my shower. We completed discharging at 17 thirty and we left the ship Diamond Eternity at 21:00 bound for Singapore where we will take bunker and discharge slop.

Wednesday 23 rd of March 2016
and they called me at 4 thirty, the slop barge was alongside. I was in the CCR 7 minutes later with a half full can of Diet Pepsi. I finished the first half of theDesloping in Singaporecan in my cabin before going down to the CCR.

The slop barge were mooring alongside while I was in the CCR preparing the paper work.

Connecting the hose and I started the pumps around 5 thirty and we completed just after 8 o'clock. And the slop barge was soon leaving us.

A standing up breakfast and I finished my paper work and I was off for an hour of power nap before lunch time. I was tired, but if I sleep too much it will be impossible to sleep tonight.

I came out of my shower 5 minutes after 12 and I went to have a soda water with Captain, but I ran in to a Port State Control. A Port State we got through with ZERO remarks!

We left Singapore anchorage late afternoon bound for Singapore OPL anchorage where we will drop the anchor around 10 o'clock tonight with no news about our next voyage.

Thursday 24 rd of March 2016
and I was kind of tired when my alarm went off quarter past 7 in the morning. But as I knew that I would be busy during the day I was out of bed in a jiff. We had tool box and safety meeting until 10 o'clock.

Then it was time for our monthly drills and before we knew it it was time for lunch. Well, we had been busy so we were late for lunch, but the time had passed quickly.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærsk

I had my lunch, not a standing up lunch, but a quick one as I had more to do in the CCR and IAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærskkept myself busy until late evening.

We continued the safety work after lunch and at 3 o'clock we had been through the safety and incident reports from the company. Plenty to read and discuss so from now on I hope the crew will know what we're talking about during our tool box meetings.

The crew left me and I was alone in my office. I cranked up the volume and I had Skånsk Hip Hop blasting high while I enjoyed my tea and doing paper work.

Skånsk Hip HopSkånsk Hip Hop

Our 3rd Officer came by to disturb us by taking pictures for something very important. And just before I was going for dinner we got an e-mail about a cargo calculation. Loading in Singapore toAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MærskJapan and we will see what happens with this.

I finished my tank cleaning plan at 8 o'clock in the evening, way later than expected because I had been busy drinking soda water with Captain talking about the good ol' day when we were young.

I had a shower and I had planned to open my Thai book, well, at least I moved them in to my bed room. So now they are at my bed side table and it is not impossible that I open them tomorrow. At least that is my plan. My Thai videos, well, Learn Thai with the “Learn Thai with Mod” and theBangkok PostAlif Silpachai videos. I have down loaded some tutorials for ADOBE Lightroom so let's see what it will be.

I read Bangkok Post on line and it was about the Rajabhakti Park we had visited in Hua Hin. And what a surprise, the prime minister's office has certified Rajabhakti Park as completely corruption-free. Full story HERE

Well, this is how they operate in Thailand. They had problems with drought and there was about the guy who had hit a car and killed 2 people. He had refused to undergo alco and drug test and this was his right to do so according to the police.

So it is pretty normal back in Thailand and I was soon watching a video, and no, it was neither any Lightroom tutorials or any Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos

Friday 25 th of March 2016
and we were still anchored when I came down to the CCR at 8 o'clock in the morning. I was tired when my alarm went off quarter past 7 and not even a very hot shower helped very much.

I don't know what happened with the time, suddenly it was 12 o'clock and the time had passed very quickly. 3 of the crew members are going to do work aloft in our hose crane on deck. So I took the opportunity to start the day with a safety harness training at our tool box meeting.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærsk

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærsk

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærsk

Saturday 26 th of March 2016
and yet another day disappeared quickly. Management meetings and a lot of other stuff and it was soon past 5 o'clock. A shower and I was late for dinner, well, reminded me that I need to put up my diet bet on the note board or I will eat myself out of all proportions. So something is needed to be done about my diet, urgently!

Walk Free
Walk Free

I will look in to my “diet bet” and print it so I can put it on the note board. But I ended up inAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MærskCaptain's cabin drinking soda water talking about the good ol' times.

We took a picture that we would send to a Captain that we had been working with on CT Star back in the days. I had already given him 4 pictures of a Cook we both had been working with.

Captain sent the pictures and our friend had been al confused, of course, the pictures were almost 30 years old.

Sunday 27 th of March 2016
and my alarm went off quarter past 7 and I was in my office at 8 o'clock where the crew were waiting. Tool box meeting and risk assessment and they we're off toAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærskdeck after 30 minutes.

As soon as the crew had left my office I tested our cargo valves with Pump Man and when he was off for the 6 monthly checks of our FRAMO pumps I started to prepare for tomorrow. We are kicking off a safety week tomorrow and ITank inspection on board m/t Roy Mærskneed to inspect a ballast tank before that.

So in order to be ready before 10 o'clock I started to prepare paper work. And as it is Easter we will have our lunch at 13:00 and I need to have a shower before that. And time passed veryAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Mærskquickly, one of the perks joining a new ship. Well, I was here one and a half year ago last time, but there are still plenty to go through.

I had too much to eat and I will look at my “diet bet” first thing. But our 2nd Engineer asked if I wanted to watch a movie so we went to the TV room after lunch.

It was a good movie, but I was kind of happy when it came to an end so I could go for a 45 minutes power nap.

Monday 28 th of March 2016
and today is the day we will start our safety awareness week. We will kick it off after the 10 o'clock coffee break. So I have time to inspect double bottom #4 Port before 10 o'clock. We were back up from the tank 5 minutes before 10 o'clock and I made it just in time as a shower was required after the tank inspection.

Safety awareness week on board m/t Roy Mærsk
Safety awareness week

Safety awareness week on board m/t Roy Mærsk
Safety awareness week

We kicked off the safety awareness week with near miss exercises. We split up in 4 groups and we made near missed and we completed just in time for lunch. We will do our second session afterSafety awareness week on board m/t Roy Mærskthe 3 o'clock coffee break (for those who have time for coffee break)

I had a lunch constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stduring the lunch and the rest of the afternoonYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas spent with tank inspection reports.

Safety awareness week and I had to leave for some cargo calculations around 4 thirty or so. Then it was decided that we would have to make tank cleaning so we are looking for a full night. It was the old Papa New Guinea voyage again, but first doing an internal voyage with LSWR inTank cleaning on board m/t Roy MærskSingapore. And we need to be in Singapore on the 30th of March so no time to wait with the tank cleaning.

Tank cleaning plans, risk assessments and problem with a cargo valve, there is no end toit. But we were ready to start around 9 o'clock in the evening.

1 hour hot water wash in each tank, 4 machines running at the same time. My original plan was for 6 machines but then we could not keep the temperature on the water. So the cleaning will take a wee bit longer than planned for.

Tuesday 29 th of March 2016
and I was to bed at 3 thirty and we had to wait for the water in the slop tank to be hot before we can continue the washing. I will recirculate the water in the slop tank for cleaning and we save us about 4 to 500 cubic meter of slop water. Or easier to understand, about 50,000 US Dollars they will charge us for discharging the slop.

They called me at 6 and I was back in bed at 8 thirty. Then they called at 11 thirty and we cleaned CT 4 P/S. Waiting for 3 hours or so and the water will get hot again and we will do CT 5 P/S, the last tanks to be cleaned.

Well, now we got the news that the voyages had been cancelled, but now they work on a voyage to Sri Lanka. And yes, IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopes to arrive to Sri Lanka with a V-shaped torso

Diet on board m/t Roy Mærsk

Wednesday 30 th of March 2016
and we started the day by measuring gas in the tanks. Everything looks good and all tanks are below 2%VOL HC. We have about 450m3 of tank washing water and we areYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully ready to load the HFO after the cargo of crude oil we discharged in Nipah.

We were busy during the whole day, a day I had planned to get started with cargo documents. But there were cargo valves, CC inspection, TOOL BOX, Risk assessment and I had to make a Vector Control Log book. No end to it, but time was passing very quickly. I had time for a 10 minutesAdventure on board m/t Roy Mærsklunch break as we will start to discharge the tank washing water.

They will send a slop barge to the anchorage, meeting time at 20:00 and we're looking for yet another full night of excitements. I was on the bridge at, well, quarter to 8 in the evening and now they called to tell us that they would be delayed until 22:00, only God knows when they are going to show up.

Well, I had time to read Bangkok Post on line and as usually, it was no good news. It is 2016 even though you cannot believe it. Govt critics risk 1 month 're-education' Army boss says recentBangkok Postdetentions a 'warm up'

Regime critics could be detained for one month under the government's new "training course" re-education programme, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said. It is a MUST READ and, well, 2016 and this is where we're heading. Click HERE for the full story from Bangkok Post

Amazing planning ability, and why inform us at 8 when they should have been here at 8 o'clock. Well, these guys are not the best paid in the industry. You see plenty adds where they look for Captains offering 500 US per month and 50 months contract.

I was on deck when the slop barge arrived and it was just a few minutes before 11 o'clock when she had all fast on our starboard side. The cargo hose was connected 10 minutes before midnight

m/t Tiger Star
Slop barge m/t Tiger Star coming along side

m/t Tiger Star
Slop barge m/t Tiger Star coming along side

Thursday 31 st of March 2016
and we were delayed due to problem to get the ISGOTT and the STS transfer check list completed and signed. I had a pre-transfer conference via the VHF CH 77 and I sent over the paper work to be signed. I don't know, ISGOTT check list, must have been around for millions of years and before today I doubted that there was one single tanker man that had never filed up the check list.

Obviously there are, they took my documents that I had sent to them with a heaving line. Theyread the ISGOTT check list and it was what it must have looked like when people read aboutYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe moon landing in the newspaper a few thousand years ago. The whole crew was standing around the guy holding the ISGOTT and they started do discuss.

I got it sent back and they told me to start discharging. I checked the paper work and I sent pack the check list and I explained that they had to do the check list.
- We have signed
- That is not enough!
- Start de sloping
- I will not do anything before we have completed all the paper work and pre transfer checks.

I had to send back the check lists a few times and I gave several instructions via the VHF radio. Last time I sent back the check list I marked everything they had to check with a highlighter pen. And last time they sent back the check lists they had complained to the AB on deck. They hadAdventure on board m/t Roy MærskNEVER been doing this before, only this ship, very no good. Well, I don't give a flying...

The check lists and test should be ready before we start, at least as long as I'm responsible.

I had red rest hours coming up so I was in a hurry. But never mind, I will not take any short cuts.

If something happens they will scrutinize every little paper work and then you're better off having them in order. We started to discharge the slop at midnight thirty and we were busy discharging until 4 o'clock. Paper work and m/t Tiger Star left us 10 minutes past 5 o'clock in the morning bound for new adventures and ISGOTT check lists.

m/t Tiger Star
Slop barge m/t Tiger Star are ready to leave us

m/t Tiger Star
Slop barge m/t Tiger Star leaving us

m/t Tiger Star
Slop barge m/t Tiger Star leaving us

I was back in my cabin at 5 thirty and I enjoyed a glass of Diet Pepsi reading Bangkok Post before I went to bed. And there is no end to it. Soldiers given police powers of arrest, search and seizure, read all about it HERE

They still ask how the people of Germany could let it happening back in the 30's. How could they let it happen? That is the question the future generations will always ask. And how could the Swedish people let them destroy the country to beyond recognition? And did I mention that I will use Thai Airways as little as possible?

Of course, I didn't fail to ask Thai Airways a few questions about double pricing etc. So let's see what they will come up with. And I'm sure that someone will react about the “ I’m a foreigner and I have to pay much more than Thai people when I visit your national parks, museums etc. It is what I call a scam from you!”

Well, the Thai Government is the main shareholder and thus Thai Airways are to blame. If I own a company X that charge people from Germany double my company Y will of course also be held responsible. Or if I walk around robing children of their candy during the nights, both my companies X and Y will take the heat because they are indirectly responsible as I own them. Well, i think you understand after having thought about it for a while.

Thai Airways

And while I was at it
Thai Airways

I woke up at 11 thirty and the HFO voyage to Sri Lanka was cancelled. Now they are talking about crude oil to Thailand. And we have just cleaned our crude oil tanks to get them ready for HFO. And I don't want to go to Thailand so I hope the Sri Lank voyage is brought back on the table. Or the Papa New Guinea, I would love to go to Port Moresby in Torres Strait.

Anyway, the month of March in the year of our Lord 2016 have come to an end and by clicking HERE you will found yourself in the month of April 2016.


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