OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Friday 1 st of April 2016 and it was hard to get out of bed when my alarm went off at 7 fifteen. I adjusted my alarm to go off yet again 30 minutes later. Yes, some days you start work 8 o'clockApril fool’s dayin the morning and some days you go to bed at 8 o'clock in the morning. So you are always tired.

Well, anyway, I brought a beer mug of tea to the CCR where the crew was waiting. We were soon on with our tool box meeting and as soon asApril fool’s daythe Painters and our OS was on deck I had a tool box with Pump Man and one of the ABs. We will do a tank inspection of the FP today.

So work permits, risk assessments and a lot of other paper work had to be done before we could go down to inspect the tank. Safety first, and as I use to say to theCowboy Grillcrew at our tool box meetings: “ You want to have all fingers, limbs and eyes when your back home. Sitting at Cowboy Grill without arms and legs and you will have toBallast tank inspection on board M/T Roy Mærskspend a huge amount of money buying drinks for the girls before they take any interest in you. Never mind how sad you are

We finished the paper works and we went to the FP entrance that the ABs had opened yesterday and we had force ventilated the space since earlier this morning.

A last pre-entry check of the atmosphere and as it was gas free and had enough oxygen I entered the tank.

Ballast tank inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
We are coming back up again

We finished the FP inspection and we were back in the accommodation 10 minutes past 10 o'clock. I was off to take a shower before starting the tank inspection report. The FP was clean, but theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærskballast tanks are always covered in dust so a shower is required.

I had the EX camera in the tank and I need to send some pictures of the tank together with the report. I had 5 or 6 pictures and this was of course taking some time to edit.

Lunch, I was 10 or 15 minutes late, and that was even though I had not managed to complete the report. So I will have to continue after lunch, but I took the time for a constitutional around the super structure after my meal. Well, I'm quite impressed by my diet, so far.

OK, I don' expect to come back home with a V-shaped torso, but at least I will not look like an anti-aircraft balloon.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBut it is hot to walk on deck and I was back in after 30 minutes and I was soon attending to the tank inspection report again.

Ballast tank inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
We continue with our Safety Awareness Week

Ballast tank inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
We continue with our Safety Awareness Week
In the engine room training the crew in the use of hand signals

Ballast tank inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
We continue with our Safety Awareness Week
In the engine room training the crew in the use of hand signals

We did the last few exercises of the Safety Awareness Week after the coffee break in the afternoon so now we have put that behind us. We were ready just in time for the dinner, well, there was time for a shower and a change of clothing.

Dinner, I had the meatballs that was left over from lunch together with a cup of tea. It was actually 2 beer mugs of tea and it was 6 thirty when I was back in my cabin where I discovered a message from Thai Airways. They need my personal details!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stFor what? So they can find me for some well needed attitude adjustments?

Thai Airways

And today's Bangkok Post had yet another scary article today. Headline: 'Attitude camps' await guests This was obviously something I had to read.

Army chief Theerachai Nakvanich has prepared a seven-day “re-education” course, camps and a list of government critics who should be “trained” Well, you just can't believe it. OK, you can, people never learn. Read the latest from Bangkok Post by clicking HERE And we can pretty much figure out who is going to end up at the seven-day “re-education” course. You have to play for the right team. How will the time and history judge? My guess is that no one cares.

Saturday 2 nd of April 2016
and there were some action around my diet bet when I came down to the mess room for some milk for my tea. Our 3rd Officer from the 4 to 8 watch was studying myOn board M/T Roy Mærskdiet bet on the bulkhead.

I could see how he was calculate how much money he would make out of this bet.

On board M/T Roy Mærsk

Saturday and I had some fries with my steak and luckily enough I only had one plate. And no dessert so I can gladly say that my diet is still on track. Captain and I ordered some nuts from the ship chandler in Singapore so we will get it next time we passing Singapore. But I miss my fruit salad, Donsol inspired and the best fruit salad in the world.

Fruit salad
Fruit salad

Fruit salad
Fruit salad

Fruit salad
Fruit salad

Sunday 3 rd of April 2016
and we are still waiting at Singapore OPL anchorage. I hope the trip with crude oil to Thailand get cancelled and that we load the cargo for Papa New Guinea instead. Or a trip to Australia would have been nice, many days at sea and we will have the time to do plenty jobs on deck. And it would also mean that it would be May when we're back here again.

Monday 4 th of April 2016
and we are still waiting at Singapore OPL anchorage. We started the day with a tank inspection. Well, of course, we started the day with a “kick off” When I had done the report I calibrated our gas detectors. And a condition report on top of that, time was flyingFat Bustersand it was soon evening again.

And I don't like the evenings filled with agony over not opening my Thai books. Of course, the agony is alleviated by the fact that my diet is on track.

I got an e-mail and my friend is thinking about moving to Australia. I told him that I also have been thinking about moving. But for him it is easy to find new friends as he is working. When I'm home I have a holiday and if I move I will have to go through the trouble to join a new slot car club, photo club and whatever.

But if all my friends are leaving Thailand it will be the same any way, time to move? Or maybe,hmm, why not? Maybe a “re-education” course. According to Bangkok Post the camps and a list of government critics who should be “trained” are ready! An opportunity to make new friends?

Tuesday 5 th of April 2016
and we are still anchored after last evenings cargo calculations and we had more or less expected to leave for Nipah STS area yesterday evening. The dirty condensateAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærskcargo for Thailand had obviously been cancelled.

Well, we have plenty to do on deck and I had 3 of the crew to grease our winches and rollers on deck. But first we had to make risk assessments and a tool box meeting.

The Painters buggered off out on deck when we finished the tool box and the guys on greasing detail left me and the Pump Man behind.

I had some special tasks for our Pump Man. Anyway, time turned very quick and it was soon time for our management meeting in the afternoon. I had time to write a report before the dinner and the latest news is HFO for Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Maybe time to visit the scrap yard, last time there were some strike and protests so they advised us to stay away. Maybe I get the opportunity this time. And I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to send some pictures to my friend.

He is running the famous web page MERSEY SHIPPING And this is the web page to visit if you're in to ship scrapping. So go ahead and click the link.

Bangkok Post
Just when you thought you had heard it all....

Wednesday 6 th of April 2016
and we are still anchored when I got down to the office and the waiting crew at 8 o'clock in the morning. Well, as we have had no “updates” about the Chittagong voyage I had the crew to start with some important jobs we have in the maintenance system.

2 of my top guns got started with the accommodation ladders while I had 3 other “a kickers” to test bilge alarms. Entry permits and risk assessments and at the end of the day I had 5 TOOL BOX meeting protocols. We need entry permit for the echo sounder room to be able to get inside to test the bilge alarm

Work aloft permits and there were no end to it. I was on my way for lunch when they came with 3 cargo scenarios for Chittagong. So I kept my self busy and I only had time for a quick 10 minutes lunch,Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærskalmost standing up eating when I was readywith the cargo calculations.

Coffee break was also spent with calculation and I had no time for a shower before dinner as we had to make more cargo calculations.

Well, by now it is most important to get moving as it is getting pretty boring here at the anchorage. And that is even though we get a lot of things done on deck. But I feel best when we have cargo in the tanks and we're making gold. Well, more cargo calculations in the evening and I hope we can get going to Chittagong soon. We miss the action around here and we need something to do.

Thursday 7 th of April 2016
and we are still anchored. No news after our “late night” cargo calculations yesterday. I made a cup of tea and I went to the office where the crew were waitingM/T Roy Mærsk at the anchoragefor our “good morning pep” meeting and tool box before they can start to work.

The Painters and our OS will continue with the cargo lines and flanges. They are ready with the supports for the cargo valves so now it is time for the cargo lines.

I had one of the ABs to test the bilge alarms in the void spaces. I spent some time doing a cargo plan, the Chittagong voyage seems to be ready. Or almost 100% so I'm better of preparing myself for the loading so I don't need to do spend hours doing this in the middle of the night whit people jumping up and down around me asking when we're ready to start loading.

They called when we were having our dinner and the voyage to Chittagong was cancelled, very disappointing news for us in the evening. Now we have to start all over again.

But there was an answer from Australien Resor in Sweden. I have sent several e-mail to different travel agents, but no answer. And wise from my experience with Grönlandsresor och Polar Quest IAustralien resordecided to try a Swedish company. And yes, I got an answer so we seeKangarooif I can take off to Australia when I'm back home in July.

And yes, koala and kangaroos are on my list of things to do before I die. And yes, they have to be wild, no ducking “photo and pet” adventure for me. So let's see whatKoalahappens, but I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to thick off yet another adventure from my list.

• To experience a hangover
• African safari
• To see Polar bears and icebergs
• Whale sharks “Failed”
• Tiger safari
• Whale sharks(second try)
• Antarctica
• The Amazon in Brazil
• Koala and Kangaroo adventure in Australia

I was studying a little about Koalas and Kangaroos when they came up with a new cargo calculation, Crude and Condensate to Map ta Phut in Thailand. Well, I would have prefer the HFO voyage to Chittagong. A real adventure with a possible visit to the scrap yard.

Ok, if we ever comeback to Chittagong, I might go ashore for dinner. But I will never try their lamb chops again. It is impossible to forget the drama with the lamb chops last time in Chittagong. Waiting for hours and when the food came to the table it was impossible to eat.

Friday 8 th of April 2016
and we are still anchored. We did a late night cargo calculation for crude oil and Condensate to Thailand. But still no news. But we have plenty to do on deck so no time to get bored. We started by testing the gas detectors in the pump room and I prepared the ODMEM/T Roy Mærsk at the anchoragefor test before lunch.

I had what must have been the quickest lunch for a very long time. Then it was time to calculate cargoes from a place that I have never heard of, Condensate to Map ta Phut, Thailand

When this was ready I tested the ODME and it worked just fine and I went for a cup of tea in my cabin where I updated myself with the latest news from Bangkok Post

I enjoyed my tea and as soon as I had finished my tea I went to the bridge. I had checked out where Senipah where located.

Captain and I had guessed Indonesia. And it was located on the East side of Borneo so that it at least 1 week from Thailand (depending on the speed) and then 1 week back to Map ta Phut. So we're talking May here. And while I was on the bridge I checked out the crew marking the anti-slip areas on the bridge deck.

M/T Roy Mærsk at the anchorage

M/T Roy Mærsk at the anchorage
M/T Roy Mærsk at the anchorage

M/T Roy Mærsk at the anchorage

M/T Roy Mærsk at the anchorage

Saturday 9 th of April 2016
and we were still anchored when I came to my office for the “Good morning PEP” meeting. The guys were waiting for me when I stepped inside 2 minutes before 8 o'clock.
- *ss holes and motherduckers!
- Good morning boss!
- Everyone show their fingers
They held up their fingers and I checked so everyone had all their fingers. I held up 3 fingers.
- How many fingers?
- 3!!! They said in unison
- GOOD! We all have our fingers and eyes. Let's keep it this way by using the equipment available to protect us, I said.

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk
No missing fingers

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk
No injured/ missing/ blin eyes and they can all see my fingers
I will try with one finger next time

Yes, every morning the same and nagging about safety and protective equipment and think first. A waste of time? No, not really, the first few weeks it is impossible to get anything out of it. But then it changes, the crew gets engaged and they really takes interest and a month or so after we have started they come up with ideas of improvements.

We start to have discussions about their ideas to improve the safety. But it takes some time and we repeat everything every morning and it is nice to see when they go to take the appropriate protective equipment without anyone have to say so. So it is kind of rewarding to have the tool box meetings in the morning. And as I use to ask them:
- Anyone want to come home with missing fingers, eyes or anything else?
- NO! They said in unison

Part of our safety culture is a little exercise in the morning. I lined up the crew in my office and we got started with the “Good morning” gymnastics


Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Here we go!

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Here we go!

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Here we go!

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Tool box meeting on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Now we're ready to take on anything

I had called Captain but he didn't come until 5 minutes after we had completed the “Good morning” gymnastics. But I promised to call him earlier on Monday morning so he could join us for the “GoodSurvival suit training on board M/T Roy Mærskmorning” gymnastics.

We held the tool box meeting and as soon as the guys were on deck I started to prepare for the drills we will have after the coffee break.

We will start with a bomb search drill followed by a survival suit exercise before we kick off the fire drill. Today's scenario is fire under the fo'c's'le so it promise to be an exciting day.

I held up a remote control taped together with a flash light and I told them that this was a bomb. I will hide it and then I sent two guys to look for it while the rest of the crew were watching them.

We discussed different search techniques and when we were ready I had one of the Painters to done a survival suit. When heFire drill on board m/t Roy Maerskwas out of the survival suite again we practised some swimming techniques on the floor. And then what everyone had been waiting for, the fire drill. The crew was at least to say delirious with anticipation. But now, finally, it was time for what everyone had been waiting for.

Fire alarm and two smoke diving team took off to done their BA sets like their behinds were on fire. I had 3 of the crew members to prepare fire hoses so they would be ready for the smoke divers when they were back dressed for combat.

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our heroes attacking the fire

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our heroes attacking the fire

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our heroes attacking the fire

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Our heroes back after a job well done

Our heroes extinguished the fire and we could return to my office. We will have an emergency steering and emergency towing drill and we split the crew in to two groups. One group went with the 2nd Engineer for the emergency steering and I took the other group for the emergency towing. When we were ready we swapped.

We will have a oil spill drill and today's scenario: Leaking cargo manifold, and a cargo manifold area can turn in to a NO JOKE within a blink of an eye. Check out this video from you tube.

Seriously, a 12" pipe connected on a 4" and full rate! What to expect?

Well, actually, this is a very good video. 15 years ago we had a 2nd Officer asking what happened if we closed the manifold when loading. I never let him to stay alone in the CCR after that. But anyway, here we can see what would happen.

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Practicing different oil spill containment techniques

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Practicing different oil spill containment techniques

Fire drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Practicing different oil spill containment techniques

We finished the day with, not 1 but 3 (THREE) blockbusters:
• The silent killer
• Piracy
• How to identify explosives

It was about time for dinner when we were ready with the videos, just time for a quick cuppa in my cabin and I was off for Saturday dinner in the mess room.

Bangkok Post
Don't miss this! Click HERE for full article

Sunday 10 th of April 2016
and my Australian plans are starting to fall to place, thanks to a Swedish company. I studied the internet yesterday and I proposed one itinerary. Which of course I changed 10 minutes later. I sent them my second suggestion.

1) Sydney to Great Barrier Reef

2) 3 nights if you can find something “fun” to do there*

3) Great Barrier Reef to North of Australia by air

4) 3 nights in Darwin? If you can find something “fun” to do*

5) Darwin to Alice Spring and Uluru, or Ayers Rock by air

6) 1 night in Alice Springs. Is that enough? Can you find anything else “fun” to do there*

7) Alice Springs to Kangaroo Island by air

8) 3 nights at Kangaroo Island - Take the WILDERNESS WILDSCAPES Tour and the WILDERNESS WILDLIFE Tour

9) Travel to Great Otway National Park and Great Ocean Road - Bus or airplane - If the route is along the coast I will take the bus
(Today's change: Stop at Victor Harbor for whale watching)

10) 4 or 5 nights at Great Otway National Park and Great Ocean Road/ Kennett River - Private car and driver

11) Back to Sydney and home
(Today's change: Stay a few days in Sydney for as many whale watching it is possible to do. One day, afternoon watching only as I might suffer from a hangover)

* And as I'm not a teenager I don't mean to be drunk with fun. Some interesting wild life is what I have on my mind
Book as many whale watching as you can along the route

And as I have studied a little about the whale watching in Australia during the day I made some changes in my suggestion. And finally, it looks like I'm on to something here.

Monday 11 th of April 2016
and by popular demand, we started the day in my office with some good morning gymnastics. All crew present and they were delirious by anticipation. And we were soon kicking off a new work day with some stretching and gymnastics.

We finished our good morning stretch and we got right on with our tool box meeting before the guys could go on deck to start the work. I really think we're on to something here with theMorning gymnastics on board M/T Roy Mærskgymnastics. The crew likes it and they feel good when we are ready, and it only takes a few minutes.

The Painters disappeared out on deck as soon as we were ready, plenty painting to do and not enough time. Our OS and one of the ABs were going to help the 2nd Officer to pressure test the fire hoses.

Pump Man and one of the ABs stayed behind and we held another tool box meeting as we were going down the pump room to have a look. And as this wasn't enough we had to have another tool box meeting when we were ready in the pump room. We were ready in the pump room just before lunch and we are going to look for leaks on the hydraulic pipes to our remote valves.

So we had a tool box meeting and we also made a new risk assessment for the job. We got indications on that the voyage with crude oil and condensate to Thailand was fixed, or almost fixedDrinking tea on board M/T Roy Mærskso I made my cargo plans and most of the paper work.

And the good thing with being busy is that the time pass very quickly. The time passed so quickly so it was time for my evening cuppa before I knew it.

I was soon joined by Captain that have problem with the e-cigarette I gave him. Well, not exactly gave him, I got a can of snus. And now I'm I full fledged snusare again. Not so good, but the diet are working wonders. Thanks to the “Good morning” gymnastics?

Our Chief Engineer was soon outside my door and I invited him inside, but first he had to go get aDrinking tea on board M/T Roy Mærskcup in his cabin.

We wait for the confirmation about the voyage to Thailand. I really hope we get the voyage so we can see some action around here.

And if we get this voyage we will most likely go to Borneo and load condensate back to Thailand. And that means that we will be busy until a good part of May.

And by now I have things coming in to my in box regarding Australia on a daily basis so I'm looking forward to my next holiday. And that is even though it will be a short one. But it looks to be 2 to 3 weeks in Australia, and HERE is some of the excitements I will have a “chance” to see.
Tuesday 12 th of April 2016
and we were anchored when I came down to the CCR at 8 o'clock. No news about any berthing as our communication system had broken down. But we started with ourAt Nipah STS area with M/T Roy Mærsk “Good morning PEP” gymnastics and then we could have our tool box meeting.

The Painters continued with the painting and the deck crew started to prepare for loading onHeavy paper workdeck. When this was ready I started to prepare STS check lists and the remaining of my paper work.

Suddenly, 10 minutes after 10 o'clock I had the Loading Master in my office and it was the same Loading Master we had had the last time here.

So of course he recognised me and I got instant confirmation of the success of my diet.
- You look handsome!
- Yeah, you to!

We started to rig the fenders they had brought for us. Ocean Tiara had just dropped her anchor so they wanted to put the fenders on Roy Mærsk. They also wanted to give us the cargo hoses butAt Nipah STS area with M/T Roy Mærskas we were in a hurry they decided to take them on board when we had all moorings fast at m/t Ocean Tiara.

We started to heave up our anchor around 11 o'clock and when I had finished all my check lists I went to the bridge. And I was surprised to discover how close we were to m/t Ocean Tiara.

I had expected us to be further away as the Loading Master had told me that we would come along side m/t Ocean TiaraAt Nipah STS area with M/T Roy Mærskaround 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Well, we had all fast at 13:18 so it was not far off. I was having a few minutes for my lunch and then I was off to my office for more paper work. I had finished all the checks and tests before going to the bridge so this was ready.

Coming alongside took some time, assisted by two tug boats and we were approaching slowly and when we were alongside we had to positioning us so we could connect the cargo hoses. And that means that we had to align our manifolds before we could make fast our mooring ropes and call it ALL FAST and finished with engine.

m/t Ocean Tiara and m/t Roy Maersk at Nipah STS area

Yes, there were no end to the excitements coming alongside m/t Ocean Tiara, and @ 13:18 we had all fast. By then they had started to lift on board the cargo hoses from the tug boat we hadm/t Ocean Tiara and m/t Roy Maersk at Nipah STS areaused forward.

I was down in my office after what might coming to turn out as the quickest lunch in my life. First of all I made a calculation for 2 parcels of fuel oil from Map ta Phut and Rayong back to the STS area here in Singapore

I had finished everything and now we were just waiting for the Surveyors to come and they didn't show up until 4 o'clock. They did the tank inspection before going over to m/t Ocean Tiara.

We started to load at 19:00 and I was in my cabin at 20 thirty and I expect to be called very soon and that means that my rest hours will be red the whole day tomorrow.

Wednesday 13 th of April 2016
and they called me quarter to 5. We will soon be ready with the loading and I have to go down in the CCR to assist them topping up tanks. A quick shower andOn board m/t Roy Maersk at Nipah STS areaI was down to the CCR in two steps. We asked Ocean Tiara to reduce the rate and we started to top up the tanks.

We were not ready until around 7 as they started to strip their cargo lines and they were discharging the last 10m3 for quite some time. As soon as we were ready we started to gauge our tanks

Our extra Painters had beenGymnastics on board m/t Roy Maerskin the CCR at 6 o'clock, full of excitements and anticipation for a “Good morning gymnastic” session to kick-off the day. Well, I had to disappoint them as there were no time for anyGymnastics on board m/t Roy MaerskOn board m/t Roy Maersk at Tanjung Pelepas STS areagymnastics. And as we're alongside m/t Ocean Tiara they cannot chip on deck. Painting is completed so cleaning the accommodation is on the schedule for today.

We did all the cargo calculation and they had not yet finished the cargo hoses when we were ready with the cargo documents. We had to disconnect the cargo hoses from m/t Ocean Tiara on our port side and then lift them down on the tug boat on our starboard side.

We left around 11 o'clock and one of the tugboats were taking our fenders when we had let go the tug from forward. As soon as the fenders were cleared we started to steam towards the north and Tanjung Pelepas where we will drop anchor and get our stores and provisions.

m/t Ocean Tiara and m/t Roy Maersk at Nipah STS area
Leaving Ocean Tiara behind

Roy Maersk at Nipah STS area
Roy Maersk at Nipah STS area
Taking the fenders

We crossed the TSS and we were in Malaysia and the Pilot called us as soon as we were about to drop the anchor. He will board at 14:00, in an hour. So we will be alongside in the late afternoon. And I hope we don't have to spend too much time with the paper work.

At was almost 4 o'clock when we had all fast at FSU Merlion M and I was soon down in the CCR waiting for the people to come on board for the formalities.

m/t Roy Maersk and FSU Merlion M
Coming alongside FSU Merlion M

m/t Roy Maersk and FSU Merlion M
Coming alongside FSU Merlion M

m/t Roy Maersk and FSU Merlion M
Coming alongside FSU Merlion M

m/t Roy Maersk and FSU Merlion M
Coming alongside FSU Merlion M

m/t Roy Maersk and FSU Merlion M
Coming alongside FSU Merlion M

We had to wait for the Surveyor and as the nomination was not clear we had to wait for FSU Merlion to sort this out. So it was past 9 o'clock in the evening when we started. And by the time I was in my cabin I had been on the go for 17 hours plus. And I knew that my rest hours will be red when they call me for completion tomorrow morning.

Thursday 14 th of April 2016
and they called me at 4 o'clock in the morning and as no surprise I was dead tired. We should leave at 11 o'clock and that was later changed to 12 thirty and at 1 o'clock it was changed to 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

But by then I was sleeping and when my alarm went off 20 minutes past 3 o'clock we were on the way to Map ta Phut in Thailand where we will arrive on Sunday morning.

Friday 15 th of April 2016
and darn! I was tired when my alarm went off. Not much sleep the last few days. But I had to get up to get the gays started with the “Good morning gymnastics” I stopped in the mess room to make a bucket of tea that I brought with me to the CCR where the crew were waiting. Captain came 4 seconds after me and we were soon kicking-off the day.

As soon as we were ready with the gymnastics we got started with the tool box meeting. I sent the crew on deck and I had Pump Man and one AB to stay behind. We were going to prepare form/t Roy Maersktank inspection of ballast tank 5 Port. This was ready and the guys were late for their coffee break. I had finished the reports almost in time for lunch.

I spent the afternoon doing discharge plans, Condensate as first parcel and one with the crude oil as first parcel. So now we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be ready for anything they throw at us in Map Ta Phut

As it looks now we will arrive early Sunday and we will come alongside on Sunday evening. And yes, that means a full night for our Hero, the Chief Officer again. But never mind, Captain will goPepsi MAXashore on Monday and he will bring back a few cases (not less than 4) of Pepsi MAX.

So this is of course something to look forward to. And I'm expecting gifts and surprises from shore as well. Yeah, something to look forwarde-cigaretteto. We have ordered e-cigarettes and juice, but I forgot that it was Songkran so we will see if he manage to get the stuff to Map Ta Phut before we're leaving.

No confirmation yet, but we have been working on a voyage from Borneo back to Thailand. That is 2 to 3 weeks depending on waiting time. I have enough “E” stuff to last me until I go home. But as Captain have started with the e excitements as well we might need a top up of our stock.

Saturday 16 th of April 2016
and I woke up 10 minutes past 8 o'clock. And as we had retarded the ships time by one hour during the night it was like waking up 10 minutes past 9 o'clock. I don't know what have happened to my alarm clock. I was in the CCR with a mug of tea after what would have been the quickest hot shower in my life.

When I stepped inside my office 20 minutes past 8 the crew was waiting. 3rd Officer was in the office as well and they had just finished the good morning gymnastics.

m/t Roy Maersk
TEAM Good morning (not as fun as usually) gymnastics

m/t Roy Maersk
TEAM Good morning (not as fun as usually) gymnastics

OK, the crew had finished the good morning gymnastics and we could get right on with the tool box meeting. Painting and chipping and our Pump Man and I will go down ballast tank 5 stb to inspect the tank.

We were back in from the tank 15 minutes past 10 o'clock and I went to my cabin for a showerbefore making the tank inspection reports. I was in my cabin writing the report, drinking a club soda, listening to music and minding my own business when our Chief Engineer came by.

They were going to do something in the life boat and he wondered if I could send a few ABs to connect the lifeboat to the hooks in the davit. Just as an extra precaution to prevent the lifeboat from falling down while they were working inside the boat.

I told him that I would get right on to it after lunch. I was just going to finish my reports. I was ready 15 minutes before lunch and I prepared risk assessment, tool box, a contingency plan and the work permit before lunch. And lunch, salad and that is even though it is Saturday

I met the crew in my office after lunch and we started by a tool box meeting. I had the guys to set up a few chairs in a row with 6 meters between the last and second last chair.

The 2 ABs going up in the davit were donning safety harness and I asked them to walk to the last chair in a simulated work aloft drill. ALWAYS CONNECTED WITH ONE HOOK! First AB reached the second last chair ALWAYS BEING CONNECTED WITH AT LEAST ONE SAFETY HOOK and he didn't know how to reach the last chair. He disconnected his last safety line from the chair.

The other AB tried and same thing with him. He tried to be creative and he connected his hook in a flimsy cup board handle.

m/t Roy Maersk
It works out well in the beginning

m/t Roy Maersk
It works out well in the beginning

m/t Roy Maersk
Now what to do?

m/t Roy Maersk
Hero #2 is trying

I had the first AB to try again and he reached the second last chair without any problem, but then it was stop again. But this time he stay connected and he will not fall down. What to do? He came up with several options and all of them would render a BOOM! YOU'RE DUCKING DEAD! The other AB said that he should go back.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st WE HAVE A WINNER!!

Yet another success full exercise. We learned that we would die if we disconnected the hooks. We also learned that we have to abort the mission if it is not possible to do it safe! We finished them/t Roy Maerskwork permit and the guys took off and I could start to prepare cargo documents for tomorrow.

I was in my office when one of the Painters came in. He told me that he had found an empty eye wash bottle.

GREAT!!! Yet again, our good morning tool box and safety meetings are paying off. The crew see something that is wrong and they act just like we have been discussing on how to react. Incidents like this makes it fun and not a pointless exercise with the tool box meetings.

I finished my work for today at 4 thirty and I was off for a quick cuppa. I had have the time for a quick salad for lunch and a quick cuppa with the Chief Engineer around 3 o'clock. Otherwise I have been busy kicking behinds and I have not had the time to realise that I might be hungry. V-shaped torso? Well, most likely not. Anyway, we arrive to Map Ta Phut tomorrow and that will be a new adventure.

Arrival to Map Ta Phut, read all about the adventure it HERE


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