OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Saturday 1 st of April 2017 and I discovered a gorgeous morning when I came in to the CCR. ItApril Fool's dayhad been raining so I had the crew to mop and dry the port sideApril fool's dayas soon as we were ready with the good morning gymnastics and the tool box meeting.

Of course, it is April Fool's Day so I got started right away. Pump Man and I was busy with super important things when I called the duty AB on the radio. I toldAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskhim that our Pump Man and I was eating candy in the CCR and I asked him to come join us having some candy in the CCR
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- On the motherducking double! He said

He came in to the CCR like a bullet from a gun. Pump Man was pissing himself laughing. First of April and the AB ran straight in to this “PRANK”

Pump Man was on the floor laughing and, well, there is a lot of stuff to do on deck.April Fool's DaySo I told them that it was enough of the fun now, OFF TO DECK!!! She is red like a fox and you're just fooling around! OFF YOU GO! AsAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersksoon as they left I could continue with my super-duper important work.

We will see safety/ security videos after the coffee break in the afternoon. And as IPainting on board Roy MaerskhopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto get started paint the full cover on the port side today we don't have any time to waste. And as we're out of antiskid to mix in the paint we will test to mix saw dust or blast grits in the paint.

Saw dust was good for exactly nothing and we mixed a little paint and blast grits. I painted a square meter to test.

Perfect, so now we have enough anti-skid toApril Fool's Daylast us for a few years, and no need to buy expensive anti skid powder for the paint. Anyway, I hope we can finish the port side tomorrow and the STB side before arrival so we look nice when in New Zealand.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Saturday afternoon and it is time for some video fun. And today it will be a security video, yeah, there is no end to the excitement. But you do not have to worry about any exciting safety/ security video. You have the Saturday afternoon fun video below.

April fools day, funny, but not as fun as the Saturday afternoon “fun” video

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Saturday
Snacks: Nothing
Dinner: Saturday
Constitutional: No time, well, I just couldn't muster the energy or interest

Sunday 2 nd of April 2017
and we have increasing wind and swell from forward. The ship is moving,but not so bad that we could not continue painting on deck. Sunshine and blue sky so I had the whole deck TEAM on painting detail.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: Chicken and cauliflower
Snacks: Nothing
Constitutional: Sunday so there was plenty time. But lack of interest...

Monday 3 rd of April 2017
and the ship is rolling due to swell, but this didn't stop the crew from painting and chipping. At 10 thirty we held our monthly drills, fire drill, oil spill, abandon ships andFire drill on board Roy Maersk3 other drills. We also had a security drill so we're finished for this month and I will most likely be home when they do the next drills in May.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes, we were kicking behinds
Lunch: Schnitzel and salad
Snacks: A bread roll
Dinner: Schnitzel + 2 cheese sandwiches
Constitutional: The ship is rolling. Not much, just enough to give me an excuse

Tuesday 4 th of April 2017
and we started with the ballast exchange in the afternoon. I was back in my room at 11 o'clock in the evening and we will do the FLOW THROUGH during the night. By the time I was in my room we had strong head wind and we were not making much speed.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Ship rolling
Lunch: I have forgot
Snacks: Some of the smallest cookies...
Dinner: I have forgot + 2 cheese sandwiches
Constitutional: The ship is rolling. Not much, just enough to give me an excuse

Wednesday 5 th of April 2017
and the flow through was ready at 8 thirty in the morning. By then the boys were on their way out on deck for today’s job. So they put back the manholes and IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststarted to discharge ballast from WT 2 P/S Pumping ballast in and out of the tanks and I took the time to read the Swedish news.

As usual, only embarrassments coming from Sweden. Seriously, in what world are these politicians living in? And they are surprised when the voters leave them. Anyway, I missed my lunch as I was finalising the ballast exchange.

Swedish news
Well well well, what do you know? The Swedish Prime minister is a

When we were ready we topped up our cargo tanks with IG gas and I made a vapour tightness test in the afternoon. So now we don't have to do this for another year.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Ship rolling
Lunch: Lamb stew and too much potatoes (Potato is not allowed, but as they are in the stew I could pick out a few as all kinds of stews are allowed)
Snacks: Some of the smallest cookies...
Dinner: Chicken stew + 2 sandwiches without cheese (Dunked in the chicken stew)
Constitutional: Kind of bad weather

Thursday 6 th of April 2017
and the wind have decreased and we could do the good morning gymnastics today, about time. A tool box meeting and the guys we're off to deck to continue theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskpainting. If we're lucky with the weather we might get our starboard side ready as well.

We have got a sequence plan from the terminal and I got started withmy loading plan for New Zealand. 6 different parcels that will be 4 when we're leaving for Singapore.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stSo I calculate, making tables, sequence plans and a narrative and the time is passing really quickly. Of course, I had been working with it for 15 minutes when I had to dash of to do other super important works.

All in all it was a good day, started NOT SO GOOD with what could have been a huge problem. But our Pump Man and I never gave up and suddenly things were working as itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stshould and we were in a festive mood.

So yes, time passed very quickly and was of course very happy that the crew managed to finish the final full coat on the star board side forward of the manifold. The first top coat on the3 layer primer aft of the manifold, so this will be ready when we arrive to New Plymouth if the weather allows.

And on the way back to Singapore there is plenty to do under the cat walk so I hope we're as lucky with the weather going back. By the way, today they confirmed that we will stop in Brisbane on the way back to Singapore.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Maybe the best beef I have ever had + Cantaloupe
Snacks: Some of the smallest cookies...
Dinner: Some chicken in past and Cantaloupe + 1 (ONE) sandwich with cheese
Constitutional: No time

Friday 7 th of April 2017
and it was gloom and grey for as long as I could see when coming in to the CCR at 8 o'clock. Looked like it could start to rain nay second. We were rolling a wee bit more today as the swell was coming in from the side. But it was not so much wind and no spray on deck. So as soon we were ready with the tool box meeting and the good morning gymnastics the boys were sent to deck to paint.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
And YES! Looks like it will be ready before arrival to New Plymouth tomorrow

Yet another day that passed very quickly, not to talk about how quick the week passed. Saturday tomorrow, seems like yesterday we were watching the last Saturday afternoon fun video. And tomorrow we can watch a new fun video. We will arrive tomorrow evening and I might have the chance to drink a Diet Pepsi on Sunday.

And what a better way to celebrate my new badge than to enjoy a Diet Pepsi? I don't know, but celebration is required as I discovered that I had got a badge when I was back in my cabin.

Freedom United
Yeah, join Freedom United and you might soon earn your own badge!!!

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Beef
Snacks: 2 Apples
Dinner: Sausages + 2 cheese sandwiches
Constitutional: No time

Saturday 8 th of April 2017
and it was a gorgeous morning when I came in to the CCR 2 minutes before 8. We had a tool box box/ safety meeting going through today's jobs. And while on the computer I discovered an e-mail from Countdown Supermarket. I sent them an inquiry about Diet Pepsi and Pepsi MAX a few days ago.

Well, at least to say, I was not impressed by the answer, they don't know if they have Diet Pepsi or Pepsi MAX in the shops. They need a few days to find out.

Countdown, New Zealand

Well, anyway, still rolling so we only did a good morning gymnastics LITE as the last couple of days. Our Painters will paint the last yellow markings on the starboard side, so this will be ready before arrival. Remaining crew started to prepare for the arrival.

Our Pump Man and I did the pre-arrival tests and checks. I was in the CCR when the Chief Engineer told me that there had been a terrorist attack in Sweden. My friend had also sent me an e-mail with a link to BBC. And I checked the link when I was back in my room after the lunch.

BBC News

PM Stefan Löfven says the “values we treasure” will not be affected by the attack. Well, I have one word, treason, the lot of them should be in prison for having our borders open to the world without any control what so ever of who is coming in to the country. Anyway, when I saw the Swedish Prime minister I was thinking about another video.

I sent in the crew after lunch so we will be rested tonight, we expect to be at the Pilot station around 8 o'clock tonight and then we expect a full night. At least my loading plan is ready, if they don't change it again. Anyway, now I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI manage to get some sleep in the afternoon.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I was lucky and I managed to fall asleep and I had 2 hours or so of sleep. Actually, I was so lucky I overslept the dinner. It was dark by the time I woke up and I could see the light and mountains on New Zealand, first time ever I get a glimpse of New Zealand.

Yet another Saturday afternoon “fun” video

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Saturday
Snacks: Nil
Dinner: Saturdays
Constitutional: No time

Pilot was on board at 20:00 and when we connected the tug boats I went on the bridge wing. WOW!!! What a gorgeous smell. I was taken 35 years back in time to the forests I used to (Areyou sitting down?) jogging around in. I told the Pilot that it smelled like a pine forest here. He pointed across the harbour.
- There are pine timber waiting to be exported.

I was amazed how it is possible to remember a smell 35 years later. It was fantastic, just like walking through a pine forest. We had all fast just before 10 o'clock and I went to the CCR to meet the Loading Master and Surveyor.

Sunday 9 th of April 2017
and we were ready with the paper work at midnight thirty. But they had problems ashore and we didn't started to load until 04:48 due to some problems ashore. And yes, they could not start with the planned parcel so we needed to do a new cargo plan. I was in bed at 6 thirty and by then I was tired.

I managed to get an hour or two of sleep, they were soon calling again. Loading Master on board to discuss a “NEW” loading plan and I told them to come back in the afternoon as I was trying to sleep. Well, it was impossible to sleep so I got out of bed to have a cup of tea while looking at anPepsi MAXepisode of “Home Improvements”

I was down in the CCR when I was ready with the tea and we were about to complete the Maui condensate parcel. I started to prepare a new loading plan for the latest loading program from shore.

I was ready when they came on board and they wanted to change again. Well, I was not happy and I explained for them about restPepsi MAXhours and safety. And suddenly we could keep the original loading plan.

The first group of boys came back from ashore around 3 o'clock and they had brought Pepsi MAX. I was informed that the Pump Man was heading back to the ship with more Pepsi MAX. I ripped a can open and, well, it tasted better dreaming about having a can of Diet Pepsi on my hand.

But it was OK and it turned in to a festive moment in the CCR, well, the Loading Master didn't want any Pepsi. MORE FOR ME! And I had had half a case before very soon.

Pepsi MAX in New Zealand
Pepsi MAX in New Zealand

Pepsi MAX in New Zealand
Pepsi MAX in New Zealand

I was in my cabin enjoying a Pepsi MAX and yet another episode of “Home Improvements” when they called from the CCR, there were more Pepsi MAX in the CCR for me. Pump Man was back on board. Now, I really hope there won't be more Pepsi MAX coming on board.

I spent the time until dinner in my cabin drinking Pepsi MAX waiting for them to complete the 6000 MT of Pohokura Condensate so I can do the stability calculations for the last parcels.

Pepsi MAX in New Zealand
More Pepsi MAX

Pepsi MAX in New Zealand
OK, now I hope they don't bring any more

Breakfast: Trying to sleep
Good morning gymnastics: Trying to sleep
Lunch: Pork
Snacks: Nil
Dinner: Salad and cauliflower + a few cans of Pepsi MAX
Constitutional: Trying to sleep

Yes, we had provision delivered this very morning when I was in bed trying to fall asleep. So we had fresh salad for dinner and I had 2 big bowls of it. And a big bowl of cauliflower, so it was quite a health experience for dinner.

We completed one parcel at the end of the dinner and I went to the CCR for some calculations and paper work. We started the Kapuni parcel at 19:24 and I went back to my room for a can of Pepsi MAX. I expect to be back in the CCR in 2 hours or so.

Monday 10 th of April 2017
and it was past one in the morning when I was back in my cabin. At 5 they called me, I was so tired when I answered the phone. I was soon back in bed and I sleptAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskuntil 9 o'clock. Impossible to sleep again even if I was tired.

I got up and I “popped” a can of Pepsi MAX open and I turned on an episode of Home Improvement. I went to check out the progress of the loading. I opened a Pepsi MAX first thing entering the CCR.

Our 2nd Officers were changing shift when I came in to the CCRso I took the opportunity to document the event with my camera.

Of course, it set me back with a few cans of Pepsi MAX. We expect to be ready in the evening and we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to leave New Plymouth tonight. Back to Singapore where I will sign off. And I have planned to stay one night in Singapore to buy some camera equipment.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Our Cook and Messman

Breakfast: Sleeping
Good morning gymnastics: Sleeping
Lunch: I don't remember
Snacks: 2 Sandwiches
Dinner: Pork and salad
Constitutional: No time

Tuesday 11 th of April 2017
and we had booked the Pilot for 00:00 put we pushed the time until midnight thirty and I was in my cabin around 1 thirty with my alarm set to go off at 9 o'clock.Smiley in strong windWhen I came to the CCR it was gloom and grey for long as I could see outside the window. Increasing wind and spray over deck so no painting today.

But I had the crew to chip on the fo'c's'le and we can brush and paint when we're approaching Torres Strait. But right here and now the wind increases by the minute.

Breakfast: Sleeping
Good morning gymnastics: Sleeping
Lunch: Pork
Snacks: Nada
Dinner: Sausages from New Zealand
Constitutional: No weather for this kind of activities on deck

Wednesday 12 th of April 2017
and I was very surprised to discover a gorgeous morning when I stepped in to the CCR 2 minutes before 8 o'clock. The crew was waiting for me and we got rightRoy Maerskon to our good morning routines. Tool box meeting and reading safety information, and of course the good morning gymnastics.

As soon as we were ready in the CCR I sent the whole crew, well, almost all of them, up front to the fo'c's'le to start chipping. We were rolling due to swell, but other than that it was excellent weather. We had expected strong winds so this was a like a “BONUS” day of chipping on the fo'c'sle. And I hope this job will be ready before arriving to Torres Strait

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

We expect to arrive to Gladstone (Just North of Brisbane) on Sunday morning. We will stop to take bunker on the anchorage before continuing to Torres Strait and Singapore. We expect to be in Singapore on the 30th of April and I might be off the ship the same day.

We prepared requisitions in the CCR, me and the Pump Man. I completed the paper work from the loading port and time passed very quickly. No time for coffee breaks and a very quick lunch. Well, I can as well be in the CCR enjoying a few Pepsi MAX instead of going through the effort to go for a pointless coffee break.

But I took the time to read the Swedish news from yesterday, and, well, amazing Sweden.

Sweden News
Well well, what do you know?
A few years ago they had to give up looking for illegal immigrants in Sweden as
it was considered as racist. Yes, it is true, you can't make up stuff like that. They
caught trafficking gangs and all kinds of scum, but they had to stop with it

Sweden News
Another bill for the Swedish tax payers.
How many times do you think the “racist” card will be played during this trail?

Breakfast: Tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Chicken and pork + salad
Snacks: Nada, well...
Dinner: Chicken and salad + 1 (ONE) cheese sandwich
Constitutional: Trying to get our treadmill to work

Thursday 13 th of April 2017
and we're still on the way towards Gladstone, Australia when I came in to the CCR at 8 o'clock. Tool box and good morning gymnastics and the boys were off to the fo'c's'le to continue with the chipping.

I got started with the discharge plans, we have several different options and as I want to leave the ship at arrival to Singapore it is not my problem with the discharging. But....

In order to make it easier for my reliever I will prepare everything so he just have to take the driver seat when coming on board.

I was in the gym, second day I try to get the treadmill to work. I had asked around if any one of the crew were using the treadmill. I was lucky and one of the ABs knew how it was working. ButTreadmill on board Roy Maerskthe treadmill is worn out. Or 500kg is a wee bit too much for the treadmill.

Breakfast: A can of Pepsi MAX in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Lamb chops (Maybe the best ever) + salad
Snacks: Nada
Dinner: Pork and salad + 1 (ONE) cheese sandwich
Constitutional: Trying to get our treadmill to work, but today I gave up the treadmill

Countdown Customer Care
Well, Countdown Supermarket,
will for sure not be my favourite place when I go to New Zealand in September and October

Friday 14 th of April 2017
and the weather is getting better. Full crew on the fo'c's'le painting and chipping. The wind have turned and is now coming in from behind so not so much spray on deck. Well, I got soaked when I was on the fo'c's'le, but it was dry for the most of the time.

Breakfast: Earl Grey Tea and a (well, it was 2) Pepsi MAX in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Chicken + salad
Snacks: 1 bun
Dinner: Hamburgers with raw onions + 2 cheese sandwich
Constitutional: We will order a new treadmill

Saturday 15 th of April 2017
and it is Saturday again, this week have been passing very quickly. Tomorrow morning and we will arrive to Gladstone anchorage to take bunker. We only expect to stay anchored for a few hours.

We have about 4 days from Gladstone to Torres Strait and as we expect to keep full speed to Singapore to catch the next cargo I hope to be off on the 28th of April, or even on the 27th of April. And If I'm so lucky I will have the time to go for my snorkelling and birdwatching adventure in Malaysia before I go for my safari in Yala National Park.

We finished the day with a security video, but you don't have to worry, I have a Saturday afternoon fun video for you. So go ahead, ENJOY!!

Yet another Saturday afternoon “fun” video

Well, I spent the evening in my cabin planning for my Malaysian adventure. I'm better off having a plan if I can make it back home in time.

1 May: Flying to Malaysia - Pick up at the airport for transport to GentingBirdwatching in Genting HighlandsHighlands

2 May: Birdwatching at Genting Highlands

3 May: Birdwatching at Genting Highlands

4 May: Taxi from Awana Resorts Genting to Kuala Besut jetty - Ferry to PerhentianSnorkelling on the Perhentian IslandIsland Resort

5 May: Snorkelling at Perhentian Island

6 May: Snorkelling at Perhentian Island

7 May: Snorkelling at Perhentian Island

8 May: Ferry to Kuala Besut jetty and taxi to Holiday Inn Express, Kuala Lumpur

9 May: Birdwatching in Kuala Lumpur

10 May: Birdwatching in Kuala Lumpur

11 May: Holiday Inn Express to airport and flying back home

Yes, looks like I can do it, but let's see. Maybe I will do it in June instead. I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have more information when we're coming closer to Singapore.

Breakfast: Earl Grey Tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Saturday
Snacks: Nil
Dinner: Saturday
Constitutional: 20 minutes and then I ran in to work

Happy Easter

Sunday 16 th of April 2017
and we were at Gladstone anchorage when I woke up at 7 o'clock. WhenHappy EasterI was down in the CCR just after 9 o'clock I discovered the bunker barge Larcome on our starboard side discharging fuel oil.

We will only bunker 250 tons of fuel oil so we will soon be out of here on our way to Singapore. We completed bunkering 5 minutes after 11 o'clock andHappy Easterwe left Gladstone at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. And it seems like our charterer is eager to get the cargo and we're going full speed to Singapore.

I was surprised about Gladstone. I had expected nothing but there were so many big bulk carriers anchored there I have never seen so many before. So it is obviously a big port exporting iron ore taking a piece of Australia every time.

Roy Maersk taking bunker from bunker barge Larcome in Gladstone, Australia
Taking bunker from bunker barge Larcome in Gladstone, Australia

Roy Maersk taking bunker from bunker barge Larcome in Gladstone, Australia
Taking bunker from bunker barge Larcome in Gladstone, Australia

Roy Maersk taking bunker from bunker barge Larcome in Gladstone, Australia
Taking bunker from bunker barge Larcome in Gladstone, Australia

Breakfast: Pepsi MAX in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: Pork and salad
Snacks: Our Cook forced me to eat some pastries
Dinner: Meat sauce and salad + 1 cheese sandwich
Constitutional: Sunday

Happy Easter

Monday 17 th of April 2017
and we have kind of good weather when I come down to the CCR 2 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning, with a mug of tea in my hand. We got right on to the good morning gymnastics and when we were ready I interrogated the crew.

Maersk have an excellent series of “Learning Engagement Tools” regarding safety, just to mention the ones I have printed:

• Learning Engagement Tool – Mooring
• Learning Engagement Tool – Falling into the water
• Learning Engagement Tool - Slips, Trips and Falls
• Learning Engagement Tool – Personal Injury
• Learning Engagement Tool – Lifting and Hoisting

This morning they had studied the “Personal Injury” Learning Engagement Tool and I asked them what they had learned. We were discussing how to avoid injuries before I sent them to paint. IAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskkept Pump Man and 2 ABs in the CCR as we had to have another tool box meeting before entry the ballast pump room. We willinspect the anodes on the ballast pumps.

Risk Assessment, tool box and a work permit and the guys went down the pump room around 9 o'clock. We needed to replace the bottom anodes. And the small anodes in the level switch was worn so nothing remained of the zinc. So our Pump Man was busy all day long making new zinc anodes.

He-man of the month on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

He-man of the month on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

He-man of the month on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
He-man of the month on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

So Pump Man was keeping himself busy in the engine room work shop making new anodes. And we managed to get the ballast pumps ready just in time for dinner. I told them to study the Learning Engagement Tool “Slips, Trips and Falls” for tomorrow morning and we will discuss it tomorrow after our good morning gymnastics

Swedish News
Well, it is way too late. Sweden, very close to be a failed state

Svenska Dagbladet

From today's Svenska Dagbladet, one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden. 40 000 in the eldercare are undernourished and starving. They call borderline euthanasia. What a shame! They should be in prison, the elderly that have paid to build up Sweden to what it used to be are left to die while they throw money at all the scum coming to Sweden destroying the country.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Chicken and salad
Snacks: Plums, apple and too many Danish butter cookies
Dinner: Pork, salad and mango + One cheese sandwich
Constitutional: No

Happy Easter

Tuesday 18 th of April 2017
and I discovered a gorgeous morning when I looked out the window in the CCR when I arrived for our “Good morning PEP” meeting. We had a strong wind and heavy sea,but it was coming from behind. Good, we will hopefully be kicking some behinds on deck today.

But first our Good morning gymnastics and tool box meeting. Today will be a busy day and we will have an Emergency Steering and a pirate drill after the coffee break.

But first I have to interrogate the crew about the Learning Engagement Tool “Slips, Trips and Falls” I had them to study this morning. And IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthave already printed the next Learning Engagement Tool for them to study tomorrow. “Lifting and Hoisting” and this is of course something we're looking forward to.

But first of all, the good morning gymnastics. As soon as I turned on the music the crew stood up ready to get movin' Huffin' and puffin', what a good way to start your day. And when we're ready the crew is full of “pep” and enthusiasm

When we were finished I checked their knowledge from today's Learning Engagement Tool, preventing personal injuries and they passed with flying colours. Then we held the tool box meeting and the crew were off to deck to get started with the painting. And what do you know?

Sunshine was soon turning in to rain, gloom and grey for long as I could see. So I was not in aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvery good mood. But as soon as it stopped to rain it was drying up quite quicklyas it is getting hot now when we approach Torres Strait. ETA very early Thursday morning.

Very frustrating with the rain and a gorgeous morning had turned in to gloom and grey. We could see showers all over the PacificFitterOcean and they were passing very close to us.

Our Pump Man was busy repairing things, this Pump Man is a skilled Fitter as well and it comes in very handy when we need to weld or repair something.

We were busy and time turned quick and it was soon time for our pirate drill. Muster and then we took off to the ECR. When thePirate attackcrew were in the ECR we will take the time on how long time it will take for thePirate attackwhole crew to get from the ECR to the steering engine room.

Just in case the pirates release the CO2 extinguish system in the engine room. At least to say, we were whopping behinds and the crew were in the steering engine room on zero point five. And when we were in the steering engine room we could start the emergency steering drill preparing for Torres Strait, one of the requirements in Torres, to test this before arrival to Torres Strait.

Scooby Doo

Emergency Steering Drill

Emergency Steering Drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Emergency Steering Drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Emergency Steering Drill on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Breakfast: Pepsi MAX in my cabin as I had forgot to bring milk for my tea
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Pork and salad and a slice of bread
Snacks: 2 Pancakes
Dinner: Darn! This Cook is good
Constitutional: No

Wednesday 19 th of April 2017
and we started the day with an alco test. Good morning gymnastics and tool box meeting and the crew were off to the fo'c's'le to paint. Pump Man and I stayed behind as we had other important things to do. Never a dull moment around here.

Swedish News
Sweden 2017

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Pork
Snacks: 2 Pancakes and something our Cook had baked
Dinner: Ribs
Constitutional: No

Thursday 20 th of April 2017
and we were in Torre Strait when I came in to the CCR for our good morning gymnastics. We left the pilot at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Next stop Singapore and I will go home. But just for a very few days as I'm booked for an Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care course in Bombay in the beginning of May.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Ham and some chicken noodles
Snacks: Nothing
Dinner: Ham
Constitutional: No

Friday 21 st of April 2017
and we woke up to yet another gorgeous morning. We started the day in the CCR by an examination of this morning's assignment for the crew. To read the LearningAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy MaerskEngagement Tool “Enclosed Spaces” Then we went straight on with the good morning gymnastics and the tool box meeting.

Then I sent the crew on deck for painting and chipping. We started chipping back in the aft part of the main deck. No more chipping on the fo'c's'le, only painting remaining and we will start the full coat next week.

Final coat tomorrow, washing the area on Sunday and they can start the full coat on Sunday.

Pump Man was busy with the steam pipes and I did some work in the hospital. Time passed veryPainting on board m/t Roy Maerskquickly this morning and we were soon sitting around the table in the mess room having our lunch.

One of our Painters put the last primer layer on the fo'c's'le in the afternoon while the other Painters and the OS was chipping on main deck. And we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have time to wash the superstructure and theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttank deck tomorrow before it is time to watch the safety video in the afternoon.

Yes, Saturday again and time to watch movie again. Darn! Time is really passing quickly, it was like yesterday we watched the last Saturday safety movie.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
2nd Officer is disturbing us in the CCR

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
2nd Officer is disturbing us in the CCR

Safety movie tomorrow, but I know that you're looking forward to the Saturday afternoon fun video, just a day to go! A little something to look forward to. I also have something to lookAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskforward to, I got it confirmed yesterday, I'm booked at a Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care training course in Bombay in the beginning of May.

So my snorkelling and bird watching adventure in Malaysia will have to wait until June. I will be back home from India on the 14th of May and I will justBangkok Taxigo home to change my bag.

Then I will have to return to Suvarnabhumi International Airport for my flight to Sri Lank and my leopard safari in Yala National Park.

So I'm looking forward to yet another holiday with no time to rest. Well, I will for sure not get the time to get bored. And I'm happy to get to Bombay for a couple of reasons:
1) I will not have to spend 12 hours flying to Copenhagen
2) I can buy a Ganesha for my friend

He have been on me about the Ganesha I bought last time in Bombay. He was of course happy for the Ganesha I bought for him in Varanasi. And he was even happier for the water I brought home from Ganges for his Ganesha.

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Ganesha stand-by for the holy swim

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
We start with “Little” Ganesha

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Li'l Ganesha loves the swim

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Humpty and Dumpty can't wait to get wet in the holy Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Holy water

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
This might very well turn out to be the holiest of the Ganesh to be found in Bangkok

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
One thing is for sure, it won't be easy to find holy water in Bangkok
So I bought two bottles so I can fill them with holy water to bring back
home for the Ganesha to enjoy when at his new home in Bangkok

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
He takes this seriously and he rinse the bottles well

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
He takes this seriously and he rinse the bottles well

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Now the Ganesh have holy water to bring with them to Bangkok

And now I can tell you, the quality brass bottles were leaking so
they were almost empty by the time I was back home in Bangkok

So I really look forward to go have a look for the Ganesha. And I have start looking for a birding guide in Bombay. I will have 2 days doing nothing so I can as well take the opportunity to do someAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskbird watching.

I have (SO FAR) never been disappointed looking for birds in India. So yes, I'm a wee bit excited.

The afternoon passed by quite quickly as well and it was soon time for our dinner. And I was soon back in my cabin enjoying a Pepsi MAX and an episode of Home Improvement. And checking it out on the internet I discover that the TV series isHome Improvement is an American television sitcomback from 1991. Jeez, that is a long time ago.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Some stew and salad
Snacks: Nothing
Dinner: Chicken + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: No

Saturday 22 nd of April 2017
and yet another gorgeous morning steaming towards Singapore. Good morning gymnastics and tool box meeting and I sent the crew on deck for painting. Just a fewPainting on board m/t Roy Maerskdays remaining until we arrive to Singapore and I would like to have the fo'c's'le ready by then.

And today it is Saturday and that means safety video in the afternoon. So we're in a hurry to get started with the painting. AsWashing on board m/t Roy Maersksoon as they are ready with the painting we will start to wash the superstructure and the deck.

The rest of the crew will grease our mooring winches, so yes, a lot to do today. I went forward to see how the work was proceeding on the fo'c's'le.

I could not believe my eyes coming up front. They were painting Swedish style. A technique I developed as a young AB and is more known as the “Double work, half the time”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
That's the spirit!

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Yes, I had to run back to the CCR to get the camera. This was something I needed to document. I was soon back on the fo'c's'le and I got my pictures. The crew were ready with the painting and we had the tool box for the greasing job before the coffee break.

One TEAM will pull out the mooring ropes for inspection and one TEAM will grease the winches. Our Painters are on the washing detail. Things were progressing nicely and we had done more than I had expected when we finished for the day to go look at the safety video.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

We watched a movie about PPE, but don't you worry! You will have the Saturday Afternoon Fun Video to watch. And we have completed yet another Saturday, my last Saturday before going home when we arrive to Singapore next Friday. Arriving late Thursday night as it looks now, but I will not be in my hotel until Friday.

Yet another Saturday afternoon “fun” video

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Saturday
Snacks: Nothing
Dinner: Saturday
Constitutional: No

Sunday 23 rd of April 2017
and it was a gorgeous day, not much wind to talk about. The crew continued the washing on deck so it will be ready for painting tomorrow.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: Pork
Snacks: 1 Apple
Dinner: Chicken + 2 slices of bread with cheese - 2 bowls of papaya
Constitutional: No

Monday 24 th of April 2017
and we started the day with good morning gymnastics and tool box meeting. We're in a wee bit of a hurry as we will start our Global Safety Day at 10 o'clock. I haveBaking cake on board m/t Roy Maerskspilt the crew in to two groups, first group between 10 and 12 and the second group after lunch between 1 and 3 o'clock.

Our Cook was busy making cupcakes in the galley and they were ready just in time for us (not me) to try. Well, I had the opportunity to try one a little later on when I was all by lonesome. And it tasted good.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

We finished the global safety day and we had time to test the ODME and some other equipment before it was time to go for a cup of tea and yet another episode of Home Improvements. And of course, a hot shower. And after dinner there wasn't much to do, except trying to kill time in my room with Home Improvements.

I was up on the bridge to see our 3rd Officer as he had offered some tea. But the tea smelled likesomething I didn't wanted to drink. He went on and on about how healthy the tea was but I prefer a Pepsi MAX in my room.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Time for dinner

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Time for dinner

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Meatballs
Snacks: 1 cup cake
Dinner: Pork and 2 slices of bread with cheese
Constitutional: No

Tuesday 25 th of April 2017
and we started the day by the usual tool box meeting and good morning gymnastics. I sent the crew to paint while 2/O, Pump Man and one of the ABs came withCollared Kingfisherme to release the free fall life boat.

I discovered 2 Collared Kingfishers on deck in the afternoon. That was a pleasant surprise. And two of them, so maybe they are about to have babies. But I hope they are off the ship before they are getting their babies. They flew around for a few hours and then they were gone.

By the time the day came to an end I was quite happy. We had been kicking behinds on deck during the day.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Some delicious Indian rice something
Snacks: Let's not go there...
Dinner: Sausages from New Zealand
Constitutional: No

Wednesday 26 th of April 2017
and today is the day we will complete the fo'c's'le. Everything is ready, just the last stencils to put on up front of the ship and the fo'c's'le is ready. And what aPainting on board m/t Roy Maerskluck we had, late afternoon and they had just laid the last hand on the fo'c's'le when we hit a shower.

Just what we needed, a shower to rinse the salt off the deck. Well, we were busy and it was soon time for a mug of tea and yet another episode of HomeDiet PepsiImprovements before my shower and dinner.

My releiver will come on board at arrival Singapore and as he will spend the whole day in Singapore waiting for us I asked him to keep an eye out for Pepsi MAX.

Now I'm off to enjoy my last Pepsi MAX from New Zealand.

MY brother is on his way from Suez to Bombay, so it looks like we will have a chance to meet when I'm in Bombay in May for my course. I will arrive late evening on the 5th of May, that the same day they will arrive, as it looks now.

Breakfast: Earl Grey tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Yes
Lunch: Schnitzel
Snacks: Seriously, there was no time for any snacks, or to get hungry
Dinner: Chicken
Constitutional: No

Thursday 27 th of April 2017
and lo and behold, we forgot the good morning gymnastics this morning. Tool box meeting and I didn't realise that we had missed the good morning gymnasticsMumbai Travellersuntil half of the crew had disappeared out on deck.

Maybe it was the excitements over my upcoming tour to India for the Danish medical course. I'm in progress to book some bird watching tours. I sent a lot of e-mails with enquiries and the first (the only) answer was from Mumbai Traveller.


ITINERARY: 7th May 2017
Pick up from your hotel at Andheri at 5.45 am. Travel to Bhandup Pumping Station.
Reach the Boating Jetty by 6.30 am. Have a small walk around the jetty and spot some birds.

Proceed for boating which would last for around 2 hours. Post boating relax a little, refreshment and travel back to the hotel.

Tour Cost: Rs. 5500 /- inclusive of 9% service tax.

So, I'm looking forward to some exciting bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay. The Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary, Bhandup pumping Station sounds fabulous. Then I have some other places I want to check out. Mahim Nature Park and Shilonda Trail sounds like great places.

My reliever have arrived to his hotel in Singapore and he is out looking for Pepsi Max so I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to enjoy some Pepsi MAX before coming ashore. I finished my last Pepsi MAX from New Zealand yesterday.

Friday 28 th of April 2017
and I woke up quarter to 5 in the morning. I had been lucky, I went to bed 7 o'clock yesterday evening trying to get some sleep. Pilot 20 thirty for immigration at the anchorage before coming alongside EXXON Terminal. And of course, everything is up in the air and no one can say when we will get the pilot to come alongside.

Most of the times the Pilots are very busy around here and we always have to wait. But I had expected us to come alongside in the middle of the night. But when I woke up we were stillPepsianchored and I called the bridge. Pilot is expected for 7 thirty.

I looked outside my cabin as my reliever should have come on board yesterday, instant disappointment. It was normal Pepsi outside my door.

Well, Diet Pepsi is not easy to find here in Singapore. I closed the door leaving the Pepsi outside my door and I made a mug of Earl Grey tea.

I enjoyed my tea while waiting for the pilot to come on board so we can come alongside. Start discharging and I will be off the ship.

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singapore
Sun is coming up over Singapore

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singapore
Sun is coming up over Singapore

We left the anchorage around 8 o'clock, by then I was with my reliever in the CCR. It was almost 11 thirty when we had all fast at the EXXON Terminal. I was showered and ready around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The boat will come to pick me up at 5 o'clock so I had time to call around looking for some Canon equipment.
Canon Battery Grip BG-E11
Canon Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3
Canon Flash 600EX mk2

But I was surprised to find out that most of the places closed at 8 o'clock. I'm used to the places to be open until 10 in Thailand. The big shopping malls close at 10. Well, we will see if I get time for any shopping when I come ashore.

Anyway, I will check out Alan Photo at Sim Lim Square as this was one of the shops Canon recommended when I called them. Canon only have a web shop so this was no option. Anyway, I had expected us to start discharging, if not immediately at arrival, not long after we had all fast.

New Chief Officer on the bridge from the anchorage to the jetty and I was in the CCR doing theM/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singaporestep by step cargo plan.

But we were soon to find out that they had to take samples and this would take 4 hours, quite surprising as they had been on board taking samples on the anchorage. Anyway, my launch was booked for 5 o'clock so I will be off before we start discharging. And I was not sad when IM/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singaporesaw the service launch coming towards us quarter to 5 o'clock.

My bag was already on deck and as soon as I was down in the service launch the AB sent it down to me and I was ready to take off.

And yes, I was making a tit out of myself leaving Roy Maersk behind. I was going to take a picture with my phone to send via Line to my friends. Turned out that the picture was a video and I was looking like a tw*t leaving Roy Maersk behind.


Looking like a tw*t

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singapore
Never miss a chance with the stupid finger

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singapore
Never miss a chance with the stupid finger

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singapore
Never miss a chance with the stupid finger

They will be at the jetty to pick me up at 18:00 for transport to Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel. So I guess I will manage to find everything I need tonight. But then horror stroke me. I was reminded about the taxis in Singapore and how long time it can take before you get a taxi.

And I suspect that we will land at the West Coast Pier. I enjoyed the “cruise” in Singapore port and it was about 40 minutes or so to the West Coast Pier. Passing Immigration and the custom. I usually just throw my luggage on the x-ray machine and walk through.

But now they wanted me to take off all my metal stuff and I had the biggest e-cigarette in my pocket. Well, what to do? I never take of my belt, but this time I took off everything to cover the e-cig. The small tray was brimmed when it went through the x-ray. Never mind, no one said anything and I took the tray around the corner to empty it in to my pockets.

I was busy with my belt when I guy came and ask me if I was from Roy Maersk.
- Just a minute I said.

MPA Singapore - West Coat Pier
Approaching West Coat Pier
Note the Singapore Maritime Academy Polytechnic - Poly Marina next to the West Coat Pier

MPA Singapore - West Coat Pier
Approaching West Coat Pier
Note the Singapore Maritime Academy Polytechnic - Poly Marina next to the West Coat Pier

MPA Singapore - West Coat Pier
Arriving to West Coat Pier
Note the Singapore Maritime Academy Polytechnic - Poly Marina next to the West Coat Pier

I recognised the area, the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club (RSYC) is just next to the West Coast Pier. Between the West Coast Pier and the Poly Marina Singapore Maritime Academy Polytechnic where I went for a life boat course a few years ago.

We were soon on our way to Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel and my holiday can start. Will I find the Canon equipment? Click HERE to find out!


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