OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Thursday 2 nd of February 2017 and I stepped on deck between 10 and 10 thirty. I went straight to my cabin to have a chat with the off signing Chief Officer. And he confirmed that they hadM/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Chittagongbeen here on the anchorage since I left. All paint was finished and we cannot get any paint until we're back in Singapore.

Now it is decided that we will discharge the cargo in the Singapore area, but the paper work ashore is not ready.

I hope we leave next week, for sure, I don't want to stay here for another 11 weeks.

And after almost three weeks atPainting on Roy Maerskthe anchorage with nothing to do but painting for the crew we don't have any more paint on board.

The off signers will leave at 12 o'clock with the same boats weSigning off Roy Maerskarrived with. So I had time for a chat with the off signing Chief Officer before he left. Well, shouldn't be any problem, it is the same cargo onM/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Chittagongboard that I loaded last time I was on board. Maybe I can use the same discharge plan I did last time.

It was quarter past 12 or so when the off signers left and I went for lunch, and this time I will really try to get serious with my diet.

I had, maybe a wee bit too much to eat for lunch. The Nutella was not according to plan, but I take it as a slow start.

The off signers had left and I started to go through the stuff in the CCR. As they didn't had any cargo operationsM/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Chittagongwhile I was home most of it was like when I left in Chittagong back in November '16. 11 weeks ago, now it seems like yesterday.

The new crew that joined with me had to start by study all our risk assessments and safety information from Maersk. I divided them in to two groups and one group was doing the risk assessments and the other group did the safety and lessons to learn information.

I have collected the safety alerts, lessons to learn and other safety information I think is of use for the deckYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcrew in a binder, and now they have to study it.

This will keep them busy for a while.

Friday 3 rd of February 2017
and we started with the good morning gymnastics. I had one of the Painters to lead the good morning gymnastics. They were not yet ready with the reading so theyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskcontinued after the morning exercises.

I spent the day in the CCR and I tested our fixed gas detection system and at the same time I was operating our remote controlled valves to the ballast tanks.

Time turned quick and it was soon time for lunch, yet another set-back for my diet. But I had a 30 minutes constitutional after the meal around the superstructure.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

This will be my new routines from now on, not to eat too much, but the constitutional. I have my new MTB safety shoes so it takes a bit of breaking in the shoes. But when that is done, who knows? I might walk around like there is no tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
The good morning team

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and vitamin tablets
Good morning gymnastics: Of course
Lunch: Well, not good for my diet
Dinner: Kind of OK, until I had two toast with Nutella
Constitutional: 30 minutes

Saturday 4 th of February 2017
and we started the day with good morning gymnastics. My knee are much better since I started with the gymnastics and my new shoes. I'm not flying over deck, butYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthere is no remarkable limping.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Good morning gymnastics

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and vitamin tablets. I freshly baked bun when I came down to the mess room
Good morning gymnastics: Of course
Lunch: Kind of OK, until I had two toast with Nutella
Remarks: I went straight from lunch to print a new “diet bet”
Dinner: A giant set-back for my diet, but on Monday...
Constitutional: Almost 1 hour

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Please note that it wount start until Monday

The evening was spent in my room setting up the last few days on Fiji and New Zealand. Bird watching tours etc. I stumbled upon some web pages about Fiji Airways and it was not any nice reading. But I was happy that I only have the very short leg between Fiji and Tonga booked with Fiji. Otherwise things starts to fall in to place.

I have been looking at a third day of bird watching on New Zealand and then I will have to skip the beer drinking, if I'm not cancel some other activity.

I will never fly Fiji Airways again
A story from www.heimsreisa.is - Click HERE for full story

I will never fly Fiji Airways again
Another Fiji Airways story, this time from www.truthforfiji.com

Sunday 5 th of February 2017
and another day at the anchorage, the only exciting thing happening is that we will get the custom and a cargo surveyor on board tomorrow. Measuring the cargo and then we will have to wait for a export license before we can leave with the cargo.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: Last day before my diet start, so never mind
Dinner: Last day before my diet start, so never mind
Constitutional: Tomorrow

Monday 6 th of February 2017
and the Surveyor and two Agents came on board quarter past 10 and 3 hours later they were off the boat. We took the ullage and we calculated the cargo. We had expected 100 people to come on board. But the whole thing went very smooth.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Of course
Lunch: Some chicken
Dinner: A bowl of beef stew (I think)
Constitutional: Almost an hour

Tuesday 7 th of February 2017
and we were still anchored when I came down to the CCR at 8 o'clock. We got right on with the good morning gymnastics.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Good morning gymnastics

It is quite nice with the good morning exercise. At least when we are ready and can sit down for the toolbox meeting. When they guys had their jobs they got out on deck to start the job. I sent our extra Painters to the engine department to help them out with some painting in the engine room. Last time I was on board I prepared for a vetting inspection, TWO TIMES!

But as we have not had any vetting due to the delays here we just have to start preparing for a third time. We have a big bird of prey on deck. The bird usually sits in the light mast on star board side. When I approach the bird disappear.

The bird spend most of the day flying around the fo'c's'le and sometimes I can see the bird catch something. We have a lot of birds around us, swallows, wagtails and crows. But the bird of prey is flying too low to look for other birds. And I have seen several times that the wagtails is of no interest to the raptor.

Birdwatching on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
The bird is flying around

Birdwatching on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
We can see that the bird have caught something to eat

Birdwatching on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
We can see that the bird have caught something to eat

I regretted that I had not brought my birding camera with me. Anyway, the provision was said to be delivered at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. But they were late, no surprise. I had expected themTaking provisions in Chittagongto come tomorrow when I was in my cabin for a quick cuppa before dinner. Then they arrived.

We are going to take ashore the garbage so I needed to get down in the CCR to print my garbage receipt. The Ship Chandler came in to my office and heYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthanded me two bags.
- What is this?
- Complimentary sweets
- That's the spirit!

I never bothered to explain to him about my diet bet, but I brought the sweets to our Cook. Of course, they are coming inthe middle of the dinner so the dinner was late as our Cook was busy in the stores with the provisions.

And I was hungry, well, not very hungry, but a wee bit as I have only been eating healthy today.

In Chittagong with M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Sending ashore garbage

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Of course
Lunch: Cauliflower and some minced meat
Dinner: Liver and onion + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Almost an hour
A very good day with my diet!

And my friend have sent me a video. I don't know if he could sense that I was doing some birdwatching on deck today. Anyway, he sent me an amazing video, just have a look below!

A video my friend sent to me, White-throated Kingfishers?
The bill looks black on the video.

Wednesday 8 th of February 2017
and I enjoyed a cup of tea in my cabin before going down to the CCR. My friend's wife had sent me a video and I checked it out while drinking my tea.

Just as I thought that we had enough of
the videos my friend's wife sent me a video

We are still anchored when I came down to the CCR. No news about any departure time. But now it is just the Agent waiting for his money from the charterer. As soon as he get his money we're out of here. The only thing we know now is that we will go towards Singapore/ Malaysia.

The crew is busy with our cargo tank hatches and I'm doing a condition inspection of the ship. Suddenly, late afternoon and they delivered our port clearance and certificates and we can leave with the high water at 7 o'clock tonight. And they are already working on a new trip from Singapore back here to Chittagong again. I was happy about this, Chittagong is not very bad.

In Chittagong with M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Hard working Mr. Dynamite“s”

Well, dinner and I was a little late due to some cargo calculations. We were enjoying the dinner when we heard the 2nd Engineer starting the engine, very nice to be out of here.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and some sausages when I came down in the mess room
(Standing up eating so it doesn’t count)

Good morning gymnastics: Not today
Lunch: Some chicken
Dinner: 4 very small pieces beef + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Almost an hour

Thursday 9 th of February 2017
and we got started with the good morning gymnastics at 8 o'clock. The first day I have come down in the CCR since I joined and we're on the way somewhere. WeOn board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskfinished with the morning gymnastics and we had the tool box meeting.

My knee is getting better by the day and thegymnastics help to keep us in good condition. The crew loves the exercises and they are eager to get started in the morning.

Our 3rd Officer will pressure test our immersion suits to make sure there are no leaks in them. He came to borrow ourOn board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy MaerskEX camera to take some pictures of the action.

He was soon back in the CCR and he asked if I could check if there had been any good pictures, or he would have to go back to take more pictures.

The EX camera is not quite like other cameras and you don't know if you got any pictures until you download the pictures to a computer. He had been lucky and he took off without the camera. Good, I need it for our pumpiCAM501 Ultra - Intrinsically Saferoom inspection that we will do after the coffee break.

The iCAM501 Ultra - Intrinsically Safe is not much of a camera, the quality leaves a lot to wish for. But with the help of a Photoshop session they are OK.

Another pre-entry toolbox meeting, risk assessments and paper work we were ready to enter the pump room. I had a picture of the team before we went down.

That last picture killed the batteries so there wasn't enough power to take any pictures in the pump room. Never mind, the pump room looked good and we did the tests we needed to do: Bilge alarms, hand operated hydraulic valves, ventilation flaps etc. Back up and it was time for lunch.

Immersion suits on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Hard working Mr. Dynamite

Immersion suits on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Ready to go down to the pump room

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and some sausages when I came down in the mess room
(Standing up eating so it doesn’t count)

Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: Cauliflowers and some beef
Dinner: Meatballs + 2 sandwiches with cheese Our Cook makesvery good bread so I can't wait for it to be Saturday so I can have more than 2 slices
Constitutional: Almost an hour

Friday 10 th of February 2017
and today the crew started to wash deck. After almost 3 months in Chittagong it was very dusty and dirty everywhere. And we cannot use the sea water at the anchorage as it is almost like mud. So we needed to wait for a day to leave the muddy water from the huge river delta behind us.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: Some, well, not much
Snacks: 2 apples during my constitutional Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Dinner: Some BBQ chicken and 2 bowls of salad (Someone might have dropped a few boiled potatoes in my salad. And the strangest thing, the potato was hidden under my salad. So, as no surprise, I was full when I left the mess room) + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Maybe 30 minutes, the crew was on deck washing so I went in to calibrate the gas detectors instead

Saturday 11 th of February 2017
and it is Saturday. We will have the last drills for this month after the coffee break. And it is a very long time ago we have had any Saturday afternoon fun. And as it is such a long time ago I throw in a double episode.

FINALLY SATURDAY again!!! Time for a Saturday afternoon fun video
And as it was such a long time ago we make it a double episode of fun today

As soon as we had finished the good morning gymnastics and the tool box meeting I got started with the yearly check of our fixed gas measurement system. I need to check the flame arrestorsVIMEX gas detection on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskso the filters are clean. And I got started rightHandymanaway. Stopping the gas detection equipment and while this was stopping I went to find the right tools.

Our 3rd Officer was busy with the last immersion suits and when he was ready he came down to the CCR to help me.

VIMEX gas detection on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Next generation Chief Officers and he is eager to learn. So we removed all the sample hoses and then the flame screen covers. Cleaning and checking, all flame arrestors were OK. But I had no time to put back the things again as we were going to have our last drills for this month. We started by drilling the crew in how to done the immersion suits.

Immersion suits on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Donning the immersion suit

Afternoon and we had an enclosed space thing to do, mostly paper work and before finishing for the day I put together the VIMEX gas detection again. Yet more paper work and a quick meeting with the crew to plan for tomorrow before I went to have a cuppa in my cabin.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin. Sausages and a sandwich when I came down in the mess room
Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: It is Saturday
Snacks: None, well, maybe something I can't remember
Dinner: It is Saturday
Constitutional: No time today

Sunday 12 th of February 2017
and we started the day at 10. I went through the personnel gas detectors with the crew, preparing them for any questions from the Vetting Inspector.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: A bowl of something I threw in the garbage. Even our 3rd Engineer was complaining and he usually like spicy food. Could not eat it.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Snacks: None
Dinner: Salad + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Sunday

Monday 13 th of February 2017
and We're steaming through Malacca Strait, no news so we're bound for the Eastern OPL anchorage. We arrive there tomorrow afternoon and we will see for how long before we get any discharge orders.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and some sausages when I came down in the mess room
(Standing up eating so it doesn’t count)

Good morning gymnastics: Oh yeah, we were kicking behinds
Lunch: Broccoli and BBQ chicken Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Snacks: None
Dinner: Salad + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: About 1 hour
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Tuesday 14 th of February 2017
and we were approaching Singapore Strait when I came to the CCR at 8. We will be passing Singapore around 3 in the afternoon and we will take our stores when we pass Singapore. But we will not get the provision and paint as they didn't had the time to get it delivered in time. But we will get the stores.

I could not help but notice that Sweden is yet again mentioned in the media around the world. And yet again, for all the wrong reasons. Click HERE

Hmm, thinking about it, Sweden have not been mentioned associated with any good news for years. And no wonder I always say that I am Danish. Always works, well, almost all the time.

Coming to Manila for my ECDIS course and the Teacher asked me what was going on in Sweden. Yeah, he knew I was from Sweden as I had to register to the course with my passport.

Walk of shame: Sweden’s “first feminist government” don hijabs in Iran

Walk of shame: Sweden’s “first feminist government” don hijabs in Iran
Walk of shame: Sweden’s “first feminist government” don hijabs in Iran
Look at this embarrassment: Sweden’s self-declared “first feminist government in the world” Yes, I cringe

What a disgrace our government is, and 8 years with the previous government really ran Sweden down the abyss. And this government continue the path. The only important thing is to take care of the Middle East and North African people coming here with their feminist values. Sweden, the only country I know in the (previous) civilized world where child marriage is allowed.

They come to Sweden and they can do whatever they want. Now we have about 50 NO GO ZONES in Sweden and no one is doing anything about it. Coming here living on welfare and the Swedish pensioners are starving to death in their retirement homes. Yeah, there is no money for their food. Sweden 2017. They buy houses and apartments for people coming here, never contributed anything. People that have paid tax all their life building Sweden are treated like, well, human rubbish.

Build a once so great country, hard working, educated and now this. Just search for Sweden and NO GO ZONES on the internet. Chocking reading

And the debate is raging in Sweden over the “Walk of shame” And the government says it is because of stupidity and xenophobia. No surprise there, as they say about everything don't swinging their way. Shame on them!

No shame on us!!! They say that if you fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! And the politicians fool us all the time and people are still voting for them. So shame on us!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and some sausages when I came down in the mess room
(Standing up eating so it doesn’t count)

Good morning gymnastics: Of course
Lunch: Some meet and salad. And again! Someone had hidden some boiled potatoes under the salad Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Snacks: Well...
Dinner: Meat and salad + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Almost 1 hour
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Valentine's Day
A line message

Wednesday 15 th of February 2017
and we're still anchored when I'm coming to the CCR. Taking stores yesterday so the CCR is full of stores so no room for any good morning exercises.

The crew were busy all day long carrying stores and in the evening we started to get messages about discharging in Tanjung Pelepas. STS with FSU Fortune Star and we can leave any minute now. So I went to have a STS drill with the crew so this is ready.

Good morning gymnasticsBreakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: CCR full of stores so no space for gymnastics
Lunch: 4 chicken legs and cauliflowers Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Snacks: Well...
Dinner: Meat and salad + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: 15 minutes, they are moving stores on deck so no spaceYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor me on deck.

Thursday 16 th of February 2017
and the latest news is that we will come alongside at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. So we left the anchorage at 9 o'clock in the morning while we were preparing for arriving by doing all the pre-arrival tests and checks.

And while at it, why not continue the stupid “He-man of the month” picture series from m/t Roy Maersk. Yes, we have all seen them, calendars with pictures of fire fighters etc. Yeah, I bet you had forgot all about the “He-man of the month” thing I got started with here on board Roy Maersk back in October last year.

He-man of the month on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
He-man of the month on board M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

Today our He-man is wearing a classic dark blue boiler suit and a pair of stylish MBT shoes. We stopped with the preparation when we got news that we would not come alongside FSU Fortune Star until tomorrow. Of course, later on it was changed again and we were coming alongside at 19:00, later on changed to 21:00

So we continued with the pre-arrival tests and I sent our day men to bed after the afternoon coffee break. Need to be rested during the night with all the arrival work on deck.

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk in Singapore Strait
Singapore Strait

Pilot boarded us 10 minutes after 8 o'clock in the evening and we had all fast at FSU Fortune Star at 22 fifteen, or twenty. Paper work and it was 4 thirty in the morning before I was back in my cabin. I expect just a few hours of sleep before the Vetting Inspector comes on board.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: No time today
Lunch: 2 sandwiches with cheese and SaladYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Snacks: Nothing
Dinner: 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: No time today

Friday 17 th of February 2017
and I was dead tired when I stepped in to the conference room to meet with the Vetting Inspector. He came in to the CCR just as we were about to be ready with the discharging. We had a look around in the CCR before we went on deck.

We completed discharging at 13:18 and Pilot was booked for 18 hundred, soon changed to 20:00. It was nice to put the discharging and vetting behind us. Singapore anchorage next for provisions, stores and bunker. AndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully some sleep.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Breakfast: Sleeping as I had been up all night long
Good morning gymnastics: No time today
Lunch: Vetting inspection, and the discharging is just about to be ready. So no time, a quick cuppa and 2 sandwiches with cheese and Salad
Snacks: Nothing, well, I had have a few sandwiches at 4 thirty this morning as I was hungry. But as it says on the diet bet.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stNot in force during “CRAZY” working hours
Dinner: 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Sleeping as I had been up all night long

Saturday 18 th of February 2017
and it was a busy day on the anchorage. We went straight to Singapore anchorage from Tanjung Pelepas. They had been taking bunkers during the night. The provision barge was approaching so no time for the good morning gymnastics.

And not long after there was a barge coming to deliver more stores and more important, our paint. And on top of that we were soon getting FRAMO Technicians and a Lloyd Inspector on board.

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Taking provision in Singapore

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Taking provision in Singapore

And it was nice to finish the Lloyd inspection, it was said that the Inspector on would come to sign some papers. But it was almost like a full style inspection. Testing the cargo computer, ODME and our deck crane.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Another busy day on Singapore anchorage
Lunch: Saturday and it was bread for lunch, a very quick lunch as we had people from Lloyds and FRAMO on board
Snacks: Nothing, not much time
Dinner: 2 sandwiches, French fries and some pork chops
Constitutional: Another busy day on Singapore anchorage

FINALLY SATURDAY again!!! Time for a Saturday afternoon fun video

Sunday 19 th of February 2017
and we left Singapore anchorage around 9 o'clock in the morning. We will go to drop our anchor at the Eastern OPL anchorage waiting for cargo. It was a beautiful day and the crew took the opportunity to wash the superstructure and clean the accommodation.

Crew news
And they tried to convince us that we would benefit from all the “highly educated” people coming to Sweden. And we, who told the difference we're just dismissed as xenophobic and, well, worse...

We dropped anchor around 2 o'clock in the afternoon and this was pretty much the end of the week and we are hoping for the next week to be exciting.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin with 2 slices of bread that I sneaked back up to my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: Macho salad, yes, we got provisions yesterday. Meat and, well, some bread
Snacks: Nothing
Dinner: Spaghetti sauce (Without any spaghetti) and strawberries + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Sunday

Monday 20 th of February 2017
and we were still anchored when I came down to the CCR chewing on a hot dog with a beer mug filled with tea in my hand. We were waiting for the 3rd Officer as he usually join us for the good morning gymnastics. And as he was late the crew lined up for a spanking session. And when we were ready we could start the gymnastics.

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
The crew in the CCR

M/T Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Expect some spanking if you're late

We got plenty paint delivered to us in Singapore so the crew got started with chipping and painting on deck. Our Pump Man and I stopped our FRAMO hydraulic system and Pump Man repaired 2 leaks. And we had soon put the first day of the week behind us.

My friend from UK sent me a link to BBC and it was yet again about Sweden. And we see that they quoted Aftonbladet. Aftonbladet had summarised the day in news:
• A man setting himself on fire at a plaza in central Stockholm
• Famous singer Owe Thornqvist suffering technical problems in rehearsals for the aforementioned Melfest
• A man killed in workplace accident
• Road closures in northern Sweden due to "harsh weather"
• Police car chase through central Stockholm of a suspected drunk driver

Aftonbladed, if we should believe what they are writing we should all be millionaires because of the wealth all the immigrants from Africa and the Middle East would to Sweden. These people are the people that are going to save Sweden. Burning cars, shootings, rape, NO GO ZONES and drug pushers doing their business in the open. And as the few Police coming out to tell us how it is are accused of being xenophobic and racists, we cannot expect to get the truth.

Fox News on Friday night - A documentary about alleged violence committed by refugees in Sweden

Donald Trump - What happened last night in Sweden
Donald Trump - What happened last night in Sweden

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and some sausages when I came down in the mess room
(Standing up eating so it doesn’t count)

Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: Salad and meat
Snacks: Hmm, let me think..
Dinner: Spare ribs + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: 30 minutes and I got busy with other things


Anchorage and it is kind of boring, so I have killed time setting me up for a leopard safari in Yala National Park. And that is even though I had decided to stay home during my next holiday. But 10 days, 14 days if I can get a 3 day snorkelling with Blue whales and Sperm whales. But May is not the best month for the Blue whales and Sperm whales so we will see. But leopard safari it will be.
Sperm whale

Tuesday 21 st of February 2017
and, yeah, we're still anchored when I came in to the CCR one minute before 8 o'clock. The crew was waiting and we got started to plan the jobs for today. AndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.styes, normally we start with the good morning gymnastics, but we have to wait for our 3rd Officer as he wants to join.

We got right on to the gymnastics when our 3rd Officer came down from the bridge a few minutes later. Turning on the music and we were soon huffing and puffing jumping up and down in the CCR. And when we were ready we got right back to the tool box meeting.

The crew on board m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Team “Good morning”

Another day on the anchorage and we take this opportunity to continue with the chipping and painting on poop and tank deck. And our Pump Man had more important things to do. And ofThe crew on board m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maerskcourse, the Chief Officer hadthe most important things to do!

I spent hours searching drawings for the rudder trunk and rudder horn and I came up with ZIP. I have planned to inspect the rudder trunk tomorrow and I need to find the opening to the rudder horn.

Well, I will go down the rudder trunk and I will see if I can find the rudder horn entrance down there. This was not my only search through ship drawings today. I was searching for information about our cargo tank temperature sensors. And in the afternoon we changed one temperature sensor to test it. Working very well so we will continue this work tomorrow. And this is actually something I'm looking forward to as it is kind of fun.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: Casserole and BBQ chicken
Snacks: Hmm, let me think... OK, 2 slices of bread. Should have been fruit though, so good intentions
Dinner: Casserole from lunch and some lamb roast + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: I don't know, a wee bit of a pain in my knee

Wednesday 22 nd of February 2017
and as yesterday, we started the morning on Eastern OPL anchorage with a tool box meeting while waiting for our 3rd Officer. As soon as he came to the CCR we started with the gymnastics.

As soon as we finished the gymnastics the crew went on deck to chip and paint. I brought Pump Man and one of the ABs to change 2 temperature sensors in the cargo tanks. We also have toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stchange one of the cargo tank radars and we have planned this for the afternoon. And we were ready with the temperature sensors at 11 o'clock and our Pump Man and I prepared the tank radar so it will be quicker to change it after lunch.

So it turned out to be quite a good day here on Singapore Eastern OPL. Time turned quick and we will do the inspection of the rudder trunk tomorrow instead as for today.

Crew news
What happened last night in Sweden?

What happened last night in Sweden?

So yet another day have come to an end and we're rapidly approaching the end of February. May and I will go to Yala for 7 or 8 days of safari. I might stop at Marissa for 2 or 3 days to swim with the blue whales and the Sperm whales. Check out more about Blue Whales HERE

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: Meat and salad, grapes for dessert
Snacks: Nothing that I can think off
Dinner: Turkey and salad + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Maybe 45 minutes

Thursday 23 rd of February 2017
and we are still anchored when I came in to the CCR and the waiting crew 2 minutes before 8 o'clock. And as we have got used to by now, we started with theTool box meeting on board m/t Roy Maersktool box and safety meeting while waiting for the 3rd Officer.

Not only about “safety first” on the good morning meetings. We also discuss and plan the dayswork so we can be so effective as possible. We need to make the best use of everycrew member and it is kind of nice to see when the works proceeds as planned. Anyway, we started the good morning gymnastics as soon as our 3rd Officer stepped in to the CCR.

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Chipping and painting on the poop deck

As soon as we were ready in the CCR the crew went on deck leaving Pump Man and one of the ABs behind. We will go to inspect the rudder trunk today. And as it is an entry in to an enclosed spaceEnclosed space paper work on board m/t Roy Maerskthere was plenty of paper work to do before we could enter.

Pump Man and the AB had some work to complete before we did the inspection and I sent them on deck. I stayed in the CCR to start with the paper work.

At the anchorage waiting, it is really boring and I really hope that we can leave and I wouldn't mind loading in Indonesia for Australia, then it will soon be time to go home. But so far nothing and we're looking at yet another weekend anchored.

Anyway, time turned quick and it was soon time for lunch and we decided to inspect the rudder trunk after lunch. I had a quick lunch and I went out for aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stconstitutional after lunch. And I had about 45 minutes before I would meet the Pump Man in the CCR at 1 o'clock. Paper work and toll box before we went to the rudder trunk.

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk

The man hole was open and we have had a fan for force ventilation since to morning. I went down the hole and I was soon running in to yet another man hole. Our Pump Man opened the hatch. The rudder trunk looked, well, the paint work was like new after almost 15 years.

I had a few pictures and I went to my office to make the report. And as you understand, the void space looked like new so there wasn't really much to report. GOOD CONDITION LIKE NEW

Rudder trunk on m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Ladder down to the Rudder trunk

Rudder trunk on m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Last manhole to the Rudder trunk

Rudder trunk on m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Rudder stock

Rudder trunk on m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
Rudder trunk and we see the rudder stock

The day was almost coming to an end. I managed to do a wee bit of work with our requisitions and I also made a risk assessment. One thing is for sure, I hope I will spent the whole day tomorrowYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdoing cargo calculations. End of the month and we have finished all the computer based maintenance is done for this month.

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
2nd Engineer busy in the engine room

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
2nd Engineer busy in the engine room

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: Green curry and salad. The green curry tasted very good, like the green curry I make in Thailand. But it ended up in the garbage.Green curryDarn, the chilli!
Snacks: Nothing that I can think off
Dinner: Pork and salad + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Maybe 45 minutes

Friday 24 th of February 2017
and we're kind of busy and time passed quickly and it was soon time for lunch. In the nick of time as I was getting hungry. And I had to cancel my constitutional, the crew are busy chipping and painting on poop deck so no space for me to run around.

But that gave me time to read the news from yesterday. Nothing new, the old story about the Swedish government hiding the facts. You won't believe me when I tell you what kind of drivel they have told us on the state media. They really think we're stupid.

Crew news

The spirit was soon high on board, a new voyage. Load LSWR in Kerteh, Malaysia for Melaka, also in Malaysia. Lay can 25-26 February so we will leave the anchorage ASAP and we will arrive to Kerteh tomorrow morning.

We started with the pre-arrival tests and checks so these are ready tomorrow morning. But still no news on how much we will load so I cannot do the cargo plan. But it is nice to leave the anchorage and we're in a great mood!Happy

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and some almonds
Good morning gymnastics: We were kicking behinds
Lunch: BBQ chicken and salad. BBQ chicken in what might have been the best BBQ sauce in the world
Snacks: Almonds
Dinner: Chicken burgers + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: No space for me on the poop deck

Saturday 25 th of February 2017
and we met in the CCR at 8 o’clock. We will arrive to Kerteh Marine Terminal at 9 thirty. No news so we started to prepare and I did the cargo plan and no time for the good morning gymnastics.

We dropped anchor at 9 thirty and no news from the terminal about berthing time. So the crew could paint on deck and we're just waiting around to come alongside to start loading.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin and as it is Saturday I went for 2 sandwiches later on (When I realised that it was Saturday)
Good morning gymnastics: No time as we expected to come alongside
Lunch: Schnitzel and mashed potatoes
Snacks: Nil
Dinner: Steak
Constitutional: No space for me on the poop deck

And NO, we have not forgotten the Saturday afternoon fun video

Sunday 26 th of February 2017
and the crew was in the CCR and all of them were shaved. I had told them to shave at the dinner yesterday. We cannot run around looking like poppy farmers from Afghanistan. So they had shaved and I think we have one of the best looking crews in South China Sea today. Still no news about when they expect us to come alongside.

m/t Roy Mærsk/ Roy Maersk
We're looking good today

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Sunday
Lunch: Chicken and salad + 2 sandwiches
Snacks: Almonds
Dinner: Spaghetti sauce (Without any spaghetti) + 2 sandwiches with cheese
Constitutional: Sunday

Monday 27 th of February 2017
and as we don't have any news about when we will come alongside. So I had the crew to continue with the painting on poop deck as soon as we were ready with the good morning gymnastics. And when we had our lunch they called us and we will have our pilot on board at 16:00.

Missed dinner and I had to spend a few hours in my cabin waiting for the terminal to get ready to load. We were ready with the paper work around 8 o'clock and they expect us to start around midnight. So I had a few hours to kill.

Breakfast: A cup tea in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Oh yeah!
Lunch: Chicken and salad + something that is no one's business
Snacks: Almonds
Dinner: 3 sandwiches with cheese in my cabin in the evening
Constitutional: They are painting on poop deck

Tuesday 28 th of February 2017
and we started to load at 00:24 and we completed loading at 15:06 and the lice flush was completed at 5 o'clock. Pilot booked for 18 thirty. 31 Hours to Malacca from here so we will be there and it is already a new month.

We left Kerteh at 6 thirty and I was in my cabin around 8 o'clock, busy day tomorrow preparing for the arrival to Malacca so sleep is needed. Click HERE to find out how Malacca turns out.

Breakfast: A cup tea and 2 sandwiches in my cabin
Good morning gymnastics: Loading
Lunch: Meat and sandwiches
Snacks: Cookies every now and then
Dinner: Some meat and 2 sandwiches with cheese, really no time for dinner
Constitutional: Loading


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