May 2007

Friday 11 th of May 2007 and my alarm went of at 6 o'clock5 hours until departure,but I want to be at the airport in good time because I want a good seat on the plane. Also when you are flying Thai from FUNKY TOWN you need to be there in good time, there are millions of people checking in at Thai.

I had a pot of tea and a " Oatmeal surprise
" for breakfast. OK, its Friday so I put a wee bit of honey in my Surprise . A quick shower and I were in a taxi just afterSuvarnabhumi Airport7 o'clock.

I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived toSuvarnabhumi AirportThai Airways check in, no people and I had my aisle seat after 5 minutes. 20 minutes later I was sitting on my favorite place at the airport.

The serve tea in a pot, no running around with a cup and tea bags. Just to sit down with the pot enjoying the WIFI. It's amazing how many airports in the world that don't have WIFI. Somewhat frustrating when I want to kill some time and upload the latest news for you to read.

We arrived to Shanghai at 1630 and just after 5 o'clock I was in my driver's car. I had stopped to by 2 Diet Drinks before we got to his car so I was set to go.

We left the airport with smoking and screaming tires. The ship is at a ship yard in

I asked my driver about the night life in the town.
- Youngerr!
- Yeah, I know I'm young!
- Youngrrr!
I realized that his English left a little more to wish for.
- Women! Younger! Very very
OK, I got his point and I really didn't want to experience something like my TAXI ride to Rotterdam last autumn again.
- China very very very car, my driver said.
- China very very very, he said while rubbing his thumb against his index finger, theinternational sign for money.
And once again.....
- Youngerrrr! Very very
OK, I realized that I had to find out about the night life myself. But I think it will be too late tonight. I expected to be onboard around 10 o'clock in the evening, after the Immigration formalities and stuff.

It was pitch dark, not a light to be seen in windows. I was puzzled, is this because they are saving energy? Can't be,because there is lighted ads all along the highway and when we pass some big houses they are all decorated with colour full lights. But from the windows there are no lights at all.

We arrived to the city of Jingyai just after 8 o'clock and I was up for a surprise. We stopped at Jingyai New Hotel (I think this was the name) and obviously I had to stay overnight.
I had checked in and I went to my room for a shower. Around 8 thirtyI was ready to take on the town. I went to the girl in the reception.
- Where is the place to go if I want to let my hair down?
- You want Disco Pub or bim pub?
- Bim??!! What is a bim pub
- Uh! Bir pub.
- OK, I understand, I take the disco pub.
- We call a taxi for you.

The driver took me to a disco and I paid him 1 dollar for the ride. I had not been eating since long and I stepped in on a tea house next to the disco. After a few minutes with waitress coming with menus with all the different kind of tea they had they understood that I wanted something to eat.

There was a buffet style dinner and I didn't recognize anything and I hardly had the nerves to lift the lids to the different pots. I was afraid to be attacked by a snake or to find something that makes me lose my appetite. But I found fried rice and something that smelled like meatballs.

When I was finished in the tea house I stepped in to the disco next door andI was soon having a beer in front of me.

There were plenty people and the music was blasting high and as the only European everyone wanted to have a drink with me and I was soon more than a little drunk.

Saturday 12 th of May 2007 and I woke up with a what we call Tolvans Fyllesjuka in Skåne when the phone rang at 0845. Oj oj, rejält bagoma full
- I come and pick you up in 15 minutes!
- No you're not! Come in 1 hour, I said.
I hang up and I took a fist fullof B-12 vitamins, each tablet contains 17000% of recommended daily intake and now I must have had millions of %.
I praised my decision to buy water before returning to my hotel earlier this morning andI had four bottles of water that I was pouring down my throat.
I had managed to buy real water, once in Tokyo I bought water before returning home 5 o'clock in the morning. When I woke up I opened one of the bottles and I took a gulp of the water. I had to spit it right out, it tasted terrible and obviously at was flavoured with some strange fruit.

I had time for a Chinese breakfast and a shower before our Agent picked me up. I don't think they have had many European guests at this hotel. The only thing I recognized on the breakfast table was fried rice and I had a small plate together with something that looked like orange juice to flush it down.

First our Agent took me to the Immigration in his car that was full of my bags. He could not open the trunk and I was riding to the Immigration with all my bags in his very small car while waiting for my B-12s to kick in.

After Immigration we went to the custom and then to the ship at Chengxi Shipyard. The shipyard is full of ships and I had to climb over three big ships to come to Marimba. From the last bulk carrier it was just a bamboo ladder down to Marimba. Well, just the sight of it made me dizzy. I don't like heights and the hangover just made it worse, and still no sign of the B-12s kickin' in.

I was onboard just after 11 o'clock and the ship was full of people and it took me a while to find the Chief Officer. I knew our Captain from before but it took me a few hours to realize from where. Well, anyway, I soon had three cases of Diet Drinks in my cabin.

They are coating our cargo tanks and deck is stinking of paint. Even the accommodation is stinking of paint, but I think about the poor bastards doing the paint job. They come from the country side, working for 50 US a month and no fresh air mask and no protecting gas mask, just a cheap dust filter. They can't be living very long before they gets cancer and die.
Well, when they are dead sick just carry them out. No one wants' to see this people lying around.
- Sending them to hospital? Are you joking? Who cares about this people? It's their own fault that they are hungry and poor.
Just throw them on the rubbish heap and that will be a nice monument over economicalgrowth and progress and find some new hungry people on the country side.

Well, after a few hours in Chief Officer's cabin talking about the good old time with Captain, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer I returned to my cabin. I had a little something to write on my page before going to bed.

I was feeling quite OK, I think the B-12 vitamins worked. They told me that I didn't look like I had a hangover and I didn't feel as bad as I'm used to. So maybe the B-12s was a good investment.

I found out that there had been something wrong with my memory card in my camera when I started with my page. So you will never have to see the pictures of my driver, hotel and you will be happy to miss the picture of my bed sheets when I woke up at the hotel this morning. I had felt asleep with my snus and the sheets were all black. No worries, I had to pay 20 Scooby dollars when I checked out and the whole incident was forgotten.

Sunday 13 th of May 2007 and I woke up at 0845. We have a meeting in our conferenceChief Officer's officeroom at 9 with the Ship yard. I had a shower andOur CCRI made it in time.

We will get the latest SAAB radars onboard and a new state of the art bubble gauging system for our ballast tanks, bunker tanks and draft sensors. They work all over the ship and she willInspector always busybe very nice when we leave the shipyard.

They have stopped the blastering of theCaptaincargo tanks because we wait for paint from Singapore to be delivered.
As you understand we don't want to blaster the tanks before we are sure to have the paint onboard.

I spent the day with the Chief Officer and one of the Inspectors from Laurin Maritime. When I came onboard yesterday he recognized me.
- I meet you on Barcarolle, he said.
I didn't recognize him, but he was the off signing 1st Engineer when I came in Panama. He recognized me but I didn't recognize him, but I'm getting used to it.
Busy river, millions of ships passing
We also spent much time waiting, they told us that we would shift to the dry dock toPoop deckpaint the hull and take out the propeller shaft around lunch time.TANKER's Inspectors on the sceneThen it became between 1 and 2 and it was no surprise that the clock was over 3 o'clock when we left for the dry dock.

When we came to the dry dock we had to wait for the dock to be ready and it was almost 7 when we were in the dock.
But I had time for dinner while waiting for them to be ready with the dry dock.
Entering dry dock
Entering dry dock
Entering the dry dock
We had filled up FP and 2DB with ballast before entering the dry dock to keep a trimMeeting in the conference roomof about 2m. As soon as we were in the dock we had to start discharging the ballast and this took a few hours. The conference room was full of people, paint inspectors, Superintendents and crew.

It was almost 10 o'clock whenCaptain, Chief OfficerI could finally leave for my cabin and my shower with a quick stop for a Diet Drink in Chief Officers cabin with the Captain and Chief Engineer.

We talked about the good old times when suddenly the fire alarm went off, false alarm. They are working in the engine room and the fire alarm went off. Before going to bed I spent about 1 hour on my web page and I was very tired so not very much happened on my web page during that hour.

Monday 14 th of May 2007 and I woke up quarter to nine again. I must go ashore and buy myself an alarm clock as soon as possible.

Well, I started the day to copy all my music from my iPod to the server and now IOn the dry dockhave plenty music at the office. We also had time to order paint before lunch.

They had grit blasted the hull during the night and they started to paint the first layer during the morning. Our propeller was off after a few hours in the dock andIn the dry dockeverything goes very quick. But the first layer of paint was no good and the Jotun Inspector wanted the shipyard to redo the first layer. He called for an early meeting tomorrow and we see what happens.

We had an appointment with the Ship Chandler to pick us up at 1 o'clock for a shopping tour on town. Well, 1 o'clock became 3 o'clock and Captain, Chief Engineer, our Cook and I leftIn the dry dockwith him in his very small car. He had to open the sunroof so I could sit upright.

We started to buy furniture and we stopped at a big building with plenty furniture shops inside We bought chairs for our conference room and the crews cabins. We also bought someNot a big cartables and chairs to our offices. When we were ready we went to the next building and we bought vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, tea machines and plenty other stuff.

I went next door to buy an alarm clock and a pair of jogging shoes. I had forgottenMy red shoesmy red shoes at home, the very same pair I bought in Rome last autumn.

We were back onboard just in time for dinnerBuying furnituresand after dinner we spent some time in the conference room. I was soon in Captain's cabin drinking a Diet Drink. While sitting there I decided to go for a walk. At 2030 I took a shower and I donned my iPod and I left the ship.

The gate is a 20-30 minutes' walk from the dry dockand just outside the gate is a street with shops and bars. Yeah, you know the kind. Happy Bar, Lucky Bar, Jolly Rogers Bar and Susie's Bar. Seaman's shops and Seaman's club.

Yeah, it doesn't take much imagination to figure out was kind of bars it was.
I got suspicious already when passing the gate.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going for a haircut.
- You need a haircut??!! You have very short hair!

Well, anyway, I bought a few DVDs in a shop and I asked for a barber shop. One of the girls walked with me to the barber shop and I had a new navy cut in a jiff.

When we came back to the shop there was nothing stopping Mama San.
- Have a drink in my bar!
- Do you have Diet Drink?
- No, have a beer!
- Do you have Diet Pepsi?
- No, Chinese wine is very good! It's my birthday and I will cut the cake for you.
Well, I had a glass of water in the shop and I bought a glass of Chinese wine for the girl that took me to the barber shop.

It took me 40 minutes to walk back to the ship, I had the same black shoes I had in Rome last autumn and they were the reason for me to buy the red shoes. I thought they should be better the more I used them, but obviously those shoes are for TAXI only.

Tuesday 15 th of May 2007 and I woke up just after 7. Good, today at 8 they will startOn bridge decktaking out the anchor chain in the dry dock.

Well, I was looking forward to yet another boring day at the Shipyard. When they called me for this job I were under the impression that we were about to leave the shipyard.
- We are installing bubble system and latest version of SAAB tank radar.
I was up for a shockwhen I stepped onboard the ship. Blaster grits over the whole ship and equipment spread all over deck. They did a wee bit more than changing SAAB and installed bubble system

Finally the clock became 7 and I could go for a shower. I'm going ashore to get me a pair of shoes, size 46 and I hope I can upload my web page at the same time.

Captain and I left just after 8 o'clock and when we were outside the gate I went for the internet place and now you can enjoy the latest excitement from China. I found a pair of sneakers, size 46 at the internet shop so I bought a pair right off.

My Wal-Mart sandals leave more than a little to wish for so I checked out a pair in the internet place as well. They only had size 12, way too big and I left to check out the other places.

Yesterday when I was looking for a postcard to send to my language Teacher they gave me a name card in the first shop and a pair of jeans in the second shop. Well, the jeans guy gave me the same pair of jeans today when I asked for sandals. Every time I pass his darn shop he is coming running with his jeans, maybe the only thing in his shop that would fit me??

I also received e-mail from Captain and Chief Engineer on Barcarolle, Chief Engineer is still onboard but Captain is back home for holiday. when I was ready with the internet and when I had bought my shoes I left for the Captain.
- One Diet Drink, please.
- We don't have Diet Drinks.
I went with the owner to the supermarket and I bought 2 bottles of Diet Pepsi and we returned to the bar. Our Chief Officer arrived around 10 o'clock and I went to buy the sandals at the internet place.

Wednesday 16 th of May 2007 and I was back onboard just after midnight with a pair of new shoes and a pair of sandals.

We have some new steel in Slop tank Port and I asked out Bosun to grit blaster the newShipowner's daughtersteel so we could get some paint on before they removed the scaffold in the tank. We have a big blaster onboard but not enough air so we had to use a very small, hobby style grit blaster.

Just after 4 o'clock I went for a shower, first I had to have a long interview withChengxi Shipyardthe ship owner's daughter, she is onboard to check the ship. I'm going to the town to do a little sightseeing with the off signing Chief Officer he is leaving tomorrow and he need some souvenirs. Maybe we can find a nice restaurant, hopefully something a wee bit swankier than the tea house I went to when I arrived.

Well, as I said we left for the shower (he in his cabin and I took a shower in my cabin) just after 4. At 1630 I was knocking on his door the first time and 1645 the second time. When I opened the door for the second time I could hear that the off signing Chief Officer was in the shower.

I returned to my cabin and my web page thinking:
- What the .....??!! It will be dark before he is ready and we will miss all the sights.
Well, I returned to my cabin and my web page and when I opened the door 5 minutes after 5 he was ready.
- What the BIP !! I thought you were dead, I said.

We walked to the gate and we took a TAXI to the city. First stop was for a milkshake.
City of Jiangyai
Off signing Chief Officer was looking for a pair of jeans, our Mess man hadChinese department storewashed his jeans with something red so they are purple now. We passed a place and we finished our milkshakes on the square before entering the shop.

When we entered the shop the shop assistants were looking at me in disbelieves.
- No way we have any trousers that fit him!

Well, it was impossible to find a pair of trousers that our off signing Chief Officer could wear and we left the place. Next stop, a department store across the street and we were looking for tea mugs for me. The only thing reminded of tea mugs were a jug with a handle and I bought two.

While they found a cardboard box for me to carry the jugs in I bought two pillows. With our hands full we looked for a taxi and after asking 4 drivers we found a guy that knew 3 English words. We knew an Italian restaurant next to a hotel and we had to askDinnerfor the hotel, no way we knew the name of the street.

1 dollar later we arrived to a fancy Italian restaurant and the manager was quite shockedwhen I told her that our off signing Chief Officer and I were a couple looking to adopt a baby in China.
We ordered anti pasta, spaghetti Carbonara and we finished the whole thing with a few pots of tea and cake.

When we left the Manager introduced me for the boss:
- Aladdin! (she had been busy interviewing me about my name and stuff during the dinner) This is the boss.
- Is she single? I asked

Thursday 17 th of May 2007 and our Chief Officer left us at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I moved in to his cabin. Nice to leave the nook where I have camped the last days.
My cabin
My new cabin
Before coming in to my cabin I enter a hall, a good place to have all my shoes and otherMy hallstuff that I don't care about having in my cabin.My hallThere is a big day room and a bed room with a desk, comes in handy when it's time to write a few words on the web page.

I don't have to mention DVD players and entertainment centres, pretty much standard, unless you work in STENA line. I know a 1st Engineer signing on STENA Primorsk, he came in to his cabin just to find nothing.
- You can go ashore buying your own stereo and put up some overtime.
All the STENA ships are very cheap and for the crew there is nothing and they can't find crew for their ships. The Seagoing Personnel Manager is calling the off signing crews crying:
- Please! You must tell me what's wrong with the ships. No one is coming back.

They spend millions on ads with fancy pictures in magazines. They even have Carolacoming by to showher tits in Stockholm. Fireworks and a marry-go-round. Deck Cadets singing the national anthem in fancy uniforms. Wall paper in the ship, are you crazy!
- The crew should be happy with a few pictures of STENA ships.
- Yeah, I don't think anyone have forgotten the drama I had with STENA's Seagoing Personnel Manager last Autumn.

Well, I'm happy to have moved in to a new cabin and I think I will stay onboard tonight enjoying a DVD with some of the chocolate I bought yesterday. Maybe I will go ashore to update my web page.
My cabin
My cabin
My cabin
Well, Captain and Chief Engineer are ashore eating dinner with the owner's daughter and the Superintendent. ship-owners daughter is buying dinner but I like to pay for myself so I choose to stay onboard.
Yesterday we ordered 3 anti pasta, main courses, 10 bags of garlic bread and cakes and stuff. I told off signing Chief Officer that I would not go to the dinner tomorrow, I like to pay for myself.

We ordered cheese platters and ham platters. If someone else is paying the will think:
- Look at farmer John! He is ordering two garlic breads, he takes the opportunity whenit's for free.

I remember representing with Willhelmsen and I ordered a bottle of water, the rest were drinking wine. I could see them thinking:
- Why is he drinking water? Is he a full blown alcoholic?
No, I'm not an alcoholic. Not yet, and seriously, I think I'm too old to become an alcoholic by now. But I always only drink water to food. I only drink alcohol when I want to get drunk, I don't like the taste of it. If I should enjoy a drink for the taste of it I drink: Water, Diet Drink (I try to give up) or tea.

I ordered a second bottle of water:
- Oh, look at the troglodyte! It's for free and he is drinking water like there is noNight actiontomorrow.
Well, I'm better off with my own money, everyone knowing me knows that I drink a lot of water and yesterday I ordered plenty bottles of EVIAN water.

Well, when I came out of my shower I got dressed and I took the walk to the gate. My iPod on full blast and I enjoyed my evening stroll. First stop was at the internet place and I uploaded my web page and I downloadedIce creamJAVA to the computer so I could log on to my internet bank.

When I was ready with the internet the girl asked if I wanted to buy more shoes .
- Very expensive shoes, I said.
- Very cheap shoes, she said.

I left the shop and there were 4 girls across the road screaming.Night time massageI crossed the street in two steps and soon one of the girls left to get us some ice cream, my money. While enjoying our ice creams talking about this and that one of the crew members from Marimba came by. Before soon one of the girls received massage and I realized that my ice cream wasn't much to put up against massage.

I left for the supermarket but it was closed. On the way to the supermarket I ran in to our Captain and Chief Engineer, they were just coming back from the dinner.

Friday 18 th of May 2007 and I was back onboard just after midnight. Passing theMidnight in Chinagate without showing any shore pass and the 20-30 minutes' walk to the dry dock. I have to show my shore pass before I'm allowed out on the pier.

Climbing the dry dock and I'm happy for my background as a commandoand my excellent physical fitness.

After all the climbing I reach my reward, my bed and all my pillows, six of them.Pillows
We all remember the pillows on VingaHelena, pure nightmare.

Well, I was in bed at 1 o'clock and I got out of bed at 0730. A shower and a Diet Coke before going to the mess room to make me a jug of tea. A little of our Cooks excellent bread and I was ready to take on the day. Well, not quite, ship yard and most of all I wanted to go home.
Dry dock
Dry dock
About to be ready in the dry dock
They were going to take the anchors back onboard during the day and at 11 they willHard workstart to fill up the ballast. I went down in the dry dock with theNot very impressiveCaptain to check our anchor chain.

They had put 53 new studs and numerous studs had been welded on the port chain and on starboard's chain there was only one stud missing that they had forgot to weld.

Well, Captain was not very impressed by the work.
- It's substandard! It's an outrage!
- It will rain studs all over the fo'c's'le next time we drop the anchor.
Dry dock
Dry dock
About to be ready in the dry dock
After lunch it was time to go ashore to inspect our cargo hatches. They have beenApprovedashore for welding in a workshop and we have to inspect and approve them before they send them for grit blasting and painting.

We have two electric mopeds and we were going to use them to get to the workshop.
- I will bring my money. I'm not sure I can get it to stop and we might end up in a ice cream shop, I said.
- Yeah, I go get my valet as well, Captain said.Hissing around

Inspection was done in a jiff and we were soon on the way to FANG FANG.

When we arrived it was just the owner's daughter and another girl looking like they were bored to death listening to some terrible Chinese music.

I bought 2 ice creams for me andIce creamCaptain and I tried to cheer up the girls by offering them some ice cream.
- Yeah, I think I'm better off offering them the ice cream.
Imagine if you're married to one of the girls in 20 years. For sure, they will remember that you didn't buy them ice cream and this is nothingyou want to be reminded about day after day for the rest of your life.

Well, anyway, soon the 4 of us were eating ice cream looking at our electric mopeds parked in the biker's corners outside.

Our electric mopeds didn't improve our biker image, quite the opposite. Our bikesBikers cornercomes in handy on occasions like this but thenyou have to take that people are pointing at you laughing at you along the road to your destination.

And seriously, I don't understand why they are laughing.
- Hmm, maybe it's not about my vehicle they are laughing?

I have seen some strange doodah on wheels in this country and GREEN DRIVING ?ECO drivingNever heard of in this country.

Well, FANG FANG's daughter called her mother and told her that we were waiting. While Captain and I were waiting for FANG FANG her daughter and the other girl were scratching on me.

When FANG FANG arrived we ordered some uniform shirts and she called a Tailor. He took our measurementsWaitingand it must have looked funny when the Tailor took my measurement. 1 Tailor measuring and two girls scratching. Well, we will pick up the shirts in 4 days.

My white shirts are very dirty and 5 new shirts will improve my looks by more than a little.

We returned to the ship and it was soon time to take onboard our anchors. At the same timeSleeping like a princethey lifted onboard our spare anchor and around 6 o'clock we started to fill ballast. They say that we will leave the dry dock tomorrow morning at 5. I really hope that they are delayed until 8 or something.

It took us about 5 hours to fill the ballast through fire hoses over top and we were ready around 11 o'clock and I was in my bed with my pillows around midnight.
- Pssst, I wonder how long it takes until I get the first reaction from J about all the pictures of my pillows.

Saturday 19 th of May 2007 and MOTHERFÅNKER, I was tired when they called at 0515.
- Stand-by for leaving the dry dock.
When we were afloat we checked all ballast tanks and for leaks. We started our power packs and deck was checked for leaks.

I'll be darned! Before coating our cargo tanks they had removed all cargo pumps andhydraulic lines. EXCEPT in 3 PORT. Pump was out but the hydraulic line was not removed neither was it blinded properly and during work on deck someone had opened the valve. 200 litreEarly morninghydraulic oil in our freshly coated tank, no problem with the coating, but they want us to load Ethanol after the shipyard and we don't need this extra cleaning. What do I say?

We shifted the ship a few hundred meters and againI'm not bothering going ashorewe were ship no four from the jetty. A staple course to get ashore and I don't even want to think about coming back 4 o'clock in the morning after 2 bottles of vodka.

Our by now for a few days missing ship chandler arrived justBusy spending moneybefore lunch and we could place a few orders.

I went for a power nap at 1400 and my alarm was set to go off at 3, well, 5 o'clock I went out of bed. Believe itMoving Captains sofaor not, I spent the afternoon dreaming about shoes.

Around 1930 our Pilot came onboard for shifting us. They were going to put a big crane behind us so all ships had to move 60Moving Captains sofa, power tools is requiredmeters forward. We had to move and we stayed outside another ship until they had changed all the other three ships.

We were moored with 2 lines and 2 tugs holding us at place while they shifted the other ship. Our Captain, Chief Engineer and I started toSaturday night actionmove down Captains new sofa. It was delivered to the bridge by crane and we had to take the darn thing down one deck. It was big, but the small part were soon in his cabin, well, it took quite a while. We had to take down door frames and stuff to be able to move the first part. Soon we were 6 - 8 people carrying, our Cook, Mess men, Motormen and Bosun, quite a crowd.

Second part of the sofa was tot big even with the doors and door frames off and we decided to continue the work tomorrow. When we are ready we have to move Chief Engineer's sofa as well. At was almost midnight when it was time to move back and the whole operation was finished around 2 o'clock in the morning.

Sunday 20 th of May 2007 and I was in bed around 2 o'clock, but I was up at 0730 with a smile on my face. Yet another day on Chengxi Shipyard and I doubt it will bring Steeplechase course any joy. We still have to climb three ships to reach the jetty and the Chinese are happy to have a unlimited access to cheap labour. We started to paint our last cargo tanks and they were carrying the paint buckets on their shoulders over the steeplechase course to reach us.

Well, staying onboard means saving money. And seriously, I need sleep after late Steeplechase course nights and early mornings so I plan to go to bed early tonight. I'm also behind on my language courseShiftingand my web page, plenty to do and no time.

Well, just after 5 o'clock the pilot came onboard. Time to shift again, this time back to the dry dock. We will be moored outside the dry dock opposite of the dry dock we used. That means that it will be easier to go ashore and upload my web page. Well, we missed our dinner and we had all fast again around 7 o'clock.
Plenty ships
Plenty ships
Chengxi shipyard
Well, we had to do a little bit of cleaning in cargo tank 3 Port after the mishap withPlenty shipsthe leaking hydraulic line. First we sprayed the areaTank cleaningwith degreaser and then we flushed it with fresh water.

We have a very good crew and we were ready around 9 o'clock and our night watch mopped the pumpTank cleaningwell during the night watch. Well, anyway, when we were ready it took me 2 steps and I was sitting in Captains new sofa with a cold Diet Drink in my hand.

Well, I must give up the Diet Drink stuff. People think the can is attached to my hand. I hear the question “How many Diet drinks are you drinking every day?” way too many times. The only answer I have to come up with is:
- I'm about to give up

I was tired and I was off to my cabin when I had finished my diet drink. I was even too tired to write anything on my web page and I was soon asleep.

Monday 21 st of May 2007 and I overslept. I went to bed just after 10 o'clock yesterday and I woke up at 0820. Well, things are slowly coming back to place. They have started to clean deck and lift of some of the equipment. They still have 3 cargo tanks to paint and then they will grit blast our deck.

I got confirmation that they will send 15 rolls of snus to me from Sweden and they think it will be in Shanghai next Wednesday that means f... all, from Shanghai to here it can take ages. But I will have it before departure and I'm in a good mood.

Well, after dinner I was off to my cabin and my web page. I finished the lastfew days on my web page while listening to P3 Hip Hop. I don't know howRecording P3 Hip Hopmany of the radio shows I have on my computer, but it's not too may, that's for sure. I always record some of the shows on internet and then it's just to make MP3 files and load it to your media player.

When I was ready with my web page I went for a shower and when I came out from the shower I finished the movie I and theoff signing Chief Officer started to see last week. I also have the TOBLERONEchocolate left since we were shopping in town so it looks like it will be a nice evening. Well, it's a setback for my diet, but what the heck!

Tuesday 22 nd of May 2007 and I woke up to yet another day on Chengxi Shipyard. There are a fewWhen are we leaving?people from the shipyard shovel blaster grits and I also saw a few people doing some welding, otherwise not much action.

But the deck crew are kickin' behinds and we are lucky to have a Deck Fitter. He is busy welding all day long and this Fitter is one of the best I have ever seen in work.

Our Pump man also knows how to handle a welding machineIn my officeand he is busy all day long as well. Our Bosun is a real a.. kicker and I'm busy just to keep them busy. But it's a pleasure to see the progress on deck.

We got a delivery just when it was time for dinner and I was a little late for dinner. I have planned to go ashore to the internet place tonight and I will take the opportunity to see if my new shirts fit.

I got a Diet Drink and 15 shirts, Captain, Chief Engineer and I ordered 5 each. I also managed to upload my web page and I loaded my Swedish SIM card on the internet.

Wednesday 23 rd of May 2007 and it was raining when I woke up. The ship yard isA gloomy and grey daydoing a half-heartedly clean up of deck and it's going very slowly forward.

I had planned to have our fitter to weld the heating coil in 4 STB cargo tank. It started Monday afternoon when our Norwegian paint inspector said that there was a hole in the heating coil in 6 STB. I went down with our Fitter to investigate.Neither I nor our very experienced Fitter could find any hole even though the paint inspector told us that he had marked the place with red and white.
- Are you sure it's in 6 STB? I asked.
- 1000000% sure!

I went down to the tank again and this time I brought the Norwegian paint inspector with me. Once again we came up with zip and our Belgian paint inspector went down. we spent one afternoon just to find out that no one was sure in what tank it was.
- Maybe it's in 5 STB?
- I heard 2 or 3 Port, someone said.

Well, anyway, today they said that it was in 4 STB and I asked the shipyards safety guy if we could do hot work in 4 STB. He just disappeared and I asked the other shipyard people in the dirty mess about the hot work. They were just sitting there with a stupid grinon their face.
- No No
But the best was the safety guy, just disappearing. Later on I told our paint inspectors that we were not allowed to do any hot work. One of the Chinese guys from the dirty mess was with them. I don't know how he had managed to get the stupid grin of his face, but now it was no problem welding.

As you understand I skipped the welding, yes and no and no one knows. Well, we knowOn the way to the Hotel Shuttlewho gets the shit when the shit hits the fan.- It was Chief Officer sending his people to weld! We told him not to do it!

We had a guy arriving from TRANSAS in Sweden during the day and he will install our VPR on the bridge. A kind of black box as they have on air planes, so from now on we have to be careful andOn the way to the Hotel Shuttlethink twice before we say something stupid on the bridge.

I decided to go ashore and have some Italian food on the very same restaurant I had the dinner with the off signing Chief Officer. The shipyard has a shuttle service from the shipyard to the hotels for the foreigners living on hotels in town. So IOn the Hotel Shuttletook the 1820 bus to New Life Hotel or whatever the name is and the Italian restaurant is just across the street.

After my dinner I went for a walk and it was like in India, no lights except for a few naked lightJiangyaibulbs in some hole in the wall styled shops. I tried to figure out the rules of theroads while walking down the streets, but I never managed to figure it out.
- Are they driving on the right or left side??!!
JiangyinWell, I got tired off the place and I stopped a taxi.
- Chengxi Shipyard?
I was surprised when the driver said yes and I jumped in to the car
- Hmm, jumping!?!? It was more like I was worming my way in to the back seat.

When we arrived to the street leading to the shipyard I asked the driver to stop and I paid him 18 Scooby Doo dollars. I could see the sky line of Jiangyai and it was all dark, not a light to be seen in the sky scrapers.

On my way to the gate I stopped in a convenient store and I bought a BATH BRUSH. I was looking for one with a handle but they didn't had one. Next stop was FANG FANG to buy a pair of shoes. (My new ones are almost destroyed after walking in all the dirt on deck)

I got instant use of my BATH BRUSH, true to my habit I toldMy new shoesthem not to put my tiny BATH BRUSH in a plastic bag in the shop andI'm brushedwhen I came to FANG FANG one of the girls took my brush and started to brush me.

They brought me a stool (The stool I used yesterday capsized) and FANG FANG brought me different shoes while I was brushed, a service I miss in Sweden.
But as I said, poverty and starvation.

On my way back to the ship I meet half the crew on the way ashore.

Thursday 24 th of May 2007 and I don't look forward to yet another day at theGood morning happyshipyard. Raining again and well, it's good for me. We can get more stuff ready before they start grit blasting the deck. They will put in 60 nozzles so it will be over in a few hours.

Our Fitter and one AB were busy on the bridge with the Technician from TRANSAS and the deck crew was busyUpgrading the bridge with the latest irritantson deck. I tried to get down in 5 DB to get a picture of the new bubble system pipe.

I was lucky to have our Bosun with me. They had put the ladder in the middle of the manhole so I could not even worming my way in. Our Bosun got the pictureIn the hell holeand we could leave the hell hole.

They said that they were putting back our P/V valves after lunch, but it was changed until tomorrow morning. It's nice when bits and pieces are coming back in place and we can start to see the end of this.

I spent the evening in my cabin watching movies and writing on my web page. The only thing I need to do now is to get started with my language course. Well, maybe tomorrow when I have been ashore uploading my web page.

Friday 25 th of May 2007 and I woke up to yet another gloomy and grey day and I can't say that I'm looking forward to it. The shipyard told me yesterday that theyWork in full swingwould be here between 8 and 0830 to put back out P/V valves.

I was there but they didn't showed up until a couple ofDon't forget the helmethours late and they managed to put back one P/V valve before they went for lunch.

Three workers on two three inch pipes carry and lifting a big P/V valve. I don't know how heavy the P/V valve is, but it's noting youDon't forget the helmetjust carry under your arm. No one were using safety belt (Helmet was on all the time) and they were slipping all the time and I had to look away. I really don't need to see someone falling down with a splash on deck to make my day miserable.

I can't take any gory horror movies and a pool of blood on deck would just make me sick, well, as J use to say: SAFETY FIRST and if you forget you helmet they will put you in jail withFitter in full swingrefrigerator stand-by for your kidney. When there is a Hong Kong millionaire needing a kidney they just hand you a death sentence. Dollarschanging hand and your kidney will be in Hong Kong in a jiff.

Well, our Fitter is busy on the bridge and when he is finish there we have to throw him right down the pump room to our ODME. We have a steam line to one ofPump man in full swingour heating coils that needs to be replaced and I had to do a castling and I put our Pump man on the steam pipe.

I'm very lucky to have two excellent Fitters on deck and believe me, we need them. The rest of the deck crew were cleaning our double bottoms, plenty old welding rods and pipes and debris left after the shipyards work. I hope we can start with some of the cargo tanks tomorrow. Slowly things are getting back to its places.

Delayed, when I came onboard they said that we would leave around the 28th and then it was maybe 4th of June and now they are talking 8 or 9th of June.
Plenty time to upload my web page and to take care of my internet banking, I had planned to go ashore tonight for the internet. But honestly, I don't know if I can find the energy.
- Pssst, I got a few chocolate bars of Captain and I might stay in watching a video.- Hmm, maybe going ashore buying a new BATH BRUSH isn't a very bad idea.

DARN! It's Friday and a beer would be nice. I checked my stash of B-12 vitamins.B-12 vitaminsPlenty, good, I changed and I went ashore. First stop was the internet place. Next stop was for a beer and I ended upNight life in Chinain a discoin the city. Actually I went to two different discos, but the first was almost empty and I left.

But I was back onboard in a good time, I'm getting to old for this running around town all night long. There will be a long day tomorrow but now at least I have showed the crew that I can have a drink without being drunk for 3 weeks.

People always get suspicious when I tell them that I don't drink.
- I wonder why, is he an alcoholic? They are thinking only seeing me drinking tea and Diet Drinks.

Saturday 26 th of May 2007 and don't think we need any comments about the morning.- Hmm, B12 vitamins, must be God's gift to the mankind.

Well, I heard a rumour about complaints about my web page on town and I asked our Superintendent. The company don't like me to have their logo on the internet and to mention the name.

There had been complains from Barcarolle from the crew that they had been on the internet.
- ??!!!!

Everyone knows about my web page and during the years I only had one or two crew members telling me that they don't want to be on the internet and I thus I didn't put any pictures of them. On Barcarolle it was no secrets about my web page and when I took the group picture everyone was aware of that this was for internet.
- Now you're on internet! I said when I had taken the picture.

The Pilipino crew use to send the address to their wives so they can see what's going on onboard.

On Barcarolle we had a 1st Engineer that told me that his wife liked to web page and I told him to send e-mail to his wife every time I had uploaded the darn thing. He was also in my cabin checking my web page. The 2nd 1st Engineer we had been so enthusiastic so I had to refuse uploading some of the pictures he wanted to upload. This has happened on other ships as well with other crew members

Our Engine Cadet was in my cabin every other day asking to check my web page.

Captain gave me pictures to put on the web page, remember the crocodile? And our Chief Engineer knew all about my webpage. Actually he was so interested so we registered a domain for him. We did it just before I signed off but we had agreed that I would help him with his web page next time onboard. Now it will not be a next time, but maybe it could be worth checking out his page anyway, .

Well, is off the air until next ship. Then I will be back with the flag in top and logos and all the stuff you have got used to during the years.
But until then.....

- Pssst, do come back every now and then to check out my page for surprises and to keep the counter spinning

Well, I'm back on Marimba after a few days on M/T Pride of Skåne, but you will never have to read anything about that ship. I never made it ashore to upload my web page. After hearing the rumour about the complaints on my web page I sent an e-mail to our Boss in Houston. He called me back 31st of May and I had a chat with him. It seems to be a very sympathetic and pleasant man ( Old EX sailor)

He told me that one of the crew members from Barcarolle had complained on the last meeting in Sweden. So I asked who it was and I will remove him. This is the policy on, but why complains at a big company meeting when he could have told me on the ship. - Did I hold a gun to his temple?
He also told me that I was allowed to use Laurin's name and logo, but there had been a cargo telex on my page.
- I will take a look and remove it, but I can't recall any cargo telex. But I will take a look, I said.

He also asked me to put back Laurin's funnel mark, even though the flag of Skåne is very beautiful.

Monday 28 th of May 2007 and I woke up to a full refrigerator. My snus arrivedFresh snus from Swedenyesterday and now there is not any more space in my fridge.

Our Agent came onboard yesterday and he had my snus with him together with the mail and some other parcels.

Well, yet another day at the shipyard and the crew is kickin' behinds like there is no tomorrow. Our Pumpman is putting back all the dogs on the cargo and BW hatches. Our Fitter is busy with foam monitors, ventilators and cargo pipe.

We have two more days before they will start the grit blaster of our deck and then I will have to find job for the crew on the superstructure. Don't worry, there is plenty to do.

One of our OS has his birthday and the crew asked me if I wanted to join them for dinner. They had a reservation on one of the restaurants outside the gate on KINGs ROAD.

Before we left I made some placard about internet and now I hope I don't getback stabbed by people complaining about being on my web page. Hell, has never been a secret.
Well, once I was reported to the Swedish Data Inspection Board by Captain Fylle PelleOn the dry dockwhen I left Astoria. But it's in the public interest to know about that incident.

Well, anyway, it's a birthday party ashore and I got dressed in a nice shirt and when the crew was ready just before 9 o'clock we left the ship.

I was walking with the Bosun, 2nd Officer and theBirthday boy had forgotten his shore passbirthday boy. I asked if any of them had any problem with being on my web page.
- No!
Just to be sure I handed them my fresh from the printer placards. Now I just have to work my way through the crew (Of course just the crew wanting to be on the internet) with a placard. Then I canOn the internetthrow those stupid things away.

Well, we were 15 of the crew members eating a nice dinner. Pilipino styled dinner and there was hundreds of different Chinese dishes and I had the guts to try 1 or 2. (Just a little, I'm on diet)

But we only paid 60 US for the dinner, about 4 US perThe gangman so it was OK. Well, after the dinner I bought some chocolate and I was back onboard just after 11. It's a long day tomorrow that I have to keep in mind.

I was a sleep in a jiff and so far I havehad no use of my language course that I brought with me. But I will soon attend to my books again. Well, at least I will refresh a little writing during my lunch break and I hope I will start any day now. But I can't find the energy when I'm coming to my cabin after lunch.

Tuesday 29 th of May 2007 and our Bosun told me that he gave my web address to his wife yesterday and that she would check it out ASAP.

Well, at 5 o'clock I went for a shower and I will meet our guy from TRANSAS in the conference room. We have planned to go to the Italian restaurant later on for a dinner.
I was in the conference room 10 minutes before 6.
Shopping- Shall we go? I asked.
- We have plenty time. The shuttle is not leaving until 1820, he said.
He changed his mind 3 seconds later.
- Let's go, we can shop for souvenirs on KINGs ROAD, he said.
- Yeah, we take a taxi to town instead, I said.

We walked to KINGs ROAD and when we were ready withAt the hotel lobbyour shopping we took a taxi to his hotel.
- I take a Diet Drink in the bar while you take a shower, I said.
He left for his room and I took a Diet Drink in the lobby bar waiting. When I got my diet drink I asked for the bill.
- 70 Scooby Dollars!
Yoo! This was not cheap and I had no money. The Technician and I tried to get money out of the ATM at the shipyard gate, but the machine was out of order.
I handed her my VISA card and she came back with the slip, 17 Scooby Dollars. Well, I would have been able to handle that bill with the cash I had in my valet.
When our Technician came down in the lobby we left for an ATM before we went to the Italian restaurant.

Wednesday 30 th of May 2007 and today our Bosun came to me on the catwalk.
- My wife liked your web page very much. She was impressed.
- That was nice to hear! I said.
It was also very nice when I heard that Broström Tanker recommend their Captains and Chief Engineers to visit my page when they are on meetings at Broström's HQ.

It was also nice when my friend at INTERTANKO in London told me that he visited my web page every time he missed the life at sea.

Our Bosun told me that his wife had seen all the pictures of him. She liked the picture of him in 5 DB. She said it was a very big web site and too much to read in one day and she will be back to read more.

Well, when I came to my cabin for a diet drink I meet our Mess man and he alsoIn my cabinwanted to be on internet. I handed him my placard and as you see his on the internet now.

I and Captain went to the bridge before lunch and we marked everything that we will throw away with white spray paint. We got two big garbage bins today and we have plenty garbage to throw away. M/T Pride of Skåne will be like new when we are ready here and the Skåne flagwill fly proudly.

I also asked Captain about the procedures whenvisiting a Doctor. My ankle looks like a football and I'm not sure if I can make it many more days.Maybe I have to sign off M/T Pride of Skåne, but I will see if there is any improvements until Monday. Otherwise I'm off to see the Doctor and maybe I'm in FUNKY TOWN soon.

We are pressure testing all our heating coils in the cargo tanks and to run up and down cargo tanks with an ankle like a football is no joke. But then, seeing the Doctor is not very fun either.

Finally the clock turned 5 and I was off to my cabin for a diet drink before dinner. They are busy lifting off the equipment from deck and when Captain and I took a tour on deck after dinner to watch the progress most of the stuff was off.

Well, I have to disappoint you, I'm staying onboard tonight. My foot need some rest,Hard workin'otherwise I would have been ashore uploading my web page. Our Bosun must have been telling them about his wife visiting my web page, now they ask when they can send the address to their wives.

Energy or not, pain in the foot or not, Bosun called me just after 7 and it was time to check the heating coils in 4 STB.
- Chief! Here is someone asking about tank cleaning lines.
- I'm coming!
I had no clue of what he was talking about, tank cleaning line??!! Well, when I came downHard workin'it was my Chinese friend doing the pressure test of the heating coils.

They have a pump on the catwalk and the first thing I do is to check the manometer. We pressure test the coils with 7 Bars and the manometer should thus show 7. I just have to take their word for it, I don't know how much pressure there really is. You know, it saysHard workin'ROLEX on their wrist watches and ZIPPO on their lighter. Believe me, those things got nothing to do with ROLEX and ZIPPO so 7 on the manometer is no guarantee.

But it's 15 meter down to the bottom of the tank and 15 meter column of water is 1,5 Bar. Well, when I have checked the manometer I ask him to open the blind flanges on the return line. The heating coils are full of water and I have to check that there is water coming out of the return line. No use to have 7 bars in an emptyheating coil. Or if the coils are clogged e.g. at the opening of the pipe, then we have 7 bars in the pump and zip in the coils.
- OK OK, we got the picture already!

Then you can look for water leaks until you're bored to death without finding any water leaks. Well, when the return lines are checked I give theHard workin'manometer a quick glimpse, if it's still 7 bar I go down in the tank. When I'm back up I check the manometer again and it should be, yes, 7 bars.

We didn't found any leaks, but the coil was damaged. Most likely from when they took out the scaffoldingHard workin'from the tanks. My Chinese friend took some pictures of me. I also took one of him when opening the return line, but his English is, well, poor. So I'm not sure if he wants to be on the internet, so you will never know how he looks.

Our crew are busy on deck, our Fitter is all over the deck with his welding machine and I'm happy for every day they postpone the blaster of deck. 2 more days and most of the welding will be done on deck. Nice to get that blasted and painted when they do the rest of the deck.
Hard workin'
Hard workin'
Our Fitter kickin' behinds on deck

When I was ready with the tank it was definitely too late to go ashore. I went for a shower and a DVD. I bought some chocolate the other day so I have a little somethingHard workin'to munch on.

I will finish this chocolate and then it will be no more, I will start my diet. The only problem is our Cook, he is very good and I will do my best to avoid the food.

The DVD was another story. A very good movie, but the quality of the DVD was another story. After 30 minutes the movie was freezing and I had to FFW in order to get the movie going again. This worked most of the times, but sometimes you had to eject the DVD and start all over again by skipping chapters.

Somewhere halfway through the movie a previous chapter started all over again, withMovie nightout any interruption. A very smooth transition and first I thought that the character was dreaming. Well, soon I realized that something was seriously wrong and I skipped the chapter.

The last two chapters were impossible to watch. Freezing and the pixels were crystallizing and the whole viewing experience was nothing that I want to go through again.
Hell, even my chocolate tasted like BIP !

Thursday 31 st of May 2007 and last day of the month. I started the day by doing the deck crews working hours.

Working hours, this is not important any more. Now it's the rest hours that matters. I remember one Vetting and the Inspector asked for the rest hours.
- Captain has those, I said.
Later on Captain told me that the Vetting Inspector had looked puzzled when Captain told him that I had the working hours. So he had asked Captain for the working hours and those I have and he asked me for the rest ours and Captain have those.

After the coffee break at 10 our Boss from Houston called. After hearing the rumour about the complaints on my web page I sent an e-mail to our Boss in Houston. He called and it seems to be a very sympathetic and pleasant man ( Old EX sailor)

I told him that I had been frightened and threatened to be spanked. He told me not to listen to any rumours and that I could call him any time if I had any questions.
He told me that one of the crew members from Barcarolle had complained on the last meeting in Sweden. So I asked who it was and I will remove him. This is the policy on, but why complains at a big company meeting when he could have told me on the ship.
- Did I hold a gun to his temple?
He also told me that I was allowed to use Laurin's name and logo, but there had been a cargo telex on my page.
- I will take a look and remove it, but I can't recall any cargo telex. But I will take a look, I said.

He also asked me to put back Laurin's funnel mark, even though the flag of Skåne is very beautiful. I told him that it was just to send me an e-mail if there are any questions about my page. I'm always open for discussions and if there is a problem he can always reach me on e-mail.

He also asked if he could take some pictures from my web page and I told him that all the pictures on my web page are for everyone to use as they want. I have found my pictures on a few web pages, even Greenpeace have a few pictures that PAPA DADDY has taken.

But of course, if someone need a picture I can burn the original on a CD or if it'sMY DIET!!!!!!!only one I can send it by e-mail. I have burned many DVDs with pictures for crew members. But today it's more common that they just copy them to their computers.

I don't know what happen with the 31st of May 2007. The time turned very quick and it was soon time for lunch, Raggmunk. Our Kitchen crew was busy and I was a wee bit disappointed. Raggmunk, well, bynow we al know that it means a spoiled diet.
- HEY! Chef, Raggmunk is a typical Swedish dish but the Filipino Cooks are #1 to make them, I told our Cook.
It was the same on Barcarolle, our Cook made the best Raggmunks.

We are in a hurry on deck and I'm happy to have a GRADE-A crew on deck.On the poop deckOur Pumpman is busy putting back all the hatches on deck and our Deck Fitter is busy welding our cat walk.

Bosun is busy making a wooden box for the BW hatch toOn the poop deckcargo tank 1 P. Latest news is that they will start blaster on Sunday so we will have time to fix everything.

Well, what do you know? It started to rain and all welding on deck ceased.
- Just what I need!
On top of this they told me that they would start clean deck tonight and tomorrow they will wash deck to make it ready for blasting. No work on tank deck tomorrow and we have plenty to weld.

Well, Thursday the 31st of May 2007 went very quick and I have had almost no time even to drink a diet drink. Well, it's time to swing over to June .

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
links to the next page. So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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