The Grand Tour of Greenland - Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat

20JUL: On your own in Ilulissat

Day 10

This is originaly planned for the 23 of July, but they changed the program and we stay one day in Ilulissat before going to Eqi instead of when coming back from Eqi

Enjoy Ilulissat at your own pace! Go for a hike up in the mountains, capture the atmosphere of the town.

In the morning:
Master Explorer 95 min by air. (booked ok) We're flying over the calving glacier at Eqi. We explore the inland ice and the tundra. We also fly over the spectacular Ilulissat glacier and the ice fjord with giant ice bergs etc. Pris: 5 870

In the afternoon:
Helicopter tour to the glacier booked from the Thai restaurant in Qaqortoq

Monday 20 th of July 2015 and darn, I was tired when they called me at 6 o'clock in the morning. The flight is at 7 thirty and they will take us to the airport around 7 twenty. So I have time forMaster Explorer flight in Ilulissat with Air Zafariboth a hot shower and breakfast before we're leaving for the airport.

We were back at the hotel around midnight thirty after the sailing among iceberg trip. And looked at some pictures there have not been many hours of sleep. Well, I can sleep when I'm back home. It was me and the Swedish couple plus an old lady from Germany that was going on theMaster Explorer flight in Ilulissat with Air ZafariMaster Explorer flight. And as we all lived at Hotel Arctic there were no need to stop at any other places. We took off with smokin' and screamin' tyres.

We were soon passing the grave yard and then we could see Ilulissat airport below us. We entered the airport and our Pilot came to see us. We had a safety demonstration in the terminalMaster Explorer flight in Ilulissat with Air Zafaribefore walking over the tarmac to the plane. Of course, before leaving the terminal we had a look at a map to see our route.

Flying North from Ilulissat to the Eqi glacier and from there over the ice cap down to the Ilulissat glacier and we will fly along the Ilulissat Icefjord to Ilulissat. 90 minutes of action from the air.

We took our seats in the plane, I had the whole back seat for myself. But there wasn't very much space in the plane and I was kind of happy that we weren't having more than 90 minutes of air time. And I asked the pilot if the doors were expensive to make as there only was one door. Same when I were flying in Botswana, only one door and you have to crawl around in the plane to reach your seat.

He told me that it was an Italian built airplane and I was thinking “Oh my God” We were finally in the plane and we were soon taking off for our ice cap and glacier adventure.

Master Explorer

Air Zafari offers sightseeing from the air. All aircraft have large windows next to each seat – which makes it perfect for photography. A sound system blocks out the noise and creates the right mood on board.

Discover the calving Eqi glacier, the ice cap, the Greenland tundra, Ilulissat icefjord and wildlife on land and at sea.

Ilulissat Icefjord
Air Zafari offers a wide range of tourist flights in the Ilulissat area. The company’s aircraft have large windows next to each seat, giving you excellent visibility and the perfect opportunity to take spectacular photos.

Discover icebergs from the air. Air Zafari flies in large circles high above the vista of mighty and majestic icebergs.

The ice cap
The ice cap is a gigantic sheet of ice that is both impressive and awe-inspiring. Air Zafari will give you a good view of the ice cap.
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat
Master Explorer flight in Ilulissat

Pictures by Aladdin
Greenland - Be a Pioneer
Visit for more information about Air Zafari

We landed on Ilulissat Airport after about 90 minutes after take-off. So how was the flight, worth the money? Worth the money, yes. But just because I'm doing this once and I can as well see the glacier from above as well. After Eqi glacier we flew over the ice cap, boring, like an ice hockey rink. Bit with rivers and lakes by melt water and it was beautifully blue.

What made it worth the money was when the ice was going down the glacier, the ice cap was now going from pretty flat to a rocky formation of ice falling down from the ice cap. Deep cracks andIce capit was really interesting to see, and the ice cap. Impossible to understand how big it is. For as long as you can see and 3km thick. About 80% of Greenland is covered by the ice cap.

The glacier was very impressive with huge icebergs falling off the glacier. And yes, if you come here you should definitely take the flight to get the whole ice experience. So if you spend the money on coming here, do the full thing with flights and sailings and you will have seen everything.

We took a taxi back to the hotel and they will come to pick me up at 13:20 for transportation back to the airport. And this time it will be a glacier experience with the helicopter. And you ju2t need to click HERE to experience the helicopter flight over Ilulissat Icefjord and glacier.

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