Hangover in Nuuk

18JUL: Nuuk on your own

Day 8

With its approx. 15,000 inhabitants Nuuk is a metropolis in comparison with other towns in Greenland. TheMap of Greenland - Grönlandsresorconstruction industry thrives. Many new houses are built and the trade and restaurant life is lively. You should consider a visit to the cultural center Katuaq, the open market (brættet), the old town and colonial port and the national museum where the famous mummies from Uummannaq are exhibited.

Nuuk’s art museum is also worth a visit – the permanent exhibition includes many paintings by the renowned painter Emanuel A. Petersen (1894 to 1948).

Your guide will arrange a guided town tour including visit to the museums for those who are interested. For hiking enthusiasts there can be arranged an afternoon hiking trip around the beautiful mountain Lille Malene.

The hike is approx. 8 to 10 kilometer long and requires a good / normal physical condition and that you are accustomed to do hiking in fairly rough terrain.

In return you'll experience a pristine, quiet wilderness with streams and rivers that trickles with fresh, cold water surrounded by mountains and overlooking the beautiful Nuuk Fjord.There are also good shopping opportunities and lots of cozy cafés.

Saturday 18 th of July 2015 and I woke up with a feeling I recognised. But what is it? DARN! ItHangover Manis a hangover! Charisma Man is long gone and it is Hangover Man that have moved in to my room. This is nothing I have signed up for and I will have to complain to Grönlandsresor. Try to get some of my money back!

There is nothing about any hangovers in the information Grönlandsresor had sent toNuuk Centerme before I took off for this trip.

A day spent in bed, well, honestly, there isn't really anything else to do here in Nuuk never mind what they say in the information to the tourist.

I left my bed just before 4 o'clock and I went to the restaurant at the Skyline bar to see if they had smoked salmon and boiled potatoes. The hotel restaurant, Hereford Beefstouw was closed and they didn't open until 6 o'clock. I went down toNuuk Centerthe reception to ask if they knew of a restaurant with smoked salmon in Nuuk.

I also asked if she knew of a barber shop that was open so I could go to get a haircut. She checked on the internet and she told me that there should be a barber shop at Nuuk Center and they should close at 5.

I walked down to Nuuk Center and I was soon running in to Nuuk's second tourist attraction, an escalator. And as I have heard, the barber shop was on the second floor so I had the chance to try the escalator. The only escalator on Greenland? Yeah, most likely.

Anyway, I had the chance to go on the escalator 2 times as there were different information on where the barber shop was located. And when I found the barber shop it was closed.

Nuuk Center
Nuuk Center

Nuuk Center
Nuuk Center

Nuuk Center
Nuuk Center

I walked back the Cafe Esmeralda as they had recommended this place at the hotel. And this wasCafe Esmeraldathe only place that was open during the afternoon in Nuuk.

Cafe Esmerald is located on the second floor in the same house at the Pub Maximut. I ordered a smoked salmon Bruschetta and a sausage omelette. And I had the biggest pot of tea since the Sjavarbarinn Sea food in Reykjavik.

The food was very good and I was very satisfied when I left for my hotel across the street. And crossing the street gave me an opportunity to use yet another of Nuuk’s tourist attractions, the traffic light, what a day!

2 sleeping pills and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be full of vim when they call me 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. Whale watching and midnight sailing among icebergs in Ilulissat tomorrow. This promise to be exciting so just click HERE for some of the adventures in Ilulissat

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