Aladdin's Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard

Tuesday 23 rd of June 2015 and they woke us up by a message on the PA at 7 thirty. As you understand the message started with a Good Morning. Then it continued with where we were. WeSwedish word for today with PolarQuesthad reached the North West corner of Svalbard during the night. And in the English message they had the Swedish word for today “Bredslahsbergs what ever” I had never heard the word before.

I passed the white board with today’s activities on my way to the restaurant and the breakfast.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Warm clothing recommended for today's excursion. No surprise there and I was really happy that the bag with my coat, jeans and Polar Bear had had made it to Longyearbyen. There was no way IPolar Bear Quest with M/S Questwould have found a “Flabby & Porky” clothing shop in Longyearbyen.

Restaurant was full when I came down, well, not full, but I would not feel comfortable to sit there so I returned to my cabin and at 8 thirty I was back for breakfast. I had some kind of meatballs formed like rolls and smoked salmon.

As I had two pots of Earl Grey yesterday for dinner the Stewardess brought me a pot of tea without me having to ask. That's the spirit we're looking for. We were anchored in thePolar Bear Quest with M/S QuestHamilton Bay when I was ready with the breakfast and the Zodiacs will take off at 9 thirty.

I spent the time waiting enjoying the views of Hamilton Bay and I also took some pictures of the bay and the crew preparing the Zodiacs. We will do a Zodiac safari and we will not go ashore.

But I decided to wear my new boots to try them out even though we would not walk in water. Or as they call it here, wet landings. When we go ashore and we have to step in the water getting off the Zodiacs

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
First I thought it was a seal making racks in the snow, but it was a rock

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Launching the Zodiacs

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Waiting to pick up passengers

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Boarding the Zodiacs

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Boarding the Zodiacs

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Leaving M/S Quest behind

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Leaving M/S Quest behind

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Leaving M/S Quest behind

5 Zodiacs and 47 passengers, first Zodiac leaving with German seaking passengers and the second Zodiac leaving with Swedish speaking persons. #3 to #5 with people comfortable with English, or asPolar Bear Quest with M/S Questthey called it “International”

A quick calculation on top of my head and I decided to go with #5 as there would most likely be the least numbers of passengers. And I was right, we were only 6 passengers in my Zodiac and we were soon leaving m/s Quest behind us. We have a 2 hours Zodiac safari in front of us.

After about 5 minutes one of the Zodiacs called on the radio. They had spottedPolar Bearsomething white and fluffy, a Polar Bear and we steered towards the action.

We had just passed a glacier and I just started to interrogate our Guide about the glacier when we got the call about the Polar Bear. WePolar Bear Quest with M/S Queststarted in full speed and we passed my first ever ice berg, or as I call it a “MINI” ice berg

So what is the difference between ice and a “MINI” iceberg? Ice is frozen sea surface and an ice berg is ice from a glacier

All Zodiacs were on the way with full speed but we had to approach the PolarYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBear slowly not to annoy the bear. So we were sneaking up on the Polar Bear. Well, sneaking, hePolar Bear Quest with M/S Questwas well aware of us approaching.

Polar bears have an extreme sense of smell, or they would die out on the ice looking for seals.

The Polar Bear was just lying there in the snow and it wasn't very exciting. Reminded me about the lions in Africa. But I have seen my first Polar Bear. And what a start tis was on our Polar Bear quest, a few minutes in to our first excursion and we see a Polar Bear.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Old hunter's cabin and a Polar Bear

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

The Polar Bear didn't move very much, just like a lion. We spent some time with the Polar Bear before we turned back and this time we went to check out the glacier. A small glacier comparing to thePolar Bear Quest with M/S QuestBråsvell Glacier on the Eastern main island on Svalbard called Nordaustlandet.

And this glacier is nothing compared to the one I will visit on Greenland. Well, the Hamilton glacier is a small one, but it is calving and there are plenty ice and “MINI” ice berg in front of the glacier. This is exactly the same as the hugePolar Bear Quest with M/S Questglaciers on Greenland giving off the gigantic ice bergs, just much smaller

We could hear loud bangs from the ice when the ice was cracking and we saw two or three calvings when tha glacier gave away some small ice bergs.

Not many years ago the glacier was covering all the rocks in front of the glacier. The glaciers are shrinking quickly, one of the reasons for me to go to Greenland to see yet another thing that won't be here for the next generation to see.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Hamilton glacier

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Hamilton glacier

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
We can see that the ice is quite thick
We're not allowed to come closer than 200 meter if the glacier start calving some huge ice bergs

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Plenty ice from the glacier

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Plenty ice from the glacier

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Picking up some ice that we study

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Our Guide and Zodiac driver

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Exploring the glacier

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Birds on an ice berg

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Is this here for the next generation to see?

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
m/s Quest waiting for us

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Svalbard Reindeers

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Svalbard Reindeers

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Svalbard Reindeers

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Arctic Fox

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Arctic Fox

We were exploring the glacier and time turned quick. Time for lunch and to return to the ship. We were approaching some mountains with a vertical side facing the fjord. The birds, we could hear them and it looked like a mosquito swarm. They were busy with their eggs. And as there are eggsPolar Bear Quest with M/S Questone of the Zodiacs were soon spotting an Arctic Fox running away with an egg.

We called the ship and we told them that we would be late for lunch.

I didn't saw any Arctic Fox, we saw a reindeer high up on the glacier. Suddenly we saw two reindeers coming down from the glacier and theyPolar Bear Quest with M/S Questlooked really beautiful. What a day this had turned out to be. Polar Bear, a calving glacier and two beautiful reindeers

Just when we were about to leave we spotted the Arctic Fox high up on the mountain. Now we were going back to the ship, no, they called us on the radio and now the Polar bear was up walking.

A second call to the ship that we would be even more delayed for lunch and we took off towards the Polar Bear.

The Polar Bear had moved hundred meters and he was lying down when we arrived. OK, let's return to m/s Quest for some lunch.

A 2 hours Zodiac safari had turned in to a 3 and a half hour Zodiac safari and I had enjoyed every minute of it.

Yes, we had seen a lot of very nice stuff and I think I liked the glacier the most. The Polar Bear was nice, but I had expected more than a sleeping Polar Bear. But this is our first excursion and there are many more to be done before we leave Svalbard.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
More pictures of the Polar Bear

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
More pictures of the Polar Bear

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Back at m/s Quest for lunch

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest
Waiting for the next Zodiac

Will be nice to get on board for some lunch on board M/S Quest
Waiting for the next Zodiac

Will be nice to get on board for some lunch on board M/S Quest
Waiting for the next Zodiac

It was nice to get back on board and I went straight to the restaurant and we had an excellent lunch while the crew heaved up the anchor. We started to move back out in to the Raudfjorden (Red Fjord) where we will make our next stop at 15 thirty.

And this time we will make a landing, a wet landing so now I really get to test my new boots. And you just need to click HERE to find out how it turned out with my new boots.

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