Aladdin's Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard

Thursday 25 st of June 2015 and they woke us up by a message on the PA at 7 thirty. By then I had been up for one and a half hour. I was dead tired after having been up until 2 to 3 o'clock the last few nights. I was in bed early yesterday and I woke up at 6.

Well, anyway, as you understand the message started with a Good Morning. We were on the way to the ice edge to explore this area. This is the ice edge, and theoretically you are able to walk toSwedish word for today with PolarQuestthe North Pole when your on top of this ice

And in the English message they had the Swedish word for today “Direktmarknadsföringsbolag” I had never heard the word before. At least not what I can remember. But I could understand the meaning

I passed the white board with today’s activities on my way to the restaurant and the breakfast.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

And as I had been awake since 6 o'clock I was in the restaurant 10 minutes before 8 o'clock. TheyPolar Bear Quest with M/S Questhad a pot of tea ready for me in a jiff. I had some bacon, potatoe and the rolled meatballs with my pot of tea.

I had a chat with the Guides sitttingat my table. We will reach the ice around 10 o'clock and I went to my cabin to update my web page.

And I went to the saloon to have a look before it was time to leave with the Zodiacs. I was on my deck lookin gout the window when they started to take on board passengers on the Zodiacs. The old couple from Switzerland came up to me. They told me that they would copyPolar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edgemy way and go in the last Zodiac.

Thye promised not to tell anyone, but it was too late. Now, third day on our cruise and the other passengers have noticed that I always stay behind and that means that yet another great “Aladdin idea” are foocked up. I havePolar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edgebeen in the same boat as the couple from Switzerland during our landings as we end up in the “super slow” group that like to do the Zodiac safari more than to walk a round seeing pretty much nothing. I'm here for the animlas and the glaciers are also best viewed from the Zodiac. So this is my choice of activity if I can choose between Zodiac safari and trekking ashore. There will be enough trekking on Greenland, and maybe on Iceland as well.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Ice edge
m/s Quest comes to pick us up

We were driving aroun for about 90 minutes. It was cold and it was not what I had expected. We didn't see anythin ginteresting. I have been in ice more than I care for so for me it was neither exciting nor interesting. We saw the head of a Ringed seal sticking up. But for me it could as well have been a ordinary grey seal.

Grey seal, I have sen plenty of them. One of the Zodiacs spotted a Beared seal but when we arrived it was gone. No Walruses or Polar Bear and I must say that I was a wee bit disappointed. It willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be better in the afternoon.

They had been in contact with m/s Stockholm and they were at the ice edge as well and thye had seen plenty animals. So when we were back on board we started to move towards their position.

PA message just before lunch and they had spotted a Polar Bear on the ice. Quite far away and they will try to approach the Polar Bear while we're having lunch.How will they succed with the approach to the Polar Bears? Just click HERE to find out!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizen visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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