Aladdin's Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard

Saturday 27 th of June 2015 and they woke us up by a message on the PA at 7 thirty. I had been awake for 20 minutes by then. And as you understand the message started with a Good Morning. We were steaming towards the island Fuglesongen (Bird song) in English. We will arrive after breakfast and we will be divided in to two groups during this excursion.

Swedish word for today with PolarQuestAnd in the English message they had the Swedish word for today “Pensionsåldersutredningen” As we got to now in the PA message, it is a very long word. And that is the most important with the “daily Swedish word”

I passed the white board with today’s activities on my way to the restaurant and the breakfast. And it looks to be another exciting day for us.

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen

Yes, today we will visit the site where Andree took off towards the North Pole and this is a guarantee for a great day ahead and I'm looking forward to it. I was in the restaurant 10 minutes before 8 for my breakfast. The door was locked and when I was back my seat was occupied. HowPolar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Islandhard can it be, I have been on this seat since foocking day one. They even prepare my seat for every meal with a pot of tea and milk

We will kick of the day with an excursion to the Fuglesongen Island to have a look at birds.

This promise to be boring, but you never know. And as we said in Africa, you don't want to miss any safaris.

Today can be the day when we get to see a Polar Bear baby. This is what I want to see now, I have seen everything, well, not the Blue whale. But I had actually never expected to see any.

But we're almost guaranteed to see the Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish here on Fuglesongen Island.Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen IslandThe reason for us to stop here on Fuglesongen Island.

I bought camera equipment for 8000 US Dollars before going on this trip. And if it had not paid off already this will be the day when it does. An annoying drizzle and my new friend from America didn't brought his giant Nikon. I told him that he should have bought Canon's professional line up. This drizzle is nothing. for my 5D and the new lenses. But I doubt thatPolar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Islandmy Canon 60D would have lasted long in this weather.

So the drizzle and the Polar Bear pictures made the investment worthwhile. Imagine coming here to get some half ass pictures because I wanted to save money on the camera equipment.

The first group going ashore was the English/ German speaking passengers. While they were ashore the Swedish speaking passengers was in the saloon listening to a lecture about Andree's try to reach the North Pole from Svalbard.Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen IslandAnd when they are ashore there will be a lecture in English.

I chose the first group and I will listen to the lecture in English at 12 o'clock. I'm always one step ahead. We will go ashore to see Andree's balloon site in the afternoon.

And with this weather we will for sure be wet and as I joined the first group goingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stashore I estimate that I got an extra 2 hours for my clothes to dry. I will be dry at Andree's balloon site and I will enjoy that stay, wet clothes and it will be a disaster and I can't concentrate on the balloon site.

We reached the landing site on the Fuglesongen island after a few minutes. Rocky beach and it was kind of slippery going ashore. We had one passenger slipping and falling, and when he slipped the second time he returned to the Zodiac. We continued along the base of the mountain. A 20 minutes or so trekPolar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Islandover slippery ground, but as an ex commandoYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthis was no problem for me.

I must have appeared like a troglodyte on board. I helped one lady crossing the most slippery part.

She asked if it was slippery and I told her to grab my arm and I lifted her over.

She looked at me and I could see her thinking “what a gentleman!” So I could not help wondering what impression she hadPolar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Islandof me before. I'm always a well behaved gentleman, OK, after 30 bottles of SanSan Miguel LightMiguel light it might be a wee bit different behaviour. But those days are behind me by now.

We made it up the beach and we were 18 passengers plus the ship's doctor and 3 guides walking towards the site with the Little Auk birds or Alkekung in Swedish.

2 third of the group continued up, about 20 meters above us staying behind. The walked up a hill covered in snow and it looked slippery. I started to take the short cut over the rocks. Snow between the rocks and I turned back as I stepped through the ice and I didn't want to risk falling.

Impossible to see how deep it is under the snow and ice so I'm better off not trying risking to fall and destroy the camera.

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
Coming ashore on Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
Coming ashore on Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
We're leaving the beach behind

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
We're passing yet another antique fox trap

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
The group spread out on the rocks
The plan is for the birds to get used to us and then they will land next to us

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
I could hardly see my new friend from America as he wears the same colours as the rocks
Will the Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish be able to see him

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
Waiting for the Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
The Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
The Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
The Little Auk or Alkekung in Swedish

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
Dramatic Landscape

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
Time to leave Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
We climb down to the Zodiac

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Fuglesongen Island
We will soon be back on board m/s Quest

We were back on board m/s Quest just before 11 o'clock and that gave me time to check out the pictures before the lecture about Andree and his try to reach the North Pole with a balloon. ButPolar Bear Quest on Svalbard - Andree's trip to the North Polefirst of all I went to the saloon to pick up a few diet drinks.

I asked for three cans and the girl gave me one can and she told me they had ran out of diet drinks.
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

I asked about the stock when I joined the ship, and I was told that I could drink as many as I wanted. And here we are running out of the diet drinks. This was for sure unexpected. I pointed down to the fridge. There was something that looked like a can of diet drink. Yes, I was pretty sure it was a can of diet drink.
- What is that?

There was one more can, and that's it. I brought the last 2 cans to my cabin. I ripped one open and the last can will be kept for later. PA message and the lecture about Andree was about to get started in the saloon. The lecture took longer than expected and it was very interesting. And it would have been rated top 5 star if it had been in English only. Now it was both in English and German and it turned out to be a sleeping pill, well, almost.

OK, hang on and click HERE and you will find yourself at the remaining of Andree's launch site

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noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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