January 2009
Thursday 1 st of January 2009 and we had the English Channel behind when I woke up.WeBadooexpect to be at Skagen tomorrow afternoon where will will take bunker.Arrival to Norrköping 5th of January.

Well, at least our Motorman is in for a New Year's surprise.I sent him a few messages yesterday night and I can imagine him jumping up and down in excitements when he discovers 2 new messages on badoo.com.
- YIPPIE!! Beautiful girls on line!!!

The excitement soon turns in to disappointment and anger when he discover that it's Aladdin that have sent all the “SEXY” messages.

Well, after lunch I opened my badoo.com. HereInternet loveI am making a fool out of myself putting my pictures and private life on the internet trying to get in touch with beautiful girls. And the only thing I get out of it is a chat with our Motorman 1 deck below.

Well, I also got an e-mail from a 28 years old girl wanting to chat. She was interesting in meetingnew friends. She was half naked on all her pictures and, well, this was nothing I had in mind.
But Badoo is not the only “single matching”Internet loveenterprise on the internet. I asked one of our ABs if he didn't do any LOVE chasing on the internet.
- Oh yes! But I don't use Badoo. I use Tagged.com. Much better!
Once he got started there was nothing stopping him. He told me about a 33 years old from New York.
- She was living next to Madison Square Garden and she was looking for a stud! There is also a 24 years old that wants to meet.
- Did you put my picture on your profile? I asked.

Well, today when I checked what they were doing on deck he told me that there was a 22 years old that wanted toInternet lovemeet him. Well, the only thing I have got out of the ballyhoo at Badoo & Tagged was a 5 minutes chat with our Motorman. But that's not bad, but of course, I could have been going down to his cabin to talk with him. And while there I could have finished his chocolate.

Well, a gloomy and Grey day soon turned black. Dark at 4 o'clock and tonight we will advance the last hour on the ships time. Then we have Swedish/ Central European time onboard. I really hope we leave for Mexico or something warm after Sweden. We need to get started with our deck and according to the company they will send us a grit blaster from Bro Atland. We need to test it and then we can order grits and paint for USA. All crew on deck chipping while west bound over the Atlantic.

A rough estimation, 4 months and she will look like a Swedish flagged vessel again.

Friday 2 nd of January 2009 and I woke up to a gorgeous but cold day. Still dark when I get out of bed at 0730, but I can see the sun coming up in the East.

I was in my office munching on my GOOD MORNING carrot when our Bosun came to talk aboutTaking out the linoleum from main decktoday's work. Our ABs on watch are busy taking out the linoleum from main deck. Its leaking water from deck in to the accommodation and main deck is all damaged due to damp. Remember us flooding the ballast before arriving to Canada? Yeah, the water was leaking in to the accommodation. The worst is that this had been known for a long time.
- It's leaking in water every time we change ballast, I was told by the crew.
- What the BIP !? Then we must do something.

So our watch going Abs are busy ripping out the linoleum from the floor and we will see what to do with thedevastating news is just about to hit him hard!floor when we can see the extent of the damages. Our Fitter and OS have repaired the holes in the superstructure. So hopefully it won't leak next time changing ballast water.

When I finished my carrot our Bosun and I went to his workshop to check out how many chipping hammers we have. The plan is to put the whole crew on deck shipping after Norrk�ping. 4 ABs chipping all day long, 5 ABs between 10 and lunch. Hopefully we will be able to chip deck when going back over the Atlantic. And if we get the grit blaster we will order grits and paint for deck so we can grit blast and paintBadooeverything they have chipped during the trip over the Atlantic.
When we came to Bosun's workshop we meet a very happy AB. He was beaming of joy when I & Bosun stepped inside.
- I received a message from a 25 years old girl in Västerås! She wants� to go see soccer in South Africa 2010, he said.
- Fer f@cks sake! That's their standard icebreakers! I said.
- It means f@ck all! They have icebreakers like “Do you know where I can rent a bike” and “DoIcebreakeryou know a good Doctor? I have haemorrhoids” and stuff like that, I continued.

He was very doubtful thinking that I was only telling him because I was jealous due to my empty message box. But at the coffeeDenies everythingbreak in the afternoon his joy was turned in to gloom.
- I got a new message from a girl. She asked if I knew a good place to rent a bike.
- Yeah, exactly what I told you this morning, I said laughing.
Bosun was screaming with laughter and when he had picked up himself from the floor he said.
- I checked out this badoo and tagged, it's all humbug!
- What's your online name? I asked. I want to check out your profile.
- NO NO NO! I only checked out the sites after all the talk!
- Yeah-yeah, come on! What's your name?
- NO NO NO! I only checked out the sites after all the talk! IT'S TRUE!
Skagen, Denmark
Skagen, Denmark
Captain on the bridge wing when taking Pilot at Skagen
After the coffee break drama I left for the CCR to discharge some ballast. We will take about 1000 tonnes of bunker and I will take out some ballast aft and I will fill up some ballast forward.
Skagen, Denmark
Sunset over Skagen
When I had started the ballast I went to the bridge and we were just about to take onboard the pilot. We need to take pilot when entering Danish waters. As the Pilot said:
- This is some stupid regulations they have started with.
Skagen, Denmark
Skagen, Denmark
2 of our 2nd Officers
Well, our Pilot's mood lightened up a bit when I told him that he was lucky. “You have 2 guys fromSkagen, DenmarkEastern Denmarkon the bridge” and he was laughing.

On the way to the anchorage we received 3 parcels from a small launch. Charts and stuff was ordered and we got it delivered just before arriving to the bunkering position.As soon as the sun went down it became ice cold. We have had sun all day long and it have been nice on deck. But we had ice in the shadow so it's expected to be cold during the night.

When I came on the bridge I took the picture of CaptainSkagen, Denmarkon the sunny side. When I came out on port bridge wing to check the ballast I almost slipped and fell on the ice on the shadow side.

We dropped anchor around 16:30 something and the first bunker boat arrived at 1705. We will bunker DO and low sulphur HFO and HFO and we estimate departure time to around midnight. Arrival to Norrköping and the Semlor Monday morning.

We're not allowed to go inside in the dark so we can't take Pilot until 6 o'clock orSkagen, Denmarksomething like that. But we will get Semlor at arrival. I was running in to Captain and he asked if I hadseen the e-mail.
- No
- Agent will bring onboard Semlor in Norrköping.
- Darn! I'm still on diet.
Our Agent confirmed that he would deliver Semlor in Norrköping. As he wrote:
“At arrival will be too early. But they will be onboard at lunch time”

Well, dinner and yet another day had passed by. I returned to my cabin and my web page. I hadDiet drinka diet drink, the very last one. This one is what I call a SURPRISE diet drink. I didn't know I had it and I thought I was out of diet drinks. But I was running out of snus sitting in my office doing important ”PAPER WORK“. I opened the fridge in my office to get a can of snus. The first thing I caught sight on was a bottle of diet drink.
- Yeah!

Well, as our Bosun said: “Badoo and tagged, it's all humbug” and I will erase my profile. There were a few messages. Well, the one half naked on all the pictures, of course, that kinds of goes with the territory while on internet.
But I also got a few other messages.
“I like the beach, I go there every summer ”
Ok, easy reply: I also like the beach followed by the reply:
“I watch TV now”
- Hmm, what to reply on this one?
And I'm not the one to send the first message. How do people find the time for drivel like that. What a waste of time!

Another one started with the icebreaker. Yeah, well, I have nothing to hide so you can see theWOWprogress of our conversation on your right hand side. This will for sure set a new low water mark for internet chatting. And, I can't understand the meaning of it. Imagine people sitting for hours writing mumbo-jumbo like this.

And when looking at the profiles they all have millions of “ONLINE” friends they never meet. I guess that's what's it all about, collecting “ONLINE” friends that mean f@ck all sending messages that means f@ck all. Well, no one can put it better than GAMMLE MASKEN:
- He called me and it was all quiet in the phone. Hard to speak with someone when you have to drag every word out of them.
- And hell, it was not even me calling. He just called me and after hello he didn't say anything.

Saturday 3 rd of January 2009 and it was pitch black when I woke up at 0730. I went to the bridge after my GOOD MORNING carrot. We changed the Pilot when I came up to the bridge.Cold on deckNext change will be when we leave the Great Belt and the last Pilot will leave around 2100 tonight.

I had a few words with our Pilot and Captain before going down to the CCR to check out our forward draft sensor. The line is blocked and I tried to purge the line, no success. Our Electrician had experienced this problem before.
- We have had plenty problems with the draft sensor forward, he told me.

Our Electrician and I took our Deck Cadet and we went forward to the draft sensor. Our electrician brought tools and acid, he knew what to do. Our Cadet and Electrician removed the non return valve while I was standing there watching andfreezing. It was cold and the wind didn't do anything to make it better. Freezing and feeling awkward just standing there watching the guys working. So I tried to make an impression of being on top of things by giving pointers.
Cold on deck
Great Belt bridge on a gloomy and grey day

Sunday 4 th of January 2009 and I woke up to yet another gorgeous day. Cold and dark, but the sea was like a windmill pond. 16°C below 0 in Norrköping is the latest. Well, I can't wait to leave the winter behind.

I prepared all the paperwork for the discharging so we can start ASAP at arrival. I made 2Cold on deckdifferent loading plans, 1 for 4 pumps and 1 for 6 pumps. So it should be all laughs and scratching behind at arrival.

Nice to be back in Sweden, pitch dark at 3 o'clock and snowing. Oh yeah, justwhat I have been missing. I can't help wondering what the first people thought when coming here the first timethousands of years ago.
- What a nice place to settle on! Dark 24/7 and snowCold on deckon top of that! Yeah, this is the place for us!

Well, a slow Sunday finally turned in to dinner time and then I was off to my cabin. writing a few words on my web page before going down to watch a movie with the boys at 7. Just enough time for a movie before dropping the anchor around 11.

I was in the shower when Captain called me at 22:20. I knew it was about the anchoring so I stayed in the shower and after about 150 signals the phone turned silent. When I came out of the shower I called the bridge and I told Captain that I was on my way.
I checked out my window and now it was covered in ice. Coming to the bridge it was all GALE & ICING warnings on the VHF.

Monday 5 th of January 2009 and our Bosun called me at 0725:
- You have a visitor! A girl that came with the pilot is waiting for you on the bridge.
GOOD MORNING surprise- Ugh!!?? What??!! I said drowsy of sleep.
- There is a girl waiting for you on the bridge!
- What the hell is he up to? I thought for myself in the shower.

When I came to the bridge 15 minutes later they told me that I had a visitor and that she was in the Mess room. I also found out that we have had the anchor up at 0535 and the Pilot (2) was onboard at 06:10.

I left the bridge and I was in the mess room in 2 steps eager to see who the SECRET visitor was. I stopped at the tea machine to make myself a bucket of tea. SI prepared my morning tea, still drowsy of sleep, so I didn't. Well, I noticed all the cansGOOD MORNING surprisearound the tea machine, but I didn't reflect over what it was. It looked like canned juice.

It was my SURPRISE visitor. She had brought Diet drinks and a diet book.
- I read on the internet that you were out of diet drinks.
- And you come onboard at 6 o'clock just to bring diet drinks! You're asweet heart!
- I read about your diet so I bought a diet book for you as well!
- And you come onboard at 6 o'clock just to bring the diet book! You're asweet heart!

So it was the former deck Cadet from Bro Jupiter that paid us a visit.GOOD MORNING vitaminsNow she is working as a Traffic Operator for the cruise ships in the archipelago of Stockholm. I must admire her enthusiasm to go up at 2 o'clock just to make it onboard Bro Promotion with dietGOOD MORNING vitaminsdrinks. THAT'S THE SPIRIT!

I cancelled my tea and I ripped open a Diet drink PLUS.
- What the BIP is this? PLUS? I asked.
- You never seen this before? It's full of vitamins and other HEALTHY stuff, she said.
GOOD MORNING carrot- No never. Not even in USA and they use to be first!
- They been around in Sweden for a long time now, she explained.
- Maybe we're some kind of test animals? I suggested.

We moved in to my office and the CCR and she was impressed by all the testing we did before arriving to the jetty. But she got even more impressed when our Mess man came.
- You forgot your carrot, he said.
- Thank you! I was all excited over the diet drinks this morning, I explained for him.
WinterWe finished all the tests and the clock was 9. We expect the tug boats between 0920 and 0930 so our visitor and I started to move towards the bridge.
- There are 2 pilots on the bridge, she said.
And she explained that we were the biggest ship to go to Norrköping and there need to be 2 Pilots. - You should take a picture of them and put on your web page. This is no ordinary day stuff, she said.

When we came on the bridge a dark morning hadWinterturned in to a sunny but cold day. my visitor told me it had been 19°C below 0 this morning. Pampus viken was covered in ice and if it continues like this we will soon need an ice breaker. And I'm not talking about badoo's “renta bike” ice breaker or the “soccer in South Africa” icebreaker.

Well, big ship and 2 Pilots areWalking down the memory linerequested. The last stretch is a very narrow buoyed channel. We were assisted by 2 tugs that meet us at Stora Juten L/H just before entering the buoyed channel.

We had first line ashore at 1025 and all fast at 1105.Walking down the memory lineIt was nice to be on the bridge in shorts and a shirt. Outside it was very cold and I didn't envy the crew on deck. But at least the sun was shining and in the sunshine it was only aCaptain has to wear his winter hatfew degrees below 0.

When we were ready on the bridge I said good bye to my visitor and the pilots. I thanked for the book (From fat to flat in 10 days) and the diet drinks PLUS. She really made my day, a really pleasant surprise. No diet drinks and suddenly I was drinking my GOODMy deskMORNING diet drink enjoying a sunny morning.

We had just had our gangway down for a few minutes when our Chief Engineer's wife came onboard with more diet drinks and soon my office were back to the normal state. My desk was full of diet drinks again.

Soon after we had the gangway down the ship was full ofSemlorvisitors and service people. 3 guys from the office in Gothenburg and 1 guy from Broström in Norway. Discharging sludge, provision and plenty of stuff to do.

Our Agent brought Semlor and it didn't took long beforeSemlorthe crew were munching. Well, I managed to resist the temptations thanks� to my diet drinks. So that's another proof that it's good with diet drinks. We have a rented car on the jetty so if I have the time I will go ashore try to find a few bottles.

We started to discharge at 1320 and we expect to leave Wednesday morning. So far we don't know where we are going. Maybe Ventspils forTaking picturesUSA, but I hope for Brofjorden. During the afternoon there were plenty family members coming to visit the crew. Coming in to the CCR.
(Of course, the CCR is the most exciting place on the ship)
Edvard Munch
born December 12, 1863, Löten, Norway and died January 23, 1944, Ekely, near Oslo

Norwegian painter and printmaker whose intensely evocative treatment of psychological themes built upon some of the main tenets of late 19th-century Symbolism and greatly influenced German Expressionism in the early 20th century. His painting The Scream, or The Cry (1893), can be seen as a symbol of modern spiritual anguish.
- How's it going with your diet?
- What??!!
- Yeah, we know it all from your web page.

Our visitor from Broström in Norway got all excited when he saw my THE SCREAM and he started to take pictures. Famous again, we got a new AB onboard today and he asked if I had been on Prospero.
- I saw your picture from Cape town, he said.

We also got 2 new 2nd Officers and a Cook so 4 new crew members to learn to know. Well, actually only 3. One of the 2nd Officers was 2nd Officer on Framnäs when I was there a few years ago.

Tuesday 6 th of January 2009 and it was pitch dark when Bosun called me at 0730. Well, it was not a day I was looking forward to. Ice plugs in the stripping lines and we have to steam the lines.SemlorWe discovered it yesterday evening. I was enjoying a movie with our 2nd Engineer when they called me just after 8 o'clock.
Always busy- We cannot strip the tank.
- Motherf@cker!
I went on deck and there was an ice plug in the stripping line. - We do the stripping tomorrow.

Our Bosun had prepared hoses and stuff in the morning and when we started to steam I knew that my chance to go ashore was very slim. It took quite some time to steam the lines. We have a rented car on the jetty so it would have been very convenient to go ashore here.
Darn, I need a beer glass (for my tea), diet drinks and a new battery for my wrist watch.
Swedish winter
Swedish winter
AB & Bosun steaming
Well, I got bad news and good news. The bad news is our next voyage. Ventspils to West Africa, well, that's one I'm looking forward to.

Good news! I'm giving up diet drinks so we decided not to order any from the Ship Chandler. But obviously Captain had grown tired of me asking for diet drinks.
- You will get 40 litres of diet drinks!
He had ordered diet drinks during the morning, his daughter is coming onboard to visit. What a great opportunity to bring a little something extra.
- Are you crazy? It will take me like forever to finish 40 litres of diet drinks!
Always busy- You promised not to order diet drinks!
- My ears, my ears! I can't stand the nagging about diet drinks anymore!
There was nothing stopping him:
- And our Deck Cadet is very happy! He doesn�t have to carry your diet drinks in every port!

Steaming on deck and it was cold so I was very lucky that ISunny but cold winter daybrought my panta longas. I forgot my winter clothes, but Broström had a winter hat and a parka for me.
- Why don't you button up your parka?
- Then it's too hot!

So while on deck, it was a sunny and beautiful day. Cold, but not as cold as yesterday. I was looking forward to my diet drinks that would be delivered in the afternoon. Another cause for rejoicing was myI'm set for West Africasnus. I got 25 rolls of snus. OK, I ordered 35 but they were out of stock and we emptied the Ship Chandler's storage of snus.

OK, we were ready at 2100 and I was in my cabin at 2200 when I was sure the stripping worked as it should. At 2245 I gave it a last call to the CCR just to make sure everything was OK. You know, just so I don't have to lose any sleep worrying about the stripping on deck.
As our 2nd Officer said:
- Nice to be the Chief Officer.
- Yeah, when everything is working it�s just to walk around in shorts scratching your behind. ButOnboard Barcarolle in TUXPANwhen there is problem you have to done you panta longas and take action.

Well, that's why they pay me to be onboard, to be responsible. And when we have problem I wouldn't mind changing with our Deck Boy. I still have the ballast pipe on Barcarolle fresh in mind. That's a drama that I will not forget very soon.

We will finish tomorrow morning but the Pilots will not be until 1330. There are only 2 tugs in Norrk�ping and they are busy. If they arrive after 1415 we have to wait until Thursday to leave. 1415 is dead line for depicturing before it gets dark.

Wednesday 7 th of January 2009 and I was called for at 7 o'clock. Nice to hear Skånskafirst thing in the morning. Well, actually, it was not the first thing. I didn't reached the phone in time theMy GOOD MOORNING teafirst time he called. And not the second time he called either, by then I was in the shower. So it was actually not until I got out of the shower and called the CCR that I could enjoy listening to Skånska.

I went in to the CCR to check on things and then I was off to make a bucket of tea. We were just about to start theGOOD MORNING visitor in the CCR, where the action is to be foundlast stripping when I came in to the CCR.
- Good, I and Bosun will soon be ashore for some serious shopping, I thought.

Well, it didn't took me long to realize that I wouldn't make it ashore. I called Bosun on the radio.
- You have to go ashore by yourself. I will not make it in time.

It took us a very long time to strip the last tanks. It's very cold and everything freezes. Stripping lines, airlines and, well, everythingGOOD MORNING visitor in the CCR, where the action is to be foundfreezes. Frozen condense in the stripping line get stuck in valves and the ice quickly builds up to an ice plug.

I don't know if it's my music, blasting high on the Richter scale, or whatit is. But my office and the CCR have turned in to a real HOT SPOT. Simply the place to be seen at on onboard and the CCR were full of visitors during the morning.

Well, that's good, time turns quick when you start to talk about the good ol' days.

Ventspils to West Africa and our Cadet wanted to go home. He has toSigning offattend school and he will be late back for school if he would have stayed onboard. And signing of in West Arica is not something you're looking forward to. Cape Town and Suez is OK, but the rest o the continent, well, I prefer to stay clear.

Time to leave and Pilot was onboard at 1340. Leaving Norrköping at 1420Time to leave the Swedish winterand, well, the best thing happened was our surprise visitor. Bringing diet drinks onboard. Getting out of bed at 0230 just to get on the pilot boat. That's the spirit we're looking for!

And of course. Worth mentioning is our visitors from Broström's office in Gothenburg. Our Sea Going Personnel2nd Officer on Jupiter back in the daysManager was onboard for a quick visit(free lunch and Semlor) in Norrköping. He was 2nd Officer on Bro Jupiter when I was there 2006. I asked how he liked to work in the office, maybe he missed the 7 seas.
- It was better listening to German Hip Hop on Jupiter, he said.

After departure I went down to my office and the paper work. I scanned all cargo documents and I sent them to Norway. Filled up record books and I made an requisition for blaster grits and spares to our chipping machines. Captain told me that we would get the grit blaster by launch when passing Skagen on the way to Arica.
Wednesday afternoon boredom killer- By launch??!! Now they have spent more money than a new machine cost just by sending the darn grit blaster around Europe, I said.

Well, our guys were on deck super stripping and preparing for our next cargo. And talk about the hottest place onboard. My office was full of engine people. One of our Motormen admired me while I was stamping some “IMPORTANT” documents.
- Do you want to try? I asked.
- Can I?

After departure the guys on deck started to superstrip and blow the lines to slop Port. A normal procedure, maybe 2 hours or so and it's ready. But it's cold and it takes a very long time . Everything was freezing. They just had to turn around and the air valve was freeze stuck and they had to steam again. Blowing the lines, it took longer to steam the lines than to blow the lines. And we have had no water in the lines, only diesel. But still they were full of ice. Condense from the working air? Maybe, but it take ages before we were ready. When I went to bed at 0030 they were still super stripping.

Same in Norrköping, a 1 hour strip to 5 hours and we didn�t finished discharging until 1150, instead of 8 o'clock. Luckily enough we were not delayed because the ice breakers could not make it until 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Thursday 8 th of January 2009 and super stripping was in progress when I came down in the mess room for my GOOD MORNING carrot. Darn, this takes time. Luckily enough we're anchored since 0520 this morning waiting for the jetty.

The crew finished the superstrip just in time for dinner. 26 HOURS! I hope it will be a, well, I hope that I never have to experience winter again! Steaming and stripping. And the worst part,Christmas againafter dinner it started to rain. From freezing to rain in an hour. OK, we finished the job in time, thanks to the anchoring. But if it had started to rain yesterday we wouldn't have needed to steam all the lines and valves.

They expected us to go inside at midnight, but they changed it to the 10th of January and we have a full day on deck tomorrow to change gaskets on the steam line. Good news and I don't have to go up in the middle of the night and the crew can sleep and relax tonight.

Just when I thought Christmas was over our Captain started to hand out Christmas gifts. We got the Christmas gifts from Broström delivered to us in Norrköping and now we got the time to hand them to the crew. Well, at least to me and the Chief Engineer. The rest of the crew were in their cabins resting after spending 24/7 on deck in ice and cold wind.

Tonight will be another movie night. At arrival to Norrköping our internet capsized and sank so no more badoo and tagged.
- Hmm, maybe there is millions of messages from beautiful girls?

Friday 9 th of January 2009 and we started the day with a meeting in my office. After departureJust after 8 o'clockfrom Ventspils we will start chip deck and we were talking about the working hours. 4 man on deck all day with chipping hammers. Between 10 clock and lunch it will be 5 man on deck.

10 minutes GOOD MORNING meeting and then it was:
- Enough of the arse scratching. GET OUT ON DECK!
When the crew left I could start my paper work. Filling up purging log, 7P/S had a little more cargo in the cofferdams than I was comfortable with. So I took the FRAMO binder from Chief Engineer's office. FRAMO's manuals are pretty good and I knew from before that I could find normal purging quantity in the binder. I have forgotten the quantity since last time reading the binder. But it didn't took very long to find it, 0,5 litre cargo per day using the pump and 0,25 litre hydraulic oil per day using the pump. Well we will purge after departure again so we can see the developments, but it's not until after next discharging that we know for sure.
Hard work
Hard work
Hard work
Deck crew working with the new valve for the tank cleaning line
We got a new valve for our tank cleaning line in Norrköping. A day at the anchorage is a great opportunity to put back the new valve. Bosun and the crew took the valve from poop deck to the tank cleaning line. It was, well, not very heavy. But it's better to be one extra guy than to have the crew hurting themselves lifting the valve.
Hard work
Hard work
Hard work
A wee bit too much for our OS
Our OS tried to lift the valve in position and well, as I told him:
Our OS lifting a valve- You have to eat more oatmeal.
One o our ABs were helping him and Bosun put in the bolts to fix theBosun putting in the bolts and I'm there with my cameravalve in position.
- Bosun, do you remember when we were 20? We lifted up submergible pumps from cargo holds, by our self.
- That was the good old days, Bosun replied.

Before lifting the valve in position they had to cup brush the flanges and then it only took a few minutes for them to get the valve in place and then it�s only the gaskets. Puttingback the gaskets use to be the tricky part, but we have an experienced Bosun.
Well, as I use to say “ When you're going to kick ass you call the ass kickers!
Hard work
Hard work
Hard work
A wee bit too much for our OS
Our OS asked me if I had a web page. He had got e-mail from his girl friend and she had seen him on the internet.
- She wrote that she had been on Aladdin's web page, he continued.
- She must have been chocked. This was my private collection, pictures of you and me half naked.

Saturday 10 th of January 2009 and I was dead tired when Bosun called me at 0730. I have a hard time falling asleep in the night. I'm very tired around dinner time, but I don't want to go tobed because then I will wake up in the late evening spending the rest of the night tossingand turning. But as soon as I'm off to bed at 10 I can't sleep.

Falling asleep at 3 and that doesn�t give me enough sleep before Bosun calls me at 0730 and I'm dead tired until it's time to go to bed in the night.

This goes on for 3 or 4 days and then I can spend a full night sleeping. Yesterday was mySaturday routinessleeping night and I was off to bed at 9 and I felt a sleep as soon as I had my head on the pillow. At 10 o'clock Captain called and after that it was impossible to go back toAlways busy with something in the kitchensleep. So I was half dead at 0730.

I was chewing on my GOOD MORNING carrot when Bosun came to my office just after 8 o'clock. Pilot is expected during the afternoon so we can finish the last stuff on deck. I also took the opportunity to test our high level alarms. Two 98% alarm did not work so I have to go looking for our Electrician so he can mend the alarms.

Saturday and walking around looking for the Electrician I saw the crew busy with their Saturday routines. Our Fitter was busy with the routine to test the MOB engine. Tested every Saturday.On the way down to the engine roomOur Cook is busy baking cookies and bread. Fresh bread every morning and I do my best to stay clear from the bread. It's not easy getting an
V-shaped torso with fresh bread and cookies every day. But I do my very best.

I went down to the engine room looking for the Electrician and I ran in to the Motorman when I opened the door.
Busy with something- Go down again!
He went back down and then I called him to come up again and I had a nice picture for my web page. Well, the only thing I got out from my visit in the engine room was a picture of our Motormen and 2nd Engineer. Our Electrician was nowhere to be found.
One of our Motormen was dipping bunker tanks and I took a last picture before returning to my office. I can talk with the Electrician at lunch.

Well, our electrician mended the high level alarms after lunch and I went to bed. Expecting to go alongside in the late afternoon and I suspect that it will be a long night.
Hard work
Hard work
Hard work
One of our Motormen measuring the bunker tanks
I was a sleep when it knocked on my door just after 3 o'clock. We're heaving up our anchor so IBusy with somethingwent to the bridge after a hot shower. Good, we expect aTechnician to come onboard to fix our satellite antenna for the internet. It have been out of order since Norrköping, otherwise I will have to go ashore to update my web page before we're leaving for Africa

We had the anchor up at 1540 and it started to get dark. Strong winds and cold, not a very nice afternoon. But I was inside with a cold diet drink cracking jokes with Captain. Well, it was fun until Captain finished all my diet drink.
- Tasted good! I'm going to order 10 cases, he said.

Just what I need. We had all fast at jetty # 30 at 1730 and I went down to the mess room withPort of Ventspilsthe Pilot. he wanted to have some dinner and we were glad to have him at our table.

2 Loading Masters and the Surveyor were soon onboard and we started with the paper work. They took sample of our slop and this would take about 4 hours to analyze before we can start discharge the slop. But the satellite dish Technician came onboard so I hope I can upload my web page.

Our Surveyor called about 100 people about our cargo and slop. We will load from 11 different shore tanks, evenly spread in the tanks so all my cargo planning was all for nothing. So I made a new cargo plan and I hope we can start discharge to slop soon because I'm getting tired.

Sunday 11 th of January 2009 and we started to load at 0150. Stop for line displacement and I was off to my bed around 3 o'clock. When I came to my cabin 2nd Officer called again.
- We have problem with the remote valves!
- OK, I'm coming
There was an alarm coming from the Norcontrol for our remote valves, but no indication to help us find the problem. Just the alarm sound. I called our Electrician but we could not find anything so we did a Norwegian reset and it was working fine again.

I was in bed just after 4 o'clock and I'll be darned. The phone woke me up after an hour or so.
- Our SAAB radar is not working!
- OK, I'm coming
I was back in bed at 0730, well, a little after and now I could sleep until 0845 or something like that. 2nd Officer on the 8 - 12 watch called me.
- Our SAAB radar in 1STB is not working!
- OK, this will soon kick in, I said
I returned to bed and at 1145 it was time again.
- It's time for vaccination!
- OK, I'm coming

I went down to the hospital after a hot shower. I stopped in the CCR on the way to the hospital.Looks like we will be ready tomorrow afternoon. Good, no middle of the night adventure. They told us that they would keep a 1800m3/h rate, but so farthey had only managed to keep around 1500m3/h.

Increasing winds in the evening and they stopped loading due to strong winds. We have about 24 hours to load before we're ready and I hope we're not finished in the middle of the night due to the stoppage.

Monday 12 th of January 2009 and I woke up 6 o'clock in the morning. 10 hours sleep and it was nice to wake up by myself for once. Well, I told them not to wake me up before going to bedyesterday. Going to bed at 1930 trying to read a bit, scared to wake up in the middle of the night if I felt asleep too early.
But I was soon too tired after 24/7 running around like a track horse and I felt asleep and I was not happy when I woke up 1 o'clock. But after drinking a little water I was soon asleep again.

I was in the CCR just after 7, nothing to do in the cabin when the internet is gone.We got internet at arrival, but as soon as the Technician left yesterday the internet was gone. SURPRISE!Bonus Picture for a very special girlBut I had managed to update my web page before the internet was a goner. Discussing the internet after breakfast one of our Motormen said:
- At least you could update your web page before it disappeared.
- So your girlfriend has been on the internet to check up on my diet? I asked.
- Yeah, she said thank you for all my pictures on your site.
- Well, I can throw in a bonus picture as well, I said.
Passa nu på Inga Lisa, eller vad du nu hette! Nu blir d inga mer bilder på Lasse Snutte Gosse Gubben på ett tag!

Port state control and we got 2 inspectors onboard after 10 o'clock. Checking our Certificates andPort State InspectionI had one guy checking my oil record books, cargo plans and ship shore checklist etc.

They also wanted to test our emergency fire pump. One ABon the poop deck and one AB on the fo'c's'le with fire hoses, 2nd Officer and one of the Inspectors on thePort State Inspectionbridge watching me screaming instructions to the ABs.

When the Inspector was satisfied with the emergency fire pump we continued with the fire equipment, pyrotechnics, steering engine and the reference library.
- We were invited for lunch, the Inspector said suddenly.
I looked at my watch and it was a few minutes past lunch time.

We went down to the mess room for our lunch. I asked the Inspectors about Ventspils and I found out that there was one small shopping center in Ventspils and that it was about 5 to 10 minutes with taxi to go there.
- Where do you live? I asked.
- In Ventspils.
- Maybe we can go with you ashore? I asked.
- No problem!
- It will be me and one OS, I said.
- No problem, but not more than 2. We have a very small car.
- A SMALL CAR! That's no good, I will look big if I arrive in a small car. If I arrive in a big car I look small and the girls will go crazy when they see me!
- Hmm, you will look pretty small arriving in a bus!
By that I didn't understand if he was tired of my blah-blah-bla or if he meant that I had blownVentspilsmyself out of proportions. But I guess he meant the later because he was laughing.

- When are you going? In 10 minutes? I asked.
I just wanted them to leave the ship. Otherwise, who knows?Maybe they would have stayed for hours destroying the day for our Captain. When our Captain came to the mess room I told him that he was very lucky.
- Why?
- Well, the Inspectors had planned to stay here with you for 4 more hours, but now they will bring us to the city instead.

We left the ship and the last thing Captain said was “buy something funny”. Our Inspectors had their car on the jetty and when we came to the car they told me it would be best if I was sitting up front. Can I handle the excitement?
Gloomy and grey day outside Ventspils ONLY shopping center
And people ask me why I live in FUNKY TOWN!!!
Our OS and I had to get out of the car at the gate to show our passports and then we were off to Ventspils arriving after a few minutes. We thanked the Inspectors for the ride. This two Inspectors were very nice and they told us about Ventspils on the way to the shopping center.

We entered the shopping center and it was a very small shipping center. A supermarket and somesmall shops. Cold, windy, gloomy and grey outside and this is the only place in Ventspils.
And they are asking me why I live in FUNKY TOWN. Summer and plenty to do all year long, I would have jumped overboard after living 2 days in Ventspils.

Well, we started by buying some stuff in a small computer shop. I bought a 16GB USB memory forBuying DVD moviesthe entertainment center in my office. Our OS bought 2 mice, one for him and one for a AB. And that was pretty much what they had to offer, and it was expensive. We asked for a place to buy DVD movies and they told us that there was a place next door. The place turned out to be a stall with Russian movies only.

So we went to the biggest ship in the shopping center, the supermarket. We found a few DVDs, the selection was no impressive. Weeds Season 2 was nowhere to be found. Our Cook brought Season 3 & 4 when he joined the ship. But we miss Season 2 and, well, I guess that's never mind. After a few days on theway to Africa the boredom will drive us up the walls and by then you don't care if it's Season 2 or 3.

I took a picture of our OS when he bought the DVDs and not long after we had a security guy over us.
- No one ever took picture here before.
I promised him that our OS would never do it again and he took off. We looked for beer mugs, no luck. But I found diet drinks and I bought 12 litres. Captain have ordered 10 cases for me forRIMI SupermarketSkagen where we will take provision on the way to Africa. But there was an alarm going off when we entered Ventspils and Captain was drinking my diet drink like there was no tomorrow.
- This was good!
So I bought a few bottles here, just in case. better with a bottle too much than to run out of diet drinks. Captain wanted some funny stuff and weWaiting for the taxiwent to the toy department before leaving. We found a horse for him. No security to be seen around and I took a picture of our OS while he was enjoying the horse.

No one spoke a word of English and it took us quite some time to find everything. But we made it in my home made Russian and it was time to go back to the ship.Bro ElisabethWe asked them to call a taxi and while waiting we meet two crew members from Bro Elisabeth. She is loading on the jetty next to us. She is loading for Germany.

Our taxi arrived after a few minutes and we took off for Ventspils Nafta Terminal. Arriving to the terminal was quite a shock. Taxis not allowed inside.
- Do we have to walk?
Are you kidding me? It's like miles to walk in full storm and with my hands full of diet drinks. Well, what to do? We started to walk and I was glad that I brought my winter hat. But our OS didn't have any winter hat. Well, yeah, young and it's important to look cool. I never wore a hat when I was young.
- Hmm, maybe because I had some hair to show back then.
A winter hat is not only warming, most important: It covers the baldness.
Our OS had to sit in my lap
It was freezing cold in the wind and no sign of any cars going our way. After 4 minutes there was a van coming against us. It was going in the opposite direction, but we were desperate.
- Hey! You look best, try to stop them and ask them if they can take us to the ship, I said.
When the van came close we could see that the van was full. Never mind, our OS stopped the carNafta Terminal, Ventspilsand he asked if they could take us to the ship.
- Why?
- It's very cold.
They opened the door and there was one seat left. As I told our OS:
- Lucky that I went in first! Imagine me sitting in your lap.

It took us 2 minutes to get to the jetty and we thankedNafta Terminal, Ventspilsthe what we believed to be divers. According to the van it was some diving company that had drove us to the ship.

Nice people and they saved our lives. Two minutes ride would have been a 30 minutes� walk in the winter carrying diet drinks. Coming down to the ship and we discovered that the cargo hose was still disconnected. Wonder when they will start loading us again. But we're in no hurry and now it looks like it will be February before arriving to Lagos.

We arrived just in time for the coffee break and we could hand our gift to Captain.

Yet another stupid slide show on www.aladdin.st

Captain was overjoyed

We were in the duty mess when Captain came and I took Captain to my office and I handed himNew Sheriff in townthe gift. He became like a child on Christmas Eve ripping open the gift.
- Yeah, now you can come down the mess room riding your horse.

Captain thanked our OS before he rode off to the sun set. Well, he rodeAfternoon action in my officestraight in to Chief Engineer's cabin screaming:

I continued the afternoon with paper work and it was soon dinner again. We bought some DVDs ashore and we were full of anticipation when we gathered in the day room in the evening for a movie.
Our day room is full every evening, almost, with people watching movies. Nice, not to watch the movie, but it's like a social event. Not like on Bro Provider where they expected people to watch movies on their lap tops in the cabin. 14" TV and no DVD player and the day room were empty all the time. Here we have a 42" home theatre system and always people watching movies.

Tuesday 13 th of January 2009 and we had still not resumed loading when I got out of bed at 0730. I hope they will start today, Ventspils is getting a wee bit boring by now. Well, I went for my GOOD MORNING carrot in the mess room when I discovered that it was potato pancakes for breakfast. My favourite!

I went to the crew's mess room and I had a word with our Cook. He was looking for a camera and I told him that if he caught me eating anything but meat and salad I would give him the camera IMy camera, for how long?bought in France when I was on Barcarolle.
- I can buy it! He said.
- You can borrow it and I give the camera to you when you caught me.
- OK, starting after the potato pancakes, he said.

I went to my cabin to get the camera and I returned to the kitchen and a happy Cook.
- Now I can start taking pictures!

I showed him the basics and he was soon taking pictures by his own and I returned to my office. ISPS paper work, talk about a waste of time. It's so stupid you're just angry when you do it. I really don't understand where they come up with all the bullshit. Our ISPS binder are marked CONFIDENTIAL and stamped TOP SECRET and they just contain bullshit.

They come up with some bullocks, they try to stop terrorism and they know it's impossible never mind how many manuals they are coming up with. So bull turns to “ SENSETIVE SECURITY MATERIAL ” by stamp TOP SECRET on it.

I spent most of the day working with ISPS related stuff. I started by reading the ISPS binders. I was in my bed reading the darn thing and when I was ready I moved down to my office. 16 GB of music in my entertainment centre and the music was blasting high in my office. I started byMy price winning loading planmaking a Roving Patrol List , this took me almost 2 hours.

I had to make a list of all the doors and if they should be locked or not at different security levels. So now the Duty Officer fills up the list on their watches and we have proof of Roving Patrols.

When I finished the Roving Patrol list I made a Bomb Search list by area and crew member. Bomb Threat Check Lists were posted in the CCR and on the bridge. I was busy with my list when the Surveyor came onboard at 3 o'clock asking if we were ready to resume loading.
- !!?? We have been ready for a few days by now, I said.
At 1520 we resumed loading and I can't wait to get out of here. Hopefully we will leave tomorrow night and we can start chipping on deck. And I can continue the work with the ISPS binders to the sounds of the chipping hammers.

Wednesday 14 th of January 2009 and thankGod for internet! I was in the CCR munching on my GOOD MORNING carrot when one of our Motormen came in with diet drinks. Yeah, it was Lasse Snutte Gosse Gubben who brought the diet drink.
- Inga Lisa told me to go buy diet drink for you!
- That's the spirit! Say thank you from me!
Obviously Inga Lisa liked the BONUS PICTURE and she ordered him to go ashore by me diet drinks via e-mail. So the bonus picture of our Motorman turned out to be a good investment.
- Hmm, maybe I should put another bonus picture on the internet.

I went to bedafter lunch and I woke up just after 3 o'clock. Good, I expect a long night tonight. After completion 3 to 4 hours of paper work and then shifting to a new jetty for lub oilMy price winning loading planbunkering. I took a shower and a glass of diet drink before going down to the CCR to check the progress.

I asked for 2500m³/h when we did the Pretransfer conference and they told me it would be 1800m³/h. They haven't been close to 1800m³/h, not even once. Well, I was in the CCR pestering two ofAfternoon action in the CCRour 2nd Officers with the Captain when our Motorman passed outside the CCR.

I brought my camera just in case I would run in to him. One more bonus picture and there will soon be more diet drinks coming my way.

Captain was in the CCR and is there any better way to impress Inga Lisa than to have aAfternoon action in the CCRbonus picture with Lasse Snutte Gosse Gubben together with our Captain? I don't think so.
- Hey come here, I called when he passed the CCR.

I called Captain to come stand next to Motorman for the Bonus picture. I just took the picture and I was prettyAfternoon action in the CCRsure the diet drink was mine when Captain asked if he could borrow the camera. He threw himself on the floor for a picture from a worm's-eye viewAfternoon action in the CCRof our Motorman. So now we have plenty bonus pictures for the internet.

Jo du Inga Lisa, nu fick du kanske mer än du frågade efter!

After dinner I returned to my cabin, no one knows when we're ready with the loading. They told me 5 o'clock and now it looks like 8 o'clock. Middle of the night action again. Back in my cabin I took a shower and a few glasses of diet drink while listening to DJ Shadow on full blast. I called the CCR quarter to 7 and I asked the 2nd Officer if he felt lonely.
- It's always fun when you're here! We can have a row and play about!
Evening action in the CCR- I'll be down in a jiff!
Pretty boring in the cabin as well, and this waiting around is alsodriving me up the walls. Sounds like a dream walking around scratching your arse. But believe me, it's so boring. So I'm better off in the CCR playing about withEvening action in the CCR2nd Officer.

I had been in the CCR for a few minutes when our Surveyor brought me a box of chocolate.
- Hey Hey! What is this? I'm on a diet!
And, well, if there is chocolate Captain will soon be around. And sure, it didn't take long before he was in the CCR.
At least I could resist the temptation, but I heard the chocolate was very good and I brought the box to our day room where our Cook and one of the 2nd Officers were watching movie.
Evening action in the CCR
Evening action in the CCR
Captain is playing “hard to get”
I'm better off leaving the chocolate in the day room, out of sight from the CCR
- Hey! Please help me out! Finish the chocolate and save my diet, I appealed.
Captain was soon coming in to the day room and I didn't have to worry about my diet anymore.

At 2025 we completed loading, maybe of the most confusing experience I had so far regarding loading. I say maybe, but no one seemed to know how much we were going to load.
At the end it was observed volume, volume @ 15°C and tonnes when I wanted to know how much cargo to go. I asked for SHIP STOP when we started and then it was very important that we made it SHORE STOP. We were about to be full, but we still had SLOP Port empty.
- Please! Don't load SLOP Port.

We already had loaded more than they told us that we would load at the start and I asked how much more they wanted us to load.
- 200m³
- OK, we can load 350m³ before we need to open SLOP port
A few minutes later we had loaded the 200m³ and I informed the Surveyor.
- It's 200m³ at 15°C! We have VEF (Vessels Experience Factor) to take in to account as well.
- What the hell are you on about. VEF and 15°C means f@ck all with 200m³! HOW MUCH IS ITEvening action in the CCRTO GO??!!
The Surveyor was constantly on the phone with the terminal and now it was 500tonnes to go.
Well the tanks are almost 94,2% full and that's maximum we can load. Cargo is just above 1°C and it will be almost 98% at 32°C and it are hot in Africa. 94,2% is already much more than they told us that they had for us.
- If you want us to load more we need to open to SLOP Port, I informed the Surveyor.
- Don't load Slop Port! You stop when it's full.

Now it was SHIP STOP and the Surveyor told me that we already had loaded too much and that they made a mistake ashore. I asked the 2nd Officer to call the terminal to be STAND-BY and just when our 2nd Officer about to call the terminal I screamed:
Our Surveyor looked at me with big eyes. I took up my camera and I told 2nd Officer that he could call the terminal.

Finally at 2025 we stopped the loading.
- Where are the sampling crew ? I asked.
- They will be here in 25 minutes.
- You told me that 1 hour ago!
- Yeah, 25 minutes after they are ready ashore.
- What the f@ck! That means nothing to me.
Sampling crew didn't come onboard until 2200 and we need to wait for them to get final density of the cargo. This will take all night.

Thursday 15 th of January 2009 and it was no surprise when the Surveyor started to measure our tanks the second time after 1 o'clock when we finally got the density.
- We have 170 tonnes difference between ship and shore, he told me.
- I'm not the least bit surprised!

At 3 o'clock we had the documents onboard and Pilot was ordered for 0345 and we left for the lub oil bunkering jetty across the dock. We had all fast at 0510 and I was off to bed.

They called me at 0930 “The Pilot will be onboard at 1000” and I was dead tired. I turned on my music and I took a hot shower. Well, the shower didn't do very much to wake me up.
- Hmm, maybe a diet drink will do the trick? I thought.
I poured a glass of diet drink and I cranked up DJ Shadow. Yeah, still DJ Shadow on my entertainment centre and there must be several hours of DJ Shadow on my computer. Ok, according to iTunes it's 18,1 hours of DJ Shadow. EXCELLENT! I was sippin' my diet drink when I spotted an “NEW E-MAIL” icon on my computer.

So our internet has kicked in again. They want me on a VLCC and there was an e-mail from “Unge Herr Sjöofficeren” asking for pictures from the bridge. I put my camera in my pocket so I didn't forget it when I went to the bridge for departure. Important to keep the fans happy.

Leaving for the bridge and I found working cloths and winter cloths outside my cabin. Fresh fromthe laundry. Our AB had cleaned them during the night and now we will put them back inBack to the storeour store. Our winter cloths have been a source of irritation since first day onboard. We have winter cloths and boiler suites all over the ship and no one knows who is using them.

So one of my projects is to have them all washed when we leave the winter behind. Then we can put them back in our store and thus obtain several advantages. We know what we have onboard, we don't need to order new stuff as soon as it gets cold and the crew's changing room will look much better when all the stuff is folded on the shelves in the stores. To make it short, it will look like a Swedishflagged ship again, at least in the changing rooms. Hopefully??!! But we still have a few days to go before we can start collecting the winter cloths. But I have already collected several items and at least my stores outside my office are cleared from old cloths.

Our Pilot was not onboard when I came on the bridge so I took the opportunity to take the pictures for “Unge Herr Sjöofficeren” and I hope he likes them.
Leaving Ventspils
Our bridge, action centre #2 onboard after the CCR
Nu fick du väl så du teg, Nicke!

Leaving Ventspils
Our bridge, action centre #2 onboard after the CCR
Nu fick du väl så du teg, Nicke!

Leaving Ventspils
Our bridge, action centre #2 onboard after the CCR
Nu fick du väl så du teg, Nicke!
Our Pilot was onboard a few minutes after 10 and we could finally leave Ventspils behind. At 1045, when 2nd Officer came to the bridge I left for my cabin. I haven't had more than maybe 5 hours sleep the last 27 hours.

Nice to leave Ventspils and we have almost 2 days to our first stop in Skagen. We will take provision and we will get 5 tonnes of blaster grits and a grit blaster. Spares for our chipping hammers are also coming and we're ready for some action on deck. Well, they will already start chipping on deck tomorrow morning.

My first wakeup call was from Bosun at 1500.
- It's 3 o'clock!
- Ugh!? WHAT?!
I went to bed at 1 o'clock and obviously 2 hours was not enough and I woke up when the phone rang again.
- It's 4 o'clock. I forgot to call you at 3, our 2nd Officer said.
- Ugh!? WHAT?!
I went to bed at 1 o'clock and obviously 3 hours was not enough. But I realized that if I went back to sleep it would be impossible to fall asleep tonight so I got out of bed again.

Friday 16 th of January 2009 and it was pitch dark when Bosun called me at 0730. I was tired even though we retarded ship's time by one hour during the night. Well, a hot shower and a glass ofKickin' ass on deckdiet drink before going down to my GOOD MORNING carrot.

I was in my office drinking tea and munching on my carrot listening to the crew chipping on deck. It wasKickin' ass on deckcold outside, 2°C below 0 and deck was covered in ice. It was snowing, but after an hour the sun started to shine.

I finished all the paper work from load port and I filled up our log books. New e-mails to read. Most important was that Broström booked me on a FRAMO course in Singapore 9th of June.

Good, I will be busy when I sign off in the middle of May. A quick visit to FUNKY TOWN to get my school paper and visa application for a 1 year student visa.
Our Cook is up to no good
Our Cook is up to no good
Our Cook is up to no good
Our Cook, always up to no good ( for my diet )
While I was busy in my office our Cook was busy baking and I knew that I had to stay clear of the kitchen area. I really need to look good when I sign off. It will be much flying around on my holiday. When all my papers are ready for the visa application I will fly to Sweden 24th of May.
• Advanced Fire Fighting Course in Helsingborg- 25th to 28th of May
• Going to Gothenburg in the evening of 28 and spend the weekend in Gothenburg
• Fire Fighting Course in Gothenburg 1st to 2nd of June
• Visit to Broström's office 3rd of June. Hopefully pick up my STUDENT VISA at the consulate
• Flying back to FUNKY TOWN, arriving 5th of June
• Flying to Singapore and FRAMO Course 8th of June
• Spending the weekend, 12th to 13th of June in Singapore or FUNKY TOWN
• Flying to Manila 17th of June
• Gas Measuring Course in Manila 18th to 19th of June
• Spending the weekend drunk in Manila. At least Friday night. Saturday and Sunday in bed
• Ship Handling Course in Manila 22nd to 26th of June
• Hopefully having time for my schools and GYM in FUNKY TOWN before joining the ship again.

Well, I'm looking forward to my next holiday. I will be busy and that's how I like it. No time forKickin' ass on decksuicidal thoughts. My only concern is my language school, will there be time to study? At least I hope I can get my 1 year STUDENT visa and my new school has branches at the beach so I might spend time on the beach whileKickin' ass on deckdoing my student stuff.

Of course, best if my fee covers both the branches and I can change between schools depending if I'm in FUNKY TOWN or if I'mat the beach playing golf or some other activity. But I will find out when I'm home. One thing is for sure.Kickin' ass on deckOur crew don't have any problem finding anything to do. The whole deck crew is on deck chipping and I'mKickin' ass on deckout there taking pictures.

It was Ok in the sun, port side and the ice were soon melted away. But in the shadow on the starboard side the ice never disappeared. I was out for a walk around deck to check things and I had to stay on the port side. Never mind the weather,Kickin' ass on deckI was in a good mood watching the rust disappear. It was nice to see and hear the chipping machines and hopefully we will finish deck up to the manifold before arriving to Africa.

We had 4 crew members on deck with chipping hammers and atHalvtolvan10 they got company by the fifth AB.
But we had a little problem with the fifth chipping hammer so he had to continue the greasing. Hopefully the chipping machines will work better when it's getting warmer outside. Time flies and we will soon pick up our Pilot that will stay onboard until Great Belt where we will change Pilot. We need to have PilotHalvtolvanonboard until Skagen where we will take provision tomorrow morning around 9. Luckily enough I'm watch free and I don't have to spend time on the bridge with the Pilot.

Well, just past 11 and the boredom drove me up the walls.- Hmm, what to do?
- YEAH! I will go to the bridge playing about withHalvtolvanCaptain and 2nd Officer!

I went to the mess room to get two wine glasses, 1 for Captain and 1 for the 2nd Officer, I already had my glass in my cabin. So on the way to the bridge I stopped in my cabin to pick up a bottle of diet MAX and my glass and 2 steps later I was on the bridge deck. I stepped in on the bridge with the wine glasses and my diet drink. Within seconds I had 3 glasses of, maybe, ISuddenly we were all busysay maybe, the best thing you can drink.

We were talking about the good ol' days when the Pilot boat was coming and one of our ABs came to take the wheel.

She is red like a fox and we need all crew available on deck chipping so we can grit blaster when approaching Africa and the summer weather. well, I knew it was coming, we have a AB on the wheel while in narrow waters. Tomorrow its provision and I have planned to held an oil spill drill when we're leaving Skagen. So the real action on deck won't start until Monday. But then.... Well, I'm satisfied with the day, the crew has come a long way chipping on deck. This is the original A-Team or as we say: Ass kickers!
Kickin' ass
Kickin' ass
She will soon look like a Swedish ship again
When the Pilot boat came I collected the wine glass and I left the bridge. Chances are that ourPilot would have misunderstood the situation with all the wineglasseson the bridge.One of our Ass kickersSo better safe than sorry.
- Are you drinking on the bridge?
- No! It's only diet drinks!
- Yeah, sure. I call the police.
- Believe me! It's just diet drinks.

The sun disappeared after lunch and it became cold and windy again. Not very pleasant to be on deck checking upAlways busy on deckon the chipping on deck. But I got an 30 minutes constitutional before I gave up and got back in doors again.

I was on my way to Captain's cabin with a few of our old log books when I could hear him and Bosun on A-deck.
- Where is Aladdin? Bosun asked.
- I'm also looking for him, Captain replied.
Well, I was on D-deck on my way to the bridge laughing. I screamed down the staircase but no one heard me. Well, sooner or later Captain will be on the bridge so I can as well pester our 2nd Officer for a while.

It didn't take many minutes before Captain was on the bridge.
- Maybe we will discharge in Amsterdam and then load in Amsterdam!
- What?! We will never leave the winter behind, I replied.
- They will know tonight, Captain said.

Well, I really hope we pass Amsterdam so we can get the winter behind us ASAP. OK, Lagos is not my dream place, but Cape Townwould be nice. Well, we see what happens. Latest news wasBonus Pictureto drop anchor on Amsterdam roads and then we have to see what's happening. I have things to do, never mind Amsterdam or Lagos. When I joined the ship I forgot all my school books at home. But my friend has scanned the books and Ireceived them by e-mail today. So tomorrow I will start to study again.

A bonus picture of his baby and what a good start in life to appear on www.aladdin.st. And he is not the first baby to be on my site. Well, a bonus picture even if I don�t expect any diet drinks to be delivered.

Saturday 17 th of January 2009 and I was called for at 0630.
- We drop anchor in 30 minutes!
- Ugh!? WHAT?!
I took a hot shower trying to alleviate the tiredness, didn't helped much though. I grabbed my glass and a bottle of diet drink and I was off to the bridge. We dropped anchor at Skagen and at 0745 the provision barge arrived. Heavy sea so we had to try giving lee to the barge while lifting onboard the provision. It was DEAD SLOW, SLOW & HALF AHEAD during the whole operation. At 9 o'clock the barge left us he called us on the radio.
- Impressive work keeping us in lee!
- Swedish flag!Next time it might be aPanamaGreek......

At 0950 the Pilot came onboard.
- Did you take stores here? Impossible in this weather!
- Swedish flag!
We left Skagen for Amsterdam and when I came down to my office I ran in to 10 cases of diet drinks. We got the grit blaster and 5 tonnes of grits. The grit blaster looks like it have never been used. And no protecting cloths delivered with the blaster. I guess this has been on Bro Atland (or where ever they sent it from) for several years and nobody knows where the blasting dress is. Well, maybe we can find it tomorrow, but we have looked everywhere.

Sunday 18 th of January 2009 and I woke up to a gloomy and grey day. Strong headwinds and water spray all over deck. At 10 o'clock the wind disappeared so I planned for a constitutional on deck after lunch. Lo and behold, the rain started to pour down after lunch. Well, I guess it's my destiny to stay, well,hmm, large. But it�s typical, sunshine and nice weather and as soon as I decide to go on deck it turns overcast and starts to rain.
Kickin' ass
Kickin' ass
Bosun lifting down Captain's old safe box
Our Captain got a new safe box at Skagen yesterday. Impossible to lock the old box, sp it was just a waste of space. The new safe box was 100 kilo so the crew had to use the crane to get it, well,Sunday actionalmost all the way up to D-deck. They landed the box on C-deck andSunday actionwe had our strongest guys to take it up on D-deck.

Later on in the afternoon I gave my constitutional a try, but I gave up after 5 minutes. I returned to my cabin and my language course. I spentan hour before going to dinner to read out loud from the copies I printed yesterday. And of course behind closed door, otherwise they would have thought I was a crazy if someone has heard me.
Arrival to Amsterdam anchorage around 2 o'clock tomorrow morning. I really hope they send us South to discharge the gasoline. I really have had it with the winter now.

Monday 19 th of January 2009 and we were anchored on Amsterdam roads when Bosun called me at 0735. Gloomy and grey day with strong winds and the Pilot service is suspended due to the weather. So we will see how long we will stay. No one knows what we should do here, dischargingNice day on deckand loading again or continue to Lagos for order.

I had 2 of my best men to wash down the superstructure. It's very dirty with soot so washing is urgently needed. While my 2 best guys washed down the superstructure I had the other 2 of my best guys to chip on deck.
- I?? I was in my office chewing on my GOOD MORNING carrot.

I tested all our gas meters during the morning and I was looking for a hood for the grit blasting. But I could not find any so I decided to call the company after lunch, easier for them to find what we want to have. And if we orderNice day for work on deckyou never know what they will send to us. The Ship Chandler might take the first hood he can find, or even send us some shit he had tried to get rid of for years.
- I will never see Bro Promotion again. Can as well take theBack in the dayschance to get rid of some ol' shit laying around here.

I called the company in the afternoon and he asked me to make a list and send to him by e-mail.
- I can attach some pictures of our top notch equipment on Barcarolle.
- You do that and we see what we can do, our man at the company said.
I sent some pictures of our blasting equipment on Barcarolle and now it's just to wait and see.
When I was ready with the e-mail it was almost dinner time. Well, almost, I had a few minutes to pester Captain and I never miss an opportunity to have a disagreement with him.

Tuesday 20 th of January 2009 and we were still anchored when Bosun called me at 0730. I drillTime for drillswas planned for at 8 o'clock so I had to get in to myTime for drillspanta longas. All crew assembled at the Administration Centre at 8 o'clock. I talked a little about oil spills before we went on deck. Our Bosun had prepared our oil spill pumps on deck so we could go straight to it.

I had planned for one of our Mess men to run theTime for drillspump. I explained how it was working while the rest of the crew watched (and listened) delirious in suspense.

When I had revealed the secret how to run the pump our Mess man emptied the bucket of water in no time.Time for drillsWhen the bucket was empty we were quick to move to our oil spill equipment store. Windy and cold so no one wanted to spend more time than necessary on deck.

I showed our oil spill equipment and even though I couldTime for drillssee that the crew were enthralled by all the exciting equipment I had to disappoint them:
- OK, that's it. Any questions?
- Nothing!? Are you sure? OK, then I'm sorry to say that's it over.
Our Chief Engineer took over and we started with our fire drill. Not as exciting as the Oil Spill Drill, but, well, it's not easy taking over after our dramatic Oil Spill Drill.
Fire drill
Kickin' ass
Fire drill extravaganza
Fire drill, foam system and CO2 system. When the fire drill was over I took the opportunity to get a picture of the crew before going to the lifeboat muster.
Early morning
After the life boat muster we went over to our life raft davit on port side. We have a davit so weTime for drillscan lift the life raft on port side. We have to throw the life raft on starboard side overboard.

When we were ready with the drills I called Hudsonmarin in the USA and that's what they call a QI-notification drill. So we got rid of quite a few items on our drill list during the morning and I could start with my discharge plan. But still no berthing prospects. Captain called the Agent and our jetty is occupied for at least 36 more hours.

I'm in no hurry and we have plenty to do on deck. They confirmed my order for cloths for the grit blaster today so we have to see when it arrives. But before that the crew have plenty chipping to do.
Afternoon action
Afternoon action
Afternoon action
Maintenance in full swing
When our drills were ready I had my 2 best guys on greasing detail. 2 of my best guys wereAfternoon action on deckbringing up steam pipes from the engine room and they started to chipAfternoon action on deckrust when they were ready. Bosun and one of my best guys started to change wire on the MOB crane and life raft derrick.

The MOB boat wire was changed in a jiff. But the life raft derrick was a different story. Just enough space for the wire to pass through the hole in the shaft. And in the rubber bush stopped the wire when they had finally got the wire around the roller lead. New stiff wire and next to impossible to get pass the roller lead. After hours hanging from the top of the derrick I could see that our AB was cold.

-OK, now it's dinner! We continue tomorrow, I said.
Afternoon action on deck- F@cking A! Now it's personal and we're going nowhere until the wire is through!
- That's the spirit!

I was back at the derrick a few minutes later and I told themAfternoon action on deckone more time to go have dinner.
- F@cking A! Now it's personal and we're going nowhere until the wire is through!
- I can see the guy on top of the derrick getting gloomy every time you say it's personal, I said to Bosun.

Well, the work on deck is getting along well and as soon as the greasing is ready we can have full force on the chipping detail.

After dinner I attended my language course in my cabin. DJ Sleepy on full blast while reading out loud. Today we will start the movie at 1830, we have to think aboutthe senior crew members. Our movie nights have turned in to a senior citizen happening and it's the senior citizen brigade coming to watch the movie. They are getting tired early and they wished for the movie to start at 1830 instead of 1900. I could not help pestering them:
- Oh! We're getting so tired at 8...Blä-blä...7 are so late....Blä-blä...
Blindfold diet on BarcarolleBut I stopped as soon as I realized that it might happen to me as well when I'm getting old. So I'm better off treating the old people like I want to be treated when I get old the year 2035 something.

I had a serious talk with our Cook after the movie. I told him about my failed diet techniques on Barcarolle:
• The blindfold diet (The crew thought I had gone crazy)
• The empty chair diet

All by now well known technique. I told our Cook that I had a new diet and I'm calling it “The 20 seconds diet” . I'm just allowed inside the mess
room 20 seconds at time. Just enough to pick up a fruit and some milk in my tea.

I went to bed happy to have coming up with
“The 20 seconds diet” . Must be impossible to fail this one. If I stay longer than 20 seconds I have to pay a hefty fine so I hope I remember this tomorrow morning. I have to rush in to the mess room, grab my GOOD MORNING carrot and rush out again.

Wednesday 21 st of January 2009 and we were still anchored when Bosun called me at 0740. A wee bit late so I only had time for a 5 minutes shower before going down for my GOOD MORNINGA GOOD MORNING smoke in my officecarrot and the bucket of tea. I spent 11 seconds in the mess room getting my carrot and when my tea wasAlways something to do on deckready I spent another 10 seconds filling milk in my tea bucket.

Our 2nd Officer was going on a safety round at 0830 and he asked if I wanted to join.
- OK, that sounds fun!
We started in the accommodation and then we took deck. It was kind of OK on deck. Not much wind and the sun did its best trying to break through the clouds. We finished the safety round after about an hour and I told Bosun to bring the deck crew to my office quarter to 10.

Latest news is “Pilot tomorrow afternoon” and we will discharge 8000m³ and then we will load 8000m³ again. Hopefully we will leave Amsterdam behind on Friday.
A kickers
Deck crew in my office
I did a new cargo plan while listening to the sound of the chipping hammers outside my office. Work in progress and there is plenty to do before we can start the grit blaster. Well, first we need the clothing and then we need nice weather.

10 minutes before lunch I was in the kitchen getting a plate of white cabbage. I ate the cabbage in the kitchen (avoiding the temptations in the mess room. I think you get the picture on how “The 20 seconds diet” is working) while talking about the good ol' days with our Cook. Well, anyway, 5 minutes later I was hungry again and next plate of cabbage is not until 10 minutes before dinner.

Wrapping up the day and I can establish a few news, both good and bad, bad but not so bad and, well, surprising (In a good way) news.
• Bad news, Captain is signing off in Amsterdam and I hope we're not going from GOOD ORDER to     pandemonium. It has been very fun and educational to work with this Captain.
• Bad, but not so bad, my gas measuring course is 17 - 18th of June and not 18 - 19th of June    and I will loose 1 day in FUNKY TOWN
• Good news, we're going in tomorrow and we will only discharge 8000m³ and load 8000m³ again.
• Surprising (In a good way) news!!! My new “The 20 seconds diet” works better than expected.

But the best thing happening was the movie at 1830, “The Bank job” or something like that. The hero, what a handsome guy and he is bald. THERE IS HOPE! I just need to lose 2 or 3 kg!

Thursday 22 nd of January 2009 and Bosun forgot to wake me up. So I didn't got out of bed until 5 minutes before 8 and we have to get our Cholera vaccination in the Administration centre at 8.
Cholera vaccination
Cholera vaccination
Our Mess man gets his oral cholera vaccination and 2nd Officer (Medical Officer) is supervising
I was in the Administration centre in 2 steps and I could get my Cholera vaccination. This is the2nd and last Cholera vaccination and now we should be protected. Well, at least we got a stamp in our vaccination card. The last few times I got my vaccination inTHERE IS HOPE!!Sweden the Doctors have all told me that it's pretty pointless to take the Cholera vaccination.

I took my vaccination and I returned to my cabin for a quick shower. Still in a good mood from the movie yesterday evening. Bald and handsome, yeah, our hero is a real he-man.
- Hmm, maybe I should have his picture on the fridge. Just to peepLeaving tomorrow.me when I feel peckish.

Pilot time was changed from 1200 to 1900 and our Bosun had not yet received news about his reliever. His reliever lives in Brazil and they had not been able to reach him. I was sitting in my office working with the PMS when Captain came (to disturb me).
- Good news for Bosun! His reliever will come tomorrow!
When Captain finished his coffin pin and coffee (talk about the good ol' times) I took the flight details and went on deck. I found BosunBusy on deckat the steam pipes on #4 cargo tanks. I handed him his flight details and I said:
- You can clean your cabin after lunch. We take the chipping detail and move them to the steam pipe on cargo tanks #3.
He was happy like a 12 years old at Christmas Eve.
- Is it true??!! Did the find my reliever?
- Oh yes Sir! I said.
. We went back to the AB and the OS chipping at the slop tanks and we told them that they could finish the chipping and remove the steam pipe from cargo tanks #3. I told our OS that I had received an e-THERE IS HOPE!!mail from his girl friend.
- What did she write? What did she write?
- Well, I guess she knows that there is a better catch out there!
And she is not the only one. Our Motorman's girlfriend is filling up my inbox all by herself. This is exactly what I have hoped for, as Seinfeld told George:
- Baldness is the next thing to catch on!
Young and bald is not all that bad as our hero proved yesterday. Now I only hope that the girls on badoo.com will realize the same.

Good news and bad news, well, 8000m³ off and on was changed to discharge 20000m³, empty these tanks and load these tanks again. Then discharge the rest of the tanks and load again. So at first it was bad news. We will stay a few days to complete the operation and Captain told me that he would leave here in Amsterdam.
- Now I have enough time to hand over with the new Captain and I can go home in Amsterdam.
- What the hell! If I want to have an orange on Saturday night to make it a little cosy the company chase me with a torch because I'm spending too much. Now they have to pay for 2 Captains during several days. It would be more economically for the company to put the same TV and DVD on all the ships.
- ??!! Captain looked puzzled.
- Yeah, then the Captain knows how the remote work on all the ships and no need for any handover! A lot of money to save! Do you think I get a bonus if I put this in the suggestion box? I asked.

Well, later on in the afternoon Captain brought me the good news.
- I cannot leave here in Amsterdam!
- Great! I said.
- The company says it's not enough time for hand over, he told me.
- DARN REMOTE! I said.
Captain just rolled his eyes and left for his cabin.

Pilot 1200 then 1900 and latest news is late evening, early morning. Well, I'm off to my cabin to study my language course.

Friday 23 rd of January 2009 and were still anchored when Bosun called me at 0730.
Raining so no chipping
Washing the superstructure and she will soon look Swedish again
Gloomy and grey weather with the rain pouring down. It was a wee bit too much rain forchipping on deck. The rust would just turn to mud and impossible to see the progress while chipping. But the superstructure is almost black by dirt. So all crew on washing detail.
Well, not all crew. 2 ABs will finish the greasing today and Bosun have a fewTHERE IS HOPE!!commissions of trust so we can finish the PMS (Periodical Maintenance System) for this month. Only a few days left and this month has really passed quickly. Soon time to go home.

I was drinking my diet drink while listening to the crew dragging around the hose on deck. Always nice to hear work in progress.
But we have heard nothing about any berthing prospects and I guess this can take long. I have made 4 different (step by step) discharging/loading plans and I guess it has been a waste of time. But if I'm lucky I can use 1 of them. I will not make any more until I knew what will happen, but at least I have kept myself busy.
Busy on deck
Busy on deck
Washing outside my office
I was in my office preparing myself to go on deck to check out remote valves. Prepare myself is to get dressed, the weather leaves plenty to wish for.
Busy on deck
Busy on deck
Busy on deck
Busy on deck
A pointer here and there and Bro Promotion will soon look Swedish again
On my way out on tank deck I could not help myself. I just had to stop to pester the crew on the washing detail.
- What the hell is this?! She looks like a zebra!
- Yeah, but....
- No but! There is only one technique and it's called hard work.
Busy on deck
Busy on deck
Washing outside my office
It had been raining all day and every day since we arrived to the anchorage. Gloomy and grey andOur tank cleaning lockerI'm really feed up with it now and I can't wait to get South. But still no berthing prospects and the latest news is that we're back to the original plan to discharge 8000m³ and load it again.

We have had enough of the anchoring by now and it�s gettingInternettedious. Our internet is nothing to write home about and our 2nd Officer has to restart the system every now and then.

Well, it good for sending e-mails and uploading my web page (sometimes) and then I'm better off study my language course.
And that�s exactly what I did after my dinner (White cabbage)
10 minutes before dinner time. Time spent in the mess room, 2 seconds to get my plate. This is the third day with “The 20 seconds diet” and its working very well.THERE IS HOPE!!Way over expectations. Our Cook is more than impressed. But he is also worried about my health.
- You have to eat more. This is dangerous and you can die.
- I will die looking good and imagine how grateful the crew will be when they carry ashore 75kg Chief Officer instead of 350kg Chief Officer.

It's also my third day without using salt. Otherwise I have to refill the jar every third day and that's not very good when you want to lose weight. If I have managed the 3 first days the rest of it should be a walk in the park. And hopefully I will never have to fly business class again. I do, well, not only for my own comfort, but mostly in respect for my fellow passengers. Imagine going on the holiday of your life time and you end up next to Porky.How fun would that be?

Saturday 24 th of January 2009 and we started the day with a RESCUE FROM TANK drill while waiting for 2nd Officer to finish his breakfast. We will also test our FRAMO EMERGENCY pumpEarly morningand he wants to see how it works. Who knows, maybe he will show upEarly morningas Chief Officer soon and then he needs to know how it works.

Well, he got of his watch at 8 and while he had his breakfast we were kickin' a on deck. We got right on to the drill, hell, I did not even have time for my GOOD MORNING carrot.

We were just ready at DB 1Stb when our 2nd Officer came on deck with the enthusiasm bubbling in his blood. That's the spirit we're looking for. We had the pump up and running in no time, well, our crew had prepared the pump when theyEarly morningstarted at 6 o'clock.

We were soon ready and I told the crew to put back everything.
- 2nd Officer and I go inside, it�s too cold out here.
We had walked for 20 meters when our 2nd Officer told me that I had forgot to take pictures.
We went back and we called the crew again. I told 2nd Officer to take charge of the control valve to the pump and we could finally go inside.

Pilot, I don't know. 0700 and then 1000 and then again, after lunch. No one seems to know anything and I'm not impressed by the operation. Discharge all cargo, discharge 5-6000 tonnes. Everything changes every 5 minutes and I'm only hoping that we will stay anchored until Monday morning.

We have 4 on signers waiting at hotel in Amsterdam, they arrived yesterday. Our Agent told our Captain that he would pick up the off signers at the jetty 1800.

We tested all high level alarms and emergency stops before lunch. So this would be ready at arrival to the jetty. Purging our pumps, cofferdam in 3 port is blocked.
We tried to take of the pipe but still no air passing through. We have purged the pumps 2 times after last use and no problem. I went to Chief Engineer's office to get the FRAMO manual. While in my office Captain passed by and he told me that the Seagoing Personnel Manager had called.
- Berthing cancelled and a speed boat will come to pick up the off signers.
- The Seagoing Personnel Manager!!?? Don't we pay big buck for an Agent?
- He knows f@ck all!
Amazing, after almost a week here no one knows anything. What a waste of money. And there seems to be no plan at all, everything is a guess work and I can't help wonder what kind of operators the charterer has on the payroll. Just hiring a ship, load it with 50,000 m³ gasoline and then..... Well, after 1 week they should have been able to come up with something.

After consulting the Chief Engineer we tested the pump and everything seemed normal. The pump sounded like a purring kitten.

It was after 3 o'clock when the speed boat came to pick up the off signers, but they didn't bring the on signers. Well this Agent has for sure not managed to impress anybody around here.
10 to 5 and I went for my salad and I was ready just in time for dinner so I could escape in time. I ran in to Captain.
- Hey, it's dinner!
- I'm on diet!
- Just a little!
- I'm on diet!
- Hey, look! It's chocolate mousse! And whipped cream!
- I'm on diet! I see you for the movie at 1830! I said and left.

Sunday 25 th of January 2009 and we were still anchored when I woke up. Sunshine, but very cold as I discovered when going on deck with our new Bosun to check the cofferdam in 3 port. Well, the day turned out to be a long and tedious one. I hope we will go alongside soon.

Monday 26 th of January 2009 and I didn't get out of bed until just before 8. New Bosun and he forgot to call me at 0730, well, I don't mind the bonus sleep. When I came in to the duty mess I meet our new Captain for the first time since he came onboard. And I knew him from Stena Barbados back in the days.
- Hmm, seems like I have been working with all the people in this company. Soon anyway

The cargo pump in 3 Port is blocked and I called FRAMO in Holland. It's Ok, to use the pump if we are “carefull”. Careful? How to be careful when pumping? Maybe a helmet will do the trick. We're always careful.

I'm in my office reading FRAMO manuals, its Monday again and I hear the chipping machines again. Nice! As Captain on Barcarolle said when we started with the deck:
- Now it's prestige
Same here and I hope deck is ready when I sign off in May. Depending on the weather and of course what kind of voyages we will do.

Seems like we're on our way out of here. After lunch we got a message that Pilot was expected for 2000 tonight and then we would be alongside around 2400. I expected a full night so I tried to sleep in the afternoon. I really don't know if I managed to fall asleep. But I was out of bed at 5 and not long after Pilot was changed to 2300.

What a joke it is! All these STCW 95 and rest hours and bull shit. I was in my office doing cargo plans and it was almost midnight and not a word from the Pilots. I could see the deck crew passing by my office one by one fresh from the bed. I told them to go to sleep after dinner.
- Pilot 2300 so you�re better of getting some sleep.
Now they are all awake and as you understand it will be impossible to get back to sleep and I will have the deck force dead tired on deck tomorrow. Company is losing money, But the rest hours is very important.
- Blah-blah-bla...safety first....Blah-blah-bla... We take this serious...
Same story every time you have to listening to the oil companies and the Vetting Inspectors ranting. I still say and I have always said that this is a shit load of crap. If they were serious it would not have been allowed to go alongside after 1800. But you got your 10 hours rest.
- Yeas, but I have only been sleeping for 2 hours the last 24 hours!

Like when we arrived to Ventspils, I had to sit up with the Surveyor until 8 in the morning. That's 0730 to 8 o'clock with 1 hours sleep in the afternoon. And what good does it if I sit in my cabin staring at the bulkhead? Is this rest? I have to wait for, well, let's say 1 hour between 4 to 5 o'clock in the morning. No work, but this is 1 hour of rest. Is there any difference from sitting 1 hour at my desk and to sit one hour in my cabin? Does it alleviate my tiredness 5 o'clock in the morning after being up for 21 hours? I don't think so.

Planning the work??!! Yeah, MOTHERF@CKERS, all me boys are up, fresh from the bed and it's midnight. Start chipping on deck? I don't think so. I'm in my cabin resting because I can't sleep. Does it make me less tired at 5 o'clock? I don't think so.

Tuesday 27 th of January 2009 and believe me, I was more dead than alive when they called me at 0615. Must have been 100 signals before I answered the phone.
- 30 minutes to the lock
- I'm coming
I was on the bridge after 25 minutes. Yeah, it was a long hot shower. When I came on the bridgeEarly morningthe lock were nowhere to be seen.
- You can go sleep again, Captain said.
- We told 2nd Officer not to call you, Captain #2 said.
As mentioned before, I was dead tired. Otherwise I would never have missed the opportunity to pester 2 Captains. But I returned to bed and they called me 2 hours later.

A new shower and I was on the bridge when we connected our tug boats A gloomy and grey Amsterdam and the spring and summer is not anywhere near. Will be nice to leave Europe behind so I can walk in myEarly morningshorts without freezing. It was almost 0 degrees this morning. We had all fast at 1015 and I left for the CCR.

We will discharge through shore line to a ship next to us and then we will load the gasoline again. Surveyor said that we will only load 31500MT again and our orders are to load everything back again. We will see how it turns out.

I have my PRE-TRANSFER check list and our 2nd Officer started by going on deck to do the check list. Everything has to be in order before we start the cargo transfer. This is a check list I made by myself. We have plenty other check lists, but, well.
- Hmm, what�s the use for all these check lists?
The Loading Master told me about a ship a few weeks ago. They were loading a 120m³ line displacement. When the Surveyor came to measure the ship they only had 50m³ onboard. 70m³ was missing and it turned out that they forgot 1 seaside manifold unblinded. The port of Amsterdam was full of gasoil. Amazing, no one ever saw the gasoil coming out from the manifold. I mean, deck must have been full of gasoil.
I didn't believe the story, This could not be true. But the Surveyor confirmed the story.
Energy Centaur
Energy Centaur on the jetty next to us. When will she be ready to receive our cargo?
Our Surveyor left at 2 o'clock and we will start discharging around 9 to 10 o'clock tonight. I really hope that we're up and running with the discharging at 9 so I don't have to sit and wait here allSigning offnight long. But I know how they can f@ck things up and I would not be surprised to sit around the CCR 3 o'clock tomorrow morning.

But now it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and Captain is leaving the ship.An Amsterdam tank park in the backTaxi to his hotel and he will fly home tomorrow morning.

After dinner I returned to mycabin and my language course. I'm really glad that my friend sent me my book, otherwise 5 months with my studies and I knew I would have suffered from severe agony. Study everyday and “The 20 seconds diet” and I feel like a million. 1 week with “The 20 seconds diet” and no salt. Hopefully there will be some result soon.

Wednesday 28 th of January 2009 and we started discharging at 0310. Soon off to bed. Yeah, fat chance. At 7 I went to bed and I woke up at 12 dead tired. But I didn't want to sleep anymoreIn the CCRbecause it would be impossible to sleep tonight.

I spent the afternoon with a new cargo plan. I don't even remember how many I have made now. But if they only want to load 31500 MT I can have 3P/S empty and our Pump man can repair cargo pump 3 port on the way to Africa.

Our 2nd Officer,
- Yeah, the very same one making a name for himself with our emergency pump.
came on watch in the CCR. He asked if I had updated my web page.
- Any new pictures of me?
- I'm sorry, but I just couldn't find the time for my web page.
- About time you update then! He said.

He surfed in on www.aladdin.st and he was disappointed when he discovered that I had not updated my web page since the EMERGENCY pump drill. Luckily enough I had my camera in my pocket.
- OK, there will soon be an exciting update, I told him.

Thursday 29 th of January 2009 and it was beautiful morning. Sunshine and blue sky, but cold. We finished discharging at 1445 and now we only wait to start load again. We got a new Motorman today and I knew him from Bro Nelly.

We started loading at 1930 so I expect some middle of the night adventure late tomorrow night. And it will most likely last until the wee hours on Saturday morning.

Friday 30 th of January 2009 and I woke up to a gorgeous day. Sunshine and it would have been a perfect day if it was 20°C warmer. I was in for a pleasant surprise in the CCR. The arm is leakingIn the CCRover at Energy Centaur and they are only able to load us with about 1200m³/h and we will be ready tomorrow morning. Hopefully, around here nothing is for sure. As our Bosun said:
- This is like a 3rd world country.
- Right you are.

At 10 we had a Surveyor onboard and it seems like no one has a clue what's going on or what's going to happen around here. At 11 o'clock they stopped loading and, well, we see what happens.

Our Surveyor came onboard in the afternoon. He wanted me to make it a ship stop.
- Impossible! This is a MIN/MAX cargo, I said.

How the hell can I stop on 31500 MT vac B/L figures? Not possible.
- We will use S/F as B/L, he told me.
- OK, you write ship stop with SAAB figures, I told him.
- OK, 31500 MT.
- What about VEF? I asked.
VEF (Vessels Experience Factor) is as meaningful as the ISPS code. But when we use S/F (Ship Figures) as B/L we use to apply the VEF. Surveyor looked a little puzzled.
- Hmm, yeah, I forgot that.
Well, we will stop at 31440MT vac S/F and I will write a protest on the SHIP STOP.

1 hour later I was in my cabin. I was calling AMEX to cancel my card. For sure my AMEX hasAMEXnot managed to put a GOLDEN edge to my life. It's just costing me GOLD. SURPRISE! A 10,000 US bill in my mailbox and it's easy not to laugh. Well, of course, while spending the money it's easy to smile.

While talking to American Express Captain called me.
- Hang on, I told the girl. Captain asked if we could load 37,000 MT.
- They just called from Norway, he told me.
- Yeah, no problem. I will soon be down, I said and I continued with the girl at AMEX.
Well, the girl at American Express convinced me that it was a very good card with excellent service.
- Yeah, but I don't want to participate in the stupid reward points program, I said.
I had millions of point and all I got out of it was an iPod. I wanted to finish my points before cancelling my membership in AMEX. So I ordered the iPod for my friend. To be delivered with UPS or DHL. Well, turned out that my friend was on holiday in Chile. The iPod? I don't have a clue. Most likely DHL taped to a door somewhere in Gothenburg by now.

Down to the CCR and we got confirmation from Norway. When we're finished with Energy CentaurMy new souvenir from Amsterdamwe will top-up our tanks from a shore tank.

I found a new tea mug and a box Dutch beer glass on my way down to ourAladdin, early morning in Amsterdamevening movie. well, the bags were just outside my door so it was the first thing I ran in to.

Our OS and one of the 2nd Officers had been ashore to buy movies and I had asked them to keep their eyes out for a tea mug and some beer glass. Stappelbaar or whatever they call them. The best beer glass in the world. Back in the days they served all beers in Holland in these small glasses.
1 Guilder per glass and it�s just about a mouth full so you could drink hundreds of them. I bought a big box of these glasses back in 1991, but after a few parties at home the glasses were all broken. I have 1 left in FUNKY TOWN. So I was glad to see that our guys managed to get me some glasses.

Saturday 31 st of January 2009 and I was called for at 0515.
- We're ready in about 1 hour. There is hot tea water ready for you!
- OK, I'm on my way!
I took a hot shower and I went down to the CCR.
- You haven't updated you web page yet! Was the first thing 2nd Officer told me.
Early morning in the CCRI grabbed my new tea cup in my office and I made a cup of tea. I took a picture of our 2nd Officer admiring my new tea cup when I was back in the CCR.
- Now there will be a new picture of you on the internet.

At 6 o'clock the Terminal called us and asked if they could blow the line onboard our ship.
- The plan was for you to blow it back to Energy Centaur, I said.
Yesterday they changed from shore to ship stop because they wanted to blow the line back to Energy Centaur. I told them that we could take the line, but then they had to make it shore stop for the MIN/MAX cargo. Changes every minute around here. And yesterday they found out that we will load full cargo here.Waiting and waitingSo when we're ready with Energy Centaur we will top up our tanks from a shore tanks.

At 0645 we stopped loading and now we have to wait for them to start load us from the shore tank. I will not be surprised if we end up with night work tonight again. Nothing to do but wait. Just before lunch I sneaked in on our 2nd Officer. He was enjoying himself reading the newspaper while waiting for the cargo.

I called the terminal and I asked when we would start.
- That's the big surprise!
After calling someone he told me one hour.
- OK, one hour, I said.
- Whoa whoa! Maybe!

Well, January passed by quickly. Are you ready for some February excitements?

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