Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro Promotion

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro Promotion
M/T Bro Promotion
I got this picture from the Sea going Personnel Manager at Broström
Well, waking up with an raving hangover and I popped a fist full of B-12s first thing.Cominghome from Manila yesterday and as it turned out all the discos were open.I stopped atThai AirwaysGLOW on my way home from the airport.

I will leave FUNKY TOWN Monday night soThai Airwaysthis will be my last weekend and my last chance to drink wine for a few months.

I was already drunkwhen I got off the plane at the airport. I had kept the Stewardess busy during the flight pouring me white wine andI can't say that I was surprised that Charisma Man showed up after a few glasses of wine. 15 minutes in to our 2h 20m flight.

First they asked if I could join the ship 19th of December and then it was 15th andThai Airwaysin Manila it was the 7th of December and I found my holiday plans going down the drain. I had planned a week full of exercise, golf and adventure on the beach before joining the ship.Thai AirwaysWell, I guess I have to do this next holiday. Next holiday, this one has only been about school and California WOW.

We had quite a few drinks at GLOW before continuing home with my bags. After leaving my bags at home I left for RCA and half way therewe had to return home, I had forgotten my snus.

Waking up was not that bad, Saturday and the hangover had not kicked in. I took a fistful of B-12s just in case. But it might be my healthy life style in Manila that alleviated the hangover because I didn't have any hangover. Well, of course I could feel that it had been a late night out with vodka and a few bottles of wine. But not even close to a force 9 hangover.
Well, I have social responsibilities and its Saturday. So I decided to take a taxi to the beach toSaturday nightvisit my friend. No need to pack my weekend bag, I will return to FUNKY TOWN tonight.

I left FUNKY TOWN in a taxi at 3 and I arrived at 5 and I meet my friend at a Swedish restaurant where we had 2 quick vodka orange before going to the next place and more vodka.

I don't know if it was my imagination, but there weren�t any tourists around and this is the high season. Well, I hope that the PAD's, the yellow shirts, really f@cked up Thailand�s reputation when they occupied the airport. Imagine flying in to Thailand on empty flights, very good.Saturday nightAnd no tourists around, I will never have to stay at a guest house again due to fully booked hotels if I decide to celebrate Christmas at the beach again.

And if anyone wants a tip for you next holiday destination, Philippines. Friendly people and it's very cheap. And there are plenty discos and pubs Manila.

I returned home with a taxi and I woke up Sunday morning expecting a force 9,9 hangover after two days of heavy representing.
- Where the BIP is the hangover?
I don't miss the hangovers, but last time I represented 2 days in a row I was next to dead waking up Sunday morning. Well, it must be the tuna and mango diet and going to the gym every day. I will continue with this diet and life style and I will soon look good.
SM Hypermarket EXCELLENT!!!
I went to Villa Market to buy some fruits, excellent selection. But far from as impressive as the SM Hyperstore in Manila. And the price, I paid a quarter of the price in Manila comparing toSunday lunchFUNKY TOWN. And the Mango RIPE tasted like candy in Manila and here it's pretty much like drinking a glass of water.

First I checked out the mango, and I discovered that I had been eating Papaya Hawaii and not Mango for months. I was confused in Manila, the Mango did not look like the mango in Thailand. And of course if it was Papaya I had been eating and not Mango. But now I know the difference between Papaya and Mango.

Well, Sunday and no hangover so it was like a bonus day and I managed to prepare everything for the trip to New York and the ship tomorrow. Now I only have a few important errands to run tomorrow when it's Monday and I'm pretty much set to go.

I got my flight details yesterday and, well, I'm not looking forward to this marathon flight:
LH 783 H 08DEC 1 BKKFRA       2355 0535+1
LH 400 H 09DEC 2 FRAJFK       1045 1335
I ordered a taxi for 1900 and we took off to the airport with smokin' and screamin' tyres and we arrived about 1930. I'm better off a little early. I checked in Sunday via the phone just to make sure to get an aisle seat. After the last few weeks drama on the airport and stranded tourist I expected the flight to be full.

I also expected the airport to be full of passengers when I arrived, but surprisingly not. Business as usual and not a sight of the 300,000 stranded passengers. So I had checked in just after 8 and I had plenty time to drink diet drinks at Black Canyon Coffee at gate F. And YES!The girl from last time was still working there. And she was as beautiful as I remembered her from last time.

I bought an internet ticket at the airport but the signal was so week so I had to give up trying toupload my web page. Well, not even possible to connect to the network. Well, I will have 5 hours in Frankfurt and I guess there will be time.
- Hmm, what about my favourite airport restaurant? Doesn�t go together with my new lifestyle.

Well, I think I can take a breakfast after 12 hours of living hell onboard the Lufthansa flight and I know from last time that they have internet at the restaurant so I can upload my web page and to send some e-mails. Well, time to get my arse down to Gate D03 and Lufthansa�s flight LH 783 to Frankfurt. It will be so much fun, but you can't expect it to be fun when you have salary while flying. But it will be nice to leave FUNKY TOWN behind for a while. and when I'm back I'm ready to take on my new school. I paid the tutor fee for 1 year at a new school today so I know where to study on my next holiday.

Make your choose:
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
My holiday

Well, I joined the ship 10th of December 2008 in New York and we did the following voyages before I signed off in Las Palmas 10th of April 2009:
Voy: BK040
St John, NB
(LOAD) Ultra low Sulphur Diesel - MAX 275,000 Bbls

Voy: BK041




APPROX 50,000 M3
New orders: Discharge all cargo in Amsterdam. Reload 31500MT and mix with 2 other parcels.


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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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