The cruise turned out to be a huge success, crocodiles, elephants and hippos. But it didn't start so good and I thought the whole cruise should end up like a waste of time. But it turned out to be aAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswanavery nice tour on the river, 2 hours only and it was worth it. Better be as this is the reason I stayed one day extra at Chobe Game Lodge.

We were back just in time for lunch, seems like we're not doing anything but eating and looking at animals. We had a break for 3 hours and then it was time to go for our evening safari. 3 hours and I spent the time in my cabin updating my web page and looking at the pictures I had taken during the day.
Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana

I went to the reception at my new Canadian friends were waiting. The manager told me that she would not come for work tomorrow. And she had her afternoon off and this would be the last time we saw each other’s.
- Don't go sentimental on me now?

Well, I was in a good mood and she got a hug. And one of my new friends from Canada took a picture of me and the manager going home and the new manager.
OK, enough with the sentimentalities, let’s go for safari! We drove down to the river and we saw a turtle. And as it is a turtle living ashore they call it a tortoise or something exciting like that.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Elephants coming back from the river

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Elephants coming back from the river

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A tortoise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Elephants with a baby

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Rain approaching

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Baboon with baby

We also saw our friends the hippos while down at the river plains. 2 of them were ashore eating grass, far away but I tried to get some pictures. We were driving around for quite some timesAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drivebefore we stopped at a place for a “SUN DOWNER” as they call it. A sun downer is that you get out of the car and drink a diet drink.

We were surrounded by baboons going home for the day. They will find a tree and they will spend the night there. They had a few new born babies and it is amazing how they can hang on under their mother.

We returned to the hotel after the sundowner and I cancelled the dinner today, just a pot of tea and 2 rolls. I was soon off to bed as I will have a long day tomorrow.

I continued to update my web page until 11 o'clock when I went to bed and I felt asleep like a log. And I need all the sleep I can get as theyAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drivewill call me 4 thirty tomorrow morning. I have decided to make one last safari before they come to pick me up at 11 o'clock.

We have had an excellent day and I was very happy when I went to bed. Every day is like a new excitement, and when they call me at 4 thirty I'm more dead than alive.
But I'm really looking forward to get in to the jeep to start the safari.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

Bangkok Post
I try the keep myself updated with the latest news from Bangkok Post

OK, yet another exciting day have come to an end, but we look forward to a new day tomorrow. Early morning game drive and then the flight to Ghoha Hills for next safari adventures. So just click HERE and you will be in the middle of that adventure.
Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana

Thursday 13 th of November 2014 and it is not easier to get out of bed at 04:30 now than it was a few mornings ago. Well, I have finished 2 days of private gaming and I will join the group game drive today. We start with the jeeps an after breakfast we will get out on Chobe River.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana

I had 2 cans of diet drinks before I went to the reception and the waiting jeeps. I ended up in a jeep with 6 people from Canada. And I will stay in this group for all of today's activities. Nice, it was nice people and I liked them right off.

And how can it go wrong with people from Canada and Sweden? As I told my new friends: We would be unbeatable in ice hockey. We took off just after 5 thirty and we stopped for some instructions before going out in the park. The game drive can start.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Our jeeps are waiting for us

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Some instructions before we take off

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
The sun is coming up over Chobe National Park

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
The sun is coming up over Chobe National Park

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful morning in Chobe National Park - A Fish eagle
Get out of bed is not easy - But after a few minutes of this you don't want to go back to bed

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful morning in Chobe National Park - A Fish eagle
Get out of bed is not easy - But after a few minutes of this you don't want to go back to bed

I'm about to go throw myself in front of a crocodile when they call me at 4 thirty. At least I feel like doing it, give me sleep. I had one and a half cans of diet drink before I left for the receptionAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Driveand it didn't help. But after two minutes in this beautiful scenery the need to sleep was history.

It was yet a gorgeous morning at Chobe National park. Before we left the manager told me that they would pick me up at 11 o'clock tomorrow for transportation to the Indiana Jones airplane on the airstrip. They will fly me to the next lodge, The Ghoha Hills in Savute. Yes, it looks like I have ended up on a real dream holiday.

But I will have the time to take the morning drive and my original plan was to skip the drive and sleep. But I don't mind experience this one more time before leaving.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful bird I don't know the name of - Here are millions of beautiful birds

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful bird I don't know the name of - Here are millions of beautiful birds

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful bird I don't know the name of - Here are millions of beautiful birds

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful bird I don't know the name of - Here are millions of beautiful birds

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful bird I don't know the name of - Here are millions of beautiful birds

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A beautiful bird I don't know the name of - Here are millions of beautiful birds

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
A bird with 2 eggs just next to the road

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Plenty buffaloes on the flood plains

We saw plenty beautiful birds, among them a very small bright blue bird that I never got a picture off. But I saw the green and yellow bird that I missed to take picture of yesterday. And I got aAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drivepicture of the bird today. We enjoyed our gaming drive and when we came down to the plains we saw an impressing sight. There were plenty buffaloes on the grass and it was a real good morning treat to get to see them.

The morning drive is a short one, 05:30 to 08:30 when we go back for breakfast. So we didn't drove very long and we turned back when we reached the beginning of the flood plains. We were almost back at Chobe Game Lodge when we saw a jeep stopped on the road. They had spotted lions under a bush.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Plenty buffaloes on the flood plains

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Plenty buffaloes on the flood plains

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Plenty buffaloes on the flood plains

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive
Even the lions are afraid of the buffalo

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drive

The lions was exactly as exciting as they had been last time, well, this time there were two lionsAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drivestanding up.

It was time for breakfast and we left the lions behind. The Police stopped us at the last curve before Chobe Game Lodge.

They had already stopped the jeep in front of us, also from Chobe Game Lodge. And they checked our Guide's driving license and permit to have passengers in her car. Well, it was not like we were delayed forAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game Drivebreakfast. We were soon on our way towards the hotel and breakfast again.

I went to my room first thing when I was back to get my computer. I brought my lap top to the restaurant where they have WIFI. I asked for an omelettes and I ate some sausages. What is it with the African sausage? I thought Skåne was the only place where they know how to do sausages. Zimbabwe, very good sausages and here we have excellent sausages for breakfast. I was soon back in my cabin updating my web page, and I have about one hour before we take off for the river cruise on Chobe River.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
The boats are waiting for us

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Welcome on board!

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We're taking off

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Crocodiles on the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Crocodiles on the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Crocodiles on the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We leave the crocodiles behind

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We're passing a crocodile sitting on her eggs. She have been there for 3 months

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We're passing a crocodile sitting on her eggs. She have been there for 3 months

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We see elephants where we saw the first crocodiles and we turn around

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We see elephants where we saw the first crocodiles and we turn around

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
They leave when we arrive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
The elephants had scared the crocodiles

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Lizard on the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Now there are elephants where we came from and we go back

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Now there are elephants where we came from and we go back

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Now there are elephants where we came from and we go back

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Now there are elephants where we came from and we go back

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
It is a big group

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
The have a very small baby with them

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Yes, they are having a good time in the river

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Yes, they are having a good time in the river

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
The elephants are leaving again

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We can see the hippos from far away

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
2 crocodiles

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We turn around and we go back to the hotel

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Another boat from Chobe Game Lodge on the way back

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
We are back at the hotel

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - River cruise
Warthogs on their knees moving the lawn when we come back

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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