Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana

Friday 14 th of November 2014 and it is my last game drive at Chobe. I had a shower and a can of diet drink before going to the reception and they were waiting for me. Well, they called me 25 minutes past 5 and asked if I was coming.
Yet another Smiley on Are you coming, we're waiting!
Yet another Smiley on I'm on my way!

I checked my watch and I checked the clock on the computer. 05:23 and I have learnt that it is better to arrive in the last minute. I have to wait for them everyday and when it is 05:35 I ask them if we're going to leave or not.
- We wait for the others
- If they want to go they should have been here by now
- No we have to wait!

I was just leaving my room when they called and they were actually delaying me. I sat down in theAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drivecar and I called the girl and I pointed at the clock in the car. Just switching from 05:27 to 05:28.

We took of at 05:31 and t was 2 couples from Switzerland and me. We decided to go have a look at the waterhole where we had seen the hyenas a few days ago before we crossed the “tar” road.

We arrived and the only thing we saw was the big black antelope I have forgot the name off. And plenty baboons andAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game driveas I was not alone we could not stay to wait for some water hole action. And they called on the radio, they had seen lions and the couples from Switzerland wanted to go see them.

We took off like we had our arses on fire. And a calm morning safari had suddenly turned in to the Monte Carlo Rally. I had to hold on the something sturdy in order not the bounce out of the car.

We were plunging down the dirt road when suddenly we saw two jeeps ahead of us. They were parked on the road and they were watching the lions. There was no adult lions around, only the babies, between 6 months and just above 1 years old.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Baboons at the water hole

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
We leave this beautiful water hole

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Already two jeeps there watching the lions

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Baby lions

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Baby lions

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Baby lion

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Baby lions

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Here they are watching mama lion

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Mama Lion

We watched the baby lion for a while before taking off for new excitements. We drove a few hundred meters and we ran in to the other jeeps again. This time they were watching theAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drivemama lions. They had left their babies behind.

Our Guide told us that this was part of the training, to se if the babies could fend for them self. What a stupid thing to do! They told us that there are less and less lions each year because of the babies dying. Leopards, hyenas and other predators are eating the babies. So yes, that's a great idea to leave them by themselves learning to fend for them self.

If they were hiding in a bush close by I would agree to that it was good training. But now it sounds like teaching your children to swim by throwing them of the bridge and then leave. Not very smart and illegal in most of the world. Anyway, we continued after a while and we drove off towards the river plains again.
Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Elephants early in the morning

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Beautiful reflections in Chobe River

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Beautiful reflections in Chobe River

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
Leftover from a leopard dinner

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana - Game drive
I get a picture of the bird flying away

We were back at the hotel just after 8 and I had my breakfast (way too much) I was in the reception just before 11 and we left Chobe Game Lodge at 11 o'clock bound for Kasane Airport. We were going in one of the safari jeeps, but this time we were 11 passengers. Well Chobe Game Lodge, a Fantastic place and highly recommended.

If I'm coming back to Botswana I will for sure stay at this hotel. OK, we have a flight to Savuti Airstrip to look forward to, so click HERE and you will soon find yourself in the middle of this Indiana Jones adventure. This will be fun so hang on!

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