Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air

Friday 14 th of November 2014 and we left Chobe Game Lodge just after 11 o'clock. 11 of us plusAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswanathe driver. We passed through Chobe National Park until we reached the “tar” road.

It was not many minutes to Kasane Airport when we had reached the “tar” road

It was a very small airport and except the Botswana Air jet it was only small propeller planes on the tarmac. I spotted one Safari Air plane on the tarmac and my guess is that this is the plane we're going with. I'm the only one going to Savuti, but there are a couple fromSafari Air, BotswanaChobe Game Lodge that will go with the same plane as I.

The first stop is Savuti Airstrip and then they will continue for 2 more stops. Yes, the airplane will stop all over Chobe National Park. End destination? I have no clue. But the longer we were waiting the less I wanted to get on the plane

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Approaching Kasane Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Kasane Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Unloading our luggage

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Check in

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Tarmac at Kasane Airport

It was not all that easy to figure out how it was working at Kasane Airport. There were no signsAladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswanafor Safari Air, but our driver from Chobe Game Lodge found a guy. He had our names on a list. He was the one explaining that I was going off at the first stop, about 40 minutes from Kasane

He put labels on our bags and he told us to wait. We would be late as we were waiting for 5 passengers that was going to arrive late. He was back after 30 minutes and I got my ticket. Kasane - Savute - Xakanaxa - Maun

We passed the security and we were waiting in a small room while they loaded our luggage. It wasAladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswanathe pilot taking the luggage to the plane using a trolley.

Our man that helped us at the check in was soon coming and we started to move towards the plane. I really can't say that I liked this, the plane looked very small.

How is our hero going to get on board the plane? Will the plane be able to handle the load? Many passengers and the plane don't look to have all that many seats. I did a wise move, I asked the luggage man to put my computer bag with me new duffle bag. No need to blow up my proportions by carry a lap top bag on to the plan. It is more than enough with myself.

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
The pilot is out and shake hand with all the passengers

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Our Hero have problems - How the foock is he going to get on board that plane?

We board the plane through doors in the aft and as I was going off first I went on board last. SoAladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in BotswanaI had time for a chat with the pilot while the other passengers boarded the plane.

He didn't thought that it was necessary with an extension belt. And anyway, they didn't had any extension belts.

I squeezed myself down in the seat and I was surprised that the belt fitted me. OK, it took quite some wrestling before the belt was on, but it was on. Now I just needAladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswanato sit like this for 40 minutes and I can't wait to get out of the plane at Savute Airstrip.

Our Pilot had a safety demonstration and we were soon getting out on the runway. We took off without any problem and we were cruising towards Savute Airstrip.

It was a choppy ride and it was almost like I was sea sick. And why are they flying so high? Wouldn't it be better to fly at low altitude following the “tar” in case there is a need for an emergency landing? AndAladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswanawhy isn't here any handle to hold on to? And what is that noise from the door behind me? And why is my seat loose?

And darn it is hot on board. Do they have any AC? I don't thinks so and I'm not the only one finding it very hot on the airplane.

We were flying over Botswana and the landscape looked the same for as long as I could see. I must admit that I was a wee bit disappointed, I had expected to see some animals but we were flying too far up in the sky.

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Kasane Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Kasane Airport in Botswana
Kasane Airport

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Botswana from above

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
No room for any food service

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Approaching Savute Airstrip and we fly over Chobe Channel
Can you see the elephants?

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Flying along Chobe Channel

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Flying along Chobe Channel

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
There were elephants all along Chobe Channel

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Chobe Channel

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
OK, here we go time to come down
Why isn't there anything to hold on to? Well, I guess it is never mind if we crash

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Elephants along the airstrip

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Indiana Jones International clear of elephants? Here we come!

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Landing at Savute Airstrip

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
One of the jeeps are here to pick me up

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Oh yeah, it will be nice to get off that plane

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Co-pilot/ luggage handler/ ground staff comes with the ladder

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
Co-pilot/ luggage handler/ ground staff comes with the ladder

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
I'm off and the plane leaves 2 minutes later

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
I'm off and the plane leaves 2 minutes later

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
I'm off and the plane leaves 2 minutes later

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
I'm off and the plane leaves 2 minutes later

Aladdin’s adventure with Safari Air
There she goes, see you on Monday!

We approached Savute Airstrip and the landing was one of the best I have ever experienced. Could hardly notice touch down. I have been flying with small airplanes before and they are usually bouncing like there is no tomorrow.

Well, I also remember one time landing with a 747 at Don Muang in Bangkok, we were bouncing along the runway and I almost shat myself. Well, it might be due to all the sand on the air strip. The plane is stuck to the air strip as soon as we touch down.

Anyway, as soon as we had parked the guy next to the Pilot got out of the plane and he went out in the back and that means that he had to squeeze himself through the passengers to reach theAladdin’s adventure at Savute Airstripback. He opened the door and he ran to get a ladder. I was off and the guy got my luggage from under the plane and they were off again. The whole stop took a few minutes tops.

There were 2 jeeps waiting at Gate 3 on Savute Airstrip Terminal 5. One jeep was for me and my transport to Ghoha Hills. AndAladdin’s adventure at Savute Airstripthe other jeep was waiting for another plane that arrived a few minutes after my plane had left.

Yes, it seems to be a busy day at Indiana Jones International Airport. There will come a plane to pick me up on Monday for transport to Camp Xakanaxa in the Okavango Delta. Well, that will be another adventure I'm looking forward to, not the flight but the safari. OK. We’re off to Ghoha Hills and you just need to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of that adventure.

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