And it didn't take long before I regretted that I had given him my camera. He took all the pictures I didn't want to have. I wanted to swim around taking pictures “Aladdin style” But it wasAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in ZambiaNON STOP “Now we're sitting here” mixed with a few “wave to the camera” and “Let's move over here as a group for yet another pointless picture”

When I finally managed to “talk” the Guide in to giving me my camera the next group was already in the Devil's Pool and they started all over again with the “Now we're sitting here” mixed with a few “wave to the camera” and “Let's move over here as a group for yet another pointless picture” and I never got the pictures I wanted.

I really wanted to have some nice pictures to send to our 2nd Engineer on Roy Maersk. Well, but the whole experience was excellent and I'm thinking about doing it again, if I can find a spot where I will be alone.

I managed to get in to yet another argu... discussion before we left Livingstone Island. At the breakfast tent and they asked me to sit down at the table. I asked for a bottle of water.
- Sit down!
- I don't want to sit down!
- Sit down and I will bring your food and tea
- I don't want anything to eat. Just give me a bottle of water and I will walk around having a lookAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiaat the place!

I could not believe my ears, I'm on Livingstone Island one time in my life and I don't want to waste the time sitting at a table eating breakfast. I was still full after the breakfast at the Jungle Junction at Victoria Falls Hotel.

And I started out very polite when asking for a bottle of water and the guy refused to give me the water. It was sit down and drink coffee or tea. Well, I got three bottles of water and I spent the time exploring Livingstone Island. I was in some bushes when I heard a hissing sound, like a snake and IAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiamade a very quick U-turn and walked back the same way I had come and I was soonYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stback at the breakfast tent.

Time to leave and we had to wait for a few minutes before the boat came back with 6 new visitors for the Livingstone Island.

They got out and we got in to the boat and we were soon on our way back to Royal Livingstone Hotel and my ride back to Victoria Falls Hotel in Zimbabwe. I will have 2 hours of rest before my next activity. Time for a Diet Drink and to update my web page? Sleep? We will see.
Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Time to leave Livingstone Island and the Devil's Pool behind

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Time to leave Livingstone Island and the Devil's Pool behind

We were soon back at Royal Livingstone Hotel and the hippos was still in the river outside the hotel. In exactly the same positions as when we left for Livingstone Island. Yes, first time you seeAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiaa hippo it is kind of exciting, but the excitement is soon worn off.

So what about my Devil's pool experience, yes, this is something I can recommend. BUT KEEP YOU CAMERA!!! I will see if I will have the time to go there again before leaving for Botswana. I have already sent a request for one more trip, if I will be alone or almost alone. And we can skip the food and tour of Livingstone Island, only in the Devil's Pool.

My ride wasn't waiting for me and after 10 minutes I went to look for a taxi. I paid him 10 US Dollars for a ride to the Zimbabwean border. We stopped at the Zambian immigration and I got myAladdin's adventure at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambiaexit stamp. This took 2 minutes and we were soon on our way across the Victoria Falls Bridge.

I had to change car at the Zambian immigration and he would take me to the immigration in Zambia on the other side of the bridge.

We're only allowed to cross the bridge ONE BY ONE and I could not help but thinking about the over 100 years old bridge. Will the bridge hold up while we're crossing?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully at least until we're over and this might be the last time I cross the bridge.

Well, I might cross the bridge again as I want to come back in May to see the falls in full force. But not next year as I will take off to see polar bears and ice berg then.

Aladdin's adventure at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia
Crossing Victoria Falls Bridge one by one

Aladdin's adventure at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia
Crossing Victoria Falls Bridge one by one

Aladdin's adventure at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia
Back in Zimbabwe

I got out of the taxi at the Zimbabwean immigration and the paper work kept them busy for 2 minutes and I was in Zimbabwe. Not far to my hotel, but I was looking for a taxi even though IAladdin's adventure at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambiawanted to walk. I limped to Devil's Pool and I was turning cartwheels out of Devil's Pool.

The pool is full of fishes that eats your dead skin, same as the fish massage. But these fishes were big and it was not very nice to have them chewing on you.

I have tried the fish massage once and I can't say that it was any exciting experience. But these fishes were a wee bit different.

But maybe, and I say maybe, they eat off the bad from my right foot. So I felt quite OKFish massage in the Devil's Poolwith my foot. But the hike to the Boiling point on Sunday and I want to be in top form, so taxi it was.

And the taxi trip turned out to be a gaming drive. Border post is just outside the Victoria Falls Town so it takes a few minutes to get to my hotel. I was in the back enjoying the tour when suddenly the driver stopped. We were almost hitting a group of elephants spraying themselves in mud to alleviate the heat.

Elephants in Victoria Falls Town
And of course, I had not seen them if it wasn't for the Driver. Here is a lot of wild life in the area. Cheetahs hunting and elephants roaming around. Buffalo, yeah, a buffalo is as exciting as watching paint dry.

But what we don't know is that the, yes, I know most of you think about a Thai buffalo. But these buffaloes are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. My Driver told me that the elephant killed a few people every year in the area. Well, 2 minutesElephants in Victoria Falls Townlater and I was at my hotel. Nice!

I went to look for water and they told me that the only place to buy water was at the bar. I went inside and I asked for 2 bottles.
- 10 US Dollars
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

I got upset and I asked what was so special with this water. They explained that it came from a machine with a compressor. YEAH, NORMAL FOOCKING TAP WATER! I told them that this was a robbery. But I paid 10 Dollars and I left for my room. I was upsets, 10 US it is not anVictoria Falls Hotelexpensive water. It is a scam! But the bottles were nice and I will bring them back home.

We remember when I got a bottle like this from our Austrian friend at Sophia Muay Thai Gym. I managed to break the bottle at another boxing session. And these bottles with the porcelain flip top are very hard to find. I found bottles like this in Australia, but the flip top was made out of plastic and I never learned how to like them.

Well, now I have more of these bottles and I will “arrange” so I can get four of these bottles back home to Bangkok. OK, I'm off to my room for some rest and to update my web page. In two hours they will be here to pick me up for the “Guided tour of the falls”

It had been a very good start on the day with the Devil's Pool, nothing like they want to make it sound as, a dangerous place. Like on the video below.

The video: Girls defy death at Victoria Falls! Devil's Pool, Livingstone Island, Zambia

Well, while you enjoy the video I will take off to the “Guided tour of the falls” and this is something I'm looking forward to. Walking along the falls on the Zambian side in the morning and we will walk along the Zimbabwe side in the afternoon. So click HERE and you will be in the middle of that adventure. Now we will see the Devil's pool from the Zimbabwean side!
Aladdin's adventure at the Devil's Pool, Victoria Falls

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Vic Falls Hotel - Roy Liv Hotel
Livingstone Island Breezer
Devil's Pool
Guided Tour of Victoria Falls
Lunar Rainbow Tour
Cancelled due to clouds

Thursday 6 th of November 2014 and my alarm went off at 6 o'clock. And at the same time they called from the reception to wake me up. I don't know if it was due to the excitements to go seeAladdin's adventure at Jungle Junction, Victoria Falls Hotelthe Devil's Pool or what it was, but I didn't fall asleep until after 4 o'clock in the morning. So I was tired at 6 o'clock.

My right foot felt better but I was still in pain, but Devil's Pool or bust. And the day is finally here, I have been planning and dreaming about this. Spending many hours on board Roy Maersk talking about this with our 2nd Engineer, looking at pictures, and today it will happen.

They will come to pick me up at 7 thirty and I had asked for the wake-up call at 6 and that gives me one and a half hour to get ready. I was tired, but there is a difference to be called earlyAladdin's adventure at Jungle Junction, Victoria Falls Hotelmorning for the Devil's Pool and to be called for work that has to be done.

I went to the restaurant “Jungle Junction” for breakfast. The breakfast buffet looked Ok and I ordered an omelette and I had bacon with the omelette. A big pot of Earl Grey tea and two slices of bread. One with strawberry jam and one with honey.

I left the restaurant 20 minutes past 7 and I went to the reception and the car from Shearwater Tours was soon coming to pick me up and we took off towards the Zambian border. We are going to Royal Livingstone Hotel in Zambia.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
At the Zimbabwe/ Zambian border

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
At the Zimbabwe/ Zambian border

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
Leaving Zimbabwe behind

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
Crossing the Victoria Falls Bridge approaching the Zambian border post

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
Crossing the Victoria Falls Bridge approaching the Zambian border post

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
Zambian Immigration

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
Zambian Immigration

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian border
Our hero cleared Zambian Immigration with a one day “VIP” visa

It took us about ten minutes to drive to the border from my hotel. Clearing Immigration took a few minutes and there was a bus waiting for me and we crossed the Victoria Falls Bridge to get toAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian borderthe Zambian immigration. I was alone and I had expected at least a few more people to be interesting in the Devil's Pool

We crossed Victoria Falls Bridge and we were soon at the Zambian immigration. I paid 20 US for a one day VIP visa and we were soon on our way to the Royal Livingstone Hotel on the Zambezi River side. It took us about ten minutes to reach the hotel from the border and we arrived at 8 o'clock. And my tour didn't start until 9 o'clock.

One hour to kill, an hour I could have spent in bed! But there was a nice view of the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls. We could see the Livingstone Island as well and we will go there by boat and itAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian bordertakes a few minutes to get there.

I was alone and I was hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto be alone on the tour. I asked the Guides on the platform and they told me that we would be 12 people going. And yes, I was disappointed.

There were soon a group of Polish people coming down to the platform. I thought that I was going with them but they were on the 7 thirty tour and they were late. Well, bad for them, they willAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls border post at the Zambian borderget less time at Livingstone Island.

There were a group of Hippos relaxing in Zambezi River a little bit out from the platform and I enjoyed the view, time turned quick and it was soon time to board the boat.

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
On the way to Livingstone Island and the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
On the way to Livingstone Island and the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Arriving to Livingstone Island

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Arriving to Livingstone Island

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
A welcome drink

Took a few minutes to reach the Livingstone Island and they were waiting with welcome drinks. I didn't wanted any welcome drink and I was eager to get on with the tour. Devil's Pool, how many nights have I spent on board Roy Maersk thinking about the Devil's Pool trying to kill the boredom.Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in ZambiaFinally, I was here and I was not going to waste time with a welcome drink.

We were soon on our way, the boat returned to Royal Living Stone Hotel to pick up 6 more passengers. Can only take 6 passengers and while they go to get the others we will walk towards the Devil's Pool having a look around Livingstone Island.

Well, we met some of the polish guys and they had have a very good time at Devil's Pool. We passed a few tents where they were going to serve breakfast after the swim. We met the Chef and I toldAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiaher that I didn't needed any breakfast as I had have my breakfast at the hotel.

And I'm not here to eat. We were soon continuing towards a monument/ memorial for Dr. Livingstone. 150 years ago (2005) since Dr. Livingstone sat foot on Livingstone Island.

There had been some relative to Dr. Livingstone here 2005 and he was 90 years old or something like that. I didn't listening too much as I was more interested in the views. This is the dry season and most of the Victoria Falls is dry, but in May it is 1700 meters long and full flow falling over the edge. Then here is so muchAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiamist you can't see Zimbabwe on the other side of the gorge, maybe 100 meters wide.

I might come back sometime to see the full force of Victoria Falls, but I'm here mainly because of the Devil's Pool and gaming in Botswana. So dry season it is. And here is not any mosquitos now, but it will get worse in a few weeks’ time when the rain starts.

We were standing on the edge of the gorge between Zimbabwe and Zambia. Impossible to see the bottom when the water flows in full force. And we can see on the pictures that the falls are completely dry, well almost, to the East.

To the west we have the Devil's Pool and the main falls and at the far side to the east we have Devil's Cataract. But in general, Victoria Falls are dry East of Livingstone Island. I felt bad coming too close to the edge and I was dizzy, but a few pictures was necessary and I was off the edge.

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
On Livingstone Island looking east

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
On Livingstone Island looking east

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Victoria Falls are dry

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Not much water in the gorge

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The main fall and Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The main fall and Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The main fall and Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The main fall is almost dry

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
We will have to swim across here to reach the Devil's Pool

We had a look around the east side of the Livingstone Island before we walked towards the main falls. We will have to swim for 20 meters and then walk 2 meters to reach the Devil's Pool. This isAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiawhat I feared, to walk on the rocks with my right foot. But one of the Guides had a pair of plastic sandals in my size and I borrowed them.

He will walk to the Devil's Pool barefoot, yes, as it is very low water you can walk there. But we're not allowed to walk on the edge and we have to swim.

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The water was cold the first few seconds and after that it was very comfy. It took is 3 minutes to cross the stream and we were on the rocks above the Devil's Pool.

The stream was pretty strong but it was no problem to cross over to the Devil's Pool. There wereAladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambiaalso 2 lines over the stream as last resorts if you lost control while swimming across.

We all made it across, well, no need to be an Olympia swimmer to make it, and we were soon standing above the Devil's Pool. It was very nice to swim over and I expected it to be as nice in the Devil's Pool. The Guide that had lent me his shoes wanted to have our cameras so he could take pictures. I told him my camera was waterproof and I wanted to take my own pictures. He told me that he took very nice pictures of us.

And as I had been in an arge... No, I had a discussion with one of the Guides before and I handed him my camera to avoid getting in to any more discussions.
Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
We made it across reaching the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Our Guide walked this way to the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Walking the few last meters to the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Victoria Falls from the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
The Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Main Falls from the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Devil's Pool in Zambia
Breakfast before we're leaving Livingstone Island

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