Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

offers 11 canvas suites which provide en-suite bathrooms with eco-friendly amenities. Nine out of the 11 suites canAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge in Botswanaaccommodate two guests while the two family suites can accommodate two adults and two children.

These eco friendly suites also provide their own private viewing deck, where guests can relax and enjoy breathtaking views of the environment that surrounds them. Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge offers a first class safari experience in the game rich Chobe National Park of Botswana, Southern Africa.

The extraordinary Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge which nestles in the Savuti region is an eco-friendly lodge offering its guests a spectacular safari while causing as little damage to the surrounding natural environment as possible.

This spectacular secluded safari lodge runs purely on green energy, solar panelsAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge in Botswanaharvest the suns energy and run all the lanterns, lights, heaters in the lodge. The Ghoha Savuti Lodge experiences most of its rainfall during the November to April months and its hottest weather is experienced October till April, which is when the lodge experiences their summer months

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

Friday 14 th of November 2014 as soon as I sat down in the jeep I spotted an ostrich across the airstrip. I took a few pictures and my Guide told me we could get over the strip to have a lookAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgeas soon as the other airplane had left. But I told him that we can see an ostrich during the safari and we took off towards Ghoha Hills camp.

Took us around 45 minutes to get to the safari camp and my Guide reported ETA 15 and 5 minutes before arrival. We reached the hill and it was not a nice road leading up the hill. I could see the whole staff outside when we arrived and they started to sing when I arrived. I felt like an idiot in the jeep when they started to sing. I threw myself out of the jeepAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgeand I followed the manager to the main building.

There was a waterhole 150 meter downhill from the camp and there were elephants drinking and playing around. The manager, from South Africa but with ancestors from Denmark told me that I needed escort to and from my tent when it was dark as they had lions in the area. The lions used to hang around in the camp. And the elephants used to be just outside the tents. Yea, this is just what I need to hear.

And there was a lot of bad news, no plugs for computer, charging cameras etc. The whole camp is supplied by solar power and they don't have any plugs in the tents. There are a few very weak lamps in my tent. This is not what I had expected, fer foocks sake, it is 2014!

And the tent cost me 600 US Dollars per night and I will have to go to the reception to charge my computer. They gave me the full song and dance about guests using hair dries so that's the reason they only have plugs in the reception. I was at least to say disappointed

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My tent

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My tent

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My tent

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My tent

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My tent

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
View from my tent - Through a mosquito net

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
View from my tent - Through a mosquito net

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Time for dinner in the restaurant

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Time for dinner in the restaurant

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
The honeymoon special

Me and my Guide took off for an afternoon safari and when we stopped to look at a dung beetle that was working in a fresh buffalo shit I discovered that there was no memory card in my camera. SoAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgeall the pictures I have been taken during the safari was all for nothing.

The memory card is in my laptop on charge in the reception. I was not happy. Well, when back at the camp it was time for dinner and I was told it was dinner at 9 thirty. My Guide came to pick me up in my tent.

They asked me what I wanted to drink when I came to the restaurant and I told them that I would love to have some Earl Grey tea. I thought we were going to sit down for dinner. But we were obviously going to sit around the camp fireAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgebefore the dinner. They brought my tea and I told them that I would drink the tea later.

Yeah, fat chance that I would sit in a beach chair drinking tea. I just wanted to leave, when was the last time you sat in a comfortable beach chair?

And on top of this the whole staff came out to sing some traditional song, it was terrible. But you can't say that. If they play traditional German ompa bumpa music it is OK to say it is terrible.

But now we are in Africa and to say the music is terrible is a big NO! And they never wanted to stop and just when they started with the third tune I felt through the foocking beach chair. AtAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgeleast to say embarrassing, but I could go inside to drink my tea and no more need to listen to the music.

I was happy to be able to leave the show even though it was a humiliating experience. Dinner was served just after 8 and I made a mental note not to show up before 8 o'clock for dinner tomorrow night.

The food was excellent and I was full when my Guide escorted me back to my tent. I had dinner with my Guide and the two Managers, the guy with Danish ancestors and his wife with ancestors from Germany and France.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Time for dinner

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
The Managers

OK, I was dead tired and I managed to fall asleep pretty quick. Tomorrow will be a full day of game driving. So just click HERE to find out what we will see during the safari.

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