Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air

Wednesday 19 th of November 2014 and we were 10 to 15 minutes late when we finally left Camp Xakanaxa for the Xakanaxa airstrip. I will fly with Safari Air to Maun. I will change to WildernessAladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness AirAir in Maun for the flight to Kalahari Plains Camp. We ran in to elephants outside the air strip. So let's hope they don't make it up on the air strip.

Easy to imagine what would happen if one of the airplanes would run in to a elephant on the air strip. I'm sure I would not want to sit in that airplane. They use the jeeps to clear the air strip when the planes landingAladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness AirSafari Airand take off

We drove up on the air strip and there was one plane taking off while we drove along the air strip.

The plane disappeared and we could see one red plane approaching. Safari Air and this was my plane according to the Driver. I expected to be on my way towards Maun with in not too long.

I have had a fabulous time here in Africa, but I was not looking forward to Wilderness Safari's Kalahari Plains Camp. I have paid 1000 US per night. 3 nights means 2 days and I have paid 500 plus US Dollars per day for theAladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Airjeep and Guide.

And when I had paid they wanted me to pay for the private jeep for the full length of stay.

Obviously the consider it to be 4 days even if there is no time for safari on the arrival and departure day.

OK, fine with me, if they would have said this BEFORE I paid. Now they told me after I had paid almost 5000 US for the Kalahari Adventure. And it was not possible to cancel, this was a scam.

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
A plane is taking off

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
A Safari Air plane arrives

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
The passengers gets out

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Another plane arrives to Xakanaxa airstrip

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
One more Safari Air arrives to Xakanaxa airstrip

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Now they told me that this Safari Air was for me

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
The first Safari Air plane takes off again

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We wait for the passengers to get out

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
I take a picture with the Pilot before we take off
Then it turns out that this is not my plane

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Jeeps bringing passengers to and from the air strip

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
A third Safari Air arrives, the same I came with. Now they say that this plane is for me
I will go with this aircraft together with two staff members from the camp going home for holiday
The South African women go with the second Safari Air plane - Nice, I don't have to see them again

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're ready to take off towards Maun

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're ready to take off towards Maun

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Xakanaxa airstrip

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Leaving Xakanaxa airstrip and Moremi Game Reserve behind

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
It was a nice flight to Maun

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're passing the girls from South Africa - They left Xakanaxa before us

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're passing the girls from South Africa - They left Xakanaxa before us
But we're in a newer and faster airplane

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're passing the girls from South Africa - They left Xakanaxa before us
But we're in a newer and faster airplane

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're passing the girls from South Africa - They left Xakanaxa before us
But we're in a newer and faster airplane

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Maun Airport

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Approaching Maun Airport

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Flying over Maun

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Flying over Maun

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Approaching Maun Airport

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Approaching Maun Airport

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Approaching Maun Airport

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Landing at Maun Airport

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Arriving to Maun

We landed at Maun Airport and they came to pick us up at the plane with a van. We stopped to pick up the women from South Africa. They had arrived a wee bit after us. I got my bags in theAladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Airterminal and I went to Wilderness Air's desk. I got my boarding pass and I went through the security.

I was very lucky, no waiting for the Wilderness flight, we went out and I was soon on an electric Club Cart. This one gave up after a few meters and we changed to another cart.

We arrived to the plane and it was a very small plane. I was the only passenger together with oneAladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness AirCook going back to work after her holiday at home.

I was going to sit up front with the Pilot. We had a look at the map and he explained the route we were going to take.

He also explained that it would be some turbulence over Kalahari due to the heat. The Kalahari Plains Camp are almost straight South from Maun and we expect the flight to last for about an hour. We boardedAladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Airthe plane and I had to crawl over the Pilot's seat to reach my seat on the right side of the plane. But I made it.

This was the first plane where the seat belt wasn't long enough. I had expected problem in all the other small planes, but it had been no problems at all, until now.

Our Pilot had some kind of lashing and I was soon secured to the seat and we could leave Maun bound for Kalahari Plain Camps and we taxi out to the runway.

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We're almost ready to take off - Just to climb in

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
It is not a big plane

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
And I have to get in here

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Time to leave

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We taxi out to the runway

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We taxi out to the runway

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
We take off

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Maun Airport below us

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Flying towards Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Wire fence for as long as we can see- Horizon to Horizon
Some EU demands to separate the cattle and the wildlife

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Wire fence for as long as we can see- Horizon to Horizon
Some EU demands to separate the cattle and the wildlife

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Wire fence for as long as we can see- Horizon to Horizon
Some EU demands to separate the cattle and the wildlife

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Approaching Kalahari Plains Camp air strip

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Approaching Kalahari Plains Camp air strip

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Landing in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
A jeep waiting for us

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
Arrived safe to Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air
The Cook is getting out

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air

Aladdin's adventure with Safari Air and Wilderness Air

We landed in Kalahari after an hour and it had not been an undramatic flight. We had to pull hard to port at 1500 meters height. We were cruising along and suddenly we had a Marabou Stork coming towards us. And she was coming quickly and we had to give hard to port.

1500 meters up in the air and you don't expect a Marabou Stork. But according to our Pilot it was quite coming with Marabou Storks at this height. They are huge and if they hit the propeller we have to stop the engine and do an emergency landing. If the Marabou stork hit the wing or fuselage the plane will be severely damaged. But we can continue to fly to the next airstrip.

The Pilot will spend the night at the camp. My Guide and I waited while the Pilot prepared the plane for the night and then we took off towards Kalahari Plains Camp. Click HERE and you will soon be in the middle of the Kalahari Plains Camp.

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