Kalahari Plains Camp

is set in a remote part of the diverse and productive Central Kalahari Game Reserve and offers some of the best summer wildlife viewing opportunities in Africa. Located in theAladdin's adventure at Camp Xakanaxa in BotswanaKalahari Desert biome in the central part of Botswana, this reserve is the largest conservation area in the country and one of the largest in the world.

Its star attractions include the legendary Kalahari black-maned lion as well as some of the world's best cheetah viewing.

Kalahari Plains Camp is perfectly situated overlooking an immense pan with endless horizons and beautiful skies. It comprises 10 en-suite canvas units with a sleep-out above each from which to enjoy moonlit or star-studded nights. The main area consists of a lounge and dining area with a swimming pool and deck. Solar power provides all the electricity and hot water in the camp and insulated canvas walls and roof keep temperatures inside the units comfortable.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Wednesday 19 th of November 2014 and we were soon on the way towards the camp. We passed a skull on the way and the Guide got out to check it out. There had been a huge bush fire here aAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservemonth ago. I told the Guide not to touch the darn skull as it would be full of shit. But he told me that the skull had been burnt clean.

We saw antelopes on the way to the camp but nothing very exciting. I checked in and as I mentioned before, I was in a bad mood. And this is the only time (that I can think of) where I didn't wanted to check in after the “private safari” scam.

Yes, I have paid around 4500 US dollars for the ticket (around 300 US) to Kalahari, 3 nights and 2 days of private safari. And when I had pad they demanded more money for the private safari for arrival and departure day.

And I was not getting any happier when they brought me to my tent. It was hot like hell, and even though they claim it to be a “luxury tent” I had not expected any AC. But at least a fan.
- Where is the fan?
- You have on in the ceiling
What a disappointment, and it was going to get worse. We went in to the bathroom and they explained that it was saltwater only. “All bedroom have en-suite bathrooms” and I'm off to my “luxury tent” and this turned out to be worse than those Nigeria letters about that you were a billionaire, if you just sent 5000 Dollars.

There is nothing bout salt water on their web page, and the “canvas walls and roof keep temperatures inside the units comfortable” It was hot like hell, but the best was when she gave me a cup with powder.
- What is that?
- It is laundry detergent
- What is that for?
- For your laundry!
She must have thought that I was an idiot, but please! Let me quote Wilderness Safaris web page yet again:
Our rates include:
• Laundry

- But laundry is included!
- We only have salt water and no washing machines!
- It says laundry included!
- Not the moushies
- What the foock is a moushie?
- We only clean the big items and no underwear as they do hand wash.
- In salt water?

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
My bed

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
My tent

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
My bed

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
My room

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The shower
All bedroom have en-suite bathrooms - Nowhere is it mentioned that it is salt water

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
All bedroom have en-suite bathrooms - Nowhere is it mentioned that it is salt water

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
All bedroom have en-suite bathrooms - What a scam this camp turned out to be

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The lounge

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The lounge

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The lounge

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The lounge

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The dining area

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Looking over the pan

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Looking over the pan

“Our Classic camps are luxury tented camps” - This is a scam and cheating. Not even a fan in the room. Well, there is one of those useless fans in the ceiling, totally useless.

Let me quote Wilderness Safaris Web page: “insulated canvas walls and roof keep temperatures inside the units comfortable” It was hot like hell and I had expected more for 1000 US per night. Luxury, my arse! Maybe if you're used to live under a bridge.

Well, stay well clear of anything Wilderness if you decide to go for an African safari. I think I have had my best holiday ever with Desert & Delta Safaris. I have had the time of my life, until IAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservegot involved with Wilderness Safaris, it felt like I had someone robbing me and stealing money from my pocket all the time.

I was angry, and rightly so. Luxury tent, if you did business like this in Sweden you would have been fined and they would have closed you down. I would not have said anything if I knew, I got to options and I took the Kalahari option even though these 3 nights would set me back my an extra 4500 US Dollars. But coming with the laundry surprise at arrival. And then they pull the salt waterYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsurprise out of the hat on top of that.

I was trekking in Himalayas and the longer you got from the civilization the more expensive it got, but this was a scam.

I had dinner with the Pilot and one of the Guides in the evening. There were 2 more gusts at the camp, a couple from UK. The food was Ok, but not any 1000 US Dollar dinner. And there were 10 cm of filet for 5 people. I had a tear rolling down my cheek remembering Desert & delta Safaris.

They wanted me to go for an evening safari, yeah, like I'm going to spend 500 US plus for an hour in the jeep. When coming to Desert & Delta Safaris camps they were sure you got out on the safaris, of course, I had booked private car for 32 days. But the arrival and departure days were included in the price anyway. So I could join a group
- You don't want to miss any game drive!

That's the safari spirit we're looking for! Wilderness Safaris is a scam and I felt cheated and my holiday was like destroyed and I can't wait to leave this place!

I'm of to my “luxury tent” and they will wake me up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning and we will take off at 6 o'clock. So click HERE and you will soon experience a safari in Kalahari

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