Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

Saturday 15 th of November 2014 and my Guide knocked on my door at 6 o'clock in the morning. Breakfast at 6 thirty and off for safari at 7. He was back knocking on my door quarter to 7. IAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgewas up already enjoying a diet drink at my desk. I don't need 30 minutes for breakfast so I enjoy a diet rink while looking at pictures.

I had a cup of tea and a few toast for breakfast. At Chobe Game Lodge I paid 501 US Dollars per night, here I pay 600 and it is not even close to the same standard. Not what I had expected and I was in a bad mood. And you are not exactly running in t the shower in the morning. Millions of insects and some of them sounds likeAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgeairplanes. Yeah, not what I had expected.

600 for the tent and 550 for the car, 1150 US Dollars per day and at Chobe Game Lodge I paid 732 US Dollars per night.

And it is impossible to compare these two hotels, one of them 5 star and one of them like Hotel 27 on Sukhumvit Soi 22.

Ghoha Hills are OK, but it is not a 600 US per night place. At least there could have been a little more than the ledAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drivelight in the cabin. Or at least a lamp at the desk so I could have been working with my computer. I had my breakfast and we were soon off for the safari.

We were halfway down the hill when I asked my Guide to turn around as my e-cigarette suffered a major breakdown.

We had soon sorted out the e-cigarette problem and we were on the way again. We were driving down the same dust road we had been onAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drivewhen we were coming from the airport.

We saw one of these blue headed chickens laying dead on the road and there were feathers laying around so he had been in a fight during the morning. We were soon passing the air strip on our way to the Savute Channel and Savute Marsh at the end of the channel.

This promised to be an interesting day and I was delirious with anticipation. We drove around on this side of the Savute Channel looking for LeopardsAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgebut we came up with nothing.

But we spotted many many beautiful birds in all different colours. And I also learned that not only did they have a bird calling the “flying chilli pepper” there was also a bird they are calling the “flying banana” Almost the same as the “flying chilli pepper” but with a yellow beak.

But it is very hard to take pictures of birds, there are a lot of branches and it is easy to get the focus on the branch. So I have been taken millions of pictures and a few have been OK.

A flying bird is even more difficult. To spot and focus through the tele lens is very hard. So I just shoot from my hip and I have taken a million of pictures and came out with ZIP.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Flying Chilli Pepper

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Flying Chilli Pepper

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Flying Banana

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Flying Banana

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Flying Banana

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Flying Banana

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Some birds that always run around on the ground

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Another bird that always run around on the ground

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
The red bird

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
2 of the red birds

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
I think it is a heron

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
A very beautiful bird

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
This bird is called bee eater “something” or if it is “something” bee eater

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My favourite and I think the name is Rollo - Thee fly away in an explosion of blue

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My favourite and I think the name is Rollo - Thee fly away in an explosion of blue

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
My favourite and I think the name is Rollo - Thee fly away in an explosion of blue

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Another very beautiful bird, almost black in the shadow but shining blue in the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Only black and white, but still very beautiful

We drove around between the air strip and the Chobe Channel and I asked a few times where weAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgewere going. I have paid for the cars for two days and I want to go along the Chobe River, not go looking for game.

Most of the people coming here want to see lion and when we meet the other jeeps we can see many of the passengers sitting in the back ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe jeep like they sit in the TV sofa back home.

And of course, they always say that they had not seen any animals. Of course, I want to see animals and I would love to see a Leopard. But not to the extent that I want to destroy my holiday byAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgedriving around looking for it.

My experience say that you see the animals when at least expected. No, I like to go around looking at the landscape and then we will see the animals. Hell, it is impossible to miss the animals.

Where ever I look I see animals. Not necessarily lions, but beautiful birds, dung beetles and other “not so exciting” animals. Well, for me they are exciting and the dung bug have really grown to become a favourite. And as it is the beginning of theAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgerainy season many of the animals are having their babies now so there are excitements everywhere youYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlook. So I really enjoy my safari and Savute is really one of the most beautiful places around.

But I was getting a wee bit grumpy in the back. Can we get the foocking jeep down to the Savute Channel? My plan was to go along the Savute Channel for two days. Day 1 to the left and on the second day we would go to the right along the Savute Channel when reaching the bridge
Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
A giraffe

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
A small impala and the mom

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
A hyena

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Remaining of an elephant

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Finally, we reach Savute Channel, a beautiful place

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Hippos in Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Hippos in Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
A beautiful giraffe

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
A beautiful giraffe

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Giraffe eating where we're having our tea

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Giraffe eating where we're having our tea

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
We stop for tea at a beautiful place

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Hard to imagine any better place to enjoy our tea

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Hard to imagine any better place to enjoy our tea

We're coming out on a open space and there are several giraffes enjoying the vegetationAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodgearound the place. There is one of those big trees, I have forgot the name.

But back in the days they used to cut a big hole in the tree and they used the tree asYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta prison, while the tree was stil alive and growing. The trees are really beautiful and BIG.

Well, anyway, it is hard to imagine any better spot for our tea and we stopped. We drank tea and ate biscuits while enjoying the views. The giraffes kept us company and it was a real treat.

Maybe the most beautiful spot I have ever had tea at in my whole life. The tea just tasted very good here. 10 to 15 minutes later and we were of for new adventures and we went to follow Chobe Channel, by now only a small creek ending at the Savute Marsh land
Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Impala baby

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Gnu with a baby

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Another gnu with a baby

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
We're back at Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
We're back at Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Impalas at Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Impalas crossing Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge
Crossing Savute Channel to go have a look at a cheeta

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing Savute Channel to go have a look at a cheetah

We were moving along slowly when they called us on the radio. The other jeep had spotted a cheetah and the called us to give the position. My Guide asked if he could speed up to reach the cheetah before he disappeared.

My Guide s driving very very slow, which is good when on safari. But now he took off like a rocketAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Driveand we did the Savute Channel in record breaking time. We passed the last of the channel where the channel turns in to Savute Marsh

We saw the other jeep and they left when we arrived. They continued down to road along Savute Mash. We saw the cheetah and when we approached we realised that he was not feeling OK. He looked to be pregnant but weAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drivediscovered that it was a he.

So he was not pregnant and thus he must have been eating when attacked by lions.

We left and I was hoping for him to get better. The other jeep was soon calling again, this time they had seen a group of lion. I don't care much for the lions, but as they had called us we had to show them that we were enthusiastic and we took off to see the lions

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Lions sleeping

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Lions sleeping

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
The babies are sleeping under a bush

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Baby lions sleeping

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Seriously, exactly how fun is it to watch lions sleep?

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Having a good time

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Yet again, we end up at a beautiful tree for a break - This time lunch break

We were soon growing tired of the lions and we continued driving along the edge Savute Marsh. WeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststopped under a beautiful tree for our lunch break. And we managed to find yet anotherAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drivebeautiful tree to park at.

We finished the lunch in a jiff as we wanted to continue our safari. And we had see plenty exciting things, but there would be more to come.

They don't remove anything from the park, well, they remove the tusks from the dead elephants. And there are a lot of them around. If you see a small elephant skull the elephant have been taking by lions. If it is a big skull he have starved to death.

Elephants get around 70 years old and they lose their teethes when they get old and can’t eat. They only eat grass and water and are starving to death. But as my Guide said. Nothing is removed and it is all part of the beautiful settings in Chobe National Park

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Lunch break

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Lunch break

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Two impala babies

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
A beautiful eagle

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
A beautiful eagle

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Yet another elephant skeleton

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
A beautiful tree with another elephant skeleton

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel again

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel
I get out of the jeep when we have crossed and I sent my Guide back on the otherside so we can get some ACTION crossing pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel
I get out of the jeep when we have crossed and I sent my Guide back on the otherside so we can get some ACTION crossing pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel
I get out of the jeep when we have crossed and I sent my Guide back on the other side so we can get some ACTION crossing pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel
I get out of the jeep when we have crossed and I sent my Guide back on the other side so we can get some ACTION crossing pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel
I get out of the jeep when we have crossed and I sent my Guide back on the other side so we can get some ACTION crossing pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel
I get out of the jeep when we have crossed and I sent my Guide back on the other side so we can get some ACTION crossing pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Crossing the Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Savute Channel

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Passing a tortoise

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
A young baby impala with the mother

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Lion #20 for today

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
We see plenty lions every day

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
On our way back home we pass some beautiful “Upside down trees”

We have seen plenty stuff during the day and at 4 o'clock I told my Guide that it was time to start thinking about going back home. We had seen so many lions I have lost track, and the best todayAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drivewas the beautiful eagle with the red and yellow beak.

On our way back home we ran in to a tree across the road, an elephant have been playing around and the tree was laying across the road.

We got out of the car but it was impossible to swing the tree. The managers had been at the airstrip and they were just a few minutes behind us so they were soon showing up.

He tried to push the tree from the road with the jeep, impossible. Only way was to break the branches and we were soon on our way back home again. By now we have been in the jeep for almost 11 hours. Of course, we had a quick break for tea and lunch.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Impossible to move the tree and we have to break the branches

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
Passing Zebras

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
The manager wants a picture of the jeep with the zebras in the back
And as he is not happy with his own camera he have to use mine

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drive
We are soon on the way again

We pass the tree and the Manager is soon calling on the radio again. He had spotted a Ron antelope and he didn't want to pass and scare it away before I had seen it. But we saw plenty this morning so we told him to go ahead.

He was soon calling again, this time he passed Zebras and he wanted a picture of us in the jeepAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savute Safari Lodge - Game Drivewith the zebras in the back.

He took a few pictures and then he came to ask if he could borrow my camera as this was a better camera. Canon, of course. The pictures turned out to be OK and we were soon on our way again.

Wise from yesterday and I decided not to go for dinner until 8, but they came to get me at 7 thirty and there was no dancing and singing today. Straight to the meal. Good, a quick meal and I was off to my cabin. Amazing how you can sleep here in the wilderness. And that’s even though I'm scared having the elephants just outside the tent. Are they going to walk right through the tent?

I can hear them ripping of leaf and branches. Well, tomorrow promise to be yet another fantastic day in Africa. Today have been amazing. Click HERE and your right in the middle of tomorrow adventure in Savute. I can't wait to get out on the bumpy dust roads again.

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