Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp

Sunday 16 th of November 2014 and my Guide knocked on my door at 6 o'clock and I was at theAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Campbreakfast at 6 thirty. I have had an incredible nigh. I have slept so well since arriving to Africa.

And when I wake up all the insects are gone, but the elephants are still outside my tent eating

I had a pot of tea, toast and bacon and egg for breakfast and I could enjoy the incredible view while eating. You can see the wilderness for asAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camplong as you can see and the water holes and the elephants. An enjoyable breakfast and we were off for the safari at 7 o'clock.

We were hauling arse towards Savute Marsh as we wanted to check out the cheetah from yesterday. We checked the cheetah when we left yesterday, an hour or two after tat we gad discovered her.

But then he was dead, sad, but this is how nature works. We wanted to check out if there was any vultures or lions eating on him. We had not seen many dung beetles since I arrived. The first day we saw one in aAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivefresh buffalo shit. Yes, I had forgot the memory card for my camera.

But we saw one on the road and we carefully avoided to hit the dung beetle. We were soon to discover that they were about to start a family.

He had rolled around the shitDung Beetleand he had managed to impress a female and she was sitting on the shit while the guy rolled around the shit to find a place to burry the ball with the eggs. They it starts all over again next year, but not this couple, they have done their job and they will die. One year, but imagine how long a year would seem if you only lived for a year.

A very amazing animal, and they are doing a lot of very good job in the nature, spreading the dungAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game drivefertilizing the soil. We were soon running in to another amazing sight.

50 to 100 antelopes together with a group of Zebras was running across the dirt road. A sight I will never forget. But this is also a sight I will have to keep in my mind as it is next to impossible to get this on a picture. But it was impressive sight, and my picture is not very impressive.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We passed some amazing trees
We passed a whole forest of them and it looked very nice. The trees were getting their leaf from the top going down.
Not as normal trees, coming all over. There were also tree where the leaf came out from East to West with the sun

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We passed some amazing trees
We passed a whole forest of them and it looked very nice. The trees were getting their leaf from the top going down.
Not as normal trees, coming all over. There were also tree where the leaf came out from East to West with the sun

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
They run away

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We pass the amazing upside down tree again

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
The elephants can destroy big trees just by scratching

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We're passing lions on the way to check the cheetah

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We're passing lions on the way to check the cheetah

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We're passing lions on the way to check the cheetah

What a start on the day, dung beetle and all the antelopes and zebras. We passed a forest with trees and the top was bright green and the bottom down tot he ground was grey. It looked amazing, if there was some tree standing alone they were green facing the East and the sunrise, the West side was grey.

Africa, everyday is a treasure and even when they call you early you are bouncing out of bed looking forward to get out on a new adventure. And I think I have discovered why I like this so much. I'mAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivevery impatient and restless and I want action all the time. When I have been sitting down for 5 minutes without something to do it is like it is crawling in my body.

Here I can sit in the back of a jeep relaxing and there is never a dull moment. I think I have prolonged my life with several years just by coming here, not necessarily a good thing.

But it is very relaxing and soothing for the mind. But don't make the mistake to think it is like sleeping, after a full day in the jeep you are exhausted looking for animals. Concentration all the time or you will end up like the people sitting like in the TV sofa. They never see anything.

When you're back home you have your dinner and you go to sleep, and you sleep like you never slept before. An amazing experience. And a HOT tip: If you spend this money don't goAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivecheap on the experience, pay the extra to get your own car. 10 to 12 hours of safari, they send food with you and you can stop whenever you want.

I was in a group watching sleeping lions for 30 minutes and it drove me crazy. I'm alone and I can stop to watch a dung beetle for 30 minutes. A water hole or any other exciting place, you arrive, no animals and the group want to leave. You are alone, park the car for 30 minutes and sit still. The animals are soon used to you and you get anAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Driveamazing (once in a life time) experience.

Yes, yet another amazing day in Africa ahead of me and I enjoyed my self in the back seat, sipping on my e-cigarette and diet drink. I checked my e-cigarette and it was almost empty and I started to search my pocket for my e-juice. FOOCK!! I had for got the bottle in my tent.

DARN! I only had one nico chew with me, I only used one nico chewing gum yesterday, but then I had my e-cig and juice. Well, this will be OK,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully

We discovered a lot of vultures at the cheetah and only the head was remaining. We turned around and we started to drive back along the Savute Channel. What a beautiful place this is! The plan isAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Driveto drive in the other direction today and have a look at the source of the Savute Channel. The Linyanti Swamp in Chobe River. And down stream of the Chobe River it will float by Chobe Game Lodge.

We were driving along and I called the Guide.
- What is that?

We stopped and had a look, it was a hippo and he came up from the creek. Savute Channel is not more than a very small creek here going out in the Savute Swamp. The hippo must have got here during the night, the creek is 30 cm deep, not enough for a hippo.

And it looked like the hippo was going up to seek shadow under a few bushes, yes, 30 cm of water is not enough for him. I was feeling sorry for him, but I was excited as I had never been so close to a hippo ashore before. But careful as they are very very dangerous.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
The hippo is very well aware of us

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
The hippo came up from this creek, obviously he had been coming here during the night

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Up close to the hippo

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Up close to the hippo

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Up close to the hippo

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Up close to the hippo

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Suddenly we had two beautiful birds next to us

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
He comes closer to us

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
He comes closer to us

It was amazing, impossible for this day to get any better. The hippo is an amazing animal, no human runs faster than a hippo. Several tons of lard comes at you and you can only close your eyes andAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Driveprey. We parked so the hippo had a clear view of the water. You come between a hippo and the water and you're dead. Same if you come between a hippo and the baby, you are dead.

So it was a wee bit scary to be only a few meters away from him. Where would he go, he was walking slowly towards us and if he turns he might lose sight of the water. Obviously we survived the experience. We stayed for a while to show the hippo for another jeep and we took off. And no, I cannot make it through the dayAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivewithout my e-cigarette.

Half an hour ago and I had hope for the day. But the nico chew is already gone and I told my Guide to return to my tent as I had forgot “something”

We were going to drive to the bridge and from there passing the airstrip back to my tent. We decided to go to Lanyanti from the tent and go back towards the bridge form there. We had a plan, but I wasAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivenot in a good mood. Interrupt my safari was not part of the plan. Well, biter to lose 2 hours now than to be spending the rest of the day angry due to nicotine withdrawal. So off we went!

Well, but I'm quite happy anyway, I have not been smoking since I got home fromYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stLas Vegas, and that's a long time ago now. And I have not been using snus since we were out drinking beer. And that is soon a long time ago as well.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
The giraffe is a very beautiful animal

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
A baby giraffe licking mineral from the ground

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Eating having a good time

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Plenty giraffes and a beautiful tree

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Plenty giraffes

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Safari Air coming in for landing on Savute Airstrip

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
We're going down the hill from my tent

We skipped the tea break in order to get to the tent and back to the action in zero time. Well, itAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivetook us a we bit less than a hour to reach my tent and it would take an hour or 90 minutes to reach the Linyanti Swamp

A waste of time and money just because I'm addicted to nicotine? Nah, 20 minutes after leaving my tent was passed a mud hole and aSavute elephantgroup of elephants. Yeah, I know, we have seen elephants to last us for a life time.

But these elephants were spraying themselves in mud and this was something I had not seen up close before. I told my Guide that our trip back to the tent was the best thing ever. We would have missed this action if I would have had any willpower regarding the nicotine.

So the whole fiasco ended up turning in to a success!

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Throwing mud over his back to cool down

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Cooling down with mud

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
Cooling down with mud

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
2 impalas training for the next mating season

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
2 impalas training for the next mating season

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
2 impalas training for the next mating season

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
2 impalas training for the next mating season

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive
2 impalas training for the next mating season

We left the mud throwing elephants behind and we were running along a boring dust road for aboutAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivean hour. There was some kind of firebreak as soon as we had passed a gate.

And we were driving along this sometimes very bad dust road in the middle of the firebreak.

We saw a few warthogs, but for me it was a nice ride. No lions, but plenty birds and other stuff to see. So for me it was OK, andAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivesafari, it is not like watching TV. Just to swap channel when you want to see something else.

We're working with wild animals so no guarantee. One hour and then suddenly what makes it worth while, two impalas training for the next mating season. This was a beautiful sight and we stopped to have a look.

It was about 10 minutes from the impalas to the gate to Lanyanti and when we reached the place weAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drivestart looking for a place to have our lunch. There were not any nice looking place in the park so we drove out and down to the Lanyanti Swamp front.

We parked the car and it will be nice with food, I'm dead hungry as we have not have had anything to eat since early morning. And it was excellent food they had prepared at Ghoha Hills. Well, hunger is the best spice. But the food at Ghoha Hills have been very good. And seriously, they have a nice place so why not install some light over the desk and power for the computer in the tent.

A major inconvenience to run up and down to the reception to charge e-cigarettes and stuff. Especially after paying 600 US per night. Well, now it is time for food and we will soon be on the way to look for adventure and excitements again.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Preparing lunch at Lanyanti Swamp water front

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Preparing lunch at Lanyanti Swamp water front

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Lunch in a beautiful setting

The lunch was perfect and I felt like a million when we were ready. When we came down to the water I went to take some pictures, but my Guide warned me. There are angry crocodiles andAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantihippos in the water. For sure nothing I wanted to walk in to.

And Lanyanti, a beautiful area and we were alone. All the people coming to Savute wants to stay around Savute Channel and the Savute Marsh. Plenty animals, but here we had a beautiful surrounding and we will for sure have a nice trip, animals or not.

We entered Lanyanti Park again and we started to drive back towards Savute. Here were plenty bushes and we started to look under the bushes for leopards while driving. Took us about 10 minutes and we had spotted a leopard. We stopped to look at the leopard. They like to stay in the shadow and they are very shy. I got a few pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
How easy is it to see the leopard?

My Guide was fantastic, he spotted the leopard while driving, and it was not easy to see the leopard under the tree. Not any good position for taking pictures, but we didn't want to move as we wereAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantiafraid to scare him away.

Didn't take long before he grew tired of us and he left. I rose up and he walked away, and this is the most beautiful animal if we don't count the birds around here.

The birds are very beautiful and today I saw a Woodland Kingfisher, a new sighting for me so that makes it 2Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantiwith the leopard. First time I see a leopard. We tried to look for the leopard but we were soon giving up the idea. But we were both happy to have seen the leopard.

We drove off leaving the leopard behind and we were soon running in to the second hippo ashore. The e-cigarette fiasco have really turned in to the best thing ever. And this day have been a real success and we were both very happy. We stopped to take a few pictures of the hippo before we continued.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
A Sea Eagle enjoying the sights in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
A Sea Eagle enjoying the sights in Lanyanti

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Beautiful Lanyanti Swamp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Beautiful Lanyanti Swamp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Hippos eating at Lanyanti Swamp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
At first I thought it was a snake swimming across, but it was a lizard

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Hippos and a elephant

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Beautiful Lanyanti Swamp

We drove along and it was a very beautiful area, and we were alone. All the other people are

noun an area of low-lying land which is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times.
driving along the Savute Marsh. Of course, you're guaranteed to see animals in Savute.

And if you do one game drive you want to see the animals. But I stay for 2 days and I have seen animals already and I have the

noun an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh.

• used to emphasize the degree to which a piece of ground is waterlogged: the ceaseless deluge had turned the lawn into a swamp.
luxury to take chances. And I have picked a real winner. And when they tell you to stay in the car they really mean it.

We drove along and my Guide pointed to the left and there was a huge male Lion. I took a picture and I moved over to get a wee bit closer. This is a male lion and yesterday we complained that we onlyAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantisaw the females. And today we have already seen five and this is male lion #6 for today.

They don't see any good and he only she the big car, but as soon as I moved he sprung up with a roar like a fighter jet. He was on all four before I had shat my pants. But as soon as I sat still he lied down again.

Attacked by a lion, this was the best thing today! We were soon on our way again and we passed beautiful scenery and my Guide and I was beaming of joy. A leopard, several hippos ashore and the best thing: Attacked byAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantia lion. This was a very good day and thank God that we went to get my juice for the e-cigarette.

My Guide was very happy for everything we had seen and it was a different tune now. Going from “Linyabti is a waste of time, we only stay at Savute Marsh” to “Linyanti, a very nice place” And we were alone here, we didn't see any one in the area and it was very nice.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Lanyanti Swamp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Lanyanti Swamp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Lanyanti Swamp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
I think this is a Kudu antelope

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
I think this is a Kudu antelope

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
We make a stop and our hero is quick to go explore the place

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Well, Nik, we have not seen the fingers in a long time

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
My Guide

We reached another firebreak with a dust road and we turned in on the fire break and we started to head back for Savute. Just as we thought that it was impossible for a good day to get better

noun [MASS NOUN] the placenta and fetal membranes discharged from the womb after the birth of offspring.
we pass a female impala eating the afterbirth. The baby wasAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantiless than one our old.

We stopped to have a look and I took some pictures before we left. The problem with the safari is to avoid disturbing the animals

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

The impala babies are very cute and there are getting more and more of them as the rainy season takes off and there is plenty food around for the impalas.

And the impala can postpone the birth by up to one month if the moment is not right. I think they drink milk for three months so the mother needs to have plenty food around.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Impala eating the afterbirth

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
They take off sticking out her tongue at us

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
We continue towards new adventures on non exciting roads

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Passing beautiful scenery

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Passing beautiful scenery

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Passing beautiful scenery

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Termite nest

We were driving along a dust road when the Guide and I shouted out “Lion” at the exact same time. My Guide pointed to the left and I wondered what he was up to. The lion is on the right side.Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in LanyantiI pointed to the right side and my guide thought I was crazy. Turned out that there were 2 lions, one male on each side of the road.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti

Our 8th lion today and all of them have been males. First time I see grown up male lion and we have been looking as I want to see the lion's mane and today we have got more than we asked for, hell, we were even attacked. The best thing today.

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
He try to hide from us

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
He try to hide from us

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
We're making a stop and my Guide wants to take a picture. But I had forgot the helmet

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
The day is coming to an end

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
The day is coming to an end

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
The staff from desert & deltas have prepared a “sun downer” for their guest out on safari
This is the lodge I was booked with, but they were full

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Sun is setting over Africa

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
Sun is setting over Africa

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
We're coming up the hill to Ghoha Hills camp

Aladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyanti
We're arriving to Ghoha Hills camp

We were back at Ghoha Hills at 7 o'clock, 12 hours in the jeep and my ass was trash. But it had been my best day in Africa. What a day we have had! Now imagine if I would have had light andAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantipower for my computer in my tent. And a comfortable chair, but I don't know if I can blame the chair for this one. After 12 hours in the car and I need an extra cushion on the chair.

There are 4 pillows in my bed so I use one of them as a cushion on the chair at the desk without light. I wasAladdin's adventure at Ghoha Hills Savuti Camp - Game Drive in Lanyantidead tired and I was soon in bed listening to the elephants outside my tent.

I was soon asleep, maybe because of the extra safety device I have in my room, the horn. All camps have them in their rooms. If you wake up with an elephant next to you just sound the horn.

I was surprised to find a spray can with pesticide. Covered in brown paper like that is going to make it more ECO. Yes, brown paper has turned in to a symbol of environmentally friendly, I don't know why.

And they could not have power for my computer in the cabin, or it would not be ECO friendly. But pesticide seems to be OK. All the ECO and save the environment, we suppose to carry around the towels and bed sheets if we want them to be washed.

They save money and don't put cables to the tents. Then they call it ECO friendly and charge 600 US per night. It was a nice camp, but not 600 US nice. And it was one hour from all the action and the other cams were smack on Savute Channels, and they are cheaper

Well, I read Bangkok Post on line and then I went to bed and it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Bangkok Post - Talk show organisers taken to police
station after protest
From Bangkok Post - Click HERE for full article

My last day at Savute have come to an end and I will leave for the Camp Xakanaxa in the Okavango Delta tomorrow. My flight leave Savute Airstrip at 12:45 so click HERE and you will be in the middle of the Indiana Jones flight adventure.

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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