Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Thursday 20 th of November 2014 and they called me at 5 o'clock. They were back quarter to six to see if I was up. By then I was sitting fully dressed and freshly showered at my desk updating my web page enjoying a diet drink (included in the price). Wakeup call at 5. Breakfast at 5 thirty and off for the safari at 6.

But I don't like to spend 30 minutes for my breakfast, even though I expect to find a “grand breakfast” I mean, 100 US per day to stay here and the breakfast must be exceptional. But the breakfast was nothing but a disappointment: TOAST! Yes, TOAST!

Please let me quote Wilderness Safaris web page :
Our rates include:
• All meals
I pay 1000 (ONE THOUSAND) US Dollars per night, and I expect more than toast for breakfast. Well, there was more than toast. Pancakes and cereals. Could as well swap it for a bowl of sugarAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserveas it is pretty much the same as eating pure sugar. 1000 (ONE THOUSAND) US Dollars per night, WHAT A ROBBERY! Cheating and a scam is what I call it

This was a disappointment, but at least I got a pot of tea that we found at the dinner yesterday. This was not good and for sure no luxury with this breakfast. I felt like an idiot. I will spend 69 Hours here, original price 4400 US (not included the extra Scooby Doo car fee for 2 days that I cannot use the car) That's more than 60 US Dollars per hour, or it is like you walk around and every minute someone put his hand in your pocket and pull out a dollar.

Well, anyway, we took off just after 6 o'clock. When my Guide picked me up at the airstrip he told me that we could see nice things, but nothing is guaranteed as it is the nature. I told him that I wasAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservehappy just to drive along looking at the landscape. If we saw some animals we did or we didn't.

I told him that we would watch 2 different areas during the 2 days. We started by driving to the Deception Valley. A huge pan and when the Boers came here during the war the saw the pan thinking it was water. They were all thirsty and they found nothing even reminding of water. We decided to go North today andAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservetomorrow we will drive towards South.

We passed many antelopes on our way to the Deception Valley but no impalas. Here we have Stinboks, Oryx and Springboks antelopes. These 3 kind of antelopes are like the impalas up North, everywhere.

We saw a few Kudus and Gnus as well and here are few bird species that I never seen in Chobe or Okavango. They have the bee eater but she looks a wee bit different and there is a slight difference in their names. But I never managed to get any picture.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A Cactus

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A squirrel

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A nice bird

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A nice bird - This bird attract females by making loud noises

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A beautiful eagle - Same as we spotted in Savute

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A beautiful red and black bird

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A beautiful red and black bird

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Yet another beautiful bird

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A Jackal

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Cheetah tracks

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Road for as long as I can see

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
We're passing a giraffe - pretty much the only animal we saw

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
And the road goes on and on

We reached a dust roads that looked like a white string through the landscape, all the way to theAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservenext hill, and when we reached the next hill it looked the same again. And we drove and drove and there wasn't any end to the dust road

We had stopped for tea at a camping site before we got up on the road so we were OK, and weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthad a big box with water and diet drinks.

When we reached the first road leaving the long “main” we turned left and we continued on a new road. We were soon reaching one of the many pans in Kalahari. And we could see that there were a big group of ostriches on the pan. Too far away for a good picture. I tried to take a picture but the pan was full of hot air rising so the ostriches was covered in something that looked like steam or vapours. Yeah, almost like gasoline vapours.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
One of the pans

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Ostriches behind the thing making the mirage

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
We come closer to the ostriches

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
There are plenty beautiful trees in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
There are plenty beautiful trees in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
There are plenty beautiful trees in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
There are plenty beautiful trees in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A huge spider web

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Lion taking a rest under a tree

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Lion taking a rest under a tree

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

We stopped ad yet another camping side to have our lunch. By now it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon and we have been on the road for 8 hours. We had some cookies with the tea earlier,Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservebut eating cookies just gives you a foul taste in the mouth whenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.styou are ready. It taste good while eating, butYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen finished the cookies you want to brush your teeth.

And I was hungry, very hungry. I have had toast for breakfast. And this is what they call empty carbohydrate, there was the option to have cereals. Same thing, toast and cereals is almost like eating pure sugar.

We had spaghetti with some chicken and it was very good. I drank diet drinks and we finished a loaf of bread and a few cheeses and I was very full when we were finished with the food. We ate on chairs and a table that my Guide had brought, it was nice, but when having been sitting in the car for 8 hours it was nice to stand up. I told my Guide that we didn't need to bring the table tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
My Guide is setting the lunch table

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Having our lunch

My Guide told me that it was at least 3 hours to go to get back to the camp and we decided to leave the camping site. We left and suddenly I found myself in the middle of the Monte Carlo rally.Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game ReserveWe flew through the landscape, but it looked like a boring landscape so I don't think I missed anything.

But this is not what I have paid for, 500 plus US for a private jeep and I had expected the Guide to be able to estimate the time to start the return to the camp.

I was not very happy, 500 plus US $ and I was in the back scared. No seat belts and I'm not supposed to use seat belt on a safari as I want to look around. I would fly out of the jeep if we hit a pot hole or something like that. Or like in Savute, 2 guysAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservebroke their ribs when they hit a pot hole.

So I was not very happy when we crossed Kalahari in 200, well, I was starting to get tired and it would be quite nice to go back to my “luxuary tent” for some sleep.

We passed many ostriches with babies, they can get up to 30 babies but many of them die. Cheetahs and other predators are eating them. The male ostrich have many wives, well, he haveAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserveone wife and several “mistresses” The wife lay her eggs and the mistresses lie their eggs around the wife's egg.

When the eggs are laid the mistresses leaves and the wife and husband take turns to turns on the eggs. The female is grey so she is on the eggs during the day and the male is black and he stay on the eggs during the night So they can get 30 babies and the male and female ostrich watching the babies until they have grown up.

It look nice to see the ostriches out walking their babies and when they see our car they are all running away. We were soon approaching Kalahari Plains Camp and it will be nice to get to bed.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Foxes, they have the big ears so they can listen for termites etc. underground

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Foxes, they have the big ears so they can listen for termites etc. underground

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Foxes, they have the big ears so they can listen for termites etc. underground

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
We're almost back at the camp

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Jackal babies

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Jackal babies

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Jackal babies

We drove past several pans during the day and we had spent 12 and a half hours in the jeep doing the safari around Kalahari and my ass was trash. We had been at the Tau Pan, Jackal Pan, San Pan and a few more during the day. I was still full from our lunch and I told them that I would skip dinner. They serve dinner at 8 and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be a sleep by then. They would come to my tent at 8 o'clock and check if I wanted dinner at 8.

My Guide came to my tent at 8 to pick me up for dinner, but I told him that I had not changed my mind and that I wanted to skip the dinner and go to sleep. Wake up call at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning and I was off to bed. You just have to click HERE to find out about tomorrow's adventure.

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