Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Friday 21 st of November 2014 and they were outside my tent waking me up. I checked my wrist watch, 20 to 15 minutes before 5 o'clock and I must have been dreaming. So I felt a sleep again and I woke up quarter to 6. I had a shower and I was dressed ready to leave for the breakfast 5 minutes before 6 o'clock. By then my Guide came to check if I was awake.
- What time did you wake me up this morning?
- It was not me waking up the guest today

He told me that there was many tens and they walked form one end to the other end waking upAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservethe people. I told him that I expected a 5 o'clock wake-up call at 5 o'clock when I pay 1000 US Dollars per night.

Toast, it took a very long time to make the toast on some kind of gas grill. Of course, we were late for the safari. 1500 plus per day to stay here and we're late for the game drive, what a waste of time and money.

We took off and now I was told that the road to the area we wanted to explore was in poor condition and we drove to the Deception Valley again. What the foock! I don't need to see this again. They were quick to tell me, well, not quicker than I had paid before they told me that the expected payment for the fullAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservelength of my stay. I stay 3 nights and 2 days and I have paid for theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stjeep for my 2 days.

Instead of demanding payment for days I cannot use the jeep as I'm not here they could have informed me that they only have one road and I would have skipped the private jeep and I would have saved 1000 plus US Dollars for the car.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Giraffes with beautiful trees

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Giraffes under a beautiful tree

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Giraffes with beautiful trees

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Giraffes with beautiful trees

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Giraffes with beautiful trees

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Yet another antelope

We we're driving along the very same road we had been driving along yesterday, bit now it was in the opposite direction. Yesterday we had to do 200 and today we were driving along in 20. I wasAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservenot happy in the back, what a waste of money this turned out to be.

We passed antelopes and we spotted giraffes in the horizon. One of my favourites, giraffes in the horizon. And if there is any beautiful trees in the picture it is gorgeous. I can watch this for a very long time and I enjoy every second. We came closer to the giraffes and we could see that there was a baby giraffe among the grown giraffes.

I had expected more babies here in Kalahari, but one of the Guides told me that they had been born 2 months ago.

And as he said, he could not remember the babies being born that early before, usually when the rain starts and there is much food around. It was still very dry at bigAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserveareas, well, it was actually strange.

We drove in an arealooking like a golf course, white sand and green grass and then suddenly we were in a huge dry area again. They have something called the cotton mud.

During the dry season the roads are hard like a tar road. But as soon as it start to rain the dryAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservemud turns in to a cotton like mud and it is impossible to drive on the road.

In the Chobe National Park and Okavango I saw a white flower, the only flower I could see up north.

Maybe there had not been enough rain. But here in Kalahari I saw a few different flowers, the white flower plus an additional pink flower growing on the ground. There was also a yellow flower growing on a bush. We continued going South on the same road we had been flying North on yesterday. We passed a jeep from Kalahari Plains Camp, they had stoppedAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservefor tea in the shadow under some trees along the road.

We stopped to ask if they had seen something interesting and they had not seen anything interesting. We said goodbye and we continued South on the same road we had been flying North on yesterday.

We were soon seeing a huge group of antelopes in the horizon. I had never sen so may antelopes at the same time before. And it looked very nice to see them walking towards us.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Pink flowers on the ground

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The biggest group of antelopes I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The biggest group of antelopes I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The biggest group of antelopes I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The biggest group of antelopes I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The biggest group of antelopes I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
An ostrich family out for a walk

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
An ostrich family out for a walk

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
An ostrich family out for a walk

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
An ostrich family out for a walk

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
3 Cheetahs under a tree

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Looks like they just have been eating
We remember the last cheetah, yellow/ white head and looks like this on is covered in blood

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Fastest thing alive on our globe - But it is not a beautiful cat

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Fastest thing alive on our globe - But it is not a beautiful cat

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Fastest thing alive on our globe - But it is not a beautiful cat

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Fastest thing alive on our globe - But it is not a beautiful cat

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Fastest thing alive on our globe - But it is not a beautiful cat
Looks like something from the Egyptian mythology

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Fastest thing alive on our globe - But it is not a beautiful cat
Looks like something from the Egyptian mythology

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Enjoying the shadow under a beautiful tree

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
More antelopes

We stopped to look at the antelopes and it was a gorgeous sight, all the antelopes coming towards us. They were not scared and I was very pleased to discover an ostrich family on the other side ofAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservethe road, and they were not scared. Otherwise the ostriches start to run away when they see us in the horizon.

We continued down the dirt road and my Guide discovered 2 Cheetah heads under a three. We stopped and there was soon another Cheetah head sticking up.

It was a mother and her 2 babies resting in the shadow under the tree. And they had very dark heads, the Cheetah I saw in Savute had a yellow head, same as the body. My Guide told me that they had been eating, maybe an ostrichAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservebaby, and they were bloody after the meal. I can't say that the Cheetah is a beautiful animal.

Comparing with the leopard the Cheetah is quite ugly and they remind me of something from the Egyptian mythology

We continued South until we reached the same waterhole we had been at yesterday. There were plenty birds, the bird that looks like a shoal of fish when they are flying. There were a few birds of prey flying around the waterhole. We turned around and we started to drive back towards North.

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A waterhole in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A waterhole in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
A waterhole in Kalahari

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Plenty birds at the waterhole

Aladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Plenty birds at the waterhole

I was not happy in the back of the jeep and my Guide asked why I was so quiet. I told him this was too bad. I pay 1000 ++ US Dollars for the jeep and we had planned for our trips the day ofAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservemy arrival and yesterday. My Guide gave me the full song and dance about the bad roads again.

And I explained yet again that we can drive slow, no need to reach the end of the road. And there was nothing about bad roads when we had made up our plans yesterday and when I arrived.

Well, like stealing money for my private jeep, I could as well have joined the other groups in their jeeps.

This was a failure and a disappointment and I just wanted to return to Kalahari Plains Camp and I cannot wait to get back to Victoria Falls Hotel. And a real breakfast, the 1000 US per nightAladdin's adventure at Kalahari Plains Camp - Central Kalahari Game Reservebreakfast. Yeah, the toast was not what I have expected.

I can't wait for the plane to leave tomorrow. We stopped for lunch around 4 o'clock and then we drove back to the camp. I got a few cans of diet drinks in the bar and I went to my tent. I told them not to bother me for dinner. I checked my pictures that I had taken during the day. I wrote a few words on my web page and I was soon in bed as I was very tired.

I had asked for a wake-up call at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. That gives me time for toast and a wee bit of time to update my web page. We will leave the camp around 10 thirty for the air strip and my flight to Kasane via Maun. Click HERE and you will be in the middle of that adventure.

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