Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana

Wednesday 19 th of November 2014 and they called me at 5 thirty and as usual I enjoyed one or two cans of diet drink before going to the restaurant. Our Guide was outside my tent just after 6Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswanato check if I was awake. I removed the canvas from the window and I told him that I was awake.

I finished my diet drink and I went to the restaurant for a quick cuppa before we went to the jeep. The French girls didn't join us as they were leaving with an early flight. But we got a couple from Switzerland in our jeep.

We took off, for a few meters. Something wrong with the jeep and we had to change the jeep. Our Guide forgot to take to pick-nick baskets to the new jeep. I didn't said anything as the tea break is just a waste of time.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
The jeep was soon breaking down

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We changed jeep

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the way again and there are several water holes to cross

We drove around and we passed several animals, 3 lions were laying pretty close to the road. ButAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserveas usually, they were just laying around.

We drove for about 10 minutes when our Guide stopped. He told us that he had forgot the tea. I told him that we skip the tea. We will drink tea at 10 and we will be back for brunch at 11 to 11 thirty.

All the other passengers agreed with me and we continued our drive. We passed several water holes and then we passed a huge open field and we could see plenty zebras and antelopes.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

We passed the open area and we were soon approaching a bridge. We discovered a jeep on theAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reservebridge and it looked like the jeep was stuck on the bridge. The bridge was made out of timber.

There was another jeep coming from the other side and we thought that he was there to help.

But the jeep that looked to be stuck backed up a few meter and then she speeded up and they made it over the bridge.

We started to move out on the bridge as soon as the bridge was clear. I was not very confident when we drove out toward the bridge. The bridge was for sure not looking very sturdy. We picked up speed and we flew over the bridge. OK, can't say that we were flying over the bridge. It was a very bumpy ride and I was bouncing around in the back seat.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
The bridge is clear and we give it a go

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
The bridge is clear and we give it a go

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the bridge and I'm bouncing around in the back trying to take pictures

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're on the bridge and I'm bouncing around in the back trying to take pictures

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Imagine the bridge falling apart and we fall down in this - Imagine all the snakes, crocodiles etc.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We're over the bridge

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We put the bridge behind us

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We put the bridge behind us

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We have passed the third bridge

Our Guide told us that this was the third bridge. I asked him if there was 2 more bridges to pass,Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reservein this state. We passed several ponds and some of them had groups of hippos in them. And we saw plenty crocodiles laying around the ponds.

We made several stops to take pictures of birds and other animals. We drove on and on and we were soon reaching the Second Bridge. This was in a wee bit better condition than the Third Bridge that we had passed earlier in the morning. It was just to hold on to the camera in the back while we were bouncing along the bridge. And again, I was happy when we were across.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We reach the Second Bridge

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
We reach the Second Bridge

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
The Second Bridge behind us

We were soon in a sandy area and we passed a monitor lizard walking along the road. As soon as weAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserveapproached he aimed for the bushes.

We drove over a big sandy area and we could see 2 jeeps ahead of us. They were looking at something and we guessed that they have spotted lions. The jeeps had left when we arrived. There was a group of 7 lions on our left side.

And we had 2 Lions on our right hand side. One of them was in the bush and a big male wasAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserveoutside the bush

I was bored with the lions, at least until they started to open their mouths. It looked like they were yawning.

I got a few pictures and without the sound it is looking like the lions are angry and about to attack. But my guess is that they are sleepy.

We moved from the first group to the male under the bush and he rose up when we came. I was also yawning until he laid down again.

No he was not laying down to sleep, he was falling back to sleep. These lions are really not very exciting to watch. Well, there are action during the night time when they look for food.

Lions in Moremi Game Reserve

When we were ready with the lions the time had really passed very quickly. Our Guide will drive theAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserveFrench girls to the airport and their flight is leaving at 12 o'clock.

We took off like a rocket towards Camp Xakanaxa when we were ready at the sleeping lions. When we turned around we could see a big group of vultures and we went to investigate.

There were 2 different kinds of vultures and Marabou Storks and when we came closer we could see that it was aAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reservedead buffalo.

I don't know how long the buffalo had been dead or how it died, but there was not much remaining of the buffalo. But the Cheetah in Savute disappeared over night.

OK, the buffalo are bigger than the Cheetah, but it goes quick for the other animals to eat a dead animal. We took some pictures and we were soon reminded about the French girls and their transport to the airport.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Not much remaining of the buffalo

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Not much remaining of the buffalo

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Not much remaining of the buffalo

We took off again and we were soon reaching the First Bridge. The “NEW” First Bridge was closed due to damages. So we had to cross over the water using the “OLD” First Bridge. The old bridgeAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reservewere just 50 meters from the new bridge

We passed more Gnu babies. All the antelopes help to take care of the babies if the mother dies.

But if a Gnu baby's mother dies the other Gnus kill the baby as the baby is crying all night long. And the predators hear the cry and they come to attack the group. So they kill the baby to prevent this. We were soon back at the Third bridge and from there was had to pass through plenty water holes to reach Camp Xakanaxa.

We were back at 11 thirty and our Guide left for th airport with the French girls. I went for brunch and I had to trip over 2 crocodiles to get to the restaurant. I had tea and a omelette before I returned to my tent. I had time to look at my pictures and pack my bags before I went back to the reception. We're leaving for the airport at 12 thirty.

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Crocodiles at our restaurant

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Crocodiles at our restaurant

Aladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reserve
Crocodiles at our restaurant

I'm going to the airport with 2 girls from South Africa and we're leaving at 12 thirty. I was inAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reservethe reception twenty minutes past 12.

Better of to be in time so we don't miss the flight. I was sitting in the jeep with the Driver at 12:35. No sign off the girls. I told the driver that we should leave for the airport.

The girl were sitting at the water front and the Driver went to call them. The girls came up and a few minutes later the Driver had to go look for them again. I got pissed off, I mean, how stupid are you allowed to be. Have you ever been to South Africa? Yeah, I don't have to wonder any more howAladdin's adventure Camp Xakanaxa in Okavango Delta, Botswana - Morning Game Drive in Moremi Game reservethis country have turned out like it had.

These two girls were more stupid than an elephant turd. Seriously, I can't help it, but I lost all respect for these two. Stupidity is nothing I have any respect for. And I can imagine these two complaining about their salary.

Is there any job these two can do? I have a hard time imagine anyone wanting to hire these two simpletons. I saw them running around like 2 chickens in the reception and I shouted at them:
- What's the foocking time?

Well, we left Camp Xakanaxa behind and we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully make it in time to the airport. Well, I will fly to Kalahari via Maun and you can read all about it by clicking HERE

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