Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Full Moon Canopy
Cancelled as there was no other customers

Wednesday 5 th of November 2014 and it was so nice when I saw my hotel. I will soon be in aAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelshower and I had decided to get a Doctor to have a look at my foot. I was checked in to my hotel around 2 thirty in the afternoon. I got my key and I asked for a Doctor. They would send a doctor to my room and I had a guy to help me with my bags.

DARN! My foot is really bad now. Why the foock did I come up with the stupid idea to haveAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelpedicure yesterday?

I limped after the guy and when we passed the garden I could see the Victoria Falls Bridge. The guy showed me around and explained where the different restaurants where located. Very nice, but I was thinking “Blah-blah, where is my room and the Doctor?”

The hotel looked very nice and I was looking forward to my stay and the activities. But now I was in a hurry, they would come to pick me up for the Ra -Ikane Sunset Cruise @ 16:00 and I needed to see the Doctor, have a shower and lunch

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Victoria Falls Bridge from the a la carte restaurant

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
My room

Finally, we were going to my room. It was a nice room and I think I'm going to like it hereAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelfor five nights. After 30 minutes the Doctor knocked on my door.

I had been speaking with him on the phone about the pedicure and the cut. HeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbrought some antibiotic and some antiseptic ointment.

He checked my foot and he greased up my foot with the antisepticYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stointment. He handed me a big bag of antibiotic. And I'm normally very very careful with antibiotic, but if I paid 20000$ for this trip I'm going to make sure I can enjoy the Devil's pool tomorrow. So antibiotic it is!
Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls HotelThe Doctor left and I went to the restaurant on the famous terrace at Victoria Falls Hotel. My foot was already feeling better, most likely the placebo effect of having had a Doctor to have a look at it.

No more drinking and cheap holidays, but I can never remember having to have to call a Doctor during myYet another Smiley on“party” holidays. But again, here we see how important it is to stay at good hotels.

Doctor available to your room. In Dar es Salaam theyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthad Tailor service and I'm sure they have it here as well. But this time I come prepared.

I had a huge pot of Earl Grey tea and a smoked salmon bruschetta (A very good bruschetta) and an avocado, brie and chicken bruschetta for lunch. Well, a very late lunch.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
I enjoy my late lunch on the terrace

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
The mist from Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Victoria Falls bridge and we can see the BUNGY JUMP ropes

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Victoria Falls Hotel

I went down to have a look at Victoria Falls Bridge while waiting for the food. There was a guard with a rifle and I asked if it was for the lions. It was for the monkey that we see everywhereAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelaround here. Well, it was not a real gun for killing, only to scare them.

Of course, we're here to protect the wildlife. I returned to my tea and the bruschetta was soon brought to my table. I felt like a million when I was ready and I went to the reception to wait for my pick-up for the adventure for this evening.

I talked with one of the guys and he would try to set me up for a helicopter tour on the 9th. I also got one of those elastic bandage for my foot. Good, I'm ready for all the adventures they can throw at me. They came from AfricaAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset CruiseTravel Tours to pick me up and there was already a guy from Germany in the van. Off for the Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise. This will be fun!

Took us 10 minutes to reach the “cruise jetty” and I had a chat with my new friend. He will go back to Johannesburg tomorrow and he came back from Botswana yesterday. So I asked for some information about the safaris in Botswana.

We boarded Ra - Ikane and there were an American couple on board. I told them that we didn't needed any life boats as we were sitting in the life boat already. But it was a nice life boat. Four tables and 8 chairs. A bar up front and everything was for free. Open bar and they were soon running out of soda water as I only drank soda water. My new friend hadAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruisetwo gin and tonics during the cruise.

We were waiting for more passengers, four as it turned out to be.

While sitting there waiting enjoying a soda water someone said that there was a crocodile. I could not see any crocodile and my new friend pointed him out for me. I was swimming by very close to us and as soon as the other passengers had boarded we took off to see where he had gone. We were soon seeing him again, but he disappeared under the water when he saw us coming closer and we were soon on our way again.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
A crocodile swimming by

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
We follow the crocodile for a while

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
The crocodile dives under water

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Zambezi River

We crossed the river and we spotted another crocodile resting on the river side. There was also a black bird hanging around and when we grew tired of the crocodile and the bird we moved down theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset CruiseZambezi River towards Victoria Falls.

I was sitting with my new friend from Germany and we discussed safari in Botswana while enjoying our snacks and drinks. It was a very nice evening, like a Swedish summer afternoon. But no animals to be seen.

Suddenly our Captain points to the horizon and there were a group of elephants playing in the river. We sat course towards the elephants. These Guides are fantastic to see animals. They can spot animals where I don't see anything, same as my Guide in Tanzania. He spotted animals long before I could see them.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Elephants in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Steaming down the Zambezi River towards the elephants

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Elephants in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Elephants in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Elephants in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Elephants in the Zambezi River

The elephants left the river and they went up on the Zambia side. We continued down the Zambezi River and we were soon running in to Hippos. There were a group of maybe ten hippos, from veryAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Hippossmall babies to big hippos

But hippos must be something of the most boring to watch, at least when they are in the water. They stay in water all day long and in the night they go ashore to eat grass. It is a huge animal, butt like me, they move around graceful like kittens.

My new friend from Germany told me that there were an island in The Okavango delta in Botswana were you could see them ashore. They feel safe there because they are surrounded by water.Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - HipposNever stay between a Hippo and the water or between a hippo and their baby. YOU ARE DEAD!! The world’s fastest man Usain Bolt.

And Usain Bolt runs fast. Very fast. His 100 meters time of 9.58 seconds is about 44 Km/h. Well, just below 44 km/h. A hippo runs 48km/h and if a hippo attack, just close your eyes and prey. There is nothing you canAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Hipposdo! Unless you’re in a vehicle. Hippo is the third biggest killer, (biggest killer in size) and that’s even though he only eat grass.
#1 Killer in Africa: A man without condom
#2 Killer in Africa: Mosquito
#3 Killer in Africa: Hippo

My new friend from Germany told me that they were attacked by a hippo in the Okavango delta in Botswana, the only time he had been afraid. They were standing on the river bank and there was a hippo they could not see in the grass. They wereAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Hipposbetween the hippo and the water and suddenly the hippo charged their jeep. The driver got the jeep started in the very last second and the hippo stopped.

We had a quite nasty experience, we were enjoying our cruise, the weather, the sights, snacks and drinks when suddenly one of the big hippos decided to discharge the mother lode from its behind. And they use their tail as a propeller tospread the turd. Literally, the shit hits the fan. Well, luckily enough I managed to stay (well) clear off any of the unpleasantness in the air. Well, we were soon on our way again. We had seen a group of elephants on the island and we expected them to swim across the river, something we wanted to see.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Hippos
Hippo in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Me and my new friend from Germany enjoying the Zambezi River cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
This is the place where we expect the elephants to cross the river

It was very nice to stay there waiting for the elephants. We could hear the hippos screaming and the birds was chirping, a gorgeous evening. Until we suddenly heard a boat with Chines touristsFlying to Dar es Salaamcoming down Zambezi River. We could hear them screaming from far away and they destroyed everything. We were all upset and we remember the Tanzanian woman next to me on the flight to Dar es Salaam, she was not happy about the screaming Chinese lady next to us.

We were whispering on board our boat while looking at the nature and we had a beautiful experience. Then we got a boat load of Chinese tourists coming, a foocking dream come true.

I was on my tenth soda water, the last one they had and after that it was still water and I was chatting with my new friend from Germany when suddenly the elephants came. They stayed in front of us for 10 minutes before they got out in the water to cross Zambezi.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
The elephants arriving

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
The elephants arriving

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
The elephants arriving

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
The elephants waiting before they cross Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
First elephant throw himself in to Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
All of them gets in to the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
They stop to play in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
They stop to play in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
They stop to play in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
They stop to play in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
They stop to play in the Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise - Elephants
They swim away leaving us behind

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
We're returning to the jetty

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Cloudy, but we got to see a wee bit of the sun set

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls, Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise
Cloudy, but we got to see a wee bit of the sun set

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Back at my hotel

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Back at my hotel

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Back at my hotel

We spent some time with the elephants and we watched them playing in the water before the crossed Zambezi River. The elephants swam across the river and we returned to our jetty andAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelthere was a wee bit of a sunset even though it was overcast.

My new friend from Germany was going for the LUNAR RAINBOW but as it is overcast this tour is most likely cancelled. He wanted to come to my hotel for dinner and he would call me between 7 thirty and 8 o'clock when he arrived to the hotel. I was in my room updating my web page when he called and I went down to meet him in the reception. We decided to have our dinner on the terrace while enjoying the views.

I had a bruschetta with smoked salmon for starter and as this is an African adventure I decided to have aAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelostrich Bolognese. They had some pasta with crocodile but as it was Masala I skipped this idea. Masala is an Indian spice and well, why take a chance?

The ostrich was a chance but it turned out to taste as normal Bolognese. Or as I use to call Bolognese, a normal meat sauce.

The food was nice and the company was nice. My new friend from Germany will fly back to Johannesburg tomorrow and I have asked for a wakeup call at 06:00. So I was soon off to bed and I'm looking forward to a day full of activities tomorrow.

And I have checked my itinerary for the five nights at Victoria Falls. I have not checked the times before and I shat my pants.
Day 2: Wake up 06:00
Day 3: Wake up 05:30
Day 4: Wake up 06:00
Day 5: Wake up 08:00YIIIPPEEE!! Finally a morning with some sleep!

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls
Tomorrow, a tour of the falls and Devil's Pool

Well, a long and exciting day have come to an end. And just as I thought it could not get any more exciting there is the Devil's Pool to discover. And Devil's pool is on the menu for tomorrow, so hang on! This might be fun!

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