Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Elephant Back Safari
25mins Helicopter
Cancelled Back on and pick up time @ 11:15
Sunset and Dinner Cruise

Friday 7 th of November 2014 and I was back at my hotel 20 minutes before 10. Jungle Connection close the breakfast at 10 o'clock so I went for a quick pot of Earl Grey tea and omelettes. Back toAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tourmy room to write a few words on my web page while drinking a few Diet drinks.

I had shower and I went to the reception to meet the guy that was here to pick me up at 11:15. It really work out fine here with all the activities and the pick-up. Actually never mind where you're hotel is located as there isn't very much to see in the town.

And they drive me around to all the activities and I get an hour or two in my hotel room between the activities so I can have a quick rest, a diet drink and a fewAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tourwords on my web page.

And as there had not been any passengers for this tour I had not paid for the tour. I gave the Driver 300 US and it was not easy to find change, he called the office and we would stop there so I could get my change.

I was in the van and we were ready to take off when they came running with the change. I thought they were giving me Scooby Doo dollars back as I didn't recognised the bill on top of the bills. When I got the money I thoughtAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tourthey gave me counterfeit, a 2 Dollar bill, isn't there a joke about someone getting caught using a 2 Dollar bill to pay with? Or was it a 3 Dollar bill?

Then I remembered something about that they had introduced a 2 Dollar bill, never mind, I got my 35Smiley in helicopterDollars in change and we took off to the helicopter platform. I was very happy, I had really been looking forward to see Victoria Falls from the above. I had the 13 minutes tour as a back-up, but I wanted to see the River Zambezi from above as well.

Took us about 10 minutes to reach the Zambezi Helicopter Company's site and I got out of theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tourvan. There were a few people waiting for their flight so I went to ask if they knew how long I would have to wait.

At first it was 10 minutes, then it turned in to 20 and a few minutes later it was 20 to 25 minutes. The helicopter took 4 passengers, one up front (maximum 95 kilo) and 3 in the back seat. Well, I didn't expected a seat up front with the Pilot. But a window seat in the back would be nice.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Zambezi Helicopter Company's airport

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Some people waiting for their flight

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Time to get on board
Of course, they make a video and they ask all the passengers to wave their hands like idiots

Now there were 7 passengers for the Zambezi Spectacular, the 25 minutes flight and I could not believe my luck, I was in the flight with 3 passengers. OK, they had picked out the 3 biggestAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tourof the 7 and I was not the smallest. But we were all happy to be ONLY 3 on board, a good view guaranteed.

Suddenly they bring a girl, and she was not small. 500 ton at least, I mean, the rest of us looked small in comparison.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThey put her on the scale, yes, everyone had to step up on the scale. And the video man was there to take pictures asking her to wave. He tried the same with me but I told him that I would not buy the video. I have my own camera.

And I don't think his pictures would be as tasteful as the Shearwater's pictures judging from all the waving.

I and the Canadian couple were so happy when they decided not to put her on our flight and we smiled all the way to the helicopter. Safety belt, no extension and they put the belt around on of my legs. And why do they have safety belts in a helicopter?

When the engine stops we fall straight down! Might have been my imagination, but the helicopter had a list when we took off, and not to my side!

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Mist from Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
River Zambezi above Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Approaching Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Victoria Falls and the bridge over the gorge and the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
The gorge after Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Picture from Wikipedia

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Victoria Falls- Imagine this in full force in May

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Victoria Falls- Imagine this in full force in May

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Victoria Falls- Devil's Cataract to the left and main falls on the right hand side
The water falls from Zambia. Opposite side of the falls and we're in Zimbabwe

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Victoria Falls Hotel - The place to stay when in Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We follow the gorge South before going back to Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We're flying North over Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We see elephants

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We see elephants

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
Our shadow

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We see elephants

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We see elephants

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We see elephants

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour
We're back at the airport

We landed at Zambezi Helicopter Company's airport and we have had a fantastic flight. It was worth every cent. A humble suggestion from Aladdin, if you're going to Victoria Falls, let Victoria Falls Guide, set you up on the Zambezi Spectacular - Helicopter Tour instead of the 13 minutes flight. Yes, you pay more, but it was amazing to see the elephants,Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Impalashippos and crocodiles up the river. Of course, no guarantee as we're talking about wild life.

I left the airport and I was very satisfied, we had got a very good view of the falls and as we had paid for the 25 minutes flight we followed the gorge south and we flew up the Zambezi River.

The most exciting was not the Victoria Falls, it was that we saw elephants, hippos and crocodiles. What a day this have been, and there are more to come!

I was in the back of the van, we had Impalas on the left side of the road. We had on comingHigh Teat at Victoria Falls Hoteltraffic on our right hand side and suddenly there was an Impala jumping from the right side of the road to the left side. 10 to 12 meters and OVER THE ON COMING TRAFFIC! It was a beautiful sight.

They serve something called HIGH TEA at Victoria Falls hotel and this is served between 15:00 and 17:00 and as I have heard so much about it I decided to try it today. Of course, a smoked salmon bruschetta to start with.

The salmon bruschetta comes per automatic, every time I enter the terrace the staff smiles at me and after these days the know me and ask:
High Teat at Victoria Falls Hotel- Salmon and Earl Grey?
- Yes, please
- You ordinary table?
- Yes, please

I finished my salmon and they brought the High Tea, 3 layers of small snacks. Top plate was something with fish roes and something else. Then on the middle one there was chocolate pastries and some other pastries.

The bottom one was scones with a bowl of whipped cream and a bowl of strawberry jam. Didn't take long to finish all three plates and I was soon on my way to my room for a shower and there might even be time for a few words on my web page.

Well, I will soon take off for my Sunset and Dinner Cruise, they will pick me up at 16:55. Click HERE Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand you will find yourself in the middle of yet another River Zambezi cruise adventure. We might see some fun animals again, so hang on!

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