Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Elephant Back Safari
25mins Helicopter
Sunset and Dinner Cruise

Friday 7 th of November 2014 and I was at the reception at 16:55 and no sign of anyone coming to pick me up. The hotel called all the numbers I had on my voucher, no answer and I gave up afterAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines20 minutes. I returned to my room and I was a wee bit upset.

No answer at Bush Cuisines and I had lost yet another day. Yesterday and the whole day was wasted waiting, but then it was kind of OK as it was because of the weather. But today was another story. I was at my desk in the room when the phone rang. It was from the reception and they were here to pick me up. Almost an hour late.

We took off to the jetty and when we arrived the boat was on the way back to pick me up. The driver told me that they had forgot me. He had only orders to pick up 16 passengers at another hotel. When they were on board they realised that one passenger (me) was missing.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
The driver on the jetty when we're leaving the jetty

We were waiting on the jetty and I would hear the passengers screaming at me:
- We didn't knew that Dr. Livingstone was Swedish!

There I was in full safari uniform wondering how they knew I was from Sweden. But it turned outAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisinesthat 2 of the passengers was the very same couple I had been taken the helicopter flight with. And they had obviously told theirSafari Helmetfriends about the Swede in full safari uniform.

And as there is no one else around with safari uniform it was easy to guess that it was me.

We left the jetty again and it was getting dark, yes, I was happy that I have missed the river gaming. The other passengers had got started with the snacks when they left the jetty just after 5 o'clock as planned.

I got my snacks and as they didn't had any soda water I had a bottle of still water. And we started to steam down Zambezi River and we were soon passing a crocodile and we saw several hippos. But it was dark and it was pretty pointless trying to take pictures.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
Dinner Cruise

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
We're passing hippos in Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
Crocodile in Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
Dinner Cruise on Zambezi River
Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines

We had day light for about 30 minutes and then it got too dark to see anything and they started to serve the food. And as you can see on the menu above we started with a yellow Butternut soup.Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush CuisinesThe soup was not bad. Main course was fish and by now it was so dark I could not see what I was eating.

They had some plastic flowers with led lights on the tables, but they did not much to give us any light. But they attracted a lot of bugs. I had to go ask for mosquito repellent.

Pitch black and it was impossible to see where I was aiming and I got it in my mouth, not a nice experience. The main course was OK even though I didn't knew or could see what I was eating. I left some of the food on the plate as it looked suspect in the dark.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
Dinner in the dark

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
Dinner in the dark

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisines
They turn on the light when they clear the tables

They brought the dessert and I was informed that it was something called Malva Pudding in brandy sauce, nothing I had been eating before. But it reminded me about sponge/ ginger bread cake and Malva or noAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush CuisinesMalva, it was like eating sponge/ ginger bread cake with custard sauce.

And as I wasn't alone, well, it was so dark no one could see me. But I put down the plate as I didn't want to stick out as the guy with eating disturbance.

And it was really pitch dark on board and we could not see shore any more, except for a few lights. But as I don't want to appear s a troglodyte that have never seen food before I was eating slow. The Waiter came by and he askedAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisinesif I wanted to have a second plate
- No thanks
- Are you ready?
- No, I will finish my malva pudding
- Can I take the plate?
- No, I'm not ready
- OK
He took my plate and disappeared with the remaining of my malva pudding. I just gaped at him when he left. It was a pretty boring cruise and I made a mental not to never go on a cruise with Into Africa Bush Cuisine again.

Embarrassing also, they had to stop the cruise to come back to pick me up on the jetty. And there I stood as the idiot that could not make it in time. I'm sure that it would have been nice if I would have made it in time. Never mind the dinner, I wanted to do theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Sunset Cruise and Dinner - Into Africa Bush Cuisinesgaming. So if you come to Victoria Falls, stay well clear of Into Africa Bush Cuisine.

But I can recommend the Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise. It was a very nice evening cruise with a lot of game to see, I had expected the Into Africa Dinner Cruise to be the same, but with the added dinner.

So if you come to Victoria Falls, do the Ra - Ikane Sunset Cruise, a must! We were soon in the bus and we went to my fellow passenger's hotel first and when we came back to my hotel I was tired. Every day, up at 6 and in bed late after a day full of activities. But it is good, never any time to get bored.

Back in my room and I discovered what the “evening turndown service” was. Chocolate on the pillows, my slippers on a towel next to the bed and they had taken down the mosquito net. How the foock do I get in to the bed?

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel
Evening turndown service

Victoria Falls Hotel is a fantastic hotel and this is obviously the place to stay when in Victoria
The Victoria Falls Hotel

is a historic hotel at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The hotel is dramatically situated, with a view of the Second Gorge and the Victoria Falls Bridge from its terrace.

The hotel was opened in 1904 to accommodate passengers on the newly built railway, part of the planned Cape to Cairo Railway. Later it was a staging post for the BOAC flying boat service between Southampton and South Africa. The hotel has accommodated royal visitors on several occasions, including King George VI and his family in April 1947

The hotel has been the site of a number of important political meetings. In 1949 Roy Welensky organised a conference there to discuss the creation of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and in 1963 the Victoria Falls Conference at the hotel led to the break-up of the federation.

From Wikipedia
Falls. The hotel is full of history and I enjoy my smoked salmon while imagineAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelhow it would have been living here 100 years ago. At least I have enjoyed my stay so far and if I ever come back this is the place where I will stay. But now I'm off to bed. The will pick me up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning for our canoeing adventure.

Something I'm looking forward to so click HERE and you will soon find yourself in a canoe on Zambezi River. After today's Zambezi River disappointment we need some adventure on the Zambezi River and I have high hopes for the canoeing.

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