Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Night Drive + Bush Dinner

Saturday 8 th of November 2014 and they called me at 6 o'clock and I had time for a diet drink, a shower and breakfast before going for my breakfast. I was at the reception at 7 and the Guide asked where the other person was. They told me that 2 persons from Victoria Falls Hotel wereAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverbooked for the canoeing. I had called them yesterday and they confirmed that I was going alone.

They even asked if I wanted a later pick up.
- No, 7 o'clock will be perfect

Well, now the jeep was full of people and it turned out that we will be 5 persons doing the canoeing. No one mention any refund of the money I have paid extra, well, I will solve this later on. But I was not very happy about this turn of event.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Well, we were soon on our way towards Zambezi National Park and I had to pay a 10 US Dollars entry fee. We drove through a dry landscape and we were soon stopping to watch an Eland AntelopeAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverrelaxing in the shadow of some trees and bushes.

The common eland (Taurotragus oryx),

also known as the southern eland or eland antelope, is a savannah and plains antelope found in East and Southern Africa. It is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Taurotragus. It was first described by Peter Simon Pallas in 1766. An adult male is around 1.6 metres tall at the shoulder (females are 20 centimetres shorter) and can weigh up to 942 kg with an average of 500–600 kilograms 340–445 kilograms (for females). It is the second largest antelope in the world, being slightly smaller on average than the giant eland.

From Wikipedia

Otherwise we didn't see any animals on the way through Zambezi National Park. But we saw plenty different eagles and there were many Vultures sitting in the trees.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
An Eagle

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Yet another Eagle

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Here we can see how an elephant have destroyed a huge tree by scratching

It was quite a long ride before we reached the place where we would launch our canoes. It was a sand bank on the Zambezi River. We had 2 Guides and one Driver with us. The Driver would driveAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riveralong the Zambezi and we would meet him at the end point for lunch before going back to Victoria Falls Hotel.

The staff brought down the canoes, well, it was some kind of inflatable canoes that I had never seen before. But then, I'm not a canoe expert. But they looked sturdy and I'm pretty sure we will reach the end point. The problem around here are the hippos that can get angry.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Unloading the canoes

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Unloading the canoes

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Unloading the canoes

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Paddling instructions

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
We're ready to throw us out on Zambezi River

If we hit a hippo we should paddling as fast as we could away from him. If we hit a hippo and we felt out of the canoe we should swim away as quick as possible as the hippo would be mostAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverinterested in the canoe, the big intruder to his territory and we can swim away.

Crocodiles were no problem as there were several sections in the canoe. So unless the crocodile managed to bite hole in all of theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Rivercompartments we should just paddle away.

We will pass some rapids on our way and we can fall out of the canoes. Should not be any problems, but the hippos are the danger we will meet. The canoes will be full of water during the trip and when we pass the rapids there will come water over us. So that was my camera in the water tight container, disappointment.

I had to take off my shoes and I kept them in the car. This was not what I had expected, then IAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverwould have brought my water proof Canon.

My right foot is way better but I kept the elastic bandage for some protection. Well, we got paddle and safety instructions and we were soon off for our paddling adventure on Zambezi.

The canoes were a wee bit narrow and my behind was a wee bit too wide. But I got used to it after a while, but I realised that I needed to stop during the way to stretch my legs. And our Guides had planned aAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverstop during the way.

And it was hot, but I got an opportunity to test my safari helmet. I soaked the wood helmet in the water and I was waiting for the cooling effect to kick in.

OK, the canoe was not very comfortable to sit in and it was very hot. And of course, we had to paddle. But apart from that it was a very nice experience.

I had the Guide in the back steering and as our Guide said: I was in the middle being the engine. So I gave the canoe a few power full trusts with the paddle and then we were floating along the river. The stream towards Victoria Falls are helping us. And while floating along I leaned back towards the water proof container watching the landscape passing by.

Of course, I kept an eye out for game along the banks. And after a few minutes I gave the canoe a few thrusts with the paddles again before relaxing again looking for games.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Passing elephants along Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Passing elephants along Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Passing hippos along Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Passing hippos along Zambezi River

We passed elephants and hippos, and we stayed well clear of all hippos. The second killer in Africa after the mosquito. I really enjoyed the canoe trip, well, except for the sore arse. And we hadAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riveronly been on our way for 30 minutes or so. When are we going to stop to stretch our legs? And my behind is aching.

My Canon D60 was in the water proof container so I had to use my small pocket camera only. We were soon approaching our first rapid. We could hear it from a distance and we stopped to put our cameras in the water proof container. Now I had nothing to take pictures with.

Darn, it would have been nice to have my water camera going through the rapids. The water was pouring in to the canoe and over me. I was soaked, this is not what I had expected. But now I'm wet so never mind, nowAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverwe can make more of the rapids, it was fun. Of course, I should have been able to figure this out so I would have come more prepared.

But now I was wet and when we made a stop on a small island I went out in the river. It was not all that easy to walk. It was sand bottom butAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi RiverI could feel the sand moving under my feet.

It was so nice in the water that I didn't want to leave. A very nice place and we enjoyed an orange before we continued down the Zambezi River. I spotted some elephants on the other side of the river in Zambia. I took a few pictures before we continued.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Elephants in Zambia along Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Elephants in Zambia along Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
We stop on an island in Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Floating along Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
More elephants ahead

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

We left the island behind and we had 3 more rapids to pass and I was looking forward to them. It was a beautiful scenery we passed. And we came to one place and I told the Guide that there was a hippo on the beach. He turned the canoe around.
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI want to see the hippo!

I had never seen a hippo before and he was on the way down in to the water. It was a shallowAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverpassage and not very wide so it would not be any problem for the hippo to attack us. But it seems like he was more afraid of us.

We sent the Guide that had his own canoe ahead of us to check out the area. And while we were waiting for him I had my back against the hippo. And IAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverwas not nimble enough to move around in the canoe to get a glimpse.

And if we need to escape there is only the way against the river to go.

The hippo ran up on land again and we took the opportunity to pass the place real quick. It was not to get to see a hippo ashore, to see them in the river is like watching zebras in Tanzania, they are everywhere. Same with the elephants around here, there are so many of them.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
The last ripple

We passed the last ripple not long after the hippo incident. There were two ripples, first one small andAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverthen one that was a little bigger. But now there was no water coming in to the canoe.

I started to steer towards one of the bank, sneaking along keeping an eye out for crocodiles and hippos, I don't want to step on a crocodile getting out from the canoe.

My Guide told me that we were soon reaching the end point.
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on
A full day of canoeing on Zambezi turned out to be about two hours. OK, honestly, my arse was sore and my old boxing injury in my right shoulder started to get bad again. So it was nice to get out of the canoe, twoAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverhours was enough and it had been a fantastic trip down the Zambezi River. Yet another activity that I can recommend if you're coming to Victoria Falls on holiday.

Well, they always add breakfast or lunch to the activities, a way to stretch the experience. And the food is never something I'm interesting in. Ok, at the elephant back safari the food was good. We got breakfast before we left with the canoes and IAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi Riverdidn't ate. Now it is time for lunch and they were soon having put on a fire.

I was walking around looking at the area while they were cooking and eating. I was still wet but the sun was soon drying my clothes. I walked down to tracks but I was soon walking back to the car.

There are lions in the area and if they find me they will have a feast. OK, they could have eaten just enough to get me my V-shaped torso. When I was back at the car it was time to drive back to Victoria Falls Hotel.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Lunch Time

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Lunch Time

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
Soon time to go home

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi River
They stop to pick up garbage

The first thing that hit me when I arrived to Victoria Falls was that there is no garbage laying around. Zambezi River and I have not seen any garbage, very strange. The rest of Africa looks likeAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Canoeing on Zambezi RiverAsia, garbage over all the place. People just throw the garbage where they stand or sit. The Guide told me that they picked up the garbage where ever they saw garbage laying around.

And we stopped when they spotted aplastic bag and they brought it back to their office. Very good, now they have to teach the rest of the world. Well, we know how it will go with that. No changes. Of course, if you have to worry about how to get food for the day first thing waking up you don't care about a little garbage laying around.

The canoe experience was very nice and on any “MUST” do list for visitors coming to town. Well, already afternoon and I will soon be off for the night safari and bush dinner at the Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve. The very same place where we did the elephant back safari. This can be fun so click HERE for more about that adventure.

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