Aladdin's adventure in Jaipur

India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambhore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai

34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 12: Jaipur

Today morning breakfast visit Jal Mahal - (6 kms) on the way to Amer, this small palace is set in the middle of Man Sagar Lake. Renovation around the lake is in progress. Nahargarh Fort - (15 kms.) cresting a hill about 600 ft. above the city, the fort was built in 1734. The walls of the fort run along the ridge and within are architectural beauties like Hawa Mandir and Madhvendra Bhawan. Dolls Museum - a collection of beautiful dolls from all over the world, it is situated on Jawahar Lal Nehru

Marg. Birla Planetarium - It offers unique audio-visual education about stars and entertainment with its modern computerised projection system. Afterwards enjoy your evening at the most authentic and ethnic village resort: called Chokhi Dhani, designed on the theme of an ethnic village of Rajasthan with lots of traditional environment and entertainment like folk dances, puppet shows, astrology, music, astrology, camel ride, here you can enjoy the traditional Rajasthani food. Later return to the hotel for overnight stay.

Saturday 16 th of January 2016 and yet again, my alarm went off at 07:20. So I had many hours to kill before my Driver will be here for our Jaipur Tour Part 2. Well, as I had made my Chief Officer plan we had completed everything yesterday except for the Amber sound and light show.

Yeah, the sound and light show is obviously during the night and as we had started early (13:00) with the city tour of Jaipur. So we skipped the Amber sound and light show yesterday, mostly because I had hope to get to Marriott for a lunch/ dinner. But I skipped the dinner as it was a wee bit late when we came back to the hotel yesterday.

But today, and one of the reasons for us to start so early today (15:00) was that I have planned to stop at Marriott or Sheraton for a late lunch. Otherwise it was razor blades and a haircut onIndian supermarket in Jaipur - Pink Citymy list of “list of things to do” and to keep an eye out for some Diet Pepsi.

When I came out to my driver there was a representative from Meruka India Tourism Service. He was here to see how my trip had turned out.

I asked if he knew a supermarket so we could look for razor blades and Diet Pepsi. He gave directions to the driver and we took off to see what we could find at the supermarket. They had razor blades but no Diet Pepsi.

By now I'm convinced that they don't have any Diet Pepsi here in Jaipur. I bought 6 bottles of Mango juice and I went to the cashier to pay. There was a tw** keeping the cashier busy. He wasJaipur - Pink Citycontinuing shopping while at the cashier and one of the girls had to bring biscuits and tooth brushes etc. And the price was not right and it went on and on.

I left my mango juice and razor blades and I left. We took off to the Pink City.

The Amber sound and light show don't start until 18:30. I had been told that the show would start at 6. This was a disappointment, now we had 30 minutes extra to kill. And by the looks of thing there isn't very much to do around here to kill time.

We found a parking place in the Pink City and I got out of the car and I told the driver that I would be back in an hour and I took off to explore the place.

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Walking up the road and I'm soon to realise that this is the road where to by textiles. No razor blades to be found in this area. I had told the driver that I would be back in an hour. It took me less than 10 minutes to realise that I would be back long before we had reached an hour.

Crowded on the sidewalks in a thick stench of piss, beyond description. Dirt and garbage and a terrible noise from the traffic as everyone using their horns like their life was depending on it.

Not an enjoyable place to walk around in. Yes, for a young back packer it is kind or exciting, like it was for me 30 years ago. But today, no, I was soon returning to the car.

What a shame! Alleys beautifully lit up by textiles in the most beautiful colours you can think of.

BOOM! It is like walking in to a wall of a terrible stench. People are just pissing everywhere. And when I was in Calcutta 25 years ago they told me that the old building sin the city was falling apart due to destroyed concrete. Destroyed by people pissing on the walls. Easy to imagine the stank there.

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City
A turban store
The red turban is something they wear locally in Rajasthan

Jaipur - Pink City
A turban store
The red turban is something they wear locally in Rajasthan

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City
We can just imagine

We left the Pink City and we went to look for razor blades and my driver took me to another part of town. We stopped at a few “hole in the wall” shops but not any Mach 3 razor blades. But I got a bonus tour around Jaipur out of it, and that's to an area I would never had come to under normal circumstances.

We passed a supermarket and I could buy my razor blades and 6 bottles of Mango juice. 6 bottles of Mango juice turned in to 8 as they had a BUY 3 GET 1 FREE deal going on.

I was happy when we left the supermarket, but not too happy when I checked my wrist watch. Still plenty time to kill before the Amber sound and light show.

I went to Sheraton for lunch/ dinner and well, it could have been better. DARN! I knew I should have chosen Marriott. Same as in Bangkok, I avoid Sheraton after having been there one time only.

We still had plenty time to kill when I was ready at Sheraton so we stopped at the Man Sagar Lake to have a look at the Jal Mahal. Sunday afternoon and there were plenty people enjoying the late afternoon.

Jaipur - Pink City
Indian styles hole in the wall shop

Jaipur - Pink City

Reliancefresh in Jaipur - Pink City
Reliancefresh in Jaipur - Pink City

Reliancefresh in Jaipur - Pink City
Reliancefresh in Jaipur - Pink City

Jaipur - Pink City
City sightseeing in Jaipur - Pink City
Red City Sightseeing buses

Jaipur - Pink City
Jal Mahal (meaning "Water Palace") in the middle of the Man Sagar Lake - Jaipur
We have time to stop at the Man Sagar Lake before continuing to the Amber sound and light show

Jaipur - Pink City
Sunday afternoon at the Man Sagar Lake - Jaipur
We have time to stop at the Man Sagar Lake before continuing to the Amber sound and light show

Jaipur - Pink City
People are enjoying the Sunday afternoon at the Man Sagar Lake - Jaipur
We have time to stop at the Man Sagar Lake before continuing to the Amber sound and light show

Jaipur - Pink City
People are enjoying the Sunday afternoon at the Man Sagar Lake - Jaipur
We have time to stop at the Man Sagar Lake before continuing to the Amber sound and light show

Jaipur - Pink City
Selling snacks at the Man Sagar Lake - Jaipur
We have time to stop at the Man Sagar Lake before continuing to the Amber sound and light show

And on the way to the Amer Fort we stopped in the Amer Town to look for a barbershop. We found a hole in thewall styled barber shop.

The only source of water in the barber shop was an old Sprite plastic bottle with a spray nozzle on it. Never mind, I managed to get my haircut, very good!

Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town
Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town

Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town
Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town

Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town
Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town

Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town
Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town

Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town
Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town

Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town
Indian styled barber shop in Amer Town

We left the barber shop and I think I paid 30 or 60 Rupees for the haircut. So it was not muchYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor my haircut, OK, there was nothing advanced by it and it only took a few minutes.

We left the barber shop and we drove to the Amber sound and light show and it only took us a few minutes to go there.

I got my ticket and it was about 20 minutes until the show should start. And we were sitting outside and it was cold. We're on the top of one of the houses used as a ticket office and we were facing the Amer Fort.

They were obviously going to use the Amer Fort to display the light show on. Time turned slow because it was cold. The clock turned 18:30 and they started to test the sound system. And it took quite some time. GET STARTED ALREADY!

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Ticket office

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Waiting for the show to start

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Waiting for the show to start

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Waiting for the show to start

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Time to go home

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Time to go home

Amber sound and light show in Jaipur
Time to go home

I had expected a 45 minutes show but it was an hour. It was the best attraction in Jaipur and I can recommend it. But it was very cold so please bring a jacket or blanket if you are here duringAmber sound and light show in Jaipurthe cold season.

When I left the place I saw that there were many people lining up in the ticket office and I learned that there was a second show. The first show is in English and the second show is in Hindi.

The show was a story about the history of India and it was, well, I was mostly looking at the light trying to take pictures. The story was interesting, I'm pretty sure about it.

Of course patriotic so as always, take it with a grain of salt. But there were so many strange name to keep track of so IJaipur - Pink Citylost the plot after a while. But I had enoughYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto entertain myself with the picture taking and the setting on the camera. So time turned quickly even though it was cold.

The Driver was waiting for me outside the ticket office and it was nice to be back in the car. I asked the Driver to turn up the heat to full in the car.

We drove back to Jaipur and it was now almost 8 o'clock but the traffic was still heavy and it took us qite some while to get back to the hotel. I stopped at the restaurant for some dinner before returning to my room.

Jaipur - Pink City
On the way back to my hotel

Jaipur - Pink City
On the way back to my hotel

Well, it will be nice to get back to the safari adventures and the Driver will pick me up at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning and he expect it to take about 4 hours to Ranthambhore and Abrar Palace and Jungle Camp where I will stay for 3 nights.

This promise to be exciting and it will for sure be an adventure. Will we see any tigers? Just click HERE to find out what there is to see in Ranthambhore.

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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