Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambhore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai

34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 24: Bandhavgarh – Kanha (220 kms: 5 hrs)

After breakfast, check out the hotel and drive to Kanha on arrival transfer to the resort, the history of Kanha as a hunting ground dates back to the British era when the officials used to hunt the famous twelve-horned antelope or hard ground Barasingha or Swamp Deer. Evening free for explore nature around the resort & local area, evening walk. Later return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Thursday 28 th of January 2016 and they knocked on my door 06:30. So today I could sleep a wee bit longer. I prepared my luggage and I took my luggage and I went for the restaurant just after 8Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodgeo'clock.

Time to leave Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge and get in the car to Kanha National Park and the Kanha Jungle Lodge, same owner as Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge.

I have had a good time here at Bandhavgarh but it will be nice to come to Kanha Tiger Reserve. Famous for its lush sal and bamboo forests, grassy meadows and ravines of Kanha provided inspiration to Rudyard Kipling for his famous novel Jungle Book. So this promise to be an adventure, an exciting adventure!

But I don't know when the car will come, and no one at the hotel knows. I sent an e-mail to Meruka India Tourism Service. I asked about the car and I told them that I wanted to leaveBandhavgarh Jungle Lodgearound 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning. But no internet yesterday so I have not been able to read the answer.

But today I could read the answer and I should arrange the car with the Manager of the Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge.

I had my breakfast, Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge's excellent cheese and onion omelette. And a pot of tea and we left for the car quarter pas 9 or something like that. And it was around 9 thirty when I left Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge behind. And it will be 5 to 6 exciting hours to get to Kanha. Yet another road trip on the Indian roads, yipeee!

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
Passing the gate to the “highway” and we leave the town, whatever the name is behind

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
Passing a last gate

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
We passing villages on our way to Kanha

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
We passing villages on our way to Kanha

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
White throated Kingfisher

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis
Indian Roller

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis
Indian Roller

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Kanha Tiger Reserve
Picture by Aladdin
We made it to Kanha in 4 hours and I was surprised. Well we came to a place with signs for different Kanha tiger resorts and lodge. But we continued, but I expected us to arriveRoad trip to Kanha Tiger Reserveany minute. But we drove on and on and suddenly we came to a boom. This was the gate to Kanha Tiger Reserve and we had obviously been driving too long.

So we turned around and Kanha Jungle Lodge was on the left side a few hundred meters back on the road. We had arrived to Kanha Jungle Lodge about 6 hours after we left the Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge. And our road trip had been OK, I had seen some interesting things on our way. I had also had a power nap in the back seat.

This is OK and an interesting ride on the Indian roads. Day time and a short trip is worth doing. But 12 hours and in the night time is something I can live without.

Kanha Jungle Lodge
My room at Kanha Jungle Lodge

Kanha Jungle Lodge
My room at Kanha Jungle Lodge

Kanha Jungle Lodge
My room at Kanha Jungle Lodge

Kanha Jungle Lodge
My room at Kanha Jungle Lodge

Kanha Jungle Lodge
My room at Kanha Jungle Lodge

I was very happy with the room and the omelette and toast was as good as it had been Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge, best omelette since Donsol, Philippines. But it was exactly the same story here as it was back at the Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge with my first meal.

I asked what they had for lunch
- Lentils and some ginger stuff
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI want some lunch!
They only had mushy mash, seriously, who the duck eat lentils and mushy mash for lunch? They didn't had any naan and we had a long discussion and I told them what I thought about their mushy mash for lunch. Finally I asked for a cheese and onion omelette with tea and toast.

It was excellent food and the staff was very friendly, just as all the other places I had been at in India. Good service and licking arse is sometime a fine line. But they manage to do it, even though I had to tell people several times that I can take my own bag.

I spent a few hours in my room and it was dinner at 7 thirty

Kanha Jungle Lodge
Dinning hall and lounge at Kanha Jungle Lodge

Kanha Jungle Lodge
The lounge at Kanha Jungle Lodge

Kanha Jungle Lodge

I returned to my room after dinner and I spent some time updating my web page before going to bed. They will wake me up at 05:45 tomorrow and we will have a very quick cuppa before leavingBaloofor the gate to the Kanha Zone. The gate open at 6 thirty and I'm excited about our morning drive.

They say that Rudyard Kipling got the inspiration for the Jungle Book from Kanha. So maybe we run in to Baloo and all the other heroes. But it is alsoBaloo, Mowgli and Shere Khanclaimed that the Pench forest reserve is the setting for Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book.

Maybe both of them as they are pretty close to each other. So there might be more chances to run in to Mowgli, Baloo and the other heroes before going back home to Bangkok.

Baloo or not, I'm excited to get out in the jungle again and we might see a tiger. Just click HERE to find out what we will run in to on our game drive tomorrow morning. Tiger or no tiger, it will for sure be a beautiful experience

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