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Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Wednesday 14 th of March 2018 and we left the hotel quarter to 6 o'clock and we were at the gate a few minutes later. And there were many jeeps waiting for them to open at 6 o'clock. I have roti that I will have for breakfast in the jeep. They prepared breakfast, we will not be backIrai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadobauntil 10 or 10 thirty and they start with the breakfast at 9.

There was tea and biscuits when I came to the reception. And the reception was full of people taking off for tiger safari. So I was lucky, my jeep was waiting for me and we could leave right on leaving all the people behind.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Waiting for the gate to open

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Waiting for the gate to open

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Early morning in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Early morning in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Spotted Deer
Spotted deer hiding in the grass

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Barking deer
Barking deer baby

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Barking deer
Barking deer, Mom and baby

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Barking deer
Barking deer baby

We were through the gate and we were soon at a dam. We passed an owl on the way but as it was too dark we never bothered to stop. They had sighted a female tiger with 3 babies at the dam, but we never saw any tigers. So we continued in to the tiger reserve.

We spotted a whole lot of deer, and my first good picture of a Barking Deer. I have seen many, but they have all been very scared. But this mother and baby could not care less about us. They just continue eating at the side of the road and I could take pictures.

There were many Black Drongos and Racket-tailed Drongos in the park. Wherever I looked there was a Drongo. No pictures as I wanted to have a picture of the Racket-tailed Drongo, I'm not sure, but it looks like the Lesser Racket-tailed and I don't have any pictures of that bird. We saw many birds but they were too far away for any pictures.

Time turned very quickly, no tigers, but a lot of deer and birds. And of course, beautiful scenery. We had to leave the park at 10 o'clock and we will enter again at 14:30.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sambar Deer

Black Drongo
Black Drongo

Yellow-wattled Lapwing, Vanellus malabaricus
Yellow-wattled Lapwing

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
Back at Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
Back at Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
My room at Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba

Back at my room and I enjoyed a MAX killing time until 14:10 when I went to the reception to meet my driver. We took off towards the gate with smokin' and screamin' tyres. We had to wait for 10 minutes before it was 14 thirty and they opened the gate for us.

We drove by the dam and no sign of the mother and the baby tigers. We continued through the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project to Tadoba National Park. We left the paved road and we drove through a bamboo forest and we were soon at a water hole.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Rules at the gate

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through the bamboo forest

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through the bamboo forest

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through the bamboo forest

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through the bamboo forest

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Spotted Deer and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Indian Grey Hornbill
Indian Grey Hornbill

Black Drongo drinking water

I saw a black bird diving down to the water and I thought it was a “new” Kingfisher I had never seen before. But it was not a bird catching fish, it was a Black Drongo drinking water. This was so far the best sight of the day and I tried to make a video of the Black Drongo .

But the bird is too far away for my Canon G7X, but better than nothing and it is kind of clear how it looks when a Black Drongo drinking water.

We had a group of Spotted Deer coming to drink water and while we were enjoying the views of the waterhole we saw many groups of Spotted Deer coming towards the water hole.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Spotted Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Spotted Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Spotted Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
More Spotted Deer come to drink

We left the waterhole and the National Park. We're passing a very small waterhole/ tube and there was a beautiful Crested Honey Buzzard and I started to take pictures. The bird took off and I discover that I have used shutter speed 1/40 and the pictures all went to the garbage bin. DARN! But not the first time I get excited and forget the camera setting.

We left the paved road and we drive through a bamboo forest. Another male’s territory and one of the problems today, the habitat disappears so there are not enough territories for the tigers.

The size of the home range mainly depends on prey abundance, and, in the case of males, on access to females.

A tigress may have a territory of 20 km2, while the territories of males are much larger, covering 60 to 100 km2.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We never spotted any tiger in the bamboo forest, but we spotted Gaur, even called the Indian Bison. There are several of them at Tadoba but every time I want to have a picture the Gaur is covered by grass and branches.

Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard, Pernis ptilorhynchus
Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard

Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard, Pernis ptilorhynchus
Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through the bamboo forest

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Gaur/ Indian Bison
Gaur, even called Indian Bison

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Driving through the bamboo forest

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A river but no tigers

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sun is setting over Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sun is setting over Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sun is setting over Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sun is setting over Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Orange-headed thrush

The sun is setting and we start to drive back towards the main gate. I see a beautiful bird on the side of the road and we stop. Too dark for any good pictures so the Orange-headed thrush is not making it to my list of observed birds. Tomorrow is a full day in the forest and we will enter at 05:45. The jeep will come to pick me up at 05:15, no problem, my alarm is going off at 4 as usually.

Click HERE to find out if we find any tigers.

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