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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Thursday 15 th of March 2018 and we left Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba and we arrived to the main gate 10 minutes later. We entered the park and as usually, we left the paved road after 100 meter and we drove by the dam to see if we could spot the tiger mother with the babies. No sight, but there were plenty Night Jars in the area, but it was dark and no pictures.

Back on the paved road and we drove straight to the gate to the National Park. We turn left just after the gate and we're on the dust road going deeper in to the forest. I asked about the gate to the National Park. It is an old gate over the road, no fence or nothing. But it seems like it, well, no one know why there is a gate. There were 3 villages in the National Park, they moved 2 of them last year. The third village refused to relocate so they had to come up with an “agrement” with the government.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gate to the National Park

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
We pass a monkey

No people to live in the National Park, but outside the park there are people living. And the tigers and wild life goes to the villages. Hell, I remember back in 2016 and I read a review of a hotel I was going to stay at in one of the national park. In one of the reviews they had found a scorpion in the bathroom. So, well, if you don't want to know, don't ask. So I never ask about snakes and scorpion. Anyway, I kept my eyes out for scorpions after reading the review.

We have to walk to the restaurant and it is dark, pitch dark. There are light along the walk path. Anyway, one of the staff told me that they have found leopards in the bushes in the hotel area. I shat my pants. And I got it confirmed by the restaurant staff. But this was no problem, they have just found a few and one of them had been eating a wild dog.

India and tigers, people think tigers kill and eat people, yes, they do. But not many, except in Sundarban. But the leopard is the BIG killer in India when we're talking animals. Smoking and traffic etc. is of course a much bigger killer.

Anyway, we were soon running in to a lot of jeeps at a waterhole. They had spotted a tiger and now they were there waiting to see the tiger again. Well, this group of jeeps was an experience I could live without. So we put the jeep in reverse and we backed a few hundred meters. There was a Changeable Hawk-eagle sitting just next to the road.

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
Sitting on it's prey, a Red Spur Fowl

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle
They Changeable Hawk-eagle takes off with it's prey

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle

Changeable Hawk-eagle, Nisaetus cirrhatus
Changeable Hawk-eagle

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Not exactly what I call tiger safari in the “wilderness”

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Not exactly what I call tiger safari in the “wilderness”

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

We were lucky with this bird! We continued to look for tigers and we came to another waterhole. The place was full of jeeps, not exactly what I call tiger safari in the “wilderness” I told the driver to turn around and leave. But all the jeeps were what they call “changing cars” and they will have to be out from the tiger reserve at 10 thirty.

And as we will stay in the national park for a full day we don't have to leave. The jeeps left after about 15 minutes, there was one jeep remaining and we were worried that it might be another one for a full day. But they left after a few more minutes and we were all by lonesome looking out over the waterhole.

WHAT WAS THAT!!!???? 2 minutes after the jeeps had left we saw something moving on the right side of the water hole. A few seconds later and a huge male tiger came out behind the grass. It was a majestic sight even though the tiger was covered by grass. The tiger walked to a tree where he marked his territory.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A male tiger shows up

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A male tiger shows up

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A male tiger shows up

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A male tiger shows up

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A male tiger shows up

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A male tiger shows up

He put his scent or whatever they do, drop urine? Then He walked towards us and disappeared. We started up the jeep and we put the vehicle in to gear and we took off to a waterhole further up the dry river. There was water in this waterhole and we stopped the jeep and we watched the monkeys’ drinking water. And we expected the tiger to come up the dry river.

No tiger came up the river and we grow tired of waiting after 10 minutes or so. We drove back the same way we had come on and we turned in to the other waterhole (dry at this time of the year) to see if we could see the tiger.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Monkeys drinking at the waterhole
We can see the dry river on the upper right corner

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Monkeys drinking at the waterhole

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Monkeys drinking at the waterhole

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Monkeys drinking at the waterhole

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Male Spotted Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Male Spotted Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Male Spotted Deer

On the way to the dry waterhole we stop to take a picture of Slot Bear poo and Slot Bear footprint. We have seen almost everything we want to see, except a leopard, slot bear and wild dogs. The poo is kind of fresh and we can see that the bear have been eating beans, nuts etc.

We could also see Slot Bear tracks on the dust path to the dry waterhole. But no sign, well, no other sign of any Slot Bear. And we could see the tiger and he was sleeping behind the bushes so there wasn't much to see. So we left again.

We have a full day of safari, I have breakfast and lunch provided form the Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba. But the Guide and Driver need their lunch. So we drove towards the main gate where the lunch will be delivered.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Slot Bear poo

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Slot Bear poo

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Slot Bear tracks

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Slot Bear tracks

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
The tiger is there, but not much to see

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
The tiger is there, but not much to see

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
The tiger is getting feed up with us and go to hide

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sambar Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Sambar Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project, Gaur, Indian bison
A beautiful Gaur (Indian bison)

The gaur

(/ɡaʊər/, Bos gaurus), also called the Indian bison, is the largest extant bovine. This species is native to the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1986. Population decline in parts of its range is likely to be more than 70% during the last three generations. However, population trends are stable in well-protected areas, and are rebuilding in a few areas which previously had been neglected.

The gaur is the tallest of wild cattle species.

The Malayan gaur is called seladang, and the Burmese gaur is called pyoung ပြောင်. The domesticated form of the gaur is called gayal (Bos frontalis) or mithun.

Gaur, Indian bison
Present range

Conservation status
Gaur, Indian bison
Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We spotted many deer and we had several of the beautiful Gaur - The Indian bison as the gaur is also called. But I'm very unlucky with the gaur. They never look at the camera when I want to take their pictures. We ran in to a Blue Bull, Nilgai and I made a video of the male antelope eating from a tree before we continued towards the main gate and the lunch bags for our Driver and Guide.

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project is a beautiful area and we drove slowly back towards the main gate. Plenty deer, we have seen the 4 Horn antelope, very very rare to see. But I never got any pictures. So 2 different antelopes:
1) 4 Horn antelope
2) Nilgai or Blue Bull

And 3 different deer.
1) Spotted Deer
2) Sambar Deer
3) Barking Deer

The Nilgai

or blue bull (/ˈnɪlˌɡaɪ/; literally meaning "blue cow"; Boselaphus tragocamelus) is the largest Asian antelope and is endemic to the Indian subcontinent. The sole member of the genus Boselaphus, the species was described and given its binomial name by German zoologist Peter Simon Pallas in 1766. The nilgai stands 1–1.5 metres at the shoulder; males weigh 109–288 kilograms, and the lighter females 100–213 kilograms.

A sturdy thin-legged antelope, the nilgai is characterised by a sloping back, a deep neck with a white patch on the throat, a short crest of hair along the neck terminating in a tuft, and white facial spots. A column of pendant coarse hair hangs from the dewlap ridge below the white patch. Sexual dimorphism is prominent – while females and juveniles are orange to tawny, adult males have a bluish-grey coat. Only males possess horns, 15–24 centimetres long.

Nilgai or Blue Bull
Present range

Conservation status
Nilgai or Blue Bull
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Nilgai or Blue Bull
Nilgai or Blue Bull

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Nilgai or Blue Bull
Nilgai or Blue Bull

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Nilgai or Blue Bull
Nilgai or Blue Bull

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
On the way back to get the lunch boxes

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Leaving the national park

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Passing ancient lamp post

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Passing ancient lamp post

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Passing ancient lamp post

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

We stopped at the dam down at the main gate for lunch. Of course, I had finished my lunch a long time ago so I was drooling watching them to eat, something that looked very good. Cumin potato and I will see if I can have them to make that for me at the hotel. Of course, without thechili which does noting to add any good flavour.

There are ancient lamp post along the paved road through the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project, 600 years old and according to my Guide they fired up these lamp posts when the king was riding through the jungle.

We can just imagine how impressive this must have been 600 years ago. Still here today, but what a shame! Many of the lamp post have felt in to decay and some of them are missing.

We drive back to the waterhole but we cannot see the tiger there anymore. So we continue, passing the big lake. We take off the main road and 50 meters up the dust path we have to stop. A huge female tiger is sitting on the road. What an impressive sight!

She have babies that she had hide somewhere in the forest and now she is hunting. How do I know? She had very big tits. And she was looking for prey. We had a Sambar Deer 200 meters away giving a warning sign.

And yes, when I'm back home I will go to MBK to leave my camera for cleaning, and then I will by the sound recorder. So I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to record all these amazing sounds.

Anyway, why don't the tiger catch the Sambar deer? Well, she will never be able to catch the deer. The deer is already giving warning signals so the deer knows about the tiger. And fun facts, a tiger only manage to catch the prey in one of 10 or 20 times. So no need to waste the energy.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Female tiger

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Looking at the Sambar deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
She knows that she cannot catch the Sambar deer and leaves

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
She knows that she cannot catch the Sambar deer and leaves
We can see one of the tits, and yes, she have babies

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Or maybe...

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
OK OK, easy cowboy

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
And yes, she wants the Sambar Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
She sees me, yes, food for several months....

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
She decides to give up

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
If this would have been in Sundarban we would have been tiger food by now

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
If this would have been in Sundarban we would have been tiger food by now

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
She go to drink water - Look at the size of the tit!

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Drinking water

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
The tiger leaves us

We had 5 or 10 quality minutes with the tiger before she left to look for something to kill. We turned around and we continued on the road in the same direction that we had originally planned for. And I'll be darned!!!! At a waterhole we spotted 3 tigers. A mother and her two babies. Well, Babies, 22 months old male tiger babies and the tiger babies usually get pushed away by their mother when they are 18 months old.

You can see on the pictures below that the babies are much bigger than the mother. I don't know why they stay, maybe because the lack of habitat. There are no area for the male tiger babies to make their own territory, about 70 km3 needed per male tiger. I don't know, maybe the reason, or not. Anyway, these three tigers make it a total of 5 tigers today.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Baby tiger relaxing in the water

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Useless son #2 - Mother on her back

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Useless son #1 leaves the water

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Useless son #2 come to drink water

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Useless son #2 come to drink water

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Mother remains under the three relaxing
Of course, she must be exhausted having these two useless suckling sons
Look at the size of them, they must drain her every time the need milk

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
The whole family

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

I was growing tired of tigers, we had seen everything now except leopards, slot bears and wild dogs. So we continued down the dust road in search for more excitements. I spot a bird landing in the grass ahead of us, I tell the diver to stop and it turns out to be a Sirkeer Malkoha. Too far away and covered by grass so not really any good pictures.

We continue and we're soon back down at the lake were we see a whole flock of the Gaur- The Indian Bison. And they have companies of the Cattle Egret. Of course we stop to have a look at them and to try to get a few pictures.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Sirkeer Malkoha or Sirkeer Cuckoo, Phaenicophaeus leschenaultii

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis
Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis
Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis
Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis
Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Gaur and Cattle Egret

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Female Sambar Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
Male Sambar Deer

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
A beautiful ghost tree

Grey Junglefowl, Gallus sonneratii

Last picture for today was a Grey Junglefowl and we had have yet another gorgeous day in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project. We had seen 5 tigers and a very close encounter with a female tiger. Dinner and I asked for the Cumin potato and they would make a bowl for me. But I think they forgot it. Well, in bed at 10 as usually and my alarm is set to go off at 4o'clock. Click HERE to find out what we find in the forest tomorrow.

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