OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Monday 9 th of April 2018 and I had time for a quick breakfast, they always open a little before 6 thirty so I had tea and some fresh bread before we left Hotel Yak and Yeti bound for Godawari Botanical Garden. Don't open until 9 or 10, but we will see if we can come in earlier before it is getting crowded. Then we will drive up to Phulchowki, the highest point around Kathmandu valley and has a height of 2791 meters. We will look for birds along the Godawari to Phulchoki Road.

Takes us about an hour to reach the Godawari Botanical Garden. We stopped at a small gate, the “Back Door” but they directed us to the main gate. And the staff at the main gate told us to duck off. We left the Botanical Garden and we drove to the Godawari to Phulchoki Road.

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
The back door

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Main gate

We had to walk through a small area with maybe 5 houses that looked like they were going to fall apart any second. We have to walk between the houses to reach the forest at the bottom of the mountain. We see the very beautiful Red-billed leiothrix. I was chasing the birds, but I never managed to get any pictures.

We entered the forest and we walked along the mountain and it was kind of flat. But the mountain rose 20 to 30 meters from us, there were walking paths going up the mountain, but luckily enough we stayed at the bottom. We saw the Taiga Flycatcher and a couple of the beautiful Blue Whistling Thrush. A new bird, the Asian barred owlet and none of the birds on picture.

Walking along a dry stream, full of garbage and it was a little bit of climbing involved. We reached a road and we were out at a closed down stone crusher. The top of the mountain is huge scar from the stone-quarry. They have closed down everything, but the buildings are remaining down here. And there is huge heaps of crushed stones lying under old conveyor belts.

Click HERE for a full window map

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Getting in to the forest

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
There is a walk path in the forest

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
There is a walk path in the forest

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Coming out from the forest we see the old
stone-quarry and the mountains is covered in haze

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Coming out from the forest we see the old
stone-quarry and the mountains is covered in haze

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Red-billed Blue Magpie

We reached the closed down stone crush factory or whatever they called it. We spotted both the Greater and Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo. A few Red-billed Blue Magpie were flying over us. Several Woodpeckers in the forest. I was chasing a group of White-crested Laughingthrush but I never got any pictures or sound recordings as there was a dog that was barking all the time.

We called the driver and we started to drive up on the Phulchoki on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road. We stopped after 10 minutes or so, my Guide had spotted the White-throated Laughingthrush and I threw myself out of the car. Surprisingly enough, the bird remaining in the tree and I got the picture. And on top of that, a bird I have never seen before.

White-throated Laughingthrush, सोइरने तोरीगाँडा, Garrulax albogularis

White-throated Laughingthrush, सोइरने तोरीगाँडा, Garrulax albogularis
White-throated Laughingthrush - सोइरने तोरीगाँडा

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Godawari to Phulchoki Road

Nepal Fulvetta, नेपाल फूलबुट्टा, Alcippe nipalensis
White-throated Laughingthrush - सोइरने तोरीगाँडा

We also spotted the Pygmy wren-babbler and the Nepal Fulvetta. And I managed to get a picture of the Nepal Fulvetta. We worked our way up to the top, almost 2800 meters. We drove through a gate and we were soon seeing the Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush. I threw myself out of the car, but it was impossible to get any good pictures.

The birds just refused to sit still. I walked the remaining 150 meters to the top and there was a temple and a radio mast, and of course some militaries. I turned around trying to find the Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush again.

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Godawari to Phulchoki Road

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Godawari to Phulchoki Road

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Godawari to Phulchoki Road

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Eurasian Hoopoe

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Reaching top of Phulchoki

Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush, कटुसटाउके तोरीगाँडा

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Top of Phulchoki

We're walking down the mountain looking for birds. Many birds but I was very unlucky with the pictures. It is a very beautiful area, but where is all the garbage coming from. And it is everywhere. We walked for an hour or so and we called the driver. We were hungry and the picnic boxed was in the car.

We had our picnic lunch and we continued all the way down to Godawari, well, we made a stop a kilometre before to have a look for birds. The road is very bad and it took us almost 2 hours to get down from the mountain.

We decide to go look for birds at Godawari Botanical Garden. When we left the Pulchoki they wanted us to buy a ticket as we had not bought any ticket when we entered the forest.

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Leaving Phulchoki and 13 km to go

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Hazy around us

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Hazy around us

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
13 km on this road

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
We have our lunch

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
We stop to look for birds

Birding/ Bird watching on the Godawari to Phulchoki Road, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
We get our ticket

Parking the car at the main gate and I go inside while my Guide buy the ticket. Coming in to the park and there is like a ring road around the place, walking only. Walking straight down and you pass a small waterfall and a small stream. Too many visitors and no birds. We could hear a Redstart. We walked and we spotted a Red-billed blue Magpie.

I sneaked up to the bird, I got a few pictures that I wasn't very happy with. The bird was soon joined by another Red-billed blue Magpie and they took off to sit in the top of the tree. The pictures of the couple went straight to the garbage bin.

Birding/ Bird watching in the Godawari Botanical Garden, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Godawari Botanical Garden

Red-billed Blue Magpie, स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे, Urocissa erythrorhynch

Birding/ Bird watching in the Godawari Botanical Garden, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Birding/ Bird watching in the Godawari Botanical Garden, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
We come down to the back door

Birding/ Bird watching in the Godawari Botanical Garden, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
The pond

Birding/ Bird watching in the Godawari Botanical Garden, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Grey-headed Woodpecker

The garden is nice, but I don't understand why they remove the old leafs. That will be a good compost with works etc. and a good source of food for the birds. But here in the Botanical Garden they have a different way to operate things. Remove leafs and leave all the garbage behind. We walked to the pond and we spotted a White-capped Redstart.

At the pond there was so many people so the chance to see any birds was ZERO. As my Guide said, it is the “social media” to be blamed for this. They only come here to take a selfie and they really don't care about anything else.

We spotted 2 Grey-headed Woodpeckers on the ground up in the forest and we went to see if we could get close enough for any good pictures. I spotted several of the Red-billed Blue Magpies as well, but I came back from the adventure with zero pictures. We started to walk back towards the gate and we spotted 2 Grey-hooded Warblers. Jumping around between the same branches calling with food in their mouth.

We leave the Grey-hooded Warbler and we're soon running in to a Great Barbet sitting in top of a tree. Too far away for a good picture, but I got a good sound recording with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. There were several of the Alexandrine Parakeets flying around.

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Grey-hooded Warbler, तुमुलकारी फिस्टो, Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Birding/ Bird watching in the Godawari Botanical Garden, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Great Barbet, न्याउली, Megalaima virens
Great Barbet - न्याउली - The picture is not good enough to make it to my list of observed birds

Listen to the Great Barbet - The very same bird as on the picture above
Own recording from Godawari Botanical Garden - 9 April 2018
Also available at www.xeno-canto.org by clicking HERE

Remarks from the Recordist

The bird is sitting above me in a tree, maybe 6 to 8 meters.

I had to ask the lady rake leafs to please stop for a few seconds so I could make the recording. An interesting note from the Godawari Botanical Garden:

They are rake and removing the leaves that would have been a good compost nourishing the soil. Worms would thrive and that would means food for the birds. BUT THEY LEAVE THE GARBAGE BEHIND THAT PEOPLE ARE THROWING IN THE PARK

We spotted the White-capped Redstart when we came back to the gate. And there were several Red-billed Blue Magpies, a beautiful bird I have not managed to get any good pictures of. I was not any luckier now. The Red-billed Blue Magpies is very scared.

White-capped Redstart, White-capped Water Redstart, Phoenicurus leucocephalus, นกเขนหัวขาวท้ายแดง
White-capped Redstart or White-capped Water Redstart

White-capped Redstart, White-capped Water Redstart, Phoenicurus leucocephalus, นกเขนหัวขาวท้ายแดง
White-capped Redstart or White-capped Water Redstart

Red-billed Blue Magpie, स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे, Urocissa erythrorhynch
Red-billed Blue Magpie - स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे

Red-billed Blue Magpie, स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे, Urocissa erythrorhynch
Red-billed Blue Magpie - स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे

Red-billed Blue Magpie, स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे, Urocissa erythrorhynch
Red-billed Blue Magpie - स्यालपोथरी लामपुच्छ्रे

Tiger Tops

A gorgeous holiday in a beautiful Nepal have come to an end. Well, if it wasn't for all the garbage Nepal would have been fantastically beautiful. I have had the time of my life and I will for sure use Tiger Tops again when I come back again. Tiger Tops is highly recommended by me!!

Next year?

If I can make it to March, breeding season and I will go. 16 Days in Nepal and I have seen many many new birds and it have been fantastic. Now it have come to an end and now I just have to find out if Thai Airways departs on time tomorrow. I doubt it, but click HERE to find out.

General election in Sweden September 2018. Sweden is already beyond rescue and this is most likely the last free election in Sweden. They are already changing the “Free speech” laws in Sweden. Censorship and it only show how desperate they are to keep the population in the dark, as by now they have (must have) realised how they have destroyed what might have once been the best country in the world.

State media blasting 24/7 on how well Sweden is doing when it is obvious for everyone how health care, education system, police, judicial system and the welfare state have collapsed. People are afraid to walk the streets, females are scared of getting raped. The Swedish feminists are cheering on.

You would think the feminists would be working against the developments in Sweden. But no! The feminists were out calling demonstrators, demonstrating against immigrants that had gang raped a woman in wheelchair. Yes, the feminists came and called the protestors for, what do you think? Nazis and racists!!! You can't make this shit up. Sweden really have got everything they deserve. The only thing driving the Swedish feminists is the hate of the white man.

Where it is now allowed to be married to children, rape is a normal thing that the Police don’t even investigate thanks to the world’s first feminist government. What a sad joke this country have turned in to.

Well, and everything he says is true
Sweden is already beyond rescue

Everyday life in Sweden HD
Meanwhile, the old Swedish people in the elderly care starve to death

Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...


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