OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands, Malaysia

Sunday 2 nd of July 2017 and my alarm went off at 5 o'clock. But I was waiting for the second alarm at 5 thirty before I left bed. I had my breakfast at 7 and I met my Guide outside theResorts World Genting - Awana Hotelhotel entrance quarter past 7. It had been raining and it was an annoying drizzle. We decided to start in the parking house to see if we could see any birds hiding in the trees.

No birds in the trees and we went back in to the golf car and we crossed to road to enter the AWANA Garden. We drove around the garden and we didn't spotted any birds.

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands, Malaysia
On top of the parking house

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - AWANA Garden
Plant Nursery at AWANA Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - AWANA Garden
On top of the parking house

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - AWANA Garden
Park/ Camping?

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - AWANA Garden
Park/ Camping?

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - AWANA Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - AWANA Garden
Leading up to the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the road above the pond

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the road above the pond

We drove back where we had been yesterday. But today we didn't park the golf car. We stayed in the car as we wanted to try to come close to the birds. Coming up on the road from the pond and we turned left to check out the tree tops. We spotted a Little cuckoo-dove, but really not any good pictures. There were a lot of Bulbuls.

We turned around and we drove down the mountain and when we came to the gate we had seen exactly no birds. We were both surprised, not one single bird. Maybe because of the morning rain. But we spotted a beautiful Crimson-winged Woodpecker, but the bird was gone before we were out of the golf car. No birds so we decided to go down the mountain to the river. So we drove back to the hotel and my Guide went to get his car. We had to drive down the mountain passing the old cable car station

We entered a rest place/ pick-nick area along the river. A gorgeous place, the Kedondong fall. They have built small pick-nick platforms along the river. But the whole place was destroyed by garbage. Stupid humans! I was just in a hurry to get out of here.

See my bird watching MAP to find the areas. But you want to skip the disgrace Lata Kedongdong, a pigsty! I will never bother to come back.

Lata Kedongdong

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We cross the river

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We cross the river

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We cross the river

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
We were looking for birds and we found garbage

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Lata Kedongdong
Just pass this place if you are in the area

We continued down the mountains to some hot springs, and this is also a part of the protected birding areas in Malaysia. So we drove down towards the Hulu Tamu Hot Springs and as soon as we left the main road we could see many birds along the road. Among them the Greater Coucal. We drove along a road when we reached the sign telling us to turn right leaving the road behind.

We came to another sign and we turned right and up the alley and we had a parking space on the right hand side. It was not free to get in to the hot springs. But as we were only looking for birds we could stay for free.

We spotted a beautiful Emerald Dove flying across the road when we approached the parking lot. We stopped to have a look and the dove took off again. A very beautiful Dove. NO PICTURE!

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Just follow directions

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Just follow directions

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Just follow directions

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs

We parked the car and we walked back to the intersection. Turning right and there are pastures with cows on the left hand side. There were plenty birds in the trees, but no pictures.

We walked back towards the car at the Hulu Tamu Hot Springs. We could hear a Common Iora in one of the trees so we stopped to see if we could get a sight of the bird.

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
We walk along the pastures looking at birds and cows

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
We walk along the pastures looking at birds and cows

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
We walk along the pastures looking at birds and cows

Well, we have not been very lucky with birds today. On the way back to the Hulu Tamu Hot Springs there was a Purple Heron sitting in the top of a tree. At the springs we saw nothing but Sparrows. We walked around Hulu Tamu Hot Springs, it was interesting, but a disappointment regarding the birds. But this time of the year and it is quiet as the birds attend babies etc.

And we saw the Baya weaver nest, but no sign of the bird.

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Purple Heron

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Hulu Tamu Hot Springs

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Hulu Tamu Hot Springs

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
Baya weaver nest

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
On the way back to Genting highlands

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Hulu Tamu Hot Springs
On the way back to Genting highlands

We were hungry and we decided to go back to Resorts World Genting on top of the mountain to have our lunch. So we drove all the way back up the mountain. We made stops on the way up the mountain and there are several places to stop at to look at the views from the mountain. And of course, at these places you can have a look for birds.

The place didn't look better in the day light, but we were hungry and there isn't many more options for eating on the mountain. Of course, there are the oatmeal in the hotel room option, but a restaurant seemed better when sitting in the car.

We found a parking space and we took the elevator to the top of the parking house. Then we entered the Genting Highlands resort and we had to take an elevator down to the bottom to find the restaurants. And I was for sure not going to eat at the Japanese restaurant where I had had my dinner the first evening.

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the way up to Resorts World Genting

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the way up to Resorts World Genting

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the way up to Resorts World Genting

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the way up to Resorts World Genting

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands
On the way up to Resorts World Genting

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting covered in clouds

Resorts World Genting
Passing the dwellings for the staff - Looking like something from East Germany

Resorts World Genting
Passing the dwellings for the staff - Looking like something from East Germany
3 people in every room, a very small room. Shower and toilet shared with another room. We can just imagne living in this apartment blocks

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting

Resorts World Genting
On the way down the mountain again

We had a good meal before we drove back to my hotel. When we went to get the car in the parking house I discovered red and green lights in the ceiling. This was lights to indicate free parking place. Never seen this before and I was impressed.

We arrived to Resorts World Genting - Awana Hotel 20 minutes before 3 o'clock and we decided that the Guide would pick me up at 3 o'clock for more birding. And my Guide picked me up at 3 o'clock and we drove back to the road on the mountain side. Maybe we have better luck now. The morning was dead comparing to yesterday.

We stopped at the pond as we discovered a Fire-turfed Barbet and a Scarlet Minivet. We also looked for the Crimson-winged Woodpecker we had seen this morning. But we were out of luck.

Scarlet minivet, Pericrocotus speciosus

Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus

We drove down to the gate at the dead end again and now we discovered a gang of Chestnut-capped laughingtrushs. Jumping around so the pictures were of course nothing but sh** and I was not happy. We stopped at the crash barrier on the way back up the mountain. We spotted a gibbon with her baby. Sitting in a tree and we were high above the gibbon. And the gibbon was high above the ground.

Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, Garrulax mitratus

Little cuckoo-dove, Macropygia ruficeps

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands

Long-tailed Sibia, Heterophasia picaoides

Black-browed Barbet or Müller's barbet, Psilopogon oorti

The afternoon saved the day, we had seen a lot of beautiful birds. I even saw the Long-billed Spiderhunter. But I had the sun against and when I had the flash ready the beautiful bird was gone. Yes, time turns quick with all the beautiful birds. Well, time turned quickly and it was 6 o'clock and we could enter the golf course. Not many birds seen here. But that seems to be the case for the whole area today.

Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course
Entering the Golf Course

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course
After having seen a lot of Mynas and Oriental Magpies we spot a Pipit

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course
And a Barn Swallow

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course
Rain on the way

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course
We hear a White-throated Kingfisher and we go to see if we can find the bird

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course
Crossing the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Genting Highlands - Awana Genting Highlands Golf Course

Blyth's hawk-eagle, Nisaetus alboniger
Blyth's hawk-eagle

We almost ran in to a Blyth's hawk-eagle. It was covered by a tree and when we stopped the eagle got scared and flew to the other side of the pond. Too far away for any good pictures. It started to pour down and we went back to the hotel. I was happy with the day. Among others we had seen the below birds that we didn't see yesterday:

Crimson-winged Woodpecker
Long-billed Spiderhunter
Chestnut-capped laughingtrush
Black-browed Barbet
Fire-turfed Barbet

Resorts World Genting
Resorts World Genting from my window

The evening was spent in my room drinking tea and eating oatmeal. Tomorrow it is time to go back home. Click HERE to find out if I make it back to Bangkok.


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