OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Road trip to Genting Highlands

Friday 30 th of June 2017 and there was time for breakfast at BuBu Long Beach Resort before leaving Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island.And I expect to reach Resorts World Genting -Resorts World Genting - Awana HotelAwana Hotel in the afternoon.

I paid my bill and as I had a terrible back pain I got help to carry my luggage to the jetty. We had to wait for a while before my boat arrived and when the boat arrived I had to climb overBuBu Long Beach Resort - Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Islandthree boats to get to my boat. Lucky that I had the hotel staff to carry my luggage all the way to the boat.

And as I have my Commando background it was no problem for me to swing myself from boat to boat. I sat down in the back of the boat as this is the place with almost no bouncing. If you’re in a safari jeep you want to sit in the front to avoid most of the bouncing.

In the boat, sit in the back, up front and it will be bouncy, even if the sea look like a mirror.

Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island
The jetty

Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island
Long Beach on Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island

BuBu Long Beach Resort - Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island
BuBu Long Beach Resort on Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island

BuBu Long Beach Resort - Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island
Loading my bag on the boat - We have to go to the outermost boat
Lucky I have my Commando background

Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island

Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island
Leaving Long Beach

Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island

Pulau Perhentian Kecil/ Perhentian Island
On our way

We make a stop at another resort on the other island before we start the journey to Kuala Besut jetty on the mainland. We had to slow down as it was very shallow water going to the jetty on the beach. We had 5 or 6 Malayan tourist boarding before we left the beach behind again. By now it was about 8 thirty and we were soon making full speed towards Kuala Besut jetty.

We had a very nice ride and no bouncing and I stepped ashore at Kuala Besut jetty 2 minutes after 9 o'clock. The girls from the BuBu Long Beach Resort's office was waiting for me. She was obviously remember me and what I thought about the restaurants here in Kuala Besut
- How did you like the restaurants at BuBu Long Beach Resort?
- It was excellent food! I said
- How was your stay?
- It was great! A beautiful place and great snorkelling!
- Your driver is waiting at the office
- Great!

Perhentian Island
We pick up more passengers

Perhentian Island

Perhentian Island

Perhentian Island
Full speed towards Kuala Besut jetty

Kuala Besut jetty
Arriving Kuala Besut jetty

Duu Thoomaaas...

My driver had been here waiting for me. She had have her sister to come here from Kuala Lumpur and they have had a holiday here while waiting for me. We were soon on our way towards Genting Highlands and I expect to be there at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We were soon on the highway and this highway ends in Kuala Lumpur, and Genting Highlands are an hour or so before Kuala Lumpur. I was in the back when she suddenly left the highway.

I asked where she was going and she was going to fill up gasoline.
- Don't they have petrol stations along the highway? We passed one 10 minutes ago.

She had only filled gasoline for 80 Ringits because she didn't know how far it was to the petrol station. This was a strange way to think I thought.
- Don't you fill full tank when you fill gasoline?

I had a bad feeling about this, she told me that she didn't know where to fill gasoline and we had to do quite some driving before we found a petrol station. I bought two ice creams and we were soon on the way back to E8, the highway to Kuala Lumpur. She stayed in the right lane and I told her to keep to the left.
- This is the same
- This is the same, she said looking at here phone.

I could hear her saying “Oh my God” when she realised what she had done. I was in the back seat, unnecessary to say, I was not happy
- THROW YOUR ***** PHONE!!!!

She turned off the phone. Here we have a person, depending on the income for her driving and she, well, one of the worst driver I have ever had. And I have lived in Thailand for a very long time. We drove along another highway and no sign of any U-turn places.

When we finally made a U-turn she started to ask me how to get back to E8. Yes, you cannot make up shit like this.
- E8! Remember the name E8, that is the road to Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysian highway E8
Malaysian highway E8

Malaysian highway E8
Malaysian highway E8

Malaysian highway E8
A rest stop along E8

Malaysian highway E8
We drive through a beautiful jungle

Malaysian highway E8
We drive through a beautiful jungle

Malaysian highway E8
The sad fact is that it is only palm oil plantations for as long as you can see
Here we can see the line between palm oil and rubber tree plantations

Well, as when you fly over Malaysia, a gorgeous country covered in jungle. But you're soon discovering that it is only palm oil plantations for as long as you can see. Same on the roads, palm oil trees all the way to the horizon, in all directions.

Reminded me about my cruise on Mekong. In the early morning haze it looked beautiful with the forest covered landscape. As soon as the haze cleared you discovered that it was only bushes growing as they had cut down all the trees.

Malaysian highway E8
Preparing for palm oil

Malaysian highway E8
Preparing for palm oil

Malaysian highway E8
Approaching Kuala Lumpur

Malaysian highway E8

Malaysian highway E8

We came to a toll plaza and the traffic was a full stop. The traffic wasn't moving and I was getting hungry and I was looking forward to a meal. But with this speed it would be late, but we were lucky and the traffic was soon moving along quite well. It was 4 thirty before I was in my room at Resorts World Genting - Awana Hotel

Oatmeal, well, I made some tea and I decided to go check out Genting Highlands on top of the mountain. I ran in to Genting highlands pictures when I booked my hotel. It looks very nice on the pictures. And when I'm here I can as well go check it out. And there should be plenty restaurants.

Genting Highlands

Genting Highlands (Malay: Tanah Tinggi Genting), otherwise known as Resorts World Genting, is a hill resort in Malaysia developed by Genting Group.

The hill resort is at an average elevation of 1,740 metres within the Titiwangsa Mountains on the border between the states of Pahang and Selangor of Malaysia. Resorts World Genting is operated by Genting Malaysia Berhad (formerly known as Resorts World Bhd), which also operates Awana chain of resorts & hotels. It is accessible by car from Kuala Lumpur in one hour, or also accessible by a cable car called Genting Skyway (3.38 kilometres) which at its opening was the world's fastest and South East Asia's longest gondola lift.

Genting Highlands
Resorts World Genting

Genting Highlands
First World Hotel

Genting Highlands
Genting Grand Hotel

Genting Highlands
Genting highlands - Picture from https://liburmulu.com

The idea of a hill resort located near Kuala Lumpur occurred to Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong during a business trip to the Cameron Highlands in 1964. He mooted this idea while enjoying the fresh and crisp air from the balcony of his hotel room. A private company called Genting Highlands Berhad was set up on 27 April 1965, with the late Tan Sri Haji Mohammed Noah bin Omar, Tan Sri Lim successfully obtained approval for the alienation of 12,000 acres (4,900 ha) and 2,800 acres (1,100 ha) of land from the Pahang and Selangor State Government respectively between the years 1965 and 1970.

An anomaly happened during the obtaining of the land approvals. While the Pahang state government swiftly approved a freehold lease, the Selangor state reluctantly approved a 99-year lease. As a result, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong met the then Menteri Besar of Selangor, Dato Harun Idris and told him that a freehold lease would be more feasible than a 99-year lease. Finally, the Selangor state government agreed to grant a freehold lease.

On 18 August 1965, a technical and construction team began the four-year task to complete the access road from Genting Sempah to the peak of Gunung Ulu Kali. On 31 March 1969, the late YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s first Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for the company’s pioneer hotel, marking the completion of the access road to Genting Highlands Resort. The Prime Minister was impressed that the private sector, without the assistance of the Government, could develop a mountain resort for the enjoyment of all Malaysians; subsequently a gaming licence was suggested to help accelerate the development of this remote area.

In 1971, the first hotel at Genting Highlands was successfully completed and was named Highlands Hotel (now renamed Theme Park Hotel). The Genting Highlands Resort continued to expand since the opening of the first hotel in 1971. Development of the area continued with care taken to ensure the maintenance of the natural beauty of the rainforest of the region.

In 2013, Genting announced a new 1,300 room hotel expansion to the current First World Hotel, a new 10,000 seat arena and reconverting the current theme park to RM1 billion 20th Century Fox World theme park. Originally set to complete by 2016, it has since been delayed by a year, to 2017.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The hotel arranged a taxi for me and I learned that they don't use the meter here on Genting Highlands and the trip up the mountain set me back by 40 Ringits. We came up on the mountain and we passed to huge apartment houses. I was shocked, it reminded me about East Europe back in the days, or pictures you have seen from North Korea. Then we drove down a tunnel and we arrived to an underground plaza.

Genting Highlands

There was lanes for buses and taxis and it felt like I had arrived to a space station. I entered a sterile and boring environment and it didn't get any better while I was walking towards the shopping mall and the restaurants. I came up to an indoor plaza. Like an atrium with white walls going all the way up to the roof, 4 or 5 levels up.

They displayed videos on the white walls, waterfalls, jungles and animals. Why not just go outside to have a look at the real thing before it is all gone. What a place this was! It felt like walking through an abandoned building even though there was a lot of people.

Walking around looking for a restaurant and I sat down in a Pizzeria. But after a look in the menu I decided to leave without ordering anything. I ended up in a Japanese restaurant, the food was good but, well, I won't come back. And I will not come back to Genting Highlands again. A huge empty concrete construction in the mountains.

Colourful and bice looking on the internet, but in real life, yeah, I don't know how old you are. But I'm old enough to have been in Soviet Union and East Germany and this is how it looked. No paint for the last 30 years and a good scrub of the whole place would help a little bit.

Genting Highlands
Not so colurful in real life

Genting Highlands
Not so colurful in real life

Genting Highlands
Cable car station

Genting Highlands
Genting Highlands covered in clouds when I leave

Taxi back to Resorts World Genting - Awana Hotel with a stop to buy water. From now on it will be tea and oatmeal in my room. I will meet my Guide in the reception at 07:15 tomorrow morning and I look forward to get out in the forest to look for birds. Click HERE to find out what kinds of birds we will see in the forests around the hotel.


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