OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Saturday 24 th of June 2017 and DARN! I was tired when they called me at 05:00 from the reception. My phone alarm went off at the same time. But I jumped out of bed excited to go seesome birds.

According to internet they open the KL Forest ECO Park - Bukit Nanas Wildlife Reserve at 07:00 and I expect it to take 10 minutes to walk there. So I have time to enjoy my oatmeal and tea before it is time to leave to go look for birds.

I even might find the time to have a sip or two of my MAX I left my room around 6 thirty and I walked through an almost empty Kuala Lumpur. I could see that it was quite a green town with many trees and I enjoyed my good morning constitutional.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIt was still almost dark and it was nice and cool to walk.

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Early morning in Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Entrance to KL Forest ECO Park

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Entrance to KL Forest ECO Park

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
They open the side gate for me

The place was locked when I arrived to the gate. I hollered and a guy came out. He informed me that they didn't open until 8. I told them that it say 07:00 on the internet. No problem, they opened the side gate for me and I was soon on my way up hill.

Up and up and the only thing pepping me was to think about how good this is for my diet. I came to a platform and there was a tea booth, of course not open. I could choose between the canopy walk and the main trail. Well, I was for sure not feeling like swinging between tree tops so I choose the main trail. Up and up again and there was a concrete bench at the “herb garden” and I took the opportunity to sit down to have a look for birds. So far exactly ZERO birds.

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
I was for sure not feeling like swinging in the trees

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Up and up on the main trail

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Herb garden

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
I continue towards OKU ramp. Whatever that means

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
The gate is closed to the KL tower

I came up to another flat area. Here was a gate to the KL Tower and the canopy walk came out on this level. I had not seen any birds on the main trail. And, well, while here I can as well go check out the canopy walk. I might be lucky to see a bird in the tree tops. But I doubt it.

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Tea booth (closed) on the left hand side and the entrance to the Canopy walk on right hand side

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Canopy walk

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Canopy walk

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Canopy walk

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Canopy walk

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Canopy walk

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Canopy walk

Click HERE for full window map

Yes, I can as well start a goggle map for bird watching in Kuala Lumpur. Can come in handy next time I'm back. And I will use it with my driver tomorrow. Same as in Thailand, I have prepared the map and I just show the driver where I want to go. Pretty nifty!

A few birds could be seen from the canopy bridge, but too not possible to identify them. But when in the area you can try the canopy walk, if not for anything else, to have a look at the views. The gate to the KL Tower is opening at 8 o'clock. There is a road leading up to the gate and 20 meters down there are 2 trails starting. So walk down the road and on the right hand side is the start of the trails through the real forest.

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Jelutong trail starts below the KL Tower

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
One trail is closed so I turn right and follow the Merawan trail

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Merawan trail

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Merawan trail

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
Merawan trail

I walked on the trail through the forest, and it was itching like, yes, I was about to go crazy when I reached a, what I think was the camp site. A few Mynas on the lawn and I sat down to relax a bit sucking on my e-cigarette. I discover that I have lost my e-cigarette.

Well, I decided to go back, here is no birds to be seen anyway. I walked back the same way I had come and I could not find my e-cigarette. I am almost back at the KL Tower when I pass the bench I had been sitting on and there it was. And as I had not seen any birds I decided to leave KL Forest ECO Park and I walk back towards the canopy bridge entrance again. UP and UP again.

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
I found my e-cig

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur
The gate to KL Tower is open now

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in KL Forest ECO Park, Kuala Lumpur

Back at the gate to KL Tower and I discovered two things, the gate was open and a sign warning us about dangerous animals in the park. If it starts to rain they want us to leave or we will be attacked by snakes and other nasty things. I looked up and it was blue sky so the risk of running in to snake trouble was slim, at least according to the sign.

The gate to KL Tower was open so I decided to go check out the park as there were some very colourful flowers. I was thirsty so I was very happy to discover a vending machine with cold water.

I felt like a million after 2 bottles of water. I was sitting at the KL Tower sign when I spotted a black bird with red eyes. It was too small to be an Asian Koel. It looked like a Starling/ Myna. A bird I had never seen before. Internet was consulted and it seems like it is an Asian Glossy Starling.

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Upside down house

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Asian Glossy Starling (The first ever for me)

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Yellow-vented Bulbul

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Black-napped Oriole

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
White-vented Myna?

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
White-vented Myna?

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
White-vented Myna?

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur

Yellow-vented Bulbuls and Mynas. I walked along the tree line and I saw two yellow birds flying across and I spotted one of them in a tree, a Black-napped Oriole. To far away for any good picture. There were several Oriental Magpie Robins and there was a group of four flying around and it looked to be mama papa with 2 children.

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

It is a nice area to walk around and as you're on top you are at eye to eye level (if you're lucky) with the birds in the trees. There is a free shuttle but I decided to walk down and walking along the tree line and I heard the White-throated Kingfisher and many other birds. I was under the tree trying to make a video of the White-throated Kingfisher singing, but, well, it ended up in the waste bin. And the picture isn't much better.

White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher

White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher

White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Walking down from KL Tower

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
Back in town looking for a taxi

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
At the parking lot

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
At the parking lot

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
At the parking lot

Birding/ Bird watching KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur
At the parking lot

I passed a parking lot and I went to look for some birds as there were plenty trees. And there were many birds to be seen of which I could identify no one. And the very friendly parking guard offered to throw rice to attract some birds. Well, He had a few pigeons eating his rice, but he promised that there would be plenty more in the afternoon.

I took a taxi to the computer mall at the hotel and I bought a new cordless mouse and a mouse matt. Back to my room for some oatmeal before I took off to Perdana Botanical Garden for some afternoon birding. Click HERE to find out if there was any birds.


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