OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Snorkelling on Perhentian Island

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island

Wednesday 28 th of June 2017 and my alarm went off at 5 o'clock. I bounced out of bed as I was very excited to get started with the birding. And of course, to go look for turtles and sharks. A dayMalaysian Travel Posterfull of adventure ahead of me here on the Perhentian Island.

Early morning and I was almost alone when I left my room. I could hear some birds in the area, there were alsoBuBu Long Beach Resortsome birds flying around. I never got any pictures but it was nice with a good morning constitutional. But the mosquitoes and other insects eating on me drove me back to my room.

It is a nice island, beautiful beach front. But when you look behind the hotels you will soon discover garbage laying around. And scars in the jungle when they are building new resorts.

And when the island is full of resorts it will lose its charm and the tourists are soon finding other places to go to. And it is not like in Thailand, most of the tourists here are from Malaysia and they seems to like a clean country side. At least comparing to Thailand where they throw garbage everywhere. Hell, they even throw the garbage in their own gardens. And go to a beach in Thailand, weekend and full of people having pick-nicks leaving all the garbage behind on the beach.

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
Click HERE for bigger map

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
Perhentian Island, early morning

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
Perhentian Island, early morning

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
Perhentian Island, maybe not the paradise you were hoping for

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
Long Beach, Perhentian Island

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
I walk behind the resorts to look for birds

I was back in my room after an hour and I enjoyed a MAX before going for breakfast. And 10 minutes before 10 and it was time to leave my room. I had some smoked salmon sandwiches to pick up in the reception.

They had been in my room earlier this morning to ask if I needed any pick nick styled lunch toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbring with me in the boat. I thought it was a good idea, I had not thought about it so I was happy for the reminder.

I got a bottle of water and the water melon I left behind. I borrowed a pair of flippers and I went down to the water. My boat was waiting for me. I had planned to make the Shark point the first stop for today, but we decided to go to the Turtle Point first.

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
The boat is waiting for me

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island
Leaving BuBu Long Beach Resort behind us

Turtle Point was only a very few minutes away and it didn't take me longer to get in to my snorkelling suit. My Captain had spotted a turtle, and I was soon to discover, it was easier to find the turtles with the head above the water. The turtles are like big black spots on the white sand bottom. We had waves and in the shallow water the visibility was quite poor due to the sand mixing in the water because of the water movement.

Anyway, I threw myself in to the water and I was soon swimming above the turtle. It looked funny, they just walking around on the bottom eating the sea weed. Like a cow on a pasture. The turtle was suddenly coming up for air. Well, that’s what I thought, the turtle just came up and then it swam away leaving me alone.

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
The first turtle

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
The turtle don't have tails, it is two “hanger on” fishes eating from and cleaning the turtle

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
The turtle gives me the finger and takes off

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
BYE BYE See you next time

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
I'm soon finding 2 new friends

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
Going up to take air

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
Going up to take air

Turtle Point on Perhentian Island
Going up to take air

Time turned very quickly, I had a lot of fun watching the turtles. But we had a lot of territory to cover and next stop was the Shark Point. There were a lot of boats at the Shark Point and I was really happy that I had paid the extra for my own boat. I can come and go as I please. And Shark point, well, I saw two sharks and I got one picture. Time to leave!

Shark Point on Perhentian Island
Shark Point

Shark Point on Perhentian Island
Our Hero is in the water looking for sharks

Shark Point on Perhentian Island
Our Hero is in the water looking for sharks

Shark Point on Perhentian Island
Shark Point

Shark Point on Perhentian Island
2 sharks and one picture, time to leave

Next stop is a light house West of Perhentian Island. According to the Captain there should be plenty fish. The turtles are only seen at the Turtle Point as there are a special sea weed they like to eat. But there is almost no fish to be seen at the Turtle Point. But at the lighthouse there should be plenty fishes.

It took us 5 to 10 minutes to go there, a little longer than normal as I asked the Captain not to drive to fast. We're here to enjoy ourselves, not to bounce up and down.

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island
We arrive to Coral Bay lighthouse

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

Coral Bay lighthouse at Perhentian Island

When we left Coral Bay Lighthouse we decided to bring bread tomorrow. 2 bags of toast for the fishes. I had got some bread from the other boat and to feed the fishes was the most fun so far, well, except for swimming with the turtles. This was good, visiting a lot of places and tomorrow I know where I will spend the day. With the turtles and the fishes. I will skip Shark Point as this place wasn't very exciting.

We go to another beach on a small island west of the Perhentian Island, but waves on the small sand beach makes the water very cloudy and we leave for another place.

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island
We skip this place because of cloudy water

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island
We skip this place because of cloudy water

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island
We decide to stop here to have a look at the Terns

We continue our search for a place and we approach another place. I see a lot of Terns on the beach and on the rocks and we stop here. Dropping the anchor and I was soon in the water swimming towards the Terns on the beach. They were not scared when I approached. They were most likely thinking it was a big fish.

I tried to get some pictures with my underwater Canon, but, well, you can see for yourself, no prize winners. I wish I could have brought my other camera.
Rawa Island, Perhentian Island
The birds ar not scared as they think its a whale coming towards the beach

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island

Rawa Island, Perhentian Island
Time to go back to BuBu Long Beach Resort

I had have a nice day snorkelling around the Perhentian Island, and I was really gratefull that I had got the water and salmon sandwiches with me in the boat. So when I was back at BuBu Long Beach Resor tI asked for the same food pack for tomorrow morning. And we decided to start at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning instead, trying to be at the Turtle Point before the other boats arrive.

Click HERE to find out how things turns out tomorrow.


And this is what I'm training and practicing for, the great Humpback whale adventure
This video is from HumpBackSwims.com and is run through Scuba Diver Life Expeditions.
And this is the company I'm staying with while on Tonga
And look at the little baby go!
I never get tired of watching this video

Snorkelling on Perhentian Island


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