OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Sunday 1 st of October 2015
and I felt a lot better when I came on the bridge 5 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning. I was actually pondering the idea to go grab a Schweizernön on my way to theTernvagbridge. But now it is V-shaped torso or BUST

I had the kettle on in a jiff and I was soon enjoying a cup of Earl Grey tea. Lipton's Russian Earl Grey something. Not exactly as the original Earl Grey, but it is OK.

I finished my first cuppa and I prepared a“Oatmeal Surprise”. I enjoyed the oatmeal and the gorgeous weather. North Sea is looking like a mirror this morning, for sure nothing I can remember ever happening before, in November. We were steaming towards the North of Denmark and I keep course 030°. ETA to Go:teborg anchorage tomorrow just before lunch. So there is something exciting to look forward to, and I don't mean the lunch.

Sunday and as we didn't had time to clean the accommodation yesterday I had the guys on cleaningCleaning on board Ternvagdetails today. I was soon having one of the guys to come clean the bridge. I noticedSmiley cleaning on board Ternvaglast week that they don't remove the carpets from the floor. Just mopping around the carpet. Yes, things and routines has been changing since the last time I was in the company.

One thing is for sure, the Chief Officers that was in the company when I was an AB here would suffer an instant ileus seeing this. God help me if I had been mopping around the carpets back when I was an AB here 25 years ago.

Cleaning on board Ternvag
He got started with the job expecting to be in the coffee room soon

Cleaning on board Ternvag
He was soon running in to more job than he had expected

Cleaning on board Ternvag
This was more than he had expected when he came to the bridge

Cleaning on board Ternvag

Cleaning on board Ternvag
Sweating so he have to take off his pullover

New winds blowing? I don't know, but I like to have it done properly. So when he got started withMopping floorthe mop I got started.
- Eh eh eh, this is not how we do it

I told him to remove the carpets and they had obviously not been removed in a very long time. Our Hero went to get the vacuum cleaner. And even though it was the second round he got 500 kg of dirt from where the carpets had been. And mopping turned out to be a harder job than he had expected. He started to sweat and he had soon removed his pullover.

Monday 2 nd of November 2015
and the sky was black and the sea was white of breaking waves. So the good weather is gone by now. We were passing Skagen, Denmark and we had about 3 hours toThe life on board Ternvag - ex Tärnvåggo to the anchorage south of Trubaduren lighthouse outside Go:teborg.

I had been on the bridge for an hour or so, a “Oatmeal Surprise” and 3 cups of tea when the sun broke through the black clouds. So we had pretty nice weather when we dropped anchor in Go:teborg at 11 twenty.

Laycan November 3 - 5 so I had expected at least a day at the anchorage. But we got news that we will get the Pilot @ 17:00 today. DARN! Would have been nice with at least a watch anchored as I have some stuff to do.

I had a quick power nap in the afternoon when I finished the cargo plan and when I woke up quarter to 5 we were on the way towards the Pilot station.

It was soon time for me to go on deck for the pre-arrival tests. I called my brother to see if myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnew bank cards had arrived. He told me that they were going to have a new baby on the 23rd of November. I was surprised and he asked if I didn't see anything last time I was visiting. I told him that it might have been because of snacks in front of the TV.

Tuesday 3 rd of November 2015
and we were still loading when I came on the bridge 8 o'clock in the morning. They told us that we would be ready at 12 o'clock. But when I left the bridge at 12 weThe life on board Ternvag - ex Tärnvågwere still loading.

My plan was to calibrate gas detectors, but as Iheard it was Bangers & Mash for lunch I went to the mess room for a quick snack. But more important than the Bangers & mash is to be social for a few minutes in the messBangers and mash - Korv och mosroom.

I ran in to the off signing AB on my way to the mess room, he will sign off with the 2nd and 3rd Engineer and they are waiting for the relievers to come on board.

We had expected to leave @ 18:00, Pilot booked for 18 hundred, but we had to wait for our bunker. And at 6 there were no sign of any truck with our bunker. We had got 30 tons of pig piss.Gothenburg PilotYes, they use it to clean the exhaust gases and is one of the reasons for the environment award Ternvag have received.

Well, anyway, pig urine used to save our world. Well, what do you know?

We didn't finish the bunkering until twenty minutes after 8 o'clock in the evening. By then the Pilot was about to leave, he had been on board since quarter to 6. But we were soon on our way leaving Kaj 520 in Skarvikshamnen 10 minutes before 9 o'clock in the evening.

I was soon on the bridge for a chat with our Pilot. I have not seen him since we worked on board m/t Tärnsund back in 1990/ 91. I have not seen him in 25 years and now we met twice in a week.

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Skarvikshamnen
Leaving Kaj 520 in Skarvikshamnen behind us

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Skarvikshamnen
Leaving Kaj 520 in Skarvikshamnen behind us

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Skarvikshamnen
Leaving Kaj 520 in Skarvikshamnen behind us

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Skarvikshamnen
Leaving Kaj 520 in Skarvikshamnen behind us

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Passing Skandiahamnen

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Passing Skandiahamnen

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Steaming toward Trubaduren Lighthouse

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Steaming toward Trubaduren Lighthouse

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Time for our Pilot to leave us

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Time for our Pilot to leave us

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
The pilot boat

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
And he is leaving us

In Gothenburg with m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Before going back inside, last picture for today

We left the Pilot just north of Trubaduren lighthouse one hour after departure. We changed course towards Skagen and the North Sea. We changed course to 270° at Skagen just after midnight. Yet another day we can put behind us and we're looking forward to a new exciting day.

Way too late, they have closed the gipsy camp in Malmö - One down, too many remaining to go

Wednesday 4 th of November 2015
and we were steaming south west of Denmark when I came on the bridge 8 o'clock in the morning. Afternoon was spent with gas detectors, paper work and cargo valves. Not much time to practice with my Adobe Lightroom

Thursday 5 th of November 2015
and we were approaching MAAS when I came on the bridge 8 o'clock in the morning. ETA to Steenbank Pilot station 20 minutes past 12. Captain was soon on theLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågbridge and he told me that we would drop anchor until Monday.

Anchoring, well, a day or two is OK, but not longer. So I need something to do and I decided to skip the cargo planning after the watch. I can do it tonight instead.

After dinner and spent some time with the guys in the day room. I left in time for the news but I was soon back as the cable TV in my cabin didn't work.

We have satellite TV and the Swedish news starts at 18:00. I told the guys that my TV in the cabin wasn't working. Well, itLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågwas working but I could not get the satellite programs in my cabin.

We finished the news in the day room and I wentto my cabin with our 2nd Engineer to have a look at the TV.

He was quickly discovering that the cable was in at least to say poor condition. He disappeared and he came back with a plug or whatever it was. The cable TV was soon up and running and I can see the news before ILife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåggo on my watch at 8 o'clock tonight. We had a Ramlösa talking about the good ol' times on board Barcarolle while looking at the pictures from Barcarolle.

Anchored when I came on the bridge and I got started with the discharge plan.

I also had plenty time to do some of the planned maintenance. So it was a good night on the bridge. And on top of that I had time to plan some of tomorrows work withTo do listthe AB. And I had time for two cups of tea as well. So it was a pretty good evening. Always nice to remove jobs from the “TO DO LIST”

Latest berthing news is EARLIEST on Monday so I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have had time to remove plenty jobs from the “TO DO LIST” for the month of November 2015.

Friday 6 th of November 2015
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge 5 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning. The AB had started to prepare what we discussed yesterdayEngineer on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågevening and we were soon ready to start with the ODME “bucket” test.

ODME test run turned out to be OK and I could continue with our fixed gas detection equipment for the pipe trunk. Time was passing quickly and I was soon of my watch.

A very quick lunch and I went on deck to test the electric resistance on our tank cleaning hoses. Our Cadet and the AB had prepared our lifting slings and strops so I checked these before returning inside again. I went to the engine room toEngineer on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågreturn the multi meter and to purge the air pipes to our ballast tanks. Part of the monthly routines.

I had purged a few tanks when suddenly theengine alarm went off. I went out to the ECR to see what was going on and I ran in to our 2nd and 3rd Engineer.

They were doing something setting off all the alarms. And as our 2nd engineer had been on to me about coming down to the engine room to take pictures IEngineer on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåghad the camera in my pocket. I had a few pictures before I returned to the purging.

Dinner, and I ended up in the day room with the guys. They were playing cards and I was watching the news on the telly while giving pointers to our 2nd Engineer playing the card game UNO.

I stopped in the duty mess for two cans of Coke ZERO when I returned to my cabin. ICoke ZERO taste like sh*tturned on the 6 o'clock news and I opened a Coke ZERO. I sat down and I took a sip.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthell!!??

This must have been the worst thing I have ever had to drink. Including the apple juice at Ventspils Seaman's club back in theSoviet Union80's when it still was the Soviet Union.

And the Coke ZERO was also worse than the juice I had at Thai Airways lounge in Calcutta 25 years ago. They went straight down the sink. Jesus Christ. How can they make stuff like this? And do they really expect people to drink this Pi*s?
Saturday 7 th of November 2015
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge 5 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning. I had a chat with our 2nd Officer before he left for breakfast in2nd Officer on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågthe mess room.

It was gloom and grey for as long as I could see, but the wind had decreased and I enjoyed a quick cuppa before I prepared my “Oatmeal Surprise”

I prepared gas bottles and equipment for our fixed gas detection equipment and I had what must have been the quickest lunch ever before going down to the cabinet next to the ECR. We have 2 detection system, one for the pipe trunk, bow thruster and pump room. And another system for our ballast tanks. Read out on the2nd Engineer on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågbridge, but the detector cabinet is in a room next to the ECR.

Anyway, I started with the cabinet sensor in our Consilium system for the pipe trunk. The alarm went of and the system stopped, exactly as it is supposed to do. The pump room fan started so we got to test all these functions. Now it is only the gas detectors remaining.

I went to the ECR to look for a tool and I was surprised to see the 2nd Engineer surfing the internet with one hand and using the other hand gulping down candy. And it looked like he enjoyed himself.
- So this is what you're doing all day long!
- I'm very busy
- Yeah, giving us the full song and dance on how busy you are!

He offered me some candy but as I'm on diet I turned down his offer. OK, I'm not so sure I2nd Engineer on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågwould have turned down the offer if he had been munching on a Schweizernöt.

I finished the gas detector and I returned to the bridge. We were ready with the Consilium detector for the pipe trunk. But the ballast tank detector was not ready.

We started the gas detector for the ballast tanks from the bridge. We need about one hour for the sensors to heat up and as our 2nd Officer is in the pipe line to become a Chief Officer I asked if he wanted to join me down in the engine room. I knew that he wanted to come with me as he is very eager to learn andLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåghe never miss an opportunity to come on deck to learn.

I had planned to finish the job right away but I told him to come to my cabin at 4 when he was off his watch. I spent the time reading the news in my cabin in my cabin.

We went down to the engine and wetested the gas detectors and when we were ready it was soon time for dinner. And I'm sorry to say that I had ice cream for dessert. A set-back for my diet. I was so full so I only rolled next door to the day room where the guys were playing cards. And it was UNO again.

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg

Sunday 8 th of November 2015
and I was surprised when I turned of my alarm at 7 thirty in the morning. I discovered a gorgeous day outside my window. It had been a terrible autumn dayLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågyesterday, strong winds, black skies and rain.

I had poured my first cup of tea on the bridge when the sun started to shine and it turned out to be a gorgeous day. Time passed quickly and it was soon time for me to leave the bridge.

I spent the afternoon in my cabin and I skipped dinner coming down 20 minutes late just to join the guys for a game of UNO. I have not been playing UNO for many years and it was fun. Yet again, time turned quickly and it was soon time for my night watch on the bridge. The wind had picked up again, and it was raining. But it was 13°C when I left the bridge at midnight. So the winter seems to be far away.

Monday 9 th of November 2015
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge at 8 in the morning. I was enjoying my tea having a good time when our 2nd and 3rd Engineer bursted in toLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågthe bridge. Buller o bång!

They were going to test our HIGH FOG fire extinguisher system in the engine room. The release panel is on the bridge and thus they need to come here to disturb. And it didn't take long before.

No berthing prospects, earliest Monday and if they intend to bring us in today they should give notice soon. But I'm in no hurry, if we stay here 3 days more we will miss the second Fredericia - Oslo voyage and we can go straight to Brofjorden to load. And I will sign off in Go:teborg. Our Engineers left and Captain was soon coming up forLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågcoffee and it didn't took long before our Chief Engineer came to the bridge.

When they left it was almost time for me to get off my watch. Going to bed, no I don't think so.

We have problem with two pipes going to ballast tanks. The pipes are used for gas sampling and we get “FLOW FAILURE” alarm on the bridge. That means that they are blocked. And that meansLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågthat I have to go down to the engine room again. I will try to blow the pipe with air

I was removing the pipes to DB 1 and 5 STB and when I came out in the ECR our 2nd Engineer was connecting hisLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågphone to the entertainment center. He had been on the bridge to get a cable so he could connect his phone to listen to his music.

It was 3 o'clock when I was back in my cabin, and I was happy, no more “FLOW FAILURE” This was the last job for me before signing of, now both of our fixed gas detection systems are working.

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg
Our Cadet and Motorman

Tuesday 10 th of November 2015
and we are still anchored at Steenbank. No berthing prospects and we have a gale blowing from SW. Gloom and grey for as long as I can see. I spent the afternoon with span gas requisitions.

My plan to be late for dinner went down the drain. I always come down 10 to 15 minutes late to play UNO with the guys.. But today it was only the 2nd officer in the day room. The Engineers were in the engine room and the 2nd officer was munching on something looking like chocolate mousse. I just had to ask, even though I knew that my diet was in peril.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

- What are you eating?
- Chocolate mousse
-Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I was in the mess room in zero. 1 and I had a plate. Yes, a plate, not one of those sissy dessert bowls. Captain and our Chief Engineer were almost falling in to coma when they saw my plate. Chocolate mousse with whipped cream, Sweden style, and I was, well, I felt sick when my plate was empty. Well, I have not had chocolate mousse for several years so it was worth it.
Wednesday 11 th of November 2015
and they called us just before I was going down for lunch, Pilot will board us at 17:30 so our adventure here at Steenbank anchorage is coming to an end.

Thursday 12 th of November 2015
and we had about 30 minutes to go to reach the lock when I got of my watch at midnight. I went on deck to start with the pre arrival test and checks as them/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågterminal is pretty close to the lock.

I started by going down to the engine so we could test the emergency stops for the cargo pumps. The converter room is next to the ECR so I have to turn them on in order to test the stops.

Of course, as no surprise, our 2nd Engineer was in the ECR eating candy drinking soda having the time of his life when I came down. Next stop after finished with the emergency stops was our deck to check the scupper plugs and manifolds. Time turned quickly and I didn't had time to check the pumps and valves in the pipe trunk before we entered the lock.

Well, there are some time after leaving the lock. And it is middle of November and I wear shorts on deck. An amazing and scary autumn this is. I have of course been wearing shorts in November before, but it have been cold. At least wearing shorts in Europe.

Anyway, we have to pass the locks in Antwerp to enter the port of Antwerp from the River Schelde. And this time we have to pass through the Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg - Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock in Port of Antwerp
Entering the Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg - Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock in Port of Antwerp
Entering the Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg - Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock in Port of Antwerp
Entering the Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg - Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock in Port of Antwerp
Entering the Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg - Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock in Port of Antwerp
Entering the Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg - Boudewijnsluis/ Boudewijn Lock in Port of Antwerp
They open the bridge and we can leave

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Port of Antwerp
Leaving the Boudewijn Lock behind

MSC Gemma in Port of Antwerp
MSC Gemma assisted by tugs bound for the lock

MSC Gemma in Port of Antwerp
MSC Gemma assisted by tugs bound for the lock

MSC Gemma in Port of Antwerp
MSC Gemma assisted by tugs bound for the lock

We left the lock and I had time to do the pre arrival checks in the pipe trunk before we reached the Sea Terminal. Maersk Progress was moored at the pier and we are getting alongside betweenm/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Port of Antwerpher and the shore. The terminal had several jetties occupied by small barges and I suspected that we were going to discharge in to barges.

Our Agent have informed us that we will discharge to another ship via shore line, so of course, I thought it was to barges. Maersk Progress looks to be around 150, 000 DWT.

We had all fast @ 02:15 and I was in bed around 2 thirty. Hard to fall asleep so I was pretty tired when my alarm went off @ 7 thirty. We had not started discharging when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock and the 2nd Officer told me that they would start around 12 o'clock.

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Port of Antwerp
Early morning in Port of Antwerp

Surveyor came on board at 9 thirty and he told me that we were going to discharge to Maersk Progress. They are blending gasoline on board to a Singapore grade. The barge behind us are discharging 3 grades and our Reformate will be parcel #4 to be mixed on board Maersk Progress.

2nd voyage between Fredericia and Oslo was also cancelled due to the delays so we will go straight to Brofjorden. My reliever will come on board in the evening and I will go home from Brofjorden orm/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Port of AntwerpGo:teborg in a few days’ time.

Loading is postponed until 03:00 and later on they told me they would start at 05:00. Well, my reliever came on board around 9 o'clock in the evening.

I was busy doing the loading plan for Brofjorden so he got some practice before I sent him to bed. He want to be up when we start discharging around 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. And that's the spirit we're looking for here.

Friday 13 th of November 2015
and we had started loading when I came on the bridge a 8 o'clock in the morning, finally! Our new Chief Officer and the 2nd Officer were soon leaving the bridge.m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Port of AntwerpOur new Chief officer will take a safety tour after the breakfast with our 2nd Officer.

The plan was for the Chief Officer to have a power nap after the safety tour and we would check out deck after lunch. But I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsoon other plans as I had come up with an idea.

We can look at our stuff tomorrow and he can have a sleep until we're almost ready. He will be on the bridge for internal striping and blowing. And tonight he will be with the AB doingm/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Port of Antwerpthe super stripping in the pipe trunk. He will get a “FULL EXPERIENCE” adventure before I go home. And on top of all this!

Yes, he will also be on deck for the departure and passing through the lock.

He is gaining more experience in a day than many people accumulate during a life time. Not bad! Well, that is how we operate around here. Anyway, it was soon 2 o'clock and our other 2nd Officer came to the bridge to take over the discharging. There was an e-mail in my in box. It was from the Cook that left us 3 weeks ago.

Yesterday we had half cooked chicken, rice mash and salt sauce for lunch. Half cooked chicken is something of the most dangerous you can eat. Rice boiled beyond recognition and a sauce that was so salty that it was crunchy. Yes, crunchy sauce!

2nd Officer coming to take over at midnight yesterday and he told me that the Cook that was home was coming back on Monday
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHe just went home!
- He is just staying home for 3 weeks
So let's send him an e-mail, if we're lucky he comes in Brofjorden and I will have a day or two with him before going home in Go:teborg. I wrote down a menu suggestion for him.
• Creamed spinach
• Tunna fläsk pannkakor
• Kåldolmar

And today there was an e-mail. He will join us on Monday!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHe had started to plan the menuYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor when he was coming back after the weekend. And I was in a very good mode.Life on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t TärnvågNo more salty sauce with the added excitement “crunch” before I go home.

We completed loading in the afternoon and Pilot was ordered for 18:00.

Our new Chief Officer and I was going to be on the fo'c's'le at departure.

So we took the opportunity to walk through the pipe trunk when going forward to the fo'c's'le. We looked at the pipes and valves, a preparation for the new Chief Officer as he is going to be with our AB tonight when he is doingLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvågthe super stripping.

And they will start at soon as we have left the lock behind and we're on the way down River Schelde.

When we reached the fo'c's'le it started to rain, well, a few drops but we were lucky and it stopped with just a few drops.

We left Sea Terminal around 18 thirty and we have quite a bit to go to the lock. We arrived through the Boudewijn Lock and we will leave through the BerendrechtLife on board m/t Ternvag - ex m/t TärnvågLock. The biggest lock in the world. Not so exciting as it sounds. If we're among the first to enter we have to wait a long time for them to fill up the lock.

And it took us about an hour to get to the lock, and we had all fast in the lock around 7 thirty. A few drops of rain but never any rain. And it was cold and windy. Summer in the morning and the summer changed to autumn during the afternoon.

They told us it would take an hour in the lock. But it was almost 2 hours before we were out of the lock. And it was nice to finally come up on the bridge for a cup of tea. By then we had ben on deck for 3 hours in the cold.

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
In the Berendrecht Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
Our new Chief Officer

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
2nd Officer and AB on the poop deck

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
In the Berendrecht Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
In the engine room - No worries, just candy and fun

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
In the Berendrecht Lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
Leaving the lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
Leaving the lock

m/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in the Berendrecht Lock-Port of Antwerp
Leaving the lock

Steenbank Pilot had suspended their service due to strong winds and we had to drop the pilot at Vandelaar. Well, it is in the middle of November and we have been very lucky so far.

Saturday 14 th of November 2015
and we are steaming towards NE and Brofjorden with heavy sea and rolling. Arriving to Brofjorden late Sunday evening.

Why are Greece a member of EU? Telegraph today, click HERE

Sunday 15 th of November 2015
and the wind was gone when I came on the bridge 8 o'clock in the morning. Still some occasional rolling due to the swell. But it was a nice morning and the sun started to shine around 11 o'clock.

Well, berthing prospects changed during the day. 4 o'clock in the morning to berthing at arrival. Earliest 3 o'clock in the morning and when we were playing cards after dinner it was midnight. So we reduced speed to adjust arrival for midnight and no anchoring.

Monday 16 th of November 2015
and we had all fast just after 1 o'clock in the morning. When I came on the bridge we had finished loading the gasoline parcel. We had just finished discharging our sludge. We will be ready around 2 thirty and we expect to come along side in Go:teborg tonight. 12 hours along side and departure tomorrow morning/ afternoon.

And I expect to leave the ship tomorrow. But they stopped loading at 2 o'clock, they had run out of product. And as no surprise, they didn't know when they had enough product to resume loading.

They resumed loading at 21:10 and we completed loading 30 minutes later. Departure 10 minutes before midnight and I will be on my way home tomorrow.

Tuesday 17 th of November 2015
and we were alongside in Go:teborg when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I started the day with a shower and then I booked a hotel room at Hotel Marina Plaza inm/t Ternvag - ex m/t Tärnvåg in Skarvikshamnen, GothenburgHelsingborg. Well, it was around 10 in the morning when DNV came on board for the annual renewal of certificates.

2 Inspectors that was going to inspect the ship, one for deck and one for the engine room. Our new Chief Officer were discharging so I took the Inspector to deck. We finished deck at 11 thirty and we did the fire pumps and the fixed gas detectors before lunch. Yeah, last meal on board and, well, what to
say? Accepting to come work this time have not been any good,Österns Pärla in HelsingborgFOR MY DIET! But I will soon be back home to eat tuna and fruit only.

A quick stop in Helsingborg so there will for sure be a few spring rolls at Österns Pärla. The bus arrives @ 16:50 and I expect to have a plate of spring rolls a few minutes after that.

I was ashore at 1 o'clock and no sign of any taxi. So I went in to Preem's control room. I had asked them to call a taxi for me and now it turned out that theyNils Ericson-terminalenhad forgot to call the taxi.

The taxi arrived @ 13:25 and we were soon on our way towards the Nils Ericson Terminalen, the bus terminal at the railway station. I was surprised when I discoveredGöteborg Taxithat it was a Swedish taxi driver. No need to use any life lines or to call any friends. The Driver knew where we were going and we arrived after 10 - 15 minutes.

So I had some time to kill and I went to Pressbyrån to buy some Ramlösa and a few bottles ofNils Ericson-terminalenDiet drinks. A little something to enjoy on board the bus to Knutpunkten in Helsingborg.

I also bought a few lottery scratchers, and I was soon remembering why I haven't boughtTrisslottany lottery scratchers for many many years. I won two new scratchers so I had to go back to Pressbyrån to get them.

The should cancel all prizes under a million, what a waste of time. And who is buying a lotteryTrisslottscratcher to win 5 US Dollars? Well, not me.

Nettbuss Express is arriving from Oslo and the last stop is in Copenhagen. Stops in Helsingborg, Malmö and Kastrup, Copenhagen International before the end station in Copenhagen.

Non-stop to Helsingborg and that means that there will not be any disturbance as soon as we have left Nils Ericson Terminalen in Go:teborg. Two and a halfYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthour to Helsingborg, about the same as with the train.

But with the train there are several stops. And now, next month they will open the tunnel throughNettbuss ExpressHallandsåsen, after almost 30 YEARS! So I would have to take bus the last hour or so anyway.

I had reserved a seat and on the internet there was only 2 seats reserved. So I expected the bus to be empty. I was, well, not disappointed. But there were plenty passengers joining. And there were plenty passengers on the bus when they arrived from Oslo. I was the first to board and I grabbed my seat in the back. Middle seat so I could stretch my legs. People were boarding up to theNettbuss Expresslast minute. Then they had to ask people if the seat next to them was free.

Yeah, imagine walking down the aisle looking for a seat. Everyone looking at you hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat you won't choose the seat next to them.

Then imagine me walking down the aisle. Porky “They Human Balloon” and I'm sure that no one wish to have me next to them. So I board first and I was lucky this time, I had 3 seat for myself.

It was a very nice trip and time passed quite quickly and we arrived to Knutpunkten in Helsingborg in time. I had checked in at Marina Plaza 5 minutes later. I had a diet drink searching theHelsingborginternet for a shop to buy the slot-racing tracks. I was looking for Märklin. I called a shop and Märklin was obviously not making slot-racing tracks anymore. I talked with the lady and she gave me all kinds of information about slot-racing.

Well, I remember that we had Märklin when I was a child. She told me that Scalextric was the only brand remaining. She told me that I would have to try Väla Centrum as they didn't sold slot-racing tracks. My brother had been to pick up his Cadillac and he would come here to pick me up at 18 hundred. That gave me time to go visit Österns Pärla across the street.

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg
Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

Four quick spring rolls at Österns Pärla and I was starting to run out of time. A quick stop for aPressbyrånbag of diet drinks at Prssbyrån on the way back to my hotel. Quick stop? No I don't think so, Pressbyrån, a kiosk for news papers and magazines, tobacco, candy and drinks. Have turned in to a small restaurant and they sell everything and sometimes I just feelLEKIA at Väla Centrumlike walking out from there. The guy behind the counter have to make hot dogs and, well, who the hell buy hot dogs at pressbyrån?

We took of towards Väla Centrum as there wasn't any shops in Helsingborg. Toy's R Us was the first stop. They had a brand, Carrera and it was, well, it was cheap.

I got 8 times linger track for the same price as we pay for the Sclaectrixs. So we left, I had seen that they had Scalectrixs on Hobbex. But they only had one small track home. LEKIA was our next stop, and they had Scalectrixs and I bought a track, 500 US Dollars comparing to the 50 DollarScalectrixCarrera track at Toy's R Us. But quality have to cost.

Just a shame that Märklin isn't available. My nephews were trying to scratch a hole in the Christmas wrapping to see what it was, but nowX-masallowed to be touched before Christmas. Or before I go home on Thursday.

Christmas dinner, they start to serve Christmas dinner on Thursday, the very same day I'm leaving Sweden. So I will miss the Christmas food. All restaurant starts on Thursday, but my brother told me that they had started on Scandlines between Helsingborg and Helsingør. I remember the ferries from 30 years ago when we spend the time there drinking beer and the food is for sure nothing I associate with quality.

This have obviously changed with the new ferries so I will try them out tomorrow. And it is the only thing available, so it is this or nothing! So click HERE for some Christmas festivities extravaganza. This might turn out to be the death of my diet.


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