OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Road trip on Fiji

Saturday 14 th of October 2017 and my driver arrived in time and I waved at him to come to my bure with the car and it was just to load my bags in to the car. We stopped at the reception to return my key and to collect the 20 Fiji $ deposit for the key.

I asked the driver if he wanted some ice cream. He was not scared for a little ice cream so I bought two Magnum Honey crunch something. First time I have seen this ice cream was when I cameEngelholms Glasshere, reminded me about the ice cream on Kangaroo Island, the best ice cream, well, except Engelholms Glass.

Anyway, I decided to try the honey Magnum and it was good. I bought two of them and I got in to the back seat and we took off towards Westin Denarau Island Resort. Saturday and it will hopefully be quicker than when we came to Suva.

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Passing Fiji's biggest prison

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Reaching Navau and we leave the road to Nadi

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji
Driving under the road to Nadi and we're in Navau

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji
Navau Police station

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji
Java Sparrow in Navau

I didnät had much hope to see the Java Sparrow when we rolled in to town. We passed the Police station and I spotted two Common Mynas on the wire outside the Police station. We passed far away from the wire but I could see the pink bill sticking out as a sore thumb. I told the driver to stop as it must be the Java Sparrow.

The driver made a u-tur and the whole operation took longer than expected. The driver didn't know that I wanted to see the birds and he took his time. But I was lucky, the Java Sparrows was still on the wire when I was back. And I managed to get some pictures, amazing with my history of failed pictures.

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Java sparrow
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Java sparrow
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Java sparrow
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

So two Java Sparrows outside the Police station. We continued towards South and we passed the house where my Guide had told me they had a nest last year. We stopped there yesterday and no Java Sparrow, same today. We continued and just before we should turn to left going down to the old sugar can export jetty we passed a house.

Must have been at least 30 Java Sparrows taking shelter from the sun. I got out of the car and I tried to get close to the house, but the java Sparrows flew away to take cover in some bushes. Never mind, I was happy for the pictures I have got.

We continue and we turn left on the first road after Navau, the road leads to an old jetty that have felt in to decay. Used by the British to ship the sugar canes back in the days. There are also se old British dwellings at the end of the road. Never mind, I had seen the Sulphur-breasted Myzomela on this stretch of road yesterday so I wanted to check it out again.

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji
We pass the house we had been at yesterday looking for the Java Sparrow

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji
We continue looking for the Java Sparrow

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Java sparrows taking cover from the sun
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Java sparrows taking cover from the sun
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, Lonchura oryzivora
Java sparrows taking cover from the sun
Also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird

Bird watching in Navau, Fiji
The road towards the beach

Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon, Columba livia

Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon, Columba livia
Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon

Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon, Columba livia
Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon

Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon, Columba livia
Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon

Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon, Columba livia
Rock Dove or Rock Pigeon

We drove back towards Navau and we made a stop to take a few pictures of a Pigeon I didn't know the name of. But I guess it is a ordinary Rock Dove, I will have to check this when I'm in my room. But I'm pretty sure it is a Rock Dove or simply a Pigeon. We left navau behind and now I really hope that we can haul arse so I can get to my room at Westin Denarau Island Resort.

I don't know why, maybe it is the effect I have on my different drivers. We were driving slow to see if we could see the Pacific Reef Egret. Our friend was not there so we continued. Suddenly the driver stopped, he had spotted two Pacific Kingfishers sitting on the wire over the road.

I got out of the car but the Collared Kingfishes flew away. We continued towards Westin Denarau Island Resort. The driver was soon stopping again, this time he had discovered a Fiji Woodswallow in the top of a tree. Of course, the bird was soon on his way

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Full speed towards Westin Denarau Island Resort

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Full speed towards Westin Denarau Island Resort

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Full speed towards Westin Denarau Island Resort

Pacific Kingfisher
Pacific Kingfisher

Fiji Woodswallow
Fiji Woodswallow

Fiji Woodswallow
Fiji Woodswallow

Very good for me, my driver gets interested in birds. I can sit in the back relaxing drinking Pepsi MAX and the car stops by itself when there are any birds to be seen. Well, the Fiji Woodswallow was the last stop for birds. We saw many Red-vented Bulbuls but we never bothered to stop.

We were watching the landscape getting dryer and browner while we were moving towards the west side of Fiji. The rainy season will start next month on the west side and we will have a green landscape here as well.

We reached Nadi and we ran in to a traffic jam. Saturday afternoon and the people have received their salary, so shopping it is. And it is the Indian Diwali festival next week. We stopped at an ATM as I needed cash to pay the driver.

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Full speed towards Westin Denarau Island Resort

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Traffic jam in Nadi

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Traffic jam in Nadi

Road trip on Fiji - Suva to Westin Denarau Island Resort
Finally at the bridge to Denarau Island and we can pass the gate

It was 5 minutes or so from the ATM to the bridge to Denarau Island. We passed a gate and it took us 10 minutes to reach Westin Denarau Island Resort. I was so happy when I saw the hotel sign, I will be in a shower within a few minutes.

We drove up to the entrance and there was someone banging a drum when I stepped out of the car. The hotel staff bang an instrument every time someone arrives. So I was in a hurry to leave this hullaballoo behind me. I walked to the reception and check-in was pretty smooth. But I was soon in for a surprise, the room was not in the hotel. The room was in a village or whatever they call it. So now I had to walk with all my luggage to my room.

Of course, my room was on the second floor and no elevator. The Westin, my favourite hotel chain, maybe the best in the world. And now this, and yes, I was angry. Westin, never again.

Westin Denarau Island Resort

Westin Denarau Island Resort
Checking in to Westin Denarau Island Resort

Westin Denarau Island Resort
Fiji Parrotfinches on the lawn

Westin Denarau Island Resort
My bed

Westin Denarau Island Resort
My bed

Westin Denarau Island Resort
I have a proper desk for my computer

Westin Denarau Island Resort
A proper bathroom

Westin Denarau Island Resort
A proper bathroom

Westin Denarau Island Resort
My room

It is Westin so the room was very good, after all it is a 5 star hotel and comes with a price tag that belong to a star hotel. So you can imagine how happy I was trotting around with all my luggage, bags of Pepsi MAX in the tropical heat. I was sweating like a pig walking to my room, could as well have been on the other side of town.

And I was really upset that I have another booking for a week at the same hotel when I'm back from my shark snorkel tour. But then I will call a taxi to get to my room. Westin hotel sucks! Anyway, I spend the whole day in my room drinking tea. Tomorrow it is time to go to Barefoot Kuata Island for my swim with the sharks. Pick up time at 8 o'clock and we just need to click HERE to see if I make it to the island.


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